:teehee_!~arke@melrose-251-251.flexabit.net JOIN :#c4th :teehee!~arke@melrose-251-251.flexabit.net QUIT :Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) :teehee_!~arke@melrose-251-251.flexabit.net NICK :teehee :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net PRIVMSG #c4th :ACTION is away: d0ggie d0gg :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net QUIT :Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net JOIN :#c4th :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net QUIT :Read error: 60 (Operation timed out) :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net JOIN :#c4th :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net QUIT :Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net JOIN :#c4th :Herkamire!~stjohns@h000094d30ba2.ne.client2.attbi.com JOIN :#c4th :davka!~davka@67-41-5-139.albq.qwest.net QUIT :Remote closed the connection :Herkamire!~stjohns@h000094d30ba2.ne.client2.attbi.com QUIT :"bed" :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net PRIVMSG #c4th :ACTION is away: switching to nick teehee :arke_!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net JOIN :#c4th :arke!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net QUIT :Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) :arke_!~Chris@wbar8.lax1-4-11-100-108.dsl-verizon.net QUIT :"Leaving" :Herkamire!~stjohns@h000094d30ba2.ne.client2.attbi.com JOIN :#c4th :Herkamire!~stjohns@h000094d30ba2.ne.client2.attbi.com QUIT :Client Quit :Herkamire!~stjohns@h000094d30ba2.ne.client2.attbi.com JOIN :#c4th :slava!~slava@ JOIN :#c4th :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net JOIN :#c4th :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :hey htp123! :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :hey :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :i got a question about colorforth :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :this is the place. :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :perfect. could you please elaborate on what the following does? i'm having some problems following it :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :WORD ~~~ IF ~~~ WORD ; :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th : THEN ~~~ ; :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :is it basically just conditional recursion? :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :"repeat WORD if true" :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :ack, there are several things odd here indeed. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :yes, there is also the detail that ; does not end a definition. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :it is a return. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :are you perhaps looking at the ide driver code? :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :EXIT basically? :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :yes exit, but not end of definition. :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :no, to be honest i haven't looked at much colorforth at all. i've just spend the last few days reading everything on ultratechnology.com :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :ack :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :you are correct that this is tail end recursion. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :at some point the if will fall through to then, and some other action will occur... :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :so why is there a ; after WORD? :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :when would that execute? :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :to me it looks like IF .. WORD would just call WORD and not execute the ; :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :the ; is deciding wether a return or a jmp should be compiled. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :in this case a jump to word. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :it is usually a return to caller... :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :hm, so does WORD push its address on the return stack and ; pop/jumps to it? :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :yes :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :hm, interesting :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :why does WORD not execute directly? :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :that's a very good question, I'm about to shutdown for tonight. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :it 00:15 am here. :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :oh ok, no problem :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :I do have some advice for you over this channel. :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :you've been very helpful already :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :there is a second channel called #c4th-ot. :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :we usually filter input there and then send selective parts to this channel which is logged. :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :ah ok :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl PRIVMSG #c4th :I suggest you join that channel if possible. :htp123!~tehsux@S010600055d233ab7.gv.shawcable.net PRIVMSG #c4th :sorry if i started rambling in the wrong channel :slava!~slava@ QUIT :Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) :oninoshiko!~oninoshik@melrose-251-251.flexabit.net QUIT :zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl QUIT :zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net :rj_cf!tim@ringbreak.dnd.utwente.nl JOIN :#c4th :Shain!steve@c-24-5-120-32.client.comcast.net MODE #c4th +o rj_cf :oninoshiko!~oninoshik@melrose-251-251.flexabit.net JOIN :#c4th