2 * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Marco Peereboom <marco@peereboom.us>
3 * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Ryan McBride <mcbride@countersiege.com>
4 * Copyright (c) 2009 Darrin Chandler <dwchandler@stilyagin.com>
5 * Copyright (c) 2009 Pierre-Yves Ritschard <pyr@spootnik.org>
6 * Copyright (c) 2010 Tuukka Kataja <stuge@xor.fi>
7 * Copyright (c) 2011 Jason L. Wright <jason@thought.net>
8 * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Reginald Kennedy <rk@rejii.com>
9 * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Lawrence Teo <lteo@lteo.net>
10 * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Tiago Cunha <tcunha@gmx.com>
12 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
13 * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
14 * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
25 * Much code and ideas taken from dwm under the following license:
26 * MIT/X Consortium License
28 * 2006-2008 Anselm R Garbe <garbeam at gmail dot com>
29 * 2006-2007 Sander van Dijk <a dot h dot vandijk at gmail dot com>
30 * 2006-2007 Jukka Salmi <jukka at salmi dot ch>
31 * 2007 Premysl Hruby <dfenze at gmail dot com>
32 * 2007 Szabolcs Nagy <nszabolcs at gmail dot com>
33 * 2007 Christof Musik <christof at sendfax dot de>
34 * 2007-2008 Enno Gottox Boland <gottox at s01 dot de>
35 * 2007-2008 Peter Hartlich <sgkkr at hartlich dot com>
36 * 2008 Martin Hurton <martin dot hurton at gmail dot com>
38 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
39 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
40 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
41 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
42 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
43 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
45 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
46 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
72 #include <sys/types.h>
76 #include <sys/queue.h>
77 #include <sys/param.h>
78 #include <sys/select.h>
79 #if defined(__linux__)
81 #elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
83 #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
89 #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
90 #include <X11/keysym.h>
91 #include <X11/XKBlib.h>
92 #include <X11/Xatom.h>
94 #include <X11/Xproto.h>
95 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
96 #include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
97 #include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
106 static const char *buildstr = SPECTRWM_BUILDSTR;
108 static const char *buildstr = SPECTRWM_VERSION;
112 # error XRandR versions less than 1.0 are not supported
117 #define SWM_XRR_HAS_CRTC
121 /*#define SWM_DEBUG*/
123 #define DPRINTF(x...) do { if (swm_debug) fprintf(stderr, x); } while (0)
124 #define DNPRINTF(n,x...) do { if (swm_debug & n) fprintf(stderr, x); } while (0)
125 #define SWM_D_MISC 0x0001
126 #define SWM_D_EVENT 0x0002
127 #define SWM_D_WS 0x0004
128 #define SWM_D_FOCUS 0x0008
129 #define SWM_D_MOVE 0x0010
130 #define SWM_D_STACK 0x0020
131 #define SWM_D_MOUSE 0x0040
132 #define SWM_D_PROP 0x0080
133 #define SWM_D_CLASS 0x0100
134 #define SWM_D_KEY 0x0200
135 #define SWM_D_QUIRK 0x0400
136 #define SWM_D_SPAWN 0x0800
137 #define SWM_D_EVENTQ 0x1000
138 #define SWM_D_CONF 0x2000
139 #define SWM_D_BAR 0x4000
141 u_int32_t swm_debug = 0
159 #define DPRINTF(x...)
160 #define DNPRINTF(n,x...)
163 #define LENGTH(x) (sizeof x / sizeof x[0])
164 #define MODKEY Mod1Mask
165 #define CLEANMASK(mask) (mask & ~(numlockmask | LockMask))
166 #define BUTTONMASK (ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask)
167 #define MOUSEMASK (BUTTONMASK|PointerMotionMask)
168 #define SWM_PROPLEN (16)
169 #define SWM_FUNCNAME_LEN (32)
170 #define SWM_KEYS_LEN (255)
171 #define SWM_QUIRK_LEN (64)
172 #define X(r) (r)->g.x
173 #define Y(r) (r)->g.y
174 #define WIDTH(r) (r)->g.w
175 #define HEIGHT(r) (r)->g.h
176 #define SH_MIN(w) (w)->sh_mask & PMinSize
177 #define SH_MIN_W(w) (w)->sh.min_width
178 #define SH_MIN_H(w) (w)->sh.min_height
179 #define SH_MAX(w) (w)->sh_mask & PMaxSize
180 #define SH_MAX_W(w) (w)->sh.max_width
181 #define SH_MAX_H(w) (w)->sh.max_height
182 #define SH_INC(w) (w)->sh_mask & PResizeInc
183 #define SH_INC_W(w) (w)->sh.width_inc
184 #define SH_INC_H(w) (w)->sh.height_inc
185 #define SWM_MAX_FONT_STEPS (3)
186 #define WINID(w) ((w) ? (w)->id : 0)
187 #define YESNO(x) ((x) ? "yes" : "no")
189 #define SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT (0)
190 #define SWM_FOCUS_SYNERGY (1)
191 #define SWM_FOCUS_FOLLOW (2)
193 #define SWM_CONF_DEFAULT (0)
194 #define SWM_CONF_KEYMAPPING (1)
197 #define SWM_LIB "/usr/local/lib/libswmhack.so"
210 volatile sig_atomic_t running = 1;
211 volatile sig_atomic_t restart_wm = 0;
213 int last_focus_event = FocusOut;
214 int (*xerrorxlib)(Display *, XErrorEvent *);
218 int xrandr_eventbase;
219 unsigned int numlockmask = 0;
223 int cycle_visible = 0;
225 int font_adjusted = 0;
226 unsigned int mod_key = MODKEY;
229 struct swm_region *search_r;
230 int select_list_pipe[2];
231 int select_resp_pipe[2];
233 volatile sig_atomic_t search_resp;
234 int search_resp_action;
236 struct search_window {
237 TAILQ_ENTRY(search_window) entry;
243 TAILQ_HEAD(search_winlist, search_window);
244 struct search_winlist search_wl;
255 #define SWM_STACK_TOP (0)
256 #define SWM_STACK_BOTTOM (1)
257 #define SWM_STACK_ABOVE (2)
258 #define SWM_STACK_BELOW (3)
261 double dialog_ratio = 0.6;
263 #define SWM_BAR_MAX (256)
264 #define SWM_BAR_JUSTIFY_LEFT (0)
265 #define SWM_BAR_JUSTIFY_CENTER (1)
266 #define SWM_BAR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT (2)
267 #define SWM_BAR_OFFSET (4)
268 #define SWM_BAR_FONTS "-*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*," \
269 "-*-profont-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*," \
270 "-*-times-medium-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*," \
271 "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*," \
272 "-*-*-*-r-*--*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
274 #ifdef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING
275 #define DRAWSTRING(x...) Xutf8DrawString(x)
277 #define DRAWSTRING(x...) XmbDrawString(x)
280 char *bar_argv[] = { NULL, NULL };
282 unsigned char bar_ext[SWM_BAR_MAX];
283 char bar_vertext[SWM_BAR_MAX];
285 sig_atomic_t bar_alarm = 0;
288 int bar_border_width = 1;
289 int bar_at_bottom = 0;
291 int bar_extra_running = 0;
294 int bar_justify = SWM_BAR_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
295 char *bar_format = NULL;
296 int stack_enabled = 1;
297 int clock_enabled = 1;
298 int urgent_enabled = 0;
299 char *clock_format = NULL;
300 int title_name_enabled = 0;
301 int title_class_enabled = 0;
302 int window_name_enabled = 0;
303 int focus_mode = SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT;
304 int focus_close = SWM_STACK_BELOW;
305 int focus_close_wrap = 1;
306 int focus_default = SWM_STACK_TOP;
307 int spawn_position = SWM_STACK_TOP;
308 int disable_border = 0;
309 int border_width = 1;
310 int verbose_layout = 0;
313 XFontSetExtents *bar_fs_extents;
315 char *spawn_term[] = { NULL, NULL }; /* XXX fully dynamic */
318 #define SWM_MENU_FN (2)
319 #define SWM_MENU_NB (4)
320 #define SWM_MENU_NF (6)
321 #define SWM_MENU_SB (8)
322 #define SWM_MENU_SF (10)
324 /* layout manager data */
325 struct swm_geometry {
335 /* virtual "screens" */
337 TAILQ_ENTRY(swm_region) entry;
338 struct swm_geometry g;
339 struct workspace *ws; /* current workspace on this region */
340 struct workspace *ws_prior; /* prior workspace on this region */
341 struct swm_screen *s; /* screen idx */
344 TAILQ_HEAD(swm_region_list, swm_region);
347 TAILQ_ENTRY(ws_win) entry;
350 struct ws_win *child_trans; /* transient child window */
351 struct swm_geometry g; /* current geometry */
352 struct swm_geometry g_float; /* geometry when floating */
353 struct swm_geometry rg_float; /* region geom when floating */
354 int g_floatvalid; /* g_float geometry validity */
355 int floatmaxed; /* whether maxed by max_stack */
359 unsigned int ewmh_flags;
360 int font_size_boundary[SWM_MAX_FONT_STEPS];
366 unsigned long quirks;
367 struct workspace *ws; /* always valid */
368 struct swm_screen *s; /* always valid, never changes */
369 XWindowAttributes wa;
375 TAILQ_HEAD(ws_win_list, ws_win);
379 TAILQ_ENTRY(pid_e) entry;
383 TAILQ_HEAD(pid_list, pid_e);
384 struct pid_list pidlist = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(pidlist);
386 /* layout handlers */
388 void vertical_config(struct workspace *, int);
389 void vertical_stack(struct workspace *, struct swm_geometry *);
390 void horizontal_config(struct workspace *, int);
391 void horizontal_stack(struct workspace *, struct swm_geometry *);
392 void max_stack(struct workspace *, struct swm_geometry *);
393 void plain_stacker(struct workspace *);
394 void fancy_stacker(struct workspace *);
396 struct ws_win *find_window(Window);
398 void grabbuttons(struct ws_win *, int);
399 void new_region(struct swm_screen *, int, int, int, int);
400 void unmanage_window(struct ws_win *);
401 long getstate(Window);
403 int conf_load(char *, int);
406 void (*l_stack)(struct workspace *, struct swm_geometry *);
407 void (*l_config)(struct workspace *, int);
409 #define SWM_L_FOCUSPREV (1<<0)
410 #define SWM_L_MAPONFOCUS (1<<1)
411 void (*l_string)(struct workspace *);
413 /* stack, configure */
414 { vertical_stack, vertical_config, 0, plain_stacker },
415 { horizontal_stack, horizontal_config, 0, plain_stacker },
417 SWM_L_MAPONFOCUS | SWM_L_FOCUSPREV, plain_stacker },
418 { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
421 /* position of max_stack mode in the layouts array, index into layouts! */
422 #define SWM_V_STACK (0)
423 #define SWM_H_STACK (1)
424 #define SWM_MAX_STACK (2)
426 #define SWM_H_SLICE (32)
427 #define SWM_V_SLICE (32)
429 /* define work spaces */
431 int idx; /* workspace index */
432 char *name; /* workspace name */
433 int always_raise; /* raise windows on focus */
434 struct layout *cur_layout; /* current layout handlers */
435 struct ws_win *focus; /* may be NULL */
436 struct ws_win *focus_prev; /* may be NULL */
437 struct swm_region *r; /* may be NULL */
438 struct swm_region *old_r; /* may be NULL */
439 struct ws_win_list winlist; /* list of windows in ws */
440 struct ws_win_list unmanagedlist; /* list of dead windows in ws */
441 char stacker[10]; /* display stacker and layout */
445 int horizontal_msize;
447 int horizontal_stacks;
459 /* physical screen mapping */
460 #define SWM_WS_MAX (22) /* hard limit */
461 int workspace_limit = 10; /* soft limit */
464 int idx; /* screen index */
465 struct swm_region_list rl; /* list of regions on this screen */
466 struct swm_region_list orl; /* list of old regions */
468 struct workspace ws[SWM_WS_MAX];
474 } c[SWM_S_COLOR_MAX];
478 struct swm_screen *screens;
480 /* args to functions */
483 #define SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSNEXT (0)
484 #define SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSPREV (1)
485 #define SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSMAIN (2)
486 #define SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR (4)
487 #define SWM_ARG_ID_SWAPNEXT (10)
488 #define SWM_ARG_ID_SWAPPREV (11)
489 #define SWM_ARG_ID_SWAPMAIN (12)
490 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MOVELAST (13)
491 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERSHRINK (20)
492 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERGROW (21)
493 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERADD (22)
494 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERDEL (23)
495 #define SWM_ARG_ID_FLIPLAYOUT (24)
496 #define SWM_ARG_ID_STACKRESET (30)
497 #define SWM_ARG_ID_STACKINIT (31)
498 #define SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_UP (40)
499 #define SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_DOWN (41)
500 #define SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLESC_UP (42)
501 #define SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLESC_DOWN (43)
502 #define SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_UP_ALL (44)
503 #define SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_DOWN_ALL (45)
504 #define SWM_ARG_ID_STACKINC (50)
505 #define SWM_ARG_ID_STACKDEC (51)
506 #define SWM_ARG_ID_SS_ALL (60)
507 #define SWM_ARG_ID_SS_WINDOW (61)
508 #define SWM_ARG_ID_DONTCENTER (70)
509 #define SWM_ARG_ID_CENTER (71)
510 #define SWM_ARG_ID_KILLWINDOW (80)
511 #define SWM_ARG_ID_DELETEWINDOW (81)
512 #define SWM_ARG_ID_WIDTHGROW (90)
513 #define SWM_ARG_ID_WIDTHSHRINK (91)
514 #define SWM_ARG_ID_HEIGHTGROW (92)
515 #define SWM_ARG_ID_HEIGHTSHRINK (93)
516 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MOVEUP (100)
517 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MOVEDOWN (101)
518 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MOVELEFT (102)
519 #define SWM_ARG_ID_MOVERIGHT (103)
523 void focus(struct swm_region *, union arg *);
524 void focus_magic(struct ws_win *);
528 TAILQ_ENTRY(quirk) entry;
532 #define SWM_Q_FLOAT (1<<0) /* float this window */
533 #define SWM_Q_TRANSSZ (1<<1) /* transiend window size too small */
534 #define SWM_Q_ANYWHERE (1<<2) /* don't position this window */
535 #define SWM_Q_XTERM_FONTADJ (1<<3) /* adjust xterm fonts when resizing */
536 #define SWM_Q_FULLSCREEN (1<<4) /* remove border */
537 #define SWM_Q_FOCUSPREV (1<<5) /* focus on caller */
539 TAILQ_HEAD(quirk_list, quirk);
540 struct quirk_list quirks = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(quirks);
543 * Supported EWMH hints should be added to
544 * both the enum and the ewmh array
561 } ewmh[SWM_EWMH_HINT_MAX] = {
562 /* must be in same order as in the enum */
563 {"_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW", None},
565 {"_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW", None},
566 {"_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", None},
573 {"_NET_WM_STATE", None},
578 {"_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN", None},
579 {"_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", None},
580 {"_SWM_WM_STATE_MANUAL", None},
583 {"_NET_WM_ACTION_MOVE", None},
584 {"_NET_WM_ACTION_RESIZE", None},
586 {"_NET_WM_ACTION_CLOSE", None},
589 void store_float_geom(struct ws_win *, struct swm_region *);
590 int floating_toggle_win(struct ws_win *);
591 void spawn_select(struct swm_region *, union arg *, char *, int *);
592 unsigned char *get_win_name(Window);
595 get_property(Window id, Atom atom, long count, Atom type, unsigned long *nitems,
596 unsigned long *nbytes, unsigned char **data)
599 unsigned long *nbytes_ret, *nitems_ret;
600 unsigned long nbytes_tmp, nitems_tmp;
603 nbytes_ret = nbytes != NULL ? nbytes : &nbytes_tmp;
604 nitems_ret = nitems != NULL ? nitems : &nitems_tmp;
606 status = XGetWindowProperty(display, id, atom, 0L, count, False, type,
607 &real, &format, nitems_ret, nbytes_ret, data);
609 if (status != Success)
618 update_iconic(struct ws_win *win, int newv)
625 iprop = XInternAtom(display, "_SWM_ICONIC", False);
629 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, iprop, XA_INTEGER, 32,
630 PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&v, 1);
632 XDeleteProperty(display, win->id, iprop);
636 get_iconic(struct ws_win *win)
641 unsigned long nitems, extra;
642 unsigned char *prop = NULL;
644 iprop = XInternAtom(display, "_SWM_ICONIC", False);
647 status = XGetWindowProperty(display, win->id, iprop, 0L, 1L,
648 False, XA_INTEGER, &rettype, &retfmt, &nitems, &extra, &prop);
649 if (status != Success)
651 if (rettype != XA_INTEGER || retfmt != 32)
655 v = *((int32_t *)prop);
669 sup_list = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_SUPPORTED", False);
671 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(ewmh); i++)
672 ewmh[i].atom = XInternAtom(display, ewmh[i].name, False);
674 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
675 /* Support check window will be created by workaround(). */
677 /* Report supported atoms */
678 XDeleteProperty(display, screens[i].root, sup_list);
679 for (j = 0; j < LENGTH(ewmh); j++)
680 XChangeProperty(display, screens[i].root,
681 sup_list, XA_ATOM, 32,
682 PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&ewmh[j].atom, 1);
690 unsigned char *data = NULL;
692 Atom sup_check, sup_list;
695 sup_check = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", False);
696 sup_list = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_SUPPORTED", False);
698 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
699 /* Get the support check window and destroy it */
700 success = get_property(screens[i].root, sup_check, 1, XA_WINDOW,
705 XDestroyWindow(display, id);
706 XDeleteProperty(display, screens[i].root, sup_check);
707 XDeleteProperty(display, screens[i].root, sup_list);
715 ewmh_autoquirk(struct ws_win *win)
718 unsigned long *data = NULL, n;
721 success = get_property(win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE].atom, (~0L),
722 XA_ATOM, &n, NULL, (void *)&data);
729 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
731 if (type == ewmh[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL].atom)
733 if (type == ewmh[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK].atom ||
734 type == ewmh[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR].atom ||
735 type == ewmh[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY].atom) {
737 win->quirks = SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_ANYWHERE;
740 if (type == ewmh[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH].atom ||
741 type == ewmh[_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG].atom) {
743 win->quirks = SWM_Q_FLOAT;
752 #define EWMH_F_FULLSCREEN (1<<0)
753 #define EWMH_F_ABOVE (1<<1)
754 #define EWMH_F_HIDDEN (1<<2)
755 #define EWMH_F_SKIP_PAGER (1<<3)
756 #define EWMH_F_SKIP_TASKBAR (1<<4)
757 #define SWM_F_MANUAL (1<<5)
760 ewmh_set_win_fullscreen(struct ws_win *win, int fs)
762 struct swm_geometry rg;
770 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "ewmh_set_win_fullscreen: window: 0x%lx, "
771 "fullscreen %s\n", win->id, YESNO(fs));
776 store_float_geom(win, win->ws->r);
780 if (win->g_floatvalid) {
781 /* refloat at last floating relative position */
782 X(win) = win->g_float.x - win->rg_float.x + rg.x;
783 Y(win) = win->g_float.y - win->rg_float.y + rg.y;
784 WIDTH(win) = win->g_float.w;
785 HEIGHT(win) = win->g_float.h;
793 ewmh_update_actions(struct ws_win *win)
795 Atom actions[SWM_EWMH_ACTION_COUNT_MAX];
801 actions[n++] = ewmh[_NET_WM_ACTION_CLOSE].atom;
804 actions[n++] = ewmh[_NET_WM_ACTION_MOVE].atom;
805 actions[n++] = ewmh[_NET_WM_ACTION_RESIZE].atom;
808 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS].atom,
809 XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)actions, n);
812 #define _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE 0 /* remove/unset property */
813 #define _NET_WM_STATE_ADD 1 /* add/set property */
814 #define _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE 2 /* toggle property */
817 ewmh_update_win_state(struct ws_win *win, long state, long action)
819 unsigned int mask = 0;
820 unsigned int changed = 0;
821 unsigned int orig_flags;
826 if (state == ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN].atom)
828 if (state == ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE].atom)
830 if (state == ewmh[_SWM_WM_STATE_MANUAL].atom)
832 if (state == ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER].atom)
833 mask = EWMH_F_SKIP_PAGER;
834 if (state == ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR].atom)
838 orig_flags = win->ewmh_flags;
842 win->ewmh_flags &= ~mask;
844 case _NET_WM_STATE_ADD:
845 win->ewmh_flags |= mask;
848 win->ewmh_flags ^= mask;
852 changed = (win->ewmh_flags & mask) ^ (orig_flags & mask) ? 1 : 0;
854 if (state == ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE].atom)
856 if (!floating_toggle_win(win))
857 win->ewmh_flags = orig_flags; /* revert */
858 if (state == ewmh[_SWM_WM_STATE_MANUAL].atom)
860 win->manual = (win->ewmh_flags & SWM_F_MANUAL) != 0;
861 if (state == ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN].atom)
863 if (!ewmh_set_win_fullscreen(win,
864 win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_FULLSCREEN))
865 win->ewmh_flags = orig_flags; /* revert */
867 XDeleteProperty(display, win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom);
869 if (win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_FULLSCREEN)
870 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom,
871 XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeAppend,
872 (unsigned char *)&ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN].atom, 1);
873 if (win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_SKIP_PAGER)
874 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom,
875 XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeAppend,
876 (unsigned char *)&ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_PAGER].atom, 1);
877 if (win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_SKIP_TASKBAR)
878 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom,
879 XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeAppend,
880 (unsigned char *)&ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR].atom, 1);
881 if (win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_ABOVE)
882 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom,
883 XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeAppend,
884 (unsigned char *)&ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE].atom, 1);
885 if (win->ewmh_flags & SWM_F_MANUAL)
886 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom,
887 XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeAppend,
888 (unsigned char *)&ewmh[_SWM_WM_STATE_MANUAL].atom, 1);
892 ewmh_get_win_state(struct ws_win *win)
903 win->ewmh_flags |= EWMH_F_ABOVE;
905 win->ewmh_flags |= SWM_F_MANUAL;
907 success = get_property(win->id, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom,
908 (~0L), XA_ATOM, &n, NULL, (void *)&states);
913 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
914 ewmh_update_win_state(win, states[i], _NET_WM_STATE_ADD);
922 geteventname(XEvent *e)
934 name = "ButtonPress";
937 name = "ButtonRelease";
940 name = "MotionNotify";
943 name = "EnterNotify";
946 name = "LeaveNotify";
955 name = "KeymapNotify";
961 name = "GraphicsExpose";
966 case VisibilityNotify:
967 name = "VisibilityNotify";
970 name = "CreateNotify";
973 name = "DestroyNotify";
976 name = "UnmapNotify";
985 name = "ReparentNotify";
987 case ConfigureNotify:
988 name = "ConfigureNotify";
990 case ConfigureRequest:
991 name = "ConfigureRequest";
994 name = "GravityNotify";
997 name = "ResizeRequest";
999 case CirculateNotify:
1000 name = "CirculateNotify";
1002 case CirculateRequest:
1003 name = "CirculateRequest";
1005 case PropertyNotify:
1006 name = "PropertyNotify";
1008 case SelectionClear:
1009 name = "SelectionClear";
1011 case SelectionRequest:
1012 name = "SelectionRequest";
1014 case SelectionNotify:
1015 name = "SelectionNotify";
1017 case ColormapNotify:
1018 name = "ColormapNotify";
1021 name = "ClientMessage";
1024 name = "MappingNotify";
1034 xrandr_geteventname(XEvent *e)
1038 switch(e->type - xrandr_eventbase) {
1039 case RRScreenChangeNotify:
1040 name = "RRScreenChangeNotify";
1050 dumpwins(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
1054 XWindowAttributes wa;
1056 if (r->ws == NULL) {
1057 warnx("dumpwins: invalid workspace");
1061 warnx("=== managed window list ws %02d ===", r->ws->idx);
1063 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &r->ws->winlist, entry) {
1064 state = getstate(win->id);
1065 if (!XGetWindowAttributes(display, win->id, &wa))
1066 warnx("window: 0x%lx, failed XGetWindowAttributes",
1068 warnx("window: 0x%lx, map_state: %d, state: %d, "
1069 "transient: 0x%lx", win->id, wa.map_state, state,
1073 warnx("===== unmanaged window list =====");
1074 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &r->ws->unmanagedlist, entry) {
1075 state = getstate(win->id);
1076 if (!XGetWindowAttributes(display, win->id, &wa))
1077 warnx("window: 0x%lx, failed XGetWindowAttributes",
1079 warnx("window: 0x%lx, map_state: %d, state: %d, "
1080 "transient: 0x%lx", win->id, wa.map_state, state,
1084 warnx("=================================");
1088 dumpwins(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
1091 #endif /* SWM_DEBUG */
1093 void expose(XEvent *);
1094 void keypress(XEvent *);
1095 void buttonpress(XEvent *);
1096 void configurerequest(XEvent *);
1097 void configurenotify(XEvent *);
1098 void destroynotify(XEvent *);
1099 void enternotify(XEvent *);
1100 void focusevent(XEvent *);
1101 void mapnotify(XEvent *);
1102 void mappingnotify(XEvent *);
1103 void maprequest(XEvent *);
1104 void propertynotify(XEvent *);
1105 void unmapnotify(XEvent *);
1106 void visibilitynotify(XEvent *);
1107 void clientmessage(XEvent *);
1109 void (*handler[LASTEvent])(XEvent *) = {
1111 [KeyPress] = keypress,
1112 [ButtonPress] = buttonpress,
1113 [ConfigureRequest] = configurerequest,
1114 [ConfigureNotify] = configurenotify,
1115 [DestroyNotify] = destroynotify,
1116 [EnterNotify] = enternotify,
1117 [FocusIn] = focusevent,
1118 [FocusOut] = focusevent,
1119 [MapNotify] = mapnotify,
1120 [MappingNotify] = mappingnotify,
1121 [MapRequest] = maprequest,
1122 [PropertyNotify] = propertynotify,
1123 [UnmapNotify] = unmapnotify,
1124 [VisibilityNotify] = visibilitynotify,
1125 [ClientMessage] = clientmessage,
1131 int saved_errno, status;
1134 saved_errno = errno;
1138 while ((pid = waitpid(WAIT_ANY, &status, WNOHANG)) != 0) {
1143 if (errno != ECHILD)
1144 warn("sighdlr: waitpid");
1145 #endif /* SWM_DEBUG */
1148 if (pid == searchpid)
1152 if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
1153 if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)
1154 warnx("sighdlr: child exit status: %d",
1155 WEXITSTATUS(status));
1157 warnx("sighdlr: child is terminated "
1159 #endif /* SWM_DEBUG */
1173 errno = saved_errno;
1179 struct pid_e *p = NULL;
1181 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "find_pid: %lu\n", pid);
1186 TAILQ_FOREACH(p, &pidlist, entry) {
1195 name_to_color(char *colorname)
1199 XColor screen_def, exact_def;
1200 unsigned long result = 0;
1201 char cname[32] = "#";
1203 cmap = DefaultColormap(display, screens[0].idx);
1204 status = XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, colorname,
1205 &screen_def, &exact_def);
1207 strlcat(cname, colorname + 2, sizeof cname - 1);
1208 status = XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, cname, &screen_def,
1212 result = screen_def.pixel;
1214 warnx("color '%s' not found", colorname);
1220 setscreencolor(char *val, int i, int c)
1222 if (i > 0 && i <= ScreenCount(display)) {
1223 screens[i - 1].c[c].color = name_to_color(val);
1224 free(screens[i - 1].c[c].name);
1225 if ((screens[i - 1].c[c].name = strdup(val)) == NULL)
1227 } else if (i == -1) {
1228 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
1229 screens[i].c[c].color = name_to_color(val);
1230 free(screens[i].c[c].name);
1231 if ((screens[i].c[c].name = strdup(val)) == NULL)
1235 errx(1, "invalid screen index: %d out of bounds (maximum %d)",
1236 i, ScreenCount(display));
1240 fancy_stacker(struct workspace *ws)
1242 strlcpy(ws->stacker, "[ ]", sizeof ws->stacker);
1243 if (ws->cur_layout->l_stack == vertical_stack)
1244 snprintf(ws->stacker, sizeof ws->stacker,
1245 ws->l_state.vertical_flip ? "[%d>%d]" : "[%d|%d]",
1246 ws->l_state.vertical_mwin, ws->l_state.vertical_stacks);
1247 if (ws->cur_layout->l_stack == horizontal_stack)
1248 snprintf(ws->stacker, sizeof ws->stacker,
1249 ws->l_state.horizontal_flip ? "[%dv%d]" : "[%d-%d]",
1250 ws->l_state.horizontal_mwin, ws->l_state.horizontal_stacks);
1254 plain_stacker(struct workspace *ws)
1256 strlcpy(ws->stacker, "[ ]", sizeof ws->stacker);
1257 if (ws->cur_layout->l_stack == vertical_stack)
1258 strlcpy(ws->stacker, ws->l_state.vertical_flip ? "[>]" : "[|]",
1259 sizeof ws->stacker);
1260 if (ws->cur_layout->l_stack == horizontal_stack)
1261 strlcpy(ws->stacker, ws->l_state.horizontal_flip ? "[v]" : "[-]",
1262 sizeof ws->stacker);
1266 custom_region(char *val)
1268 unsigned int sidx, x, y, w, h;
1270 if (sscanf(val, "screen[%u]:%ux%u+%u+%u", &sidx, &w, &h, &x, &y) != 5)
1271 errx(1, "invalid custom region, "
1272 "should be 'screen[<n>]:<n>x<n>+<n>+<n>");
1273 if (sidx < 1 || sidx > ScreenCount(display))
1274 errx(1, "invalid screen index: %d out of bounds (maximum %d)",
1275 sidx, ScreenCount(display));
1279 errx(1, "region %ux%u+%u+%u too small", w, h, x, y);
1281 if (x > DisplayWidth(display, sidx) ||
1282 y > DisplayHeight(display, sidx) ||
1283 w + x > DisplayWidth(display, sidx) ||
1284 h + y > DisplayHeight(display, sidx)) {
1285 warnx("ignoring region %ux%u+%u+%u - not within screen "
1286 "boundaries (%ux%u)", w, h, x, y,
1287 DisplayWidth(display, sidx), DisplayHeight(display, sidx));
1291 new_region(&screens[sidx], x, y, w, h);
1295 socket_setnonblock(int fd)
1299 if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) == -1)
1300 err(1, "fcntl F_GETFL");
1301 flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
1302 if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags)) == -1)
1303 err(1, "fcntl F_SETFL");
1307 bar_print(struct swm_region *r, const char *s)
1311 XRectangle ibox, lbox;
1313 XClearWindow(display, r->bar_window);
1316 XmbTextExtents(bar_fs, s, len, &ibox, &lbox);
1318 switch (bar_justify) {
1323 x = (WIDTH(r) - lbox.width) / 2;
1326 x = WIDTH(r) - lbox.width - SWM_BAR_OFFSET;
1330 if (x < SWM_BAR_OFFSET)
1333 DRAWSTRING(display, r->bar_window, bar_fs, r->s->bar_gc,
1334 x, (bar_fs_extents->max_logical_extent.height - lbox.height) / 2 -
1339 bar_extra_stop(void)
1343 bzero(bar_pipe, sizeof bar_pipe);
1346 kill(bar_pid, SIGTERM);
1349 strlcpy((char *)bar_ext, "", sizeof bar_ext);
1354 bar_class_name(char *s, size_t sz, struct swm_region *r)
1356 if (r == NULL || r->ws == NULL || r->ws->focus == NULL)
1358 if (r->ws->focus->ch.res_class != NULL)
1359 strlcat(s, r->ws->focus->ch.res_class, sz);
1363 bar_title_name(char *s, size_t sz, struct swm_region *r)
1365 if (r == NULL || r->ws == NULL || r->ws->focus == NULL)
1367 if (r->ws->focus->ch.res_name != NULL)
1368 strlcat(s, r->ws->focus->ch.res_name, sz);
1372 bar_window_name(char *s, size_t sz, struct swm_region *r)
1374 unsigned char *title;
1376 if (r == NULL || r->ws == NULL || r->ws->focus == NULL)
1378 if ((title = get_win_name(r->ws->focus->id)) == NULL)
1381 if (r->ws->focus->floating)
1382 strlcat(s, "(f) ", sz);
1383 strlcat(s, (char *)title, sz);
1388 int urgent[SWM_WS_MAX];
1390 bar_urgent(char *s, size_t sz)
1392 XWMHints *wmh = NULL;
1397 for (i = 0; i < workspace_limit; i++)
1400 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
1401 for (j = 0; j < workspace_limit; j++)
1402 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &screens[i].ws[j].winlist, entry) {
1403 wmh = XGetWMHints(display, win->id);
1407 if (wmh->flags & XUrgencyHint)
1412 for (i = 0; i < workspace_limit; i++) {
1414 snprintf(b, sizeof b, "%d ", i + 1);
1416 snprintf(b, sizeof b, "- ");
1422 bar_workspace_name(char *s, size_t sz, struct swm_region *r)
1424 if (r == NULL || r->ws == NULL)
1426 if (r->ws->name != NULL)
1427 strlcat(s, r->ws->name, sz);
1430 /* build the default bar format according to the defined enabled options */
1432 bar_fmt(const char *fmtexp, char *fmtnew, struct swm_region *r, size_t sz)
1434 /* if format provided, just copy the buffers */
1435 if (bar_format != NULL) {
1436 strlcpy(fmtnew, fmtexp, sz);
1440 /* reset the output buffer */
1443 strlcat(fmtnew, "+N:+I ", sz);
1445 strlcat(fmtnew, "+S", sz);
1446 strlcat(fmtnew, " ", sz);
1448 /* only show the workspace name if there's actually one */
1449 if (r != NULL && r->ws != NULL && r->ws->name != NULL)
1450 strlcat(fmtnew, "<+D>", sz);
1451 strlcat(fmtnew, " ", sz);
1453 if (clock_enabled) {
1454 strlcat(fmtnew, fmtexp, sz);
1455 strlcat(fmtnew, " ", sz);
1458 /* bar_urgent already adds the space before the last asterisk */
1460 strlcat(fmtnew, "* +U* ", sz);
1462 if (title_class_enabled) {
1463 strlcat(fmtnew, "+C", sz);
1464 if (title_name_enabled == 0)
1465 strlcat(fmtnew, " ", sz);
1468 if (title_name_enabled) {
1469 /* add a colon if showing the class and something is focused */
1470 if (title_class_enabled && r != NULL && r->ws != NULL &&
1471 r->ws->focus != NULL)
1472 strlcat(fmtnew, ":", sz);
1473 strlcat(fmtnew, "+T ", sz);
1476 if (window_name_enabled)
1477 strlcat(fmtnew, "+64W ", sz);
1479 /* finally add the action script output and the version */
1480 strlcat(fmtnew, " +A +V", sz);
1483 /* replaces the bar format character sequences (like in tmux(1)) */
1485 bar_replace_seq(char *fmt, char *fmtrep, struct swm_region *r, size_t *offrep,
1489 char num[8], tmp[SWM_BAR_MAX];
1491 size_t len, numoff = 0;
1493 /* reset strlcat(3) buffer */
1496 /* get number, if any */
1498 while (*fmt != '\0' && isdigit((unsigned char) *fmt)) {
1499 if (numoff >= sizeof num - 1)
1501 num[numoff++] = *fmt++;
1505 if ((limit = strtonum(num, 1, sizeof tmp - 1, NULL)) == 0)
1506 limit = sizeof tmp - 1;
1508 /* if number is too big, skip to the first non-digit */
1509 if (numoff >= sizeof num - 1) {
1510 while (*fmt != '\0' && isdigit((unsigned char) *fmt))
1513 /* there is nothing to replace (ie EOL) */
1519 snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s", bar_ext);
1522 bar_class_name(tmp, sizeof tmp, r);
1525 bar_workspace_name(tmp, sizeof tmp, r);
1528 snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d", r->ws->idx + 1);
1531 snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d", r->s->idx + 1);
1534 snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s", r->ws->stacker);
1537 bar_title_name(tmp, sizeof tmp, r);
1540 bar_urgent(tmp, sizeof tmp);
1543 snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s", bar_vertext);
1546 bar_window_name(tmp, sizeof tmp, r);
1549 /* unknown character sequence; copy as-is */
1550 snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "+%c", *fmt);
1558 while (limit-- > 0) {
1559 if (*offrep >= sz - 1)
1561 fmtrep[(*offrep)++] = *ptr++;
1569 bar_replace(char *fmt, char *fmtrep, struct swm_region *r, size_t sz)
1574 while (*fmt != '\0') {
1576 /* skip ordinary characters */
1579 fmtrep[off++] = *fmt++;
1583 /* character sequence found; replace it */
1584 fmt = bar_replace_seq(fmt, fmtrep, r, &off, sz);
1593 bar_fmt_expand(char *fmtexp, size_t sz)
1600 /* start by grabbing the current time and date */
1602 localtime_r(&tmt, &tm);
1604 /* figure out what to expand */
1605 if (bar_format != NULL)
1607 else if (bar_format == NULL && clock_enabled)
1609 /* if nothing to expand bail out */
1615 /* copy as-is, just in case the format shouldn't be expanded below */
1616 strlcpy(fmtexp, fmt, sz);
1617 /* finally pass the string through strftime(3) */
1619 if ((len = strftime(fmtexp, sz, fmt, &tm)) == 0)
1620 warnx("format too long");
1628 char fmtexp[SWM_BAR_MAX], fmtnew[SWM_BAR_MAX];
1629 char fmtrep[SWM_BAR_MAX];
1631 struct swm_region *r;
1633 /* expand the format by first passing it through strftime(3) */
1634 bar_fmt_expand(fmtexp, sizeof fmtexp);
1636 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
1637 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry) {
1638 bar_fmt(fmtexp, fmtnew, r, sizeof fmtnew);
1639 bar_replace(fmtnew, fmtrep, r, sizeof fmtrep);
1640 bar_print(r, fmtrep);
1651 if (bar_enabled == 0)
1653 if (bar_extra && bar_extra_running) {
1654 /* ignore short reads; it'll correct itself */
1655 while ((b = fgetln(stdin, &len)) != NULL)
1656 if (b && b[len - 1] == '\n') {
1658 strlcpy((char *)bar_ext, b, sizeof bar_ext);
1660 if (b == NULL && errno != EAGAIN) {
1661 warn("bar_update: bar_extra failed");
1665 strlcpy((char *)bar_ext, "", sizeof bar_ext);
1678 bar_toggle(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
1680 struct swm_region *tmpr;
1681 int i, sc = ScreenCount(display);
1683 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_BAR, "bar_toggle\n");
1686 for (i = 0; i < sc; i++)
1687 TAILQ_FOREACH(tmpr, &screens[i].rl, entry)
1688 XUnmapWindow(display, tmpr->bar_window);
1690 for (i = 0; i < sc; i++)
1691 TAILQ_FOREACH(tmpr, &screens[i].rl, entry)
1692 XMapRaised(display, tmpr->bar_window);
1694 bar_enabled = !bar_enabled;
1697 /* must be after stack */
1704 XSetWindowAttributes wa;
1705 struct swm_region *r;
1708 /* do this here because the conf file is in memory */
1709 if (bar_extra && bar_extra_running == 0 && bar_argv[0]) {
1710 /* launch external status app */
1711 bar_extra_running = 1;
1712 if (pipe(bar_pipe) == -1)
1713 err(1, "pipe error");
1714 socket_setnonblock(bar_pipe[0]);
1715 socket_setnonblock(bar_pipe[1]); /* XXX hmmm, really? */
1716 if (dup2(bar_pipe[0], 0) == -1)
1718 if (dup2(bar_pipe[1], 1) == -1)
1720 if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)
1721 err(1, "could not disable SIGPIPE");
1722 switch (bar_pid = fork()) {
1724 err(1, "cannot fork");
1728 execvp(bar_argv[0], bar_argv);
1729 err(1, "%s external app failed", bar_argv[0]);
1731 default: /* parent */
1737 bzero(&wa, sizeof wa);
1738 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
1739 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry) {
1741 screens[i].c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_BORDER].color;
1742 wa.background_pixel =
1743 screens[i].c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR].color;
1744 XChangeWindowAttributes(display, r->bar_window,
1745 CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel, &wa);
1751 bar_setup(struct swm_region *r)
1753 char *default_string;
1754 char **missing_charsets;
1755 int num_missing_charsets = 0;
1759 XFreeFontSet(display, bar_fs);
1764 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_BAR, "bar_setup: loading bar_fonts: %s\n", bar_fonts);
1766 bar_fs = XCreateFontSet(display, bar_fonts, &missing_charsets,
1767 &num_missing_charsets, &default_string);
1769 if (num_missing_charsets > 0) {
1770 warnx("Unable to load charset(s):");
1772 for (i = 0; i < num_missing_charsets; ++i)
1773 warnx("%s", missing_charsets[i]);
1775 XFreeStringList(missing_charsets);
1777 if (strcmp(default_string, ""))
1778 warnx("Glyphs from those sets will be replaced "
1779 "by '%s'.", default_string);
1781 warnx("Glyphs from those sets won't be drawn.");
1785 errx(1, "Error creating font set structure.");
1787 bar_fs_extents = XExtentsOfFontSet(bar_fs);
1789 bar_height = bar_fs_extents->max_logical_extent.height +
1790 2 * bar_border_width;
1796 y = bar_at_bottom ? (Y(r) + HEIGHT(r) - bar_height) : Y(r);
1798 r->bar_window = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,
1799 r->s->root, x, y, WIDTH(r) - 2 * bar_border_width,
1800 bar_height - 2 * bar_border_width,
1801 bar_border_width, r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_BORDER].color,
1802 r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR].color);
1803 XSelectInput(display, r->bar_window, VisibilityChangeMask);
1805 XMapRaised(display, r->bar_window);
1806 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_BAR, "bar_setup: bar_window: 0x%lx\n", r->bar_window);
1808 if (signal(SIGALRM, bar_signal) == SIG_ERR)
1809 err(1, "could not install bar_signal");
1814 drain_enter_notify(void)
1819 while (XCheckMaskEvent(display, EnterWindowMask, &cne))
1822 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "drain_enter_notify: drained: %d\n", i);
1826 set_win_state(struct ws_win *win, long state)
1828 long data[] = {state, None};
1830 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "set_win_state: window: 0x%lx\n", win->id);
1835 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, astate, astate, 32, PropModeReplace,
1836 (unsigned char *)data, 2);
1843 unsigned char *p = NULL;
1846 if (!get_property(w, astate, 2L, astate, &n, NULL, &p))
1849 result = *((long *)p);
1855 version(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
1857 bar_version = !bar_version;
1859 snprintf(bar_vertext, sizeof bar_vertext,
1860 "Version: %s Build: %s", SPECTRWM_VERSION, buildstr);
1862 strlcpy(bar_vertext, "", sizeof bar_vertext);
1867 client_msg(struct ws_win *win, Atom a)
1869 XClientMessageEvent cm;
1874 bzero(&cm, sizeof cm);
1875 cm.type = ClientMessage;
1876 cm.window = win->id;
1877 cm.message_type = aprot;
1880 cm.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;
1881 XSendEvent(display, win->id, False, 0L, (XEvent *)&cm);
1884 /* synthetic response to a ConfigureRequest when not making a change */
1886 config_win(struct ws_win *win, XConfigureRequestEvent *ev)
1893 /* send notification of unchanged state. */
1894 ce.type = ConfigureNotify;
1897 ce.width = WIDTH(win);
1898 ce.height = HEIGHT(win);
1899 ce.override_redirect = False;
1903 ce.display = display;
1905 ce.window = win->id;
1906 ce.border_width = border_width;
1910 ce.display = ev->display;
1911 ce.event = ev->window;
1912 ce.window = ev->window;
1914 /* make response appear more WM_SIZE_HINTS-compliant */
1916 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "config_win: hints: window: 0x%lx,"
1917 " sh_mask: %ld, min: %d x %d, max: %d x %d, inc: "
1918 "%d x %d\n", win->id, win->sh_mask, SH_MIN_W(win),
1919 SH_MIN_H(win), SH_MAX_W(win), SH_MAX_H(win),
1920 SH_INC_W(win), SH_INC_H(win));
1924 /* the hint may be set... to 0! */
1925 if (SH_MIN_W(win) > 0 && ce.width < SH_MIN_W(win))
1926 ce.width = SH_MIN_W(win);
1927 if (SH_MIN_H(win) > 0 && ce.height < SH_MIN_H(win))
1928 ce.height = SH_MIN_H(win);
1933 /* may also be advertized as 0 */
1934 if (SH_MAX_W(win) > 0 && ce.width > SH_MAX_W(win))
1935 ce.width = SH_MAX_W(win);
1936 if (SH_MAX_H(win) > 0 && ce.height > SH_MAX_H(win))
1937 ce.height = SH_MAX_H(win);
1940 /* resize increment. */
1942 if (SH_INC_W(win) > 1 && ce.width > SH_INC_W(win))
1943 ce.width -= (ce.width - SH_MIN_W(win)) %
1945 if (SH_INC_H(win) > 1 && ce.height > SH_INC_H(win))
1946 ce.height -= (ce.height - SH_MIN_H(win)) %
1950 /* adjust x and y for requested border_width. */
1951 ce.x += border_width - ev->border_width;
1952 ce.y += border_width - ev->border_width;
1953 ce.border_width = ev->border_width;
1954 ce.above = ev->above;
1957 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "config_win: ewmh: %s, window: 0x%lx, (x,y) w x h: "
1958 "(%d,%d) %d x %d, border: %d\n", YESNO(ev == NULL), win->id, ce.x,
1959 ce.y, ce.width, ce.height, ce.border_width);
1961 XSendEvent(display, win->id, False, StructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *)&ce);
1965 count_win(struct workspace *ws, int count_transient)
1970 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &ws->winlist, entry) {
1971 if (count_transient == 0 && win->floating)
1973 if (count_transient == 0 && win->transient)
1979 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "count_win: %d\n", count);
1985 quit(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
1987 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "quit\n");
1992 unmap_window(struct ws_win *win)
1997 /* don't unmap again */
1998 if (getstate(win->id) == IconicState)
2001 set_win_state(win, IconicState);
2003 XUnmapWindow(display, win->id);
2004 XSetWindowBorder(display, win->id,
2005 win->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS].color);
2014 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2015 for (j = 0; j < workspace_limit; j++)
2016 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &screens[i].ws[j].winlist, entry)
2021 fake_keypress(struct ws_win *win, int keysym, int modifiers)
2028 event.display = display; /* Ignored, but what the hell */
2029 event.window = win->id;
2030 event.root = win->s->root;
2031 event.subwindow = None;
2032 event.time = CurrentTime;
2037 event.same_screen = True;
2038 event.keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, keysym);
2039 event.state = modifiers;
2041 event.type = KeyPress;
2042 XSendEvent(event.display, event.window, True,
2043 KeyPressMask, (XEvent *)&event);
2045 event.type = KeyRelease;
2046 XSendEvent(event.display, event.window, True,
2047 KeyPressMask, (XEvent *)&event);
2052 restart(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2054 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "restart: %s\n", start_argv[0]);
2056 /* disable alarm because the following code may not be interrupted */
2058 if (signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)
2059 err(1, "can't disable alarm");
2064 XCloseDisplay(display);
2065 execvp(start_argv[0], start_argv);
2066 warn("execvp failed");
2071 root_to_region(Window root)
2073 struct swm_region *r = NULL;
2075 int i, x, y, wx, wy;
2078 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2079 if (screens[i].root == root)
2082 if (XQueryPointer(display, screens[i].root,
2083 &rr, &cr, &x, &y, &wx, &wy, &mask) != False) {
2084 /* choose a region based on pointer location */
2085 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry)
2086 if (x >= X(r) && x <= X(r) + WIDTH(r) &&
2087 y >= Y(r) && y <= Y(r) + HEIGHT(r))
2092 r = TAILQ_FIRST(&screens[i].rl);
2098 find_unmanaged_window(Window id)
2103 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2104 for (j = 0; j < workspace_limit; j++)
2105 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &screens[i].ws[j].unmanagedlist,
2113 find_window(Window id)
2116 Window wrr, wpr, *wcr = NULL;
2120 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2121 for (j = 0; j < workspace_limit; j++)
2122 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &screens[i].ws[j].winlist, entry)
2126 /* if we were looking for the parent return that window instead */
2127 if (XQueryTree(display, id, &wrr, &wpr, &wcr, &nc) == 0)
2132 /* ignore not found and root */
2133 if (wpr == 0 || wrr == wpr)
2136 /* look for parent */
2137 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2138 for (j = 0; j < workspace_limit; j++)
2139 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &screens[i].ws[j].winlist, entry)
2147 spawn(int ws_idx, union arg *args, int close_fd)
2152 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "spawn: %s\n", args->argv[0]);
2155 close(ConnectionNumber(display));
2157 setenv("LD_PRELOAD", SWM_LIB, 1);
2159 if (asprintf(&ret, "%d", ws_idx) == -1) {
2160 warn("spawn: asprintf SWM_WS");
2163 setenv("_SWM_WS", ret, 1);
2167 if (asprintf(&ret, "%d", getpid()) == -1) {
2168 warn("spawn: asprintf _SWM_PID");
2171 setenv("_SWM_PID", ret, 1);
2175 if (setsid() == -1) {
2176 warn("spawn: setsid");
2182 * close stdin and stdout to prevent interaction between apps
2183 * and the baraction script
2184 * leave stderr open to record errors
2186 if ((fd = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR, 0)) == -1) {
2187 warn("spawn: open");
2190 dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO);
2191 dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
2196 execvp(args->argv[0], args->argv);
2198 warn("spawn: execvp");
2203 spawnterm(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2205 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "spawnterm\n");
2209 setenv("_SWM_XTERM_FONTADJ", "", 1);
2210 spawn(r->ws->idx, args, 1);
2215 kill_refs(struct ws_win *win)
2218 struct swm_region *r;
2219 struct workspace *ws;
2224 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2225 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry)
2226 for (x = 0; x < workspace_limit; x++) {
2228 if (win == ws->focus)
2230 if (win == ws->focus_prev)
2231 ws->focus_prev = NULL;
2236 validate_win(struct ws_win *testwin)
2239 struct workspace *ws;
2240 struct swm_region *r;
2243 if (testwin == NULL)
2246 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2247 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry)
2248 for (x = 0; x < workspace_limit; x++) {
2250 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &ws->winlist, entry)
2258 validate_ws(struct workspace *testws)
2260 struct swm_region *r;
2261 struct workspace *ws;
2264 /* validate all ws */
2265 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2266 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry)
2267 for (x = 0; x < workspace_limit; x++) {
2276 unfocus_win(struct ws_win *win)
2281 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "unfocus_win: window: 0x%lx\n", WINID(win));
2285 if (win->ws == NULL)
2288 if (validate_ws(win->ws))
2289 return; /* XXX this gets hit with thunderbird, needs fixing */
2291 if (win->ws->r == NULL)
2294 if (validate_win(win)) {
2299 if (win->ws->focus == win) {
2300 win->ws->focus = NULL;
2301 win->ws->focus_prev = win;
2304 if (validate_win(win->ws->focus)) {
2305 kill_refs(win->ws->focus);
2306 win->ws->focus = NULL;
2308 if (validate_win(win->ws->focus_prev)) {
2309 kill_refs(win->ws->focus_prev);
2310 win->ws->focus_prev = NULL;
2313 /* drain all previous unfocus events */
2314 while (XCheckTypedEvent(display, FocusOut, &cne) == True)
2317 grabbuttons(win, 0);
2318 XSetWindowBorder(display, win->id,
2319 win->ws->r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS].color);
2321 XChangeProperty(display, win->s->root,
2322 ewmh[_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW].atom, XA_WINDOW, 32,
2323 PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&none, 1);
2332 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "unfocus_all\n");
2334 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
2335 for (j = 0; j < workspace_limit; j++)
2336 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &screens[i].ws[j].winlist, entry)
2341 focus_win(struct ws_win *win)
2346 struct ws_win *cfw = NULL;
2349 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "focus_win: window: 0x%lx\n", WINID(win));
2353 if (win->ws == NULL)
2356 if (validate_ws(win->ws))
2357 return; /* XXX this gets hit with thunderbird, needs fixing */
2359 if (validate_win(win)) {
2364 if (validate_win(win)) {
2369 XGetInputFocus(display, &cur_focus, &rr);
2370 if ((cfw = find_window(cur_focus)) != NULL)
2373 /* use larger hammer since the window was killed somehow */
2374 TAILQ_FOREACH(cfw, &win->ws->winlist, entry)
2375 if (cfw->ws && cfw->ws->r && cfw->ws->r->s)
2376 XSetWindowBorder(display, cfw->id,
2377 cfw->ws->r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS].color);
2380 win->ws->focus = win;
2382 if (win->ws->r != NULL) {
2383 /* drain all previous focus events */
2384 while (XCheckTypedEvent(display, FocusIn, &cne) == True)
2388 XSetInputFocus(display, win->id,
2389 RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
2390 grabbuttons(win, 1);
2391 XSetWindowBorder(display, win->id,
2392 win->ws->r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_FOCUS].color);
2393 if (win->ws->cur_layout->flags & SWM_L_MAPONFOCUS ||
2394 win->ws->always_raise)
2395 XMapRaised(display, win->id);
2397 XChangeProperty(display, win->s->root,
2398 ewmh[_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW].atom, XA_WINDOW, 32,
2399 PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&win->id, 1);
2406 switchws(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2408 int wsid = args->id, unmap_old = 0;
2409 struct swm_region *this_r, *other_r;
2411 struct workspace *new_ws, *old_ws;
2417 if (wsid >= workspace_limit)
2421 old_ws = this_r->ws;
2422 new_ws = &this_r->s->ws[wsid];
2424 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_WS, "switchws: screen[%d]:%dx%d+%d+%d: %d -> %d\n",
2425 r->s->idx, WIDTH(r), HEIGHT(r), X(r), Y(r), old_ws->idx, wsid);
2427 if (new_ws == NULL || old_ws == NULL)
2429 if (new_ws == old_ws)
2432 other_r = new_ws->r;
2433 if (other_r == NULL) {
2434 /* the other workspace is hidden, hide this one */
2438 /* the other ws is visible in another region, exchange them */
2439 other_r->ws_prior = new_ws;
2440 other_r->ws = old_ws;
2441 old_ws->r = other_r;
2443 this_r->ws_prior = old_ws;
2444 this_r->ws = new_ws;
2447 /* this is needed so that we can click on a window after a restart */
2451 a.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR;
2452 focus(new_ws->r, &a);
2454 /* unmap old windows */
2456 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &old_ws->winlist, entry)
2459 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
2460 drain_enter_notify();
2464 cyclews(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2467 struct swm_screen *s = r->s;
2470 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_WS, "cyclews: id: %d, screen[%d]:%dx%d+%d+%d, ws: %d\n",
2471 args->id, r->s->idx, WIDTH(r), HEIGHT(r), X(r), Y(r), r->ws->idx);
2480 if (a.id < workspace_limit - 1)
2492 a.id = workspace_limit - 1;
2499 (cycle_empty == 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&s->ws[a.id].winlist)))
2501 if (cycle_visible == 0 && s->ws[a.id].r != NULL)
2505 } while (a.id != r->ws->idx);
2509 priorws(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2513 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_WS, "priorws: id: %d, screen[%d]:%dx%d+%d+%d, ws: %d\n",
2514 args->id, r->s->idx, WIDTH(r), HEIGHT(r), X(r), Y(r), r->ws->idx);
2516 if (r->ws_prior == NULL)
2519 a.id = r->ws_prior->idx;
2524 cyclescr(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2526 struct swm_region *rr = NULL;
2530 /* do nothing if we don't have more than one screen */
2531 if (!(ScreenCount(display) > 1 || outputs > 1))
2537 rr = TAILQ_NEXT(r, entry);
2539 rr = TAILQ_FIRST(&screens[i].rl);
2542 rr = TAILQ_PREV(r, swm_region_list, entry);
2544 rr = TAILQ_LAST(&screens[i].rl, swm_region_list);
2552 /* move mouse to region */
2554 y = Y(rr) + 1 + (bar_enabled ? bar_height : 0);
2555 XWarpPointer(display, None, rr->s[i].root, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);
2557 a.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR;
2560 if (rr->ws->focus) {
2561 /* move to focus window */
2562 x = X(rr->ws->focus) + 1;
2563 y = Y(rr->ws->focus) + 1;
2564 XWarpPointer(display, None, rr->s[i].root, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);
2569 sort_windows(struct ws_win_list *wl)
2571 struct ws_win *win, *parent, *nxt;
2576 for (win = TAILQ_FIRST(wl); win != TAILQ_END(wl); win = nxt) {
2577 nxt = TAILQ_NEXT(win, entry);
2578 if (win->transient) {
2579 parent = find_window(win->transient);
2580 if (parent == NULL) {
2581 warnx("not possible bug");
2584 TAILQ_REMOVE(wl, win, entry);
2585 TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(wl, parent, win, entry);
2592 swapwin(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2594 struct ws_win *target, *source;
2595 struct ws_win *cur_focus;
2596 struct ws_win_list *wl;
2599 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_WS, "swapwin: id: %d, screen[%d]:%dx%d+%d+%d, ws: %d\n",
2600 args->id, r->s->idx, WIDTH(r), HEIGHT(r), X(r), Y(r), r->ws->idx);
2602 cur_focus = r->ws->focus;
2603 if (cur_focus == NULL)
2607 wl = &source->ws->winlist;
2611 if (source->transient)
2612 source = find_window(source->transient);
2613 target = TAILQ_PREV(source, ws_win_list, entry);
2614 if (target && target->transient)
2615 target = find_window(target->transient);
2616 TAILQ_REMOVE(wl, source, entry);
2618 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(wl, source, entry);
2620 TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(target, source, entry);
2623 target = TAILQ_NEXT(source, entry);
2624 /* move the parent and let the sort handle the move */
2625 if (source->transient)
2626 source = find_window(source->transient);
2627 TAILQ_REMOVE(wl, source, entry);
2629 TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(wl, source, entry);
2631 TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(wl, target, source, entry);
2634 target = TAILQ_FIRST(wl);
2635 if (target == source) {
2636 if (source->ws->focus_prev != NULL &&
2637 source->ws->focus_prev != target)
2638 source = source->ws->focus_prev;
2642 if (target == NULL || source == NULL)
2644 source->ws->focus_prev = target;
2645 TAILQ_REMOVE(wl, target, entry);
2646 TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(source, target, entry);
2647 TAILQ_REMOVE(wl, source, entry);
2648 TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(wl, source, entry);
2651 TAILQ_REMOVE(wl, source, entry);
2652 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(wl, source, entry);
2655 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MOVE, "swapwin: invalid id: %d\n", args->id);
2665 focus_prev(struct ws_win *win)
2667 struct ws_win *winfocus = NULL;
2668 struct ws_win *cur_focus = NULL;
2669 struct ws_win_list *wl = NULL;
2670 struct workspace *ws = NULL;
2672 if (!(win && win->ws))
2677 cur_focus = ws->focus;
2679 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "focus_prev: window: 0x%lx, cur_focus: 0x%lx\n",
2680 WINID(win), WINID(cur_focus));
2682 /* pickle, just focus on whatever */
2683 if (cur_focus == NULL) {
2684 /* use prev_focus if valid */
2685 if (ws->focus_prev && ws->focus_prev != cur_focus &&
2686 find_window(WINID(ws->focus_prev)))
2687 winfocus = ws->focus_prev;
2691 /* if transient focus on parent */
2692 if (cur_focus->transient) {
2693 winfocus = find_window(cur_focus->transient);
2697 /* if in max_stack try harder */
2698 if ((win->quirks & SWM_Q_FOCUSPREV) ||
2699 (ws->cur_layout->flags & SWM_L_FOCUSPREV)) {
2700 if (cur_focus != ws->focus_prev)
2701 winfocus = ws->focus_prev;
2703 winfocus = TAILQ_PREV(win, ws_win_list, entry);
2708 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "focus_prev: focus_close: %d\n", focus_close);
2710 if (winfocus == NULL || winfocus == win) {
2711 switch (focus_close) {
2713 winfocus = TAILQ_FIRST(wl);
2716 winfocus = TAILQ_LAST(wl, ws_win_list);
2718 case SWM_STACK_ABOVE:
2719 if ((winfocus = TAILQ_NEXT(cur_focus, entry)) == NULL) {
2720 if (focus_close_wrap)
2721 winfocus = TAILQ_FIRST(wl);
2723 winfocus = TAILQ_PREV(cur_focus,
2724 ws_win_list, entry);
2727 case SWM_STACK_BELOW:
2728 if ((winfocus = TAILQ_PREV(cur_focus, ws_win_list,
2730 if (focus_close_wrap)
2731 winfocus = TAILQ_LAST(wl, ws_win_list);
2733 winfocus = TAILQ_NEXT(cur_focus, entry);
2739 if (winfocus == NULL) {
2740 if (focus_default == SWM_STACK_TOP)
2741 winfocus = TAILQ_LAST(wl, ws_win_list);
2743 winfocus = TAILQ_FIRST(wl);
2747 focus_magic(winfocus);
2751 focus(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2753 struct ws_win *winfocus = NULL, *head;
2754 struct ws_win *cur_focus = NULL;
2755 struct ws_win_list *wl = NULL;
2756 struct workspace *ws = NULL;
2762 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "focus: id: %d\n", args->id);
2764 /* treat FOCUS_CUR special */
2765 if (args->id == SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR) {
2766 if (r->ws->focus && r->ws->focus->iconic == 0)
2767 winfocus = r->ws->focus;
2768 else if (r->ws->focus_prev && r->ws->focus_prev->iconic == 0)
2769 winfocus = r->ws->focus_prev;
2771 TAILQ_FOREACH(winfocus, &r->ws->winlist, entry)
2772 if (winfocus->iconic == 0)
2775 focus_magic(winfocus);
2779 if ((cur_focus = r->ws->focus) == NULL)
2783 if (TAILQ_EMPTY(wl))
2785 /* make sure there is at least one uniconified window */
2787 TAILQ_FOREACH(winfocus, wl, entry)
2788 if (winfocus->iconic == 0) {
2797 head = TAILQ_PREV(cur_focus, ws_win_list, entry);
2799 head = TAILQ_LAST(wl, ws_win_list);
2801 if (WINID(winfocus) == cur_focus->transient) {
2802 head = TAILQ_PREV(winfocus, ws_win_list, entry);
2804 head = TAILQ_LAST(wl, ws_win_list);
2809 if (winfocus && winfocus->iconic) {
2810 while (winfocus != cur_focus) {
2811 if (winfocus == NULL)
2812 winfocus = TAILQ_LAST(wl, ws_win_list);
2813 if (winfocus->iconic == 0)
2815 winfocus = TAILQ_PREV(winfocus, ws_win_list,
2822 head = TAILQ_NEXT(cur_focus, entry);
2824 head = TAILQ_FIRST(wl);
2828 if (winfocus && winfocus->iconic) {
2829 while (winfocus != cur_focus) {
2830 if (winfocus == NULL)
2831 winfocus = TAILQ_FIRST(wl);
2832 if (winfocus->iconic == 0)
2834 winfocus = TAILQ_NEXT(winfocus, entry);
2840 winfocus = TAILQ_FIRST(wl);
2841 if (winfocus == cur_focus)
2842 winfocus = cur_focus->ws->focus_prev;
2849 focus_magic(winfocus);
2853 cycle_layout(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2855 struct workspace *ws = r->ws;
2858 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "cycle_layout: workspace: %d\n", ws->idx);
2861 if (ws->cur_layout->l_stack == NULL)
2862 ws->cur_layout = &layouts[0];
2865 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
2866 drain_enter_notify();
2867 a.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR;
2872 stack_config(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
2874 struct workspace *ws = r->ws;
2876 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "stack_config: id: %d workspace: %d\n",
2879 if (ws->cur_layout->l_config != NULL)
2880 ws->cur_layout->l_config(ws, args->id);
2882 if (args->id != SWM_ARG_ID_STACKINIT)
2889 struct swm_geometry g;
2890 struct swm_region *r;
2896 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "stack: begin\n");
2898 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
2902 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry) {
2903 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "stack: workspace: %d "
2904 "(screen: %d, region: %d)\n", r->ws->idx, i, j++);
2906 /* start with screen geometry, adjust for bar */
2908 g.w -= 2 * border_width;
2909 g.h -= 2 * border_width;
2915 r->ws->cur_layout->l_stack(r->ws, &g);
2916 r->ws->cur_layout->l_string(r->ws);
2917 /* save r so we can track region changes */
2924 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
2925 drain_enter_notify();
2927 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "stack: end\n");
2931 store_float_geom(struct ws_win *win, struct swm_region *r)
2933 /* retain window geom and region geom */
2934 win->g_float = win->g;
2935 win->rg_float = r->g;
2936 win->g_floatvalid = 1;
2940 stack_floater(struct ws_win *win, struct swm_region *r)
2948 bzero(&wc, sizeof wc);
2949 mask = CWX | CWY | CWBorderWidth | CWWidth | CWHeight;
2952 * to allow windows to change their size (e.g. mplayer fs) only retrieve
2953 * geom on ws switches or return from max mode
2955 if (win->floatmaxed || (r != r->ws->old_r && win->g_floatvalid
2956 && !(win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_FULLSCREEN))) {
2958 * use stored g and rg to set relative position and size
2959 * as in old region or before max stack mode
2961 X(win) = win->g_float.x - win->rg_float.x + X(r);
2962 Y(win) = win->g_float.y - win->rg_float.y + Y(r);
2963 WIDTH(win) = win->g_float.w;
2964 HEIGHT(win) = win->g_float.h;
2965 win->g_floatvalid = 0;
2968 win->floatmaxed = 0;
2970 if ((win->quirks & SWM_Q_FULLSCREEN) && (WIDTH(win) >= WIDTH(r)) &&
2971 (HEIGHT(win) >= HEIGHT(r)))
2972 wc.border_width = 0;
2974 wc.border_width = border_width;
2975 if (win->transient && (win->quirks & SWM_Q_TRANSSZ)) {
2976 WIDTH(win) = (double)WIDTH(r) * dialog_ratio;
2977 HEIGHT(win) = (double)HEIGHT(r) * dialog_ratio;
2982 * floaters and transients are auto-centred unless moved
2985 X(win) = X(r) + (WIDTH(r) - WIDTH(win)) / 2 - wc.border_width;
2986 Y(win) = Y(r) + (HEIGHT(r) - HEIGHT(win)) / 2 - wc.border_width;
2989 /* win can be outside r if new r smaller than old r */
2990 /* Ensure top left corner inside r (move probs otherwise) */
2991 if (X(win) < X(r) - wc.border_width)
2992 X(win) = X(r) - wc.border_width;
2993 if (X(win) > X(r) + WIDTH(r) - 1)
2994 X(win) = (WIDTH(win) > WIDTH(r)) ? X(r) :
2995 (X(r) + WIDTH(r) - WIDTH(win) - 2 * wc.border_width);
2996 if (Y(win) < Y(r) - wc.border_width)
2997 Y(win) = Y(r) - wc.border_width;
2998 if (Y(win) > Y(r) + HEIGHT(r) - 1)
2999 Y(win) = (HEIGHT(win) > HEIGHT(r)) ? Y(r) :
3000 (Y(r) + HEIGHT(r) - HEIGHT(win) - 2 * wc.border_width);
3004 wc.width = WIDTH(win);
3005 wc.height = HEIGHT(win);
3008 * Retain floater and transient geometry for correct positioning
3009 * when ws changes region
3011 if (!(win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_FULLSCREEN))
3012 store_float_geom(win, r);
3014 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "stack_floater: window: %lu, (x,y) w x h: (%d,%d) "
3015 "%d x %d\n", win->id, wc.x, wc.y, wc.width, wc.height);
3017 XConfigureWindow(display, win->id, mask, &wc);
3021 * Send keystrokes to terminal to decrease/increase the font size as the
3022 * window size changes.
3025 adjust_font(struct ws_win *win)
3027 if (!(win->quirks & SWM_Q_XTERM_FONTADJ) ||
3028 win->floating || win->transient)
3031 if (win->sh.width_inc && win->last_inc != win->sh.width_inc &&
3032 WIDTH(win) / win->sh.width_inc < term_width &&
3033 win->font_steps < SWM_MAX_FONT_STEPS) {
3034 win->font_size_boundary[win->font_steps] =
3035 (win->sh.width_inc * term_width) + win->sh.base_width;
3038 win->last_inc = win->sh.width_inc;
3039 fake_keypress(win, XK_KP_Subtract, ShiftMask);
3040 } else if (win->font_steps && win->last_inc != win->sh.width_inc &&
3041 WIDTH(win) > win->font_size_boundary[win->font_steps - 1]) {
3044 win->last_inc = win->sh.width_inc;
3045 fake_keypress(win, XK_KP_Add, ShiftMask);
3049 #define SWAPXY(g) do { \
3051 tmp = (g)->y; (g)->y = (g)->x; (g)->x = tmp; \
3052 tmp = (g)->h; (g)->h = (g)->w; (g)->w = tmp; \
3055 stack_master(struct workspace *ws, struct swm_geometry *g, int rot, int flip)
3058 XWindowAttributes wa;
3059 struct swm_geometry win_g, r_g = *g;
3060 struct ws_win *win, *fs_win = 0;
3061 int i, j, s, stacks;
3062 int w_inc = 1, h_inc, w_base = 1, h_base;
3063 int hrh, extra = 0, h_slice, last_h = 0;
3064 int split, colno, winno, mwin, msize, mscale;
3065 int remain, missing, v_slice, reconfigure;
3068 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "stack_master: workspace: %d, rot: %s, "
3069 "flip: %s\n", ws->idx, YESNO(rot), YESNO(flip));
3071 winno = count_win(ws, 0);
3072 if (winno == 0 && count_win(ws, 1) == 0)
3075 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &ws->winlist, entry)
3076 if (win->transient == 0 && win->floating == 0
3077 && win->iconic == 0)
3084 w_inc = win->sh.width_inc;
3085 w_base = win->sh.base_width;
3086 mwin = ws->l_state.horizontal_mwin;
3087 mscale = ws->l_state.horizontal_msize;
3088 stacks = ws->l_state.horizontal_stacks;
3091 w_inc = win->sh.height_inc;
3092 w_base = win->sh.base_height;
3093 mwin = ws->l_state.vertical_mwin;
3094 mscale = ws->l_state.vertical_msize;
3095 stacks = ws->l_state.vertical_stacks;
3099 if (stacks > winno - mwin)
3100 stacks = winno - mwin;
3104 h_slice = r_g.h / SWM_H_SLICE;
3105 if (mwin && winno > mwin) {
3106 v_slice = r_g.w / SWM_V_SLICE;
3110 win_g.w = v_slice * mscale;
3112 if (w_inc > 1 && w_inc < v_slice) {
3113 /* adjust for window's requested size increment */
3114 remain = (win_g.w - w_base) % w_inc;
3120 win_g.x += r_g.w - msize;
3123 colno = split = winno / stacks;
3124 win_g.w = ((r_g.w - (stacks * 2 * border_width) +
3125 2 * border_width) / stacks);
3127 hrh = r_g.h / colno;
3128 extra = r_g.h - (colno * hrh);
3129 win_g.h = hrh - 2 * border_width;
3131 /* stack all the tiled windows */
3132 i = j = 0, s = stacks;
3133 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &ws->winlist, entry) {
3134 if (win->transient != 0 || win->floating != 0)
3136 if (win->iconic != 0)
3139 if (win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_FULLSCREEN) {
3144 if (split && i == split) {
3145 colno = (winno - mwin) / stacks;
3146 if (s <= (winno - mwin) % stacks)
3148 split = split + colno;
3149 hrh = (r_g.h / colno);
3150 extra = r_g.h - (colno * hrh);
3154 win_g.x += win_g.w + 2 * border_width;
3155 win_g.w = (r_g.w - msize -
3156 (stacks * 2 * border_width)) / stacks;
3158 win_g.w += (r_g.w - msize -
3159 (stacks * 2 * border_width)) % stacks;
3163 win_g.h = hrh - 2 * border_width;
3165 h_inc = win->sh.width_inc;
3166 h_base = win->sh.base_width;
3168 h_inc = win->sh.height_inc;
3169 h_base = win->sh.base_height;
3171 if (j == colno - 1) {
3172 win_g.h = hrh + extra;
3173 } else if (h_inc > 1 && h_inc < h_slice) {
3174 /* adjust for window's requested size increment */
3175 remain = (win_g.h - h_base) % h_inc;
3176 missing = h_inc - remain;
3178 if (missing <= extra || j == 0) {
3190 win_g.y += last_h + 2 * border_width;
3192 bzero(&wc, sizeof wc);
3193 if (disable_border && bar_enabled == 0 && winno == 1){
3194 wc.border_width = 0;
3195 win_g.w += 2 * border_width;
3196 win_g.h += 2 * border_width;
3198 wc.border_width = border_width;
3201 if (X(win) != win_g.y || Y(win) != win_g.x ||
3202 WIDTH(win) != win_g.h || HEIGHT(win) != win_g.w) {
3204 X(win) = wc.x = win_g.y;
3205 Y(win) = wc.y = win_g.x;
3206 WIDTH(win) = wc.width = win_g.h;
3207 HEIGHT(win) = wc.height = win_g.w;
3210 if (X(win) != win_g.x || Y(win) != win_g.y ||
3211 WIDTH(win) != win_g.w || HEIGHT(win) != win_g.h) {
3213 X(win) = wc.x = win_g.x;
3214 Y(win) = wc.y = win_g.y;
3215 WIDTH(win) = wc.width = win_g.w;
3216 HEIGHT(win) = wc.height = win_g.h;
3221 mask = CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWBorderWidth;
3222 XConfigureWindow(display, win->id, mask, &wc);
3225 if (XGetWindowAttributes(display, win->id, &wa))
3226 if (wa.map_state == IsUnmapped)
3227 XMapRaised(display, win->id);
3235 /* now, stack all the floaters and transients */
3236 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &ws->winlist, entry) {
3237 if (win->transient == 0 && win->floating == 0)
3239 if (win->iconic == 1)
3241 if (win->ewmh_flags & EWMH_F_FULLSCREEN) {
3246 stack_floater(win, ws->r);
3247 XMapRaised(display, win->id);
3251 stack_floater(fs_win, ws->r);
3252 XMapRaised(display, fs_win->id);
3257 vertical_config(struct workspace *ws, int id)
3259 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "vertical_config: id: %d, workspace: %d\n",
3265 ws->l_state.vertical_msize = SWM_V_SLICE / 2;
3266 ws->l_state.vertical_mwin = 1;
3267 ws->l_state.vertical_stacks = 1;
3270 if (ws->l_state.vertical_msize > 1)
3271 ws->l_state.vertical_msize--;
3274 if (ws->l_state.vertical_msize < SWM_V_SLICE - 1)
3275 ws->l_state.vertical_msize++;
3278 ws->l_state.vertical_mwin++;
3281 if (ws->l_state.vertical_mwin > 0)
3282 ws->l_state.vertical_mwin--;
3285 ws->l_state.vertical_stacks++;
3288 if (ws->l_state.vertical_stacks > 1)
3289 ws->l_state.vertical_stacks--;
3292 ws->l_state.vertical_flip = !ws->l_state.vertical_flip;
3300 vertical_stack(struct workspace *ws, struct swm_geometry *g)
3302 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "vertical_stack: workspace: %d\n", ws->idx);
3304 stack_master(ws, g, 0, ws->l_state.vertical_flip);
3308 horizontal_config(struct workspace *ws, int id)
3310 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "horizontal_config: workspace: %d\n", ws->idx);
3315 ws->l_state.horizontal_mwin = 1;
3316 ws->l_state.horizontal_msize = SWM_H_SLICE / 2;
3317 ws->l_state.horizontal_stacks = 1;
3320 if (ws->l_state.horizontal_msize > 1)
3321 ws->l_state.horizontal_msize--;
3324 if (ws->l_state.horizontal_msize < SWM_H_SLICE - 1)
3325 ws->l_state.horizontal_msize++;
3328 ws->l_state.horizontal_mwin++;
3331 if (ws->l_state.horizontal_mwin > 0)
3332 ws->l_state.horizontal_mwin--;
3335 ws->l_state.horizontal_stacks++;
3338 if (ws->l_state.horizontal_stacks > 1)
3339 ws->l_state.horizontal_stacks--;
3342 ws->l_state.horizontal_flip = !ws->l_state.horizontal_flip;
3350 horizontal_stack(struct workspace *ws, struct swm_geometry *g)
3352 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "horizontal_stack: workspace: %d\n", ws->idx);
3354 stack_master(ws, g, 1, ws->l_state.horizontal_flip);
3357 /* fullscreen view */
3359 max_stack(struct workspace *ws, struct swm_geometry *g)
3362 struct swm_geometry gg = *g;
3363 struct ws_win *win, *wintrans = NULL, *parent = NULL;
3367 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_STACK, "max_stack: workspace: %d\n", ws->idx);
3372 winno = count_win(ws, 0);
3373 if (winno == 0 && count_win(ws, 1) == 0)
3376 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &ws->winlist, entry) {
3377 if (win->transient) {
3379 parent = find_window(win->transient);
3383 if (win->floating && win->floatmaxed == 0 ) {
3385 * retain geometry for retrieval on exit from
3388 store_float_geom(win, ws->r);
3389 win->floatmaxed = 1;
3392 /* only reconfigure if necessary */
3393 if (X(win) != gg.x || Y(win) != gg.y || WIDTH(win) != gg.w ||
3394 HEIGHT(win) != gg.h) {
3395 bzero(&wc, sizeof wc);
3396 X(win) = wc.x = gg.x;
3397 Y(win) = wc.y = gg.y;
3399 wc.border_width = border_width;
3400 WIDTH(win) = wc.width = gg.w;
3401 HEIGHT(win) = wc.height = gg.h;
3403 wc.border_width = 0;
3404 WIDTH(win) = wc.width = gg.w + 2 * border_width;
3405 HEIGHT(win) = wc.height = gg.h +
3408 mask = CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWBorderWidth;
3409 XConfigureWindow(display, win->id, mask, &wc);
3411 /* unmap only if we don't have multi screen */
3412 if (win != ws->focus)
3413 if (!(ScreenCount(display) > 1 || outputs > 1))
3417 /* put the last transient on top */
3420 XMapRaised(display, parent->id);
3421 stack_floater(wintrans, ws->r);
3422 focus_magic(wintrans);
3427 send_to_ws(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3429 int wsid = args->id;
3430 struct ws_win *win = NULL, *parent;
3431 struct workspace *ws, *nws;
3432 Atom ws_idx_atom = 0;
3433 unsigned char ws_idx_str[SWM_PROPLEN];
3436 if (wsid >= workspace_limit)
3439 if (r && r->ws && r->ws->focus)
3445 if (win->ws->idx == wsid)
3448 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MOVE, "send_to_ws: window: 0x%lx\n", win->id);
3451 nws = &win->s->ws[wsid];
3455 if (win->transient) {
3456 parent = find_window(win->transient);
3458 unmap_window(parent);
3459 TAILQ_REMOVE(&ws->winlist, parent, entry);
3460 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nws->winlist, parent, entry);
3465 TAILQ_REMOVE(&ws->winlist, win, entry);
3466 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&nws->winlist, win, entry);
3467 if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&ws->winlist))
3468 r->ws->focus = NULL;
3471 /* Try to update the window's workspace property */
3472 ws_idx_atom = XInternAtom(display, "_SWM_WS", False);
3474 snprintf((char *)ws_idx_str, SWM_PROPLEN, "%d", nws->idx) <
3476 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_PROP, "send_to_ws: set property: _SWM_WS: %s\n",
3478 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ws_idx_atom, XA_STRING, 8,
3479 PropModeReplace, ws_idx_str, strlen((char *)ws_idx_str));
3487 pressbutton(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3489 XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, args->id, True, CurrentTime);
3490 XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, args->id, False, CurrentTime);
3494 raise_toggle(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3496 if (r == NULL || r->ws == NULL)
3499 r->ws->always_raise = !r->ws->always_raise;
3501 /* bring floaters back to top */
3502 if (r->ws->always_raise == 0)
3507 iconify(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3511 if (r->ws->focus == NULL)
3513 unmap_window(r->ws->focus);
3514 update_iconic(r->ws->focus, 1);
3516 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
3517 drain_enter_notify();
3518 r->ws->focus = NULL;
3519 a.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR;
3524 get_win_name(Window win)
3526 unsigned char *prop = NULL;
3527 unsigned long nbytes, nitems;
3529 /* try _NET_WM_NAME first */
3530 if (get_property(win, a_netwmname, 0L, a_utf8_string, NULL, &nbytes,
3533 if (get_property(win, a_netwmname, nbytes, a_utf8_string,
3534 &nitems, NULL, &prop))
3538 /* fallback to WM_NAME */
3539 if (!get_property(win, a_wmname, 0L, a_string, NULL, &nbytes, &prop))
3542 if (get_property(win, a_wmname, nbytes, a_string, &nitems, NULL, &prop))
3549 uniconify(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3553 unsigned char *name;
3556 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "uniconify\n");
3558 if (r == NULL || r->ws == NULL)
3561 /* make sure we have anything to uniconify */
3562 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &r->ws->winlist, entry) {
3563 if (win->ws == NULL)
3564 continue; /* should never happen */
3565 if (win->iconic == 0)
3573 search_resp_action = SWM_SEARCH_UNICONIFY;
3575 spawn_select(r, args, "search", &searchpid);
3577 if ((lfile = fdopen(select_list_pipe[1], "w")) == NULL)
3580 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &r->ws->winlist, entry) {
3581 if (win->ws == NULL)
3582 continue; /* should never happen */
3583 if (win->iconic == 0)
3586 name = get_win_name(win->id);
3589 fprintf(lfile, "%s.%lu\n", name, win->id);
3597 name_workspace(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3601 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "name_workspace\n");
3607 search_resp_action = SWM_SEARCH_NAME_WORKSPACE;
3609 spawn_select(r, args, "name_workspace", &searchpid);
3611 if ((lfile = fdopen(select_list_pipe[1], "w")) == NULL)
3614 fprintf(lfile, "%s", "");
3619 search_workspace(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3622 struct workspace *ws;
3625 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_workspace\n");
3631 search_resp_action = SWM_SEARCH_SEARCH_WORKSPACE;
3633 spawn_select(r, args, "search", &searchpid);
3635 if ((lfile = fdopen(select_list_pipe[1], "w")) == NULL)
3638 for (i = 0; i < workspace_limit; i++) {
3642 fprintf(lfile, "%d%s%s\n", ws->idx + 1,
3643 (ws->name ? ":" : ""), (ws->name ? ws->name : ""));
3650 search_win_cleanup(void)
3652 struct search_window *sw = NULL;
3654 while ((sw = TAILQ_FIRST(&search_wl)) != NULL) {
3655 XDestroyWindow(display, sw->indicator);
3656 XFreeGC(display, sw->gc);
3657 TAILQ_REMOVE(&search_wl, sw, entry);
3663 search_win(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3665 struct ws_win *win = NULL;
3666 struct search_window *sw = NULL;
3673 XRectangle ibox, lbox;
3675 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_win\n");
3678 search_resp_action = SWM_SEARCH_SEARCH_WINDOW;
3680 spawn_select(r, args, "search", &searchpid);
3682 if ((lfile = fdopen(select_list_pipe[1], "w")) == NULL)
3685 TAILQ_INIT(&search_wl);
3688 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &r->ws->winlist, entry) {
3689 if (win->iconic == 1)
3692 sw = calloc(1, sizeof(struct search_window));
3694 warn("search_win: calloc");
3696 search_win_cleanup();
3702 snprintf(s, sizeof s, "%d", i);
3705 XmbTextExtents(bar_fs, s, len, &ibox, &lbox);
3707 w = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,
3708 win->id, 0, 0,lbox.width + 4,
3709 bar_fs_extents->max_logical_extent.height, 1,
3710 r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS].color,
3711 r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_FOCUS].color);
3714 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&search_wl, sw, entry);
3716 sw->gc = XCreateGC(display, w, 0, &gcv);
3717 XMapRaised(display, w);
3718 XSetForeground(display, sw->gc, r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR].color);
3720 DRAWSTRING(display, w, bar_fs, sw->gc, 2,
3721 (bar_fs_extents->max_logical_extent.height -
3722 lbox.height) / 2 - lbox.y, s, len);
3724 fprintf(lfile, "%d\n", i);
3732 search_resp_uniconify(char *resp, unsigned long len)
3734 unsigned char *name;
3738 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_resp_uniconify: resp: %s\n", resp);
3740 TAILQ_FOREACH(win, &search_r->ws->winlist, entry) {
3741 if (win->iconic == 0)
3743 name = get_win_name(win->id);
3746 if (asprintf(&s, "%s.%lu", name, win->id) == -1) {
3751 if (strncmp(s, resp, len) == 0) {
3752 /* XXX this should be a callback to generalize */
3753 update_iconic(win, 0);
3762 search_resp_name_workspace(char *resp, unsigned long len)
3764 struct workspace *ws;
3766 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_resp_name_workspace: resp: %s\n", resp);
3768 if (search_r->ws == NULL)
3773 free(search_r->ws->name);
3774 search_r->ws->name = NULL;
3778 ws->name = strdup(resp);
3779 if (ws->name == NULL) {
3780 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_resp_name_workspace: "
3781 "strdup: %s", strerror(errno));
3788 search_resp_search_workspace(char *resp, unsigned long len)
3795 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_resp_search_workspace: resp: %s\n", resp);
3799 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_resp_search_workspace: strdup: %s",
3806 ws_idx = strtonum(q, 1, workspace_limit, &errstr);
3808 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "workspace idx is %s: %s",
3815 switchws(search_r, &a);
3819 search_resp_search_window(char *resp, unsigned long len)
3824 struct search_window *sw;
3826 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_resp_search_window: resp: %s\n", resp);
3830 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_resp_search_window: strdup: %s",
3835 idx = strtonum(s, 1, INT_MAX, &errstr);
3837 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "window idx is %s: %s",
3844 TAILQ_FOREACH(sw, &search_wl, entry)
3845 if (idx == sw->idx) {
3851 #define MAX_RESP_LEN 1024
3854 search_do_resp(void)
3860 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "search_do_resp:\n");
3865 if ((resp = calloc(1, MAX_RESP_LEN + 1)) == NULL) {
3866 warn("search: calloc");
3870 rbytes = read(select_resp_pipe[0], resp, MAX_RESP_LEN);
3872 warn("search: read error");
3875 resp[rbytes] = '\0';
3878 * Older versions of dmenu (Atleast pre 4.4.1) do not send a
3879 * newline, so work around that by sanitizing the resp now.
3881 resp[strcspn(resp, "\n")] = '\0';
3884 switch (search_resp_action) {
3886 search_resp_uniconify(resp, len);
3889 search_resp_name_workspace(resp, len);
3892 search_resp_search_workspace(resp, len);
3895 search_resp_search_window(resp, len);
3900 if (search_resp_action == SWM_SEARCH_SEARCH_WINDOW)
3901 search_win_cleanup();
3903 search_resp_action = SWM_SEARCH_NONE;
3904 close(select_resp_pipe[0]);
3909 wkill(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3911 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "wkill: id: %d\n", args->id);
3913 if (r->ws->focus == NULL)
3916 if (args->id == SWM_ARG_ID_KILLWINDOW)
3917 XKillClient(display, r->ws->focus->id);
3919 if (r->ws->focus->can_delete)
3920 client_msg(r->ws->focus, adelete);
3925 floating_toggle_win(struct ws_win *win)
3927 struct swm_region *r;
3937 /* reject floating toggles in max stack mode */
3938 if (win->ws->cur_layout == &layouts[SWM_MAX_STACK])
3941 if (win->floating) {
3942 if (!win->floatmaxed) {
3943 /* retain position for refloat */
3944 store_float_geom(win, r);
3948 if (win->g_floatvalid) {
3949 /* refloat at last floating relative position */
3950 X(win) = win->g_float.x - win->rg_float.x + X(r);
3951 Y(win) = win->g_float.y - win->rg_float.y + Y(r);
3952 WIDTH(win) = win->g_float.w;
3953 HEIGHT(win) = win->g_float.h;
3958 ewmh_update_actions(win);
3964 floating_toggle(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
3966 struct ws_win *win = r->ws->focus;
3972 ewmh_update_win_state(win, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE].atom,
3976 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
3977 drain_enter_notify();
3979 if (win == win->ws->focus) {
3980 a.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR;
3981 focus(win->ws->r, &a);
3986 constrain_window(struct ws_win *win, struct swm_region *r, int resizable)
3988 if (X(win) + WIDTH(win) > X(r) + WIDTH(r) - border_width) {
3990 WIDTH(win) = X(r) + WIDTH(r) - X(win) - border_width;
3992 X(win) = X(r) + WIDTH(r) - WIDTH(win) - border_width;
3995 if (X(win) < X(r) - border_width) {
3997 WIDTH(win) -= X(r) - X(win) - border_width;
3999 X(win) = X(r) - border_width;
4002 if (Y(win) + HEIGHT(win) > Y(r) + HEIGHT(r) - border_width) {
4004 HEIGHT(win) = Y(r) + HEIGHT(r) - Y(win) - border_width;
4006 Y(win) = Y(r) + HEIGHT(r) - HEIGHT(win) - border_width;
4009 if (Y(win) < Y(r) - border_width) {
4011 HEIGHT(win) -= Y(r) - Y(win) - border_width;
4013 Y(win) = Y(r) - border_width;
4018 if (HEIGHT(win) < 1)
4023 update_window(struct ws_win *win)
4028 bzero(&wc, sizeof wc);
4029 mask = CWBorderWidth | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWX | CWY;
4030 wc.border_width = border_width;
4033 wc.width = WIDTH(win);
4034 wc.height = HEIGHT(win);
4036 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "update_window: window: 0x%lx, (x,y) w x h: "
4037 "(%d,%d) %d x %d\n", win->id, wc.x, wc.y, wc.width, wc.height);
4039 XConfigureWindow(display, win->id, mask, &wc);
4042 #define SWM_RESIZE_STEPS (50)
4045 resize(struct ws_win *win, union arg *args)
4049 struct swm_region *r = NULL;
4050 int resize_step = 0;
4054 struct swm_geometry g;
4055 int top = 0, left = 0;
4058 unsigned int shape; /* cursor style */
4064 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MOUSE, "resize: window: 0x%lx, floating: %s, "
4065 "transient: 0x%lx\n", win->id, YESNO(win->floating),
4068 if (!(win->transient != 0 || win->floating != 0))
4071 /* reject resizes in max mode for floaters (transient ok) */
4072 if (win->floatmaxed)
4076 ewmh_update_win_state(win, ewmh[_SWM_WM_STATE_MANUAL].atom,
4102 constrain_window(win, r, 1);
4104 store_float_geom(win,r);
4108 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
4109 drain_enter_notify();
4111 /* get cursor offset from window root */
4112 if (!XQueryPointer(display, win->id, &rr, &cr, &x, &y, &wx, &wy, &mask))
4117 if (wx < WIDTH(win) / 2)
4120 if (wy < HEIGHT(win) / 2)
4123 if (args->id == SWM_ARG_ID_CENTER)
4126 shape = (left) ? XC_top_left_corner : XC_top_right_corner;
4128 shape = (left) ? XC_bottom_left_corner : XC_bottom_right_corner;
4130 cursor = XCreateFontCursor(display, shape);
4132 if (XGrabPointer(display, win->id, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync,
4133 GrabModeAsync, None, cursor, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) {
4134 XFreeCursor(display, cursor);
4139 XMaskEvent(display, MOUSEMASK | ExposureMask |
4140 SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
4142 case ConfigureRequest:
4145 handler[ev.type](&ev);
4148 /* cursor offset/delta from start of the operation */
4149 dx = ev.xmotion.x_root - x;
4150 dy = ev.xmotion.y_root - y;
4156 if (args->id == SWM_ARG_ID_CENTER) {
4157 if (g.h / 2 + dy < 1)
4161 HEIGHT(win) = g.h + 2 * dy;
4169 HEIGHT(win) = g.h + dy;
4176 if (args->id == SWM_ARG_ID_CENTER) {
4177 if (g.w / 2 + dx < 1)
4181 WIDTH(win) = g.w + 2 * dx;
4189 WIDTH(win) = g.w + dx;
4192 constrain_window(win, r, 1);
4194 /* not free, don't sync more than 120 times / second */
4195 if ((ev.xmotion.time - time) > (1000 / 120) ) {
4196 time = ev.xmotion.time;
4197 XSync(display, False);
4202 } while (ev.type != ButtonRelease);
4204 XSync(display, False);
4207 store_float_geom(win,r);
4209 XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime);
4210 XFreeCursor(display, cursor);
4213 drain_enter_notify();
4217 resize_step(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
4219 struct ws_win *win = NULL;
4221 if (r && r->ws && r->ws->focus)
4229 #define SWM_MOVE_STEPS (50)
4232 move(struct ws_win *win, union arg *args)
4237 struct swm_region *r = NULL;
4247 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MOUSE, "move: window: 0x%lx, floating: %s, transient: "
4248 "0x%lx\n", win->id, YESNO(win->floating), win->transient);
4250 /* in max_stack mode should only move transients */
4251 if (win->ws->cur_layout == &layouts[SWM_MAX_STACK] && !win->transient)
4255 if (win->floating == 0 && !win->transient) {
4256 store_float_geom(win,r);
4257 ewmh_update_win_state(win, ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE].atom,
4260 ewmh_update_win_state(win, ewmh[_SWM_WM_STATE_MANUAL].atom,
4268 X(win) -= (SWM_MOVE_STEPS - border_width);
4272 X(win) += (SWM_MOVE_STEPS - border_width);
4275 case SWM_ARG_ID_MOVEUP:
4276 Y(win) -= (SWM_MOVE_STEPS - border_width);
4280 Y(win) += (SWM_MOVE_STEPS - border_width);
4287 constrain_window(win, r, 0);
4289 store_float_geom(win, r);
4293 if (XGrabPointer(display, win->id, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync,
4294 GrabModeAsync, None, XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_fleur),
4295 CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess)
4298 /* get cursor offset from window root */
4299 if (!XQueryPointer(display, win->id, &rr, &cr, &x, &y, &wx, &wy, &mask))
4303 XMaskEvent(display, MOUSEMASK | ExposureMask |
4304 SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
4306 case ConfigureRequest:
4309 handler[ev.type](&ev);
4312 X(win) = ev.xmotion.x_root - wx - border_width;
4313 Y(win) = ev.xmotion.y_root - wy - border_width;
4315 constrain_window(win, r, 0);
4317 /* not free, don't sync more than 120 times / second */
4318 if ((ev.xmotion.time - time) > (1000 / 120) ) {
4319 time = ev.xmotion.time;
4320 XSync(display, False);
4325 } while (ev.type != ButtonRelease);
4327 XSync(display, False);
4330 store_float_geom(win,r);
4331 XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime);
4334 drain_enter_notify();
4338 move_step(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
4340 struct ws_win *win = NULL;
4342 if (r && r->ws && r->ws->focus)
4347 if (!(win->transient != 0 || win->floating != 0))
4354 /* user/key callable function IDs */
4449 kf_search_workspace,
4451 kf_dumpwins, /* MUST BE LAST */
4455 /* key definitions */
4457 dummykeyfunc(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
4462 legacyfunc(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args)
4467 char name[SWM_FUNCNAME_LEN];
4468 void (*func)(struct swm_region *r, union arg *);
4470 } keyfuncs[kf_invalid + 1] = {
4471 /* name function argument */
4472 { "cycle_layout", cycle_layout, {0} },
4473 { "flip_layout", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FLIPLAYOUT} },
4474 { "stack_reset", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_STACKRESET} },
4475 { "master_shrink", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERSHRINK} },
4476 { "master_grow", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERGROW} },
4477 { "master_add", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERADD} },
4478 { "master_del", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERDEL} },
4479 { "stack_inc", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_STACKINC} },
4480 { "stack_dec", stack_config, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_STACKDEC} },
4481 { "swap_main", swapwin, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_SWAPMAIN} },
4482 { "focus_next", focus, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSNEXT} },
4483 { "focus_prev", focus, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSPREV} },
4484 { "swap_next", swapwin, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_SWAPNEXT} },
4485 { "swap_prev", swapwin, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_SWAPPREV} },
4486 { "spawn_term", spawnterm, {.argv = spawn_term} },
4487 { "spawn_menu", legacyfunc, {0} },
4488 { "quit", quit, {0} },
4489 { "restart", restart, {0} },
4490 { "focus_main", focus, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSMAIN} },
4491 { "ws_1", switchws, {.id = 0} },
4492 { "ws_2", switchws, {.id = 1} },
4493 { "ws_3", switchws, {.id = 2} },
4494 { "ws_4", switchws, {.id = 3} },
4495 { "ws_5", switchws, {.id = 4} },
4496 { "ws_6", switchws, {.id = 5} },
4497 { "ws_7", switchws, {.id = 6} },
4498 { "ws_8", switchws, {.id = 7} },
4499 { "ws_9", switchws, {.id = 8} },
4500 { "ws_10", switchws, {.id = 9} },
4501 { "ws_11", switchws, {.id = 10} },
4502 { "ws_12", switchws, {.id = 11} },
4503 { "ws_13", switchws, {.id = 12} },
4504 { "ws_14", switchws, {.id = 13} },
4505 { "ws_15", switchws, {.id = 14} },
4506 { "ws_16", switchws, {.id = 15} },
4507 { "ws_17", switchws, {.id = 16} },
4508 { "ws_18", switchws, {.id = 17} },
4509 { "ws_19", switchws, {.id = 18} },
4510 { "ws_20", switchws, {.id = 19} },
4511 { "ws_21", switchws, {.id = 20} },
4512 { "ws_22", switchws, {.id = 21} },
4513 { "ws_next", cyclews, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_UP} },
4514 { "ws_prev", cyclews, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_DOWN} },
4515 { "ws_next_all", cyclews, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_UP_ALL} },
4516 { "ws_prev_all", cyclews, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLEWS_DOWN_ALL} },
4517 { "ws_prior", priorws, {0} },
4518 { "screen_next", cyclescr, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLESC_UP} },
4519 { "screen_prev", cyclescr, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_CYCLESC_DOWN} },
4520 { "mvws_1", send_to_ws, {.id = 0} },
4521 { "mvws_2", send_to_ws, {.id = 1} },
4522 { "mvws_3", send_to_ws, {.id = 2} },
4523 { "mvws_4", send_to_ws, {.id = 3} },
4524 { "mvws_5", send_to_ws, {.id = 4} },
4525 { "mvws_6", send_to_ws, {.id = 5} },
4526 { "mvws_7", send_to_ws, {.id = 6} },
4527 { "mvws_8", send_to_ws, {.id = 7} },
4528 { "mvws_9", send_to_ws, {.id = 8} },
4529 { "mvws_10", send_to_ws, {.id = 9} },
4530 { "mvws_11", send_to_ws, {.id = 10} },
4531 { "mvws_12", send_to_ws, {.id = 11} },
4532 { "mvws_13", send_to_ws, {.id = 12} },
4533 { "mvws_14", send_to_ws, {.id = 13} },
4534 { "mvws_15", send_to_ws, {.id = 14} },
4535 { "mvws_16", send_to_ws, {.id = 15} },
4536 { "mvws_17", send_to_ws, {.id = 16} },
4537 { "mvws_18", send_to_ws, {.id = 17} },
4538 { "mvws_19", send_to_ws, {.id = 18} },
4539 { "mvws_20", send_to_ws, {.id = 19} },
4540 { "mvws_21", send_to_ws, {.id = 20} },
4541 { "mvws_22", send_to_ws, {.id = 21} },
4542 { "bar_toggle", bar_toggle, {0} },
4543 { "wind_kill", wkill, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_KILLWINDOW} },
4544 { "wind_del", wkill, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_DELETEWINDOW} },
4545 { "screenshot_all", legacyfunc, {0} },
4546 { "screenshot_wind", legacyfunc, {0} },
4547 { "float_toggle", floating_toggle,{0} },
4548 { "version", version, {0} },
4549 { "spawn_lock", legacyfunc, {0} },
4550 { "spawn_initscr", legacyfunc, {0} },
4551 { "spawn_custom", dummykeyfunc, {0} },
4552 { "iconify", iconify, {0} },
4553 { "uniconify", uniconify, {0} },
4554 { "raise_toggle", raise_toggle, {0} },
4555 { "button2", pressbutton, {2} },
4556 { "width_shrink", resize_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_WIDTHSHRINK} },
4557 { "width_grow", resize_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_WIDTHGROW} },
4558 { "height_shrink", resize_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_HEIGHTSHRINK} },
4559 { "height_grow", resize_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_HEIGHTGROW} },
4560 { "move_left", move_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MOVELEFT} },
4561 { "move_right", move_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MOVERIGHT} },
4562 { "move_up", move_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MOVEUP} },
4563 { "move_down", move_step, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_MOVEDOWN} },
4564 { "name_workspace", name_workspace, {0} },
4565 { "search_workspace", search_workspace, {0} },
4566 { "search_win", search_win, {0} },
4567 { "dumpwins", dumpwins, {0} }, /* MUST BE LAST */
4568 { "invalid key func", NULL, {0} },
4571 RB_ENTRY(key) entry;
4574 enum keyfuncid funcid;
4577 RB_HEAD(key_tree, key);
4580 key_cmp(struct key *kp1, struct key *kp2)
4582 if (kp1->keysym < kp2->keysym)
4584 if (kp1->keysym > kp2->keysym)
4587 if (kp1->mod < kp2->mod)
4589 if (kp1->mod > kp2->mod)
4595 RB_GENERATE(key_tree, key, entry, key_cmp);
4596 struct key_tree keys;
4599 enum { client_click, root_click };
4601 unsigned int action;
4603 unsigned int button;
4604 void (*func)(struct ws_win *, union arg *);
4607 /* action key mouse button func args */
4608 { client_click, MODKEY, Button3, resize, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_DONTCENTER} },
4609 { client_click, MODKEY | ShiftMask, Button3, resize, {.id = SWM_ARG_ID_CENTER} },
4610 { client_click, MODKEY, Button1, move, {0} },
4614 update_modkey(unsigned int mod)
4620 RB_FOREACH(kp, key_tree, &keys)
4621 if (kp->mod & ShiftMask)
4622 kp->mod = mod | ShiftMask;
4626 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(buttons); i++)
4627 if (buttons[i].mask & ShiftMask)
4628 buttons[i].mask = mod | ShiftMask;
4630 buttons[i].mask = mod;
4635 TAILQ_ENTRY(spawn_prog) entry;
4640 TAILQ_HEAD(spawn_list, spawn_prog);
4641 struct spawn_list spawns = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(spawns);
4644 spawn_expand(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args, char *spawn_name,
4647 struct spawn_prog *prog = NULL;
4649 char *ap, **real_args;
4651 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_expand: %s\n", spawn_name);
4654 TAILQ_FOREACH(prog, &spawns, entry) {
4655 if (!strcasecmp(spawn_name, prog->name))
4659 warnx("spawn_custom: program %s not found", spawn_name);
4663 /* make room for expanded args */
4664 if ((real_args = calloc(prog->argc + 1, sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
4665 err(1, "spawn_custom: calloc real_args");
4667 /* expand spawn_args into real_args */
4668 for (i = 0; i < prog->argc; i++) {
4670 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_custom: raw arg: %s\n", ap);
4671 if (!strcasecmp(ap, "$bar_border")) {
4673 strdup(r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_BORDER].name))
4675 err(1, "spawn_custom border color");
4676 } else if (!strcasecmp(ap, "$bar_color")) {
4678 strdup(r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR].name))
4680 err(1, "spawn_custom bar color");
4681 } else if (!strcasecmp(ap, "$bar_font")) {
4682 if ((real_args[i] = strdup(bar_fonts))
4684 err(1, "spawn_custom bar fonts");
4685 } else if (!strcasecmp(ap, "$bar_font_color")) {
4687 strdup(r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_FONT].name))
4689 err(1, "spawn_custom color font");
4690 } else if (!strcasecmp(ap, "$color_focus")) {
4692 strdup(r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_FOCUS].name))
4694 err(1, "spawn_custom color focus");
4695 } else if (!strcasecmp(ap, "$color_unfocus")) {
4697 strdup(r->s->c[SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS].name))
4699 err(1, "spawn_custom color unfocus");
4701 /* no match --> copy as is */
4702 if ((real_args[i] = strdup(ap)) == NULL)
4703 err(1, "spawn_custom strdup(ap)");
4705 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_custom: cooked arg: %s\n",
4710 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_custom: result: ");
4711 for (i = 0; i < prog->argc; i++)
4712 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "\"%s\" ", real_args[i]);
4715 *ret_args = real_args;
4716 return (prog->argc);
4720 spawn_custom(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args, char *spawn_name)
4726 if ((spawn_argc = spawn_expand(r, args, spawn_name, &real_args)) < 0)
4730 spawn(r->ws->idx, &a, 1);
4732 for (i = 0; i < spawn_argc; i++)
4738 spawn_select(struct swm_region *r, union arg *args, char *spawn_name, int *pid)
4744 if ((spawn_argc = spawn_expand(r, args, spawn_name, &real_args)) < 0)
4748 if (pipe(select_list_pipe) == -1)
4749 err(1, "pipe error");
4750 if (pipe(select_resp_pipe) == -1)
4751 err(1, "pipe error");
4753 if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)
4754 err(1, "could not disable SIGPIPE");
4755 switch (*pid = fork()) {
4757 err(1, "cannot fork");
4760 if (dup2(select_list_pipe[0], 0) == -1)
4762 if (dup2(select_resp_pipe[1], 1) == -1)
4764 close(select_list_pipe[1]);
4765 close(select_resp_pipe[0]);
4766 spawn(r->ws->idx, &a, 0);
4768 default: /* parent */
4769 close(select_list_pipe[0]);
4770 close(select_resp_pipe[1]);
4774 for (i = 0; i < spawn_argc; i++)
4780 spawn_insert(char *name, char *args)
4782 char *arg, *cp, *ptr;
4783 struct spawn_prog *sp;
4785 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_insert: %s\n", name);
4787 if ((sp = calloc(1, sizeof *sp)) == NULL)
4788 err(1, "spawn_insert: malloc");
4789 if ((sp->name = strdup(name)) == NULL)
4790 err(1, "spawn_insert: strdup");
4792 /* convert the arguments to an argument list */
4793 if ((ptr = cp = strdup(args)) == NULL)
4794 err(1, "spawn_insert: strdup");
4795 while ((arg = strsep(&ptr, " \t")) != NULL) {
4796 /* empty field; skip it */
4801 if ((sp->argv = realloc(sp->argv, sp->argc *
4802 sizeof *sp->argv)) == NULL)
4803 err(1, "spawn_insert: realloc");
4804 if ((sp->argv[sp->argc - 1] = strdup(arg)) == NULL)
4805 err(1, "spawn_insert: strdup");
4809 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&spawns, sp, entry);
4810 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_insert: leave\n");
4814 spawn_remove(struct spawn_prog *sp)
4818 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_remove: %s\n", sp->name);
4820 TAILQ_REMOVE(&spawns, sp, entry);
4821 for (i = 0; i < sp->argc; i++)
4827 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_remove: leave\n");
4831 spawn_replace(struct spawn_prog *sp, char *name, char *args)
4833 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_replace: %s [%s]\n", sp->name, name);
4836 spawn_insert(name, args);
4838 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "spawn_replace: leave\n");
4842 setspawn(char *name, char *args)
4844 struct spawn_prog *sp;
4846 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "setspawn: %s\n", name);
4851 TAILQ_FOREACH(sp, &spawns, entry) {
4852 if (!strcmp(sp->name, name)) {
4856 spawn_replace(sp, name, args);
4857 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "setspawn: leave\n");
4861 if (*args == '\0') {
4862 warnx("error: setspawn: cannot find program: %s", name);
4866 spawn_insert(name, args);
4867 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "setspawn: leave\n");
4871 setconfspawn(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
4873 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "setconfspawn: [%s] [%s]\n", selector, value);
4875 setspawn(selector, value);
4877 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "setconfspawn: done\n");
4884 setconfspawn("term", "xterm", 0);
4885 setconfspawn("screenshot_all", "screenshot.sh full", 0);
4886 setconfspawn("screenshot_wind", "screenshot.sh window", 0);
4887 setconfspawn("lock", "xlock", 0);
4888 setconfspawn("initscr", "initscreen.sh", 0);
4889 setconfspawn("menu", "dmenu_run"
4892 " -nf $bar_font_color"
4894 " -sf $bar_color", 0);
4895 setconfspawn("search", "dmenu"
4899 " -nf $bar_font_color"
4901 " -sf $bar_color", 0);
4902 setconfspawn("name_workspace", "dmenu"
4906 " -nf $bar_font_color"
4908 " -sf $bar_color", 0);
4912 #define SWM_MODNAME_SIZE 32
4913 #define SWM_KEY_WS "\n+ \t"
4915 parsekeys(char *keystr, unsigned int currmod, unsigned int *mod, KeySym *ks)
4919 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "parsekeys: enter [%s]\n", keystr);
4920 if (mod == NULL || ks == NULL) {
4921 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "parsekeys: no mod or key vars\n");
4924 if (keystr == NULL || strlen(keystr) == 0) {
4925 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "parsekeys: no keystr\n");
4931 while ((name = strsep(&cp, SWM_KEY_WS)) != NULL) {
4932 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "parsekeys: key [%s]\n", name);
4934 cp += (long)strspn(cp, SWM_KEY_WS);
4935 if (strncasecmp(name, "MOD", SWM_MODNAME_SIZE) == 0)
4937 else if (!strncasecmp(name, "Mod1", SWM_MODNAME_SIZE))
4939 else if (!strncasecmp(name, "Mod2", SWM_MODNAME_SIZE))
4941 else if (!strncmp(name, "Mod3", SWM_MODNAME_SIZE))
4943 else if (!strncmp(name, "Mod4", SWM_MODNAME_SIZE))
4945 else if (strncasecmp(name, "SHIFT", SWM_MODNAME_SIZE) == 0)
4947 else if (strncasecmp(name, "CONTROL", SWM_MODNAME_SIZE) == 0)
4948 *mod |= ControlMask;
4950 *ks = XStringToKeysym(name);
4951 XConvertCase(*ks, ks, &uks);
4952 if (ks == NoSymbol) {
4954 "parsekeys: invalid key %s\n",
4960 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "parsekeys: leave ok\n");
4965 strdupsafe(char *str)
4970 return (strdup(str));
4974 key_insert(unsigned int mod, KeySym ks, enum keyfuncid kfid, char *spawn_name)
4978 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "key_insert: enter %s [%s]\n",
4979 keyfuncs[kfid].name, spawn_name);
4981 if ((kp = malloc(sizeof *kp)) == NULL)
4982 err(1, "key_insert: malloc");
4987 kp->spawn_name = strdupsafe(spawn_name);
4988 RB_INSERT(key_tree, &keys, kp);
4990 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "key_insert: leave\n");
4994 key_lookup(unsigned int mod, KeySym ks)
5001 return (RB_FIND(key_tree, &keys, &kp));
5005 key_remove(struct key *kp)
5007 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "key_remove: %s\n", keyfuncs[kp->funcid].name);
5009 RB_REMOVE(key_tree, &keys, kp);
5010 free(kp->spawn_name);
5013 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "key_remove: leave\n");
5017 key_replace(struct key *kp, unsigned int mod, KeySym ks, enum keyfuncid kfid,
5020 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "key_replace: %s [%s]\n", keyfuncs[kp->funcid].name,
5024 key_insert(mod, ks, kfid, spawn_name);
5026 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "key_replace: leave\n");
5030 setkeybinding(unsigned int mod, KeySym ks, enum keyfuncid kfid,
5035 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setkeybinding: enter %s [%s]\n",
5036 keyfuncs[kfid].name, spawn_name);
5038 if ((kp = key_lookup(mod, ks)) != NULL) {
5039 if (kfid == kf_invalid)
5042 key_replace(kp, mod, ks, kfid, spawn_name);
5043 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setkeybinding: leave\n");
5046 if (kfid == kf_invalid) {
5047 warnx("error: setkeybinding: cannot find mod/key combination");
5048 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setkeybinding: leave\n");
5052 key_insert(mod, ks, kfid, spawn_name);
5053 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setkeybinding: leave\n");
5057 setconfbinding(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5059 enum keyfuncid kfid;
5062 struct spawn_prog *sp;
5063 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setconfbinding: enter\n");
5064 if (selector == NULL) {
5065 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setconfbinding: unbind %s\n", value);
5066 if (parsekeys(value, mod_key, &mod, &ks) == 0) {
5068 setkeybinding(mod, ks, kfid, NULL);
5073 /* search by key function name */
5074 for (kfid = 0; kfid < kf_invalid; (kfid)++) {
5075 if (strncasecmp(selector, keyfuncs[kfid].name,
5076 SWM_FUNCNAME_LEN) == 0) {
5077 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setconfbinding: %s: match\n",
5079 if (parsekeys(value, mod_key, &mod, &ks) == 0) {
5080 setkeybinding(mod, ks, kfid, NULL);
5086 /* search by custom spawn name */
5087 TAILQ_FOREACH(sp, &spawns, entry) {
5088 if (strcasecmp(selector, sp->name) == 0) {
5089 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setconfbinding: %s: match\n",
5091 if (parsekeys(value, mod_key, &mod, &ks) == 0) {
5092 setkeybinding(mod, ks, kf_spawn_custom,
5099 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setconfbinding: no match\n");
5106 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_space, kf_cycle_layout,NULL);
5107 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_backslash, kf_flip_layout, NULL);
5108 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_space, kf_stack_reset, NULL);
5109 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_h, kf_master_shrink,NULL);
5110 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_l, kf_master_grow, NULL);
5111 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_comma, kf_master_add, NULL);
5112 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_period, kf_master_del, NULL);
5113 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, kf_stack_inc, NULL);
5114 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, kf_stack_dec, NULL);
5115 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_Return, kf_swap_main, NULL);
5116 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_j, kf_focus_next, NULL);
5117 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_k, kf_focus_prev, NULL);
5118 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_j, kf_swap_next, NULL);
5119 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_k, kf_swap_prev, NULL);
5120 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, kf_spawn_term, NULL);
5121 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_p, kf_spawn_custom,"menu");
5122 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, kf_quit, NULL);
5123 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_q, kf_restart, NULL);
5124 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_m, kf_focus_main, NULL);
5125 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_1, kf_ws_1, NULL);
5126 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_2, kf_ws_2, NULL);
5127 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_3, kf_ws_3, NULL);
5128 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_4, kf_ws_4, NULL);
5129 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_5, kf_ws_5, NULL);
5130 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_6, kf_ws_6, NULL);
5131 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_7, kf_ws_7, NULL);
5132 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_8, kf_ws_8, NULL);
5133 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_9, kf_ws_9, NULL);
5134 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_0, kf_ws_10, NULL);
5135 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F1, kf_ws_11, NULL);
5136 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F2, kf_ws_12, NULL);
5137 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F3, kf_ws_13, NULL);
5138 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F4, kf_ws_14, NULL);
5139 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F5, kf_ws_15, NULL);
5140 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F6, kf_ws_16, NULL);
5141 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F7, kf_ws_17, NULL);
5142 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F8, kf_ws_18, NULL);
5143 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F9, kf_ws_19, NULL);
5144 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F10, kf_ws_20, NULL);
5145 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F11, kf_ws_21, NULL);
5146 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_F12, kf_ws_22, NULL);
5147 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_Right, kf_ws_next, NULL);
5148 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_Left, kf_ws_prev, NULL);
5149 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_Up, kf_ws_next_all, NULL);
5150 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_Down, kf_ws_prev_all, NULL);
5151 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_a, kf_ws_prior, NULL);
5152 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Right, kf_screen_next, NULL);
5153 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Left, kf_screen_prev, NULL);
5154 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_1, kf_mvws_1, NULL);
5155 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_2, kf_mvws_2, NULL);
5156 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_3, kf_mvws_3, NULL);
5157 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_4, kf_mvws_4, NULL);
5158 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_5, kf_mvws_5, NULL);
5159 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_6, kf_mvws_6, NULL);
5160 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_7, kf_mvws_7, NULL);
5161 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_8, kf_mvws_8, NULL);
5162 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_9, kf_mvws_9, NULL);
5163 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, kf_mvws_10, NULL);
5164 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F1, kf_mvws_11, NULL);
5165 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F2, kf_mvws_12, NULL);
5166 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F3, kf_mvws_13, NULL);
5167 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F4, kf_mvws_14, NULL);
5168 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F5, kf_mvws_15, NULL);
5169 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F6, kf_mvws_16, NULL);
5170 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F7, kf_mvws_17, NULL);
5171 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F8, kf_mvws_18, NULL);
5172 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F9, kf_mvws_19, NULL);
5173 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F10, kf_mvws_20, NULL);
5174 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F11, kf_mvws_21, NULL);
5175 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_F12, kf_mvws_22, NULL);
5176 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_b, kf_bar_toggle, NULL);
5177 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_Tab, kf_focus_next, NULL);
5178 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Tab, kf_focus_prev, NULL);
5179 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_x, kf_wind_kill, NULL);
5180 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_x, kf_wind_del, NULL);
5181 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_s, kf_spawn_custom,"screenshot_all");
5182 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_s, kf_spawn_custom,"screenshot_wind");
5183 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_t, kf_float_toggle,NULL);
5184 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_v, kf_version, NULL);
5185 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Delete, kf_spawn_custom,"lock");
5186 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_i, kf_spawn_custom,"initscr");
5187 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_w, kf_iconify, NULL);
5188 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_w, kf_uniconify, NULL);
5189 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_r, kf_raise_toggle,NULL);
5190 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_v, kf_button2, NULL);
5191 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_equal, kf_width_grow, NULL);
5192 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_minus, kf_width_shrink,NULL);
5193 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_equal, kf_height_grow, NULL);
5194 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_minus, kf_height_shrink,NULL);
5195 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_bracketleft, kf_move_left, NULL);
5196 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_bracketright,kf_move_right, NULL);
5197 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_bracketleft, kf_move_up, NULL);
5198 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_bracketright,kf_move_down, NULL);
5199 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_slash, kf_name_workspace,NULL);
5200 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_slash, kf_search_workspace,NULL);
5201 setkeybinding(MODKEY, XK_f, kf_search_win, NULL);
5203 setkeybinding(MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_d, kf_dumpwins, NULL);
5212 while (RB_EMPTY(&keys) == 0) {
5213 kp = RB_ROOT(&keys);
5219 setkeymapping(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5221 char keymapping_file[PATH_MAX];
5222 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setkeymapping: enter\n");
5223 if (value[0] == '~')
5224 snprintf(keymapping_file, sizeof keymapping_file, "%s/%s",
5225 pwd->pw_dir, &value[1]);
5227 strlcpy(keymapping_file, value, sizeof keymapping_file);
5229 /* load new key bindings; if it fails, revert to default bindings */
5230 if (conf_load(keymapping_file, SWM_CONF_KEYMAPPING)) {
5234 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_KEY, "setkeymapping: leave\n");
5239 updatenumlockmask(void)
5242 XModifierKeymap *modmap;
5244 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "updatenumlockmask\n");
5246 modmap = XGetModifierMapping(display);
5247 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
5248 for (j = 0; j < modmap->max_keypermod; j++)
5249 if (modmap->modifiermap[i * modmap->max_keypermod + j]
5250 == XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Num_Lock))
5251 numlockmask = (1 << i);
5253 XFreeModifiermap(modmap);
5261 unsigned int modifiers[] =
5262 { 0, LockMask, numlockmask, numlockmask | LockMask };
5265 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "grabkeys\n");
5266 updatenumlockmask();
5268 for (k = 0; k < ScreenCount(display); k++) {
5269 if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&screens[k].rl))
5271 XUngrabKey(display, AnyKey, AnyModifier, screens[k].root);
5272 RB_FOREACH(kp, key_tree, &keys) {
5273 if ((code = XKeysymToKeycode(display, kp->keysym)))
5274 for (j = 0; j < LENGTH(modifiers); j++)
5275 XGrabKey(display, code,
5276 kp->mod | modifiers[j],
5277 screens[k].root, True,
5278 GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
5284 grabbuttons(struct ws_win *win, int focused)
5287 unsigned int modifiers[] =
5288 { 0, LockMask, numlockmask, numlockmask|LockMask };
5290 updatenumlockmask();
5291 XUngrabButton(display, AnyButton, AnyModifier, win->id);
5293 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(buttons); i++)
5294 if (buttons[i].action == client_click)
5295 for (j = 0; j < LENGTH(modifiers); j++)
5296 XGrabButton(display, buttons[i].button,
5297 buttons[i].mask | modifiers[j],
5298 win->id, False, BUTTONMASK,
5299 GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None,
5302 XGrabButton(display, AnyButton, AnyModifier, win->id, False,
5303 BUTTONMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
5306 const char *quirkname[] = {
5307 "NONE", /* config string for "no value" */
5316 /* SWM_Q_WS: retain '|' for back compat for now (2009-08-11) */
5317 #define SWM_Q_WS "\n|+ \t"
5319 parsequirks(char *qstr, unsigned long *quirk)
5329 while ((name = strsep(&cp, SWM_Q_WS)) != NULL) {
5331 cp += (long)strspn(cp, SWM_Q_WS);
5332 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(quirkname); i++) {
5333 if (!strncasecmp(name, quirkname[i], SWM_QUIRK_LEN)) {
5335 "parsequirks: %s\n", name);
5340 *quirk |= 1 << (i-1);
5344 if (i >= LENGTH(quirkname)) {
5346 "parsequirks: invalid quirk [%s]\n", name);
5354 quirk_insert(const char *class, const char *name, unsigned long quirk)
5358 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "quirk_insert: %s:%s [%lu]\n", class, name,
5361 if ((qp = malloc(sizeof *qp)) == NULL)
5362 err(1, "quirk_insert: malloc");
5363 if ((qp->class = strdup(class)) == NULL)
5364 err(1, "quirk_insert: strdup");
5365 if ((qp->name = strdup(name)) == NULL)
5366 err(1, "quirk_insert: strdup");
5369 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&quirks, qp, entry);
5371 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "quirk_insert: leave\n");
5375 quirk_remove(struct quirk *qp)
5377 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "quirk_remove: %s:%s [%lu]\n", qp->class,
5378 qp->name, qp->quirk);
5380 TAILQ_REMOVE(&quirks, qp, entry);
5385 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "quirk_remove: leave\n");
5389 quirk_replace(struct quirk *qp, const char *class, const char *name,
5390 unsigned long quirk)
5392 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "quirk_replace: %s:%s [%lu]\n", qp->class,
5393 qp->name, qp->quirk);
5396 quirk_insert(class, name, quirk);
5398 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "quirk_replace: leave\n");
5402 setquirk(const char *class, const char *name, unsigned long quirk)
5406 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "setquirk: enter %s:%s [%lu]\n", class, name,
5409 TAILQ_FOREACH(qp, &quirks, entry) {
5410 if (!strcmp(qp->class, class) && !strcmp(qp->name, name)) {
5414 quirk_replace(qp, class, name, quirk);
5415 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "setquirk: leave\n");
5420 warnx("error: setquirk: cannot find class/name combination");
5424 quirk_insert(class, name, quirk);
5425 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_QUIRK, "setquirk: leave\n");
5429 setconfquirk(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5431 char *cp, *class, *name;
5433 unsigned long quirks;
5434 if (selector == NULL)
5436 if ((cp = strchr(selector, ':')) == NULL)
5441 if ((retval = parsequirks(value, &quirks)) == 0)
5442 setquirk(class, name, quirks);
5449 setquirk("MPlayer", "xv", SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_FULLSCREEN | SWM_Q_FOCUSPREV);
5450 setquirk("OpenOffice.org 3.2", "VCLSalFrame", SWM_Q_FLOAT);
5451 setquirk("Firefox-bin", "firefox-bin", SWM_Q_TRANSSZ);
5452 setquirk("Firefox", "Dialog", SWM_Q_FLOAT);
5453 setquirk("Gimp", "gimp", SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_ANYWHERE);
5454 setquirk("XTerm", "xterm", SWM_Q_XTERM_FONTADJ);
5455 setquirk("xine", "Xine Window", SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_ANYWHERE);
5456 setquirk("Xitk", "Xitk Combo", SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_ANYWHERE);
5457 setquirk("xine", "xine Panel", SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_ANYWHERE);
5458 setquirk("Xitk", "Xine Window", SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_ANYWHERE);
5459 setquirk("xine", "xine Video Fullscreen Window", SWM_Q_FULLSCREEN | SWM_Q_FLOAT);
5460 setquirk("pcb", "pcb", SWM_Q_FLOAT);
5461 setquirk("SDL_App", "SDL_App", SWM_Q_FLOAT | SWM_Q_FULLSCREEN);
5464 /* conf file stuff */
5465 #define SWM_CONF_FILE "spectrwm.conf"
5466 #define SWM_CONF_FILE_OLD "scrotwm.conf"
5482 setconfvalue(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5488 case SWM_S_BAR_DELAY:
5489 bar_delay = atoi(value);
5491 case SWM_S_BAR_ENABLED:
5492 bar_enabled = atoi(value);
5495 bar_border_width = atoi(value);
5497 case SWM_S_BAR_AT_BOTTOM:
5498 bar_at_bottom = atoi(value);
5500 case SWM_S_BAR_JUSTIFY:
5501 if (!strcmp(value, "left"))
5502 bar_justify = SWM_BAR_JUSTIFY_LEFT;
5503 else if (!strcmp(value, "center"))
5504 bar_justify = SWM_BAR_JUSTIFY_CENTER;
5505 else if (!strcmp(value, "right"))
5506 bar_justify = SWM_BAR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT;
5508 errx(1, "invalid bar_justify");
5510 case SWM_S_BAR_FORMAT:
5512 if ((bar_format = strdup(value)) == NULL)
5513 err(1, "setconfvalue: bar_format");
5516 stack_enabled = atoi(value);
5519 clock_enabled = atoi(value);
5524 if ((clock_format = strdup(value)) == NULL)
5525 err(1, "setconfvalue: clock_format");
5528 case SWM_S_CYCLE_EMPTY:
5529 cycle_empty = atoi(value);
5532 cycle_visible = atoi(value);
5535 workspace_limit = atoi(value);
5536 if (workspace_limit > SWM_WS_MAX)
5537 workspace_limit = SWM_WS_MAX;
5538 else if (workspace_limit < 1)
5539 workspace_limit = 1;
5541 case SWM_S_SS_ENABLED:
5542 ss_enabled = atoi(value);
5544 case SWM_S_TERM_WIDTH:
5545 term_width = atoi(value);
5548 title_class_enabled = atoi(value);
5551 window_name_enabled = atoi(value);
5554 title_name_enabled = atoi(value);
5557 urgent_enabled = atoi(value);
5559 case SWM_S_FOCUS_MODE:
5560 if (!strcmp(value, "default"))
5561 focus_mode = SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT;
5562 else if (!strcmp(value, "follow_cursor"))
5563 focus_mode = SWM_FOCUS_FOLLOW;
5564 else if (!strcmp(value, "synergy"))
5565 focus_mode = SWM_FOCUS_SYNERGY;
5567 errx(1, "focus_mode");
5569 case SWM_S_FOCUS_CLOSE:
5570 if (!strcmp(value, "first"))
5571 focus_close = SWM_STACK_BOTTOM;
5572 else if (!strcmp(value, "last"))
5573 focus_close = SWM_STACK_TOP;
5574 else if (!strcmp(value, "next"))
5575 focus_close = SWM_STACK_ABOVE;
5576 else if (!strcmp(value, "previous"))
5577 focus_close = SWM_STACK_BELOW;
5579 errx(1, "focus_close");
5582 focus_close_wrap = atoi(value);
5585 if (!strcmp(value, "last"))
5586 focus_default = SWM_STACK_TOP;
5587 else if (!strcmp(value, "first"))
5588 focus_default = SWM_STACK_BOTTOM;
5590 errx(1, "focus_default");
5592 case SWM_S_SPAWN_ORDER:
5593 if (!strcmp(value, "first"))
5594 spawn_position = SWM_STACK_BOTTOM;
5595 else if (!strcmp(value, "last"))
5596 spawn_position = SWM_STACK_TOP;
5597 else if (!strcmp(value, "next"))
5598 spawn_position = SWM_STACK_ABOVE;
5599 else if (!strcmp(value, "previous"))
5600 spawn_position = SWM_STACK_BELOW;
5602 errx(1, "spawn_position");
5605 disable_border = atoi(value);
5608 border_width = atoi(value);
5610 case SWM_S_BAR_FONT:
5612 if (asprintf(&bar_fonts, "%s,%s", value, bar_fonts) == -1)
5613 err(1, "setconfvalue: asprintf: failed to allocate "
5614 "memory for bar_fonts.");
5618 case SWM_S_BAR_ACTION:
5620 if ((bar_argv[0] = strdup(value)) == NULL)
5621 err(1, "setconfvalue: bar_action");
5623 case SWM_S_SPAWN_TERM:
5624 free(spawn_term[0]);
5625 if ((spawn_term[0] = strdup(value)) == NULL)
5626 err(1, "setconfvalue: spawn_term");
5631 dialog_ratio = atof(value);
5632 if (dialog_ratio > 1.0 || dialog_ratio <= .3)
5636 verbose_layout = atoi(value);
5637 for (i = 0; layouts[i].l_stack != NULL; i++) {
5639 layouts[i].l_string = fancy_stacker;
5641 layouts[i].l_string = plain_stacker;
5651 setconfmodkey(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5653 if (!strncasecmp(value, "Mod1", strlen("Mod1")))
5654 update_modkey(Mod1Mask);
5655 else if (!strncasecmp(value, "Mod2", strlen("Mod2")))
5656 update_modkey(Mod2Mask);
5657 else if (!strncasecmp(value, "Mod3", strlen("Mod3")))
5658 update_modkey(Mod3Mask);
5659 else if (!strncasecmp(value, "Mod4", strlen("Mod4")))
5660 update_modkey(Mod4Mask);
5667 setconfcolor(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5669 setscreencolor(value, ((selector == NULL)?-1:atoi(selector)), flags);
5674 setconfregion(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5676 custom_region(value);
5681 setautorun(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5691 if (getenv("SWM_STARTED"))
5695 if (sscanf(value, "ws[%d]:%1023c", &ws_id, s) != 2)
5696 errx(1, "invalid autorun entry, should be 'ws[<idx>]:command'");
5698 if (ws_id < 0 || ws_id >= workspace_limit)
5699 errx(1, "autorun: invalid workspace %d", ws_id + 1);
5702 * This is a little intricate
5704 * If the pid already exists we simply reuse it because it means it was
5705 * used before AND not claimed by manage_window. We get away with
5706 * altering it in the parent after INSERT because this can not be a race
5709 while ((ap = strsep(&sp, " \t")) != NULL) {
5712 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_SPAWN, "setautorun: arg [%s]\n", ap);
5714 if ((a.argv = realloc(a.argv, argc * sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
5715 err(1, "setautorun: realloc");
5716 a.argv[argc - 1] = ap;
5719 if ((a.argv = realloc(a.argv, (argc + 1) * sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
5720 err(1, "setautorun: realloc");
5721 a.argv[argc] = NULL;
5723 if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
5724 spawn(ws_id, &a, 1);
5733 p = calloc(1, sizeof *p);
5736 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pidlist, p, entry);
5746 setlayout(char *selector, char *value, int flags)
5748 int ws_id, i, x, mg, ma, si, raise;
5749 int st = SWM_V_STACK;
5751 struct workspace *ws;
5753 if (getenv("SWM_STARTED"))
5757 if (sscanf(value, "ws[%d]:%d:%d:%d:%d:%1023c",
5758 &ws_id, &mg, &ma, &si, &raise, s) != 6)
5759 errx(1, "invalid layout entry, should be 'ws[<idx>]:"
5760 "<master_grow>:<master_add>:<stack_inc>:<always_raise>:"
5763 if (ws_id < 0 || ws_id >= workspace_limit)
5764 errx(1, "layout: invalid workspace %d", ws_id + 1);
5766 if (!strcasecmp(s, "vertical"))
5768 else if (!strcasecmp(s, "horizontal"))
5770 else if (!strcasecmp(s, "fullscreen"))
5773 errx(1, "invalid layout entry, should be 'ws[<idx>]:"
5774 "<master_grow>:<master_add>:<stack_inc>:<always_raise>:"
5777 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
5778 ws = (struct workspace *)&screens[i].ws;
5779 ws[ws_id].cur_layout = &layouts[st];
5781 ws[ws_id].always_raise = raise;
5782 if (st == SWM_MAX_STACK)
5786 for (x = 0; x < abs(mg); x++) {
5787 ws[ws_id].cur_layout->l_config(&ws[ws_id],
5788 mg >= 0 ? SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERGROW :
5793 for (x = 0; x < abs(ma); x++) {
5794 ws[ws_id].cur_layout->l_config(&ws[ws_id],
5795 ma >= 0 ? SWM_ARG_ID_MASTERADD :
5800 for (x = 0; x < abs(si); x++) {
5801 ws[ws_id].cur_layout->l_config(&ws[ws_id],
5802 si >= 0 ? SWM_ARG_ID_STACKINC :
5811 /* config options */
5812 struct config_option {
5814 int (*func)(char*, char*, int);
5817 struct config_option configopt[] = {
5818 { "bar_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_ENABLED },
5819 { "bar_at_bottom", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_AT_BOTTOM },
5820 { "bar_border", setconfcolor, SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_BORDER },
5821 { "bar_border_width", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH },
5822 { "bar_color", setconfcolor, SWM_S_COLOR_BAR },
5823 { "bar_font_color", setconfcolor, SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_FONT },
5824 { "bar_font", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_FONT },
5825 { "bar_action", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_ACTION },
5826 { "bar_delay", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_DELAY },
5827 { "bar_justify", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_JUSTIFY },
5828 { "bar_format", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BAR_FORMAT },
5829 { "keyboard_mapping", setkeymapping, 0 },
5830 { "bind", setconfbinding, 0 },
5831 { "stack_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_STACK_ENABLED },
5832 { "clock_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_CLOCK_ENABLED },
5833 { "clock_format", setconfvalue, SWM_S_CLOCK_FORMAT },
5834 { "color_focus", setconfcolor, SWM_S_COLOR_FOCUS },
5835 { "color_unfocus", setconfcolor, SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS },
5836 { "cycle_empty", setconfvalue, SWM_S_CYCLE_EMPTY },
5837 { "cycle_visible", setconfvalue, SWM_S_CYCLE_VISIBLE },
5838 { "workspace_limit", setconfvalue, SWM_S_WORKSPACE_LIMIT },
5839 { "dialog_ratio", setconfvalue, SWM_S_DIALOG_RATIO },
5840 { "verbose_layout", setconfvalue, SWM_S_VERBOSE_LAYOUT },
5841 { "modkey", setconfmodkey, 0 },
5842 { "program", setconfspawn, 0 },
5843 { "quirk", setconfquirk, 0 },
5844 { "region", setconfregion, 0 },
5845 { "spawn_term", setconfvalue, SWM_S_SPAWN_TERM },
5846 { "screenshot_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_SS_ENABLED },
5847 { "screenshot_app", setconfvalue, SWM_S_SS_APP },
5848 { "window_name_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_WINDOW_NAME_ENABLED },
5849 { "urgent_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_URGENT_ENABLED },
5850 { "term_width", setconfvalue, SWM_S_TERM_WIDTH },
5851 { "title_class_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_TITLE_CLASS_ENABLED },
5852 { "title_name_enabled", setconfvalue, SWM_S_TITLE_NAME_ENABLED },
5853 { "focus_mode", setconfvalue, SWM_S_FOCUS_MODE },
5854 { "focus_close", setconfvalue, SWM_S_FOCUS_CLOSE },
5855 { "focus_close_wrap", setconfvalue, SWM_S_FOCUS_CLOSE_WRAP },
5856 { "focus_default", setconfvalue, SWM_S_FOCUS_DEFAULT },
5857 { "spawn_position", setconfvalue, SWM_S_SPAWN_ORDER },
5858 { "disable_border", setconfvalue, SWM_S_DISABLE_BORDER },
5859 { "border_width", setconfvalue, SWM_S_BORDER_WIDTH },
5860 { "autorun", setautorun, 0 },
5861 { "layout", setlayout, 0 },
5866 conf_load(char *filename, int keymapping)
5869 char *line, *cp, *optsub, *optval;
5870 size_t linelen, lineno = 0;
5871 int wordlen, i, optind;
5872 struct config_option *opt;
5874 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_CONF, "conf_load: begin\n");
5876 if (filename == NULL) {
5877 warnx("conf_load: no filename");
5880 if ((config = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
5881 warn("conf_load: fopen: %s", filename);
5885 while (!feof(config)) {
5886 if ((line = fparseln(config, &linelen, &lineno, NULL, 0))
5889 err(1, "%s", filename);
5894 cp += strspn(cp, " \t\n"); /* eat whitespace */
5895 if (cp[0] == '\0') {
5900 /* get config option */
5901 wordlen = strcspn(cp, "=[ \t\n");
5903 warnx("%s: line %zd: no option found",
5908 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(configopt); i++) {
5909 opt = &configopt[i];
5910 if (!strncasecmp(cp, opt->optname, wordlen) &&
5911 strlen(opt->optname) == wordlen) {
5917 warnx("%s: line %zd: unknown option %.*s",
5918 filename, lineno, wordlen, cp);
5921 if (keymapping && strcmp(opt->optname, "bind")) {
5922 warnx("%s: line %zd: invalid option %.*s",
5923 filename, lineno, wordlen, cp);
5927 cp += strspn(cp, " \t\n"); /* eat whitespace */
5928 /* get [selector] if any */
5932 wordlen = strcspn(cp, "]");
5935 warnx("%s: line %zd: syntax error",
5940 if (asprintf(&optsub, "%.*s", wordlen, cp) ==
5942 warnx("%s: line %zd: unable to allocate"
5943 "memory for selector", filename,
5949 cp += strspn(cp, "] \t\n"); /* eat trailing */
5951 cp += strspn(cp, "= \t\n"); /* eat trailing */
5953 optval = strdup(cp);
5954 /* call function to deal with it all */
5955 if (configopt[optind].func(optsub, optval,
5956 configopt[optind].funcflags) != 0)
5957 errx(1, "%s: line %zd: invalid data for %s",
5958 filename, lineno, configopt[optind].optname);
5965 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_CONF, "conf_load: end\n");
5972 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_CONF, "conf_load: end with error.\n");
5978 set_child_transient(struct ws_win *win, Window *trans)
5980 struct ws_win *parent, *w;
5981 XWMHints *wmh = NULL;
5982 struct swm_region *r;
5983 struct workspace *ws;
5985 parent = find_window(win->transient);
5987 parent->child_trans = win;
5989 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "set_child_transient: parent doesn't exist"
5990 " for 0x%lx trans 0x%lx\n", win->id, win->transient);
5992 if (win->hints == NULL) {
5993 warnx("no hints for 0x%lx", win->id);
5997 r = root_to_region(win->wa.root);
5999 /* parent doen't exist in our window list */
6000 TAILQ_FOREACH(w, &ws->winlist, entry) {
6004 if ((wmh = XGetWMHints(display, w->id)) == NULL) {
6005 warnx("can't get hints for 0x%lx", w->id);
6009 if (win->hints->window_group != wmh->window_group)
6012 w->child_trans = win;
6013 win->transient = w->id;
6015 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "set_child_transient: asjusting "
6016 "transient to 0x%lx\n", win->transient);
6026 window_get_pid(Window win)
6028 Atom actual_type_return;
6029 int actual_format_return = 0;
6030 unsigned long nitems_return = 0;
6031 unsigned long bytes_after_return = 0;
6035 unsigned char *prop = NULL;
6037 if (XGetWindowProperty(display, win,
6038 XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_PID", False), 0, 1, False,
6039 XA_CARDINAL, &actual_type_return, &actual_format_return,
6040 &nitems_return, &bytes_after_return,
6041 (unsigned char**)(void*)&pid) != Success)
6043 if (actual_type_return != XA_CARDINAL)
6054 if (XGetWindowProperty(display, win,
6055 XInternAtom(display, "_SWM_PID", False), 0, SWM_PROPLEN, False,
6056 XA_STRING, &actual_type_return, &actual_format_return,
6057 &nitems_return, &bytes_after_return, &prop) != Success)
6059 if (actual_type_return != XA_STRING)
6064 ret = strtonum((const char *)prop, 0, UINT_MAX, &errstr);
6065 /* ignore error because strtonum returns 0 anyway */
6072 manage_window(Window id)
6075 struct workspace *ws;
6076 struct ws_win *win, *ww;
6077 int format, i, ws_idx, n, border_me = 0;
6078 unsigned long nitems, bytes;
6079 Atom ws_idx_atom = 0, type;
6080 Atom *prot = NULL, *pp;
6081 unsigned char ws_idx_str[SWM_PROPLEN], *prop = NULL;
6082 struct swm_region *r;
6089 if ((win = find_window(id)) != NULL)
6090 return (win); /* already being managed */
6092 /* see if we are on the unmanaged list */
6093 if ((win = find_unmanaged_window(id)) != NULL) {
6094 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "manage_window: previously unmanaged "
6095 "window: 0x%lx\n", win->id);
6096 TAILQ_REMOVE(&win->ws->unmanagedlist, win, entry);
6098 set_child_transient(win, &trans);
6100 if (trans && (ww = find_window(trans)))
6101 TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&win->ws->winlist, ww, win, entry);
6102 else if ((ww = win->ws->focus) &&
6103 spawn_position == SWM_STACK_ABOVE)
6104 TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&win->ws->winlist, win->ws->focus, win, entry);
6105 else if (ww && spawn_position == SWM_STACK_BELOW)
6106 TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&win->ws->winlist, win->ws->focus, win, entry);
6107 else switch (spawn_position) {
6110 case SWM_STACK_ABOVE:
6111 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&win->ws->winlist, win, entry);
6114 case SWM_STACK_BELOW:
6115 TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&win->ws->winlist, win, entry);
6118 ewmh_update_actions(win);
6122 if ((win = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ws_win))) == NULL)
6123 err(1, "manage_window: calloc: failed to allocate memory for "
6128 /* see if we need to override the workspace */
6129 p = find_pid(window_get_pid(id));
6131 /* Get all the window data in one shot */
6132 ws_idx_atom = XInternAtom(display, "_SWM_WS", False);
6134 XGetWindowProperty(display, id, ws_idx_atom, 0, SWM_PROPLEN,
6135 False, XA_STRING, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes, &prop);
6137 XGetWindowAttributes(display, id, &win->wa);
6138 XGetWMNormalHints(display, id, &win->sh, &win->sh_mask);
6139 win->hints = XGetWMHints(display, id);
6140 XGetTransientForHint(display, id, &trans);
6142 win->transient = trans;
6143 set_child_transient(win, &trans);
6144 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "manage_window: window: 0x%lx, "
6145 "transient: 0x%lx\n", win->id, win->transient);
6148 /* get supported protocols */
6149 if (XGetWMProtocols(display, id, &prot, &n)) {
6150 for (i = 0, pp = prot; i < n; i++, pp++) {
6151 if (*pp == takefocus)
6152 win->take_focus = 1;
6154 win->can_delete = 1;
6160 win->iconic = get_iconic(win);
6163 * Figure out where to put the window. If it was previously assigned to
6164 * a workspace (either by spawn() or manually moving), and isn't
6165 * transient, * put it in the same workspace
6167 r = root_to_region(win->wa.root);
6169 ws = &r->s->ws[p->ws];
6170 TAILQ_REMOVE(&pidlist, p, entry);
6173 } else if (prop && win->transient == 0) {
6174 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_PROP, "manage_window: get _SWM_WS: %s\n", prop);
6175 ws_idx = strtonum((const char *)prop, 0, workspace_limit - 1,
6178 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "manage_window: window: #%s: %s",
6181 ws = &r->s->ws[ws_idx];
6184 /* this should launch transients in the same ws as parent */
6186 if ((ww = find_window(trans)) != NULL)
6192 warnx("manage_window: fix this "
6198 /* set up the window layout */
6201 win->s = r->s; /* this never changes */
6202 if (trans && (ww = find_window(trans)))
6203 TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&ws->winlist, ww, win, entry);
6204 else if (spawn_position == SWM_STACK_ABOVE && win->ws->focus)
6205 TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(&win->ws->winlist, win->ws->focus, win, entry);
6207 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ws->winlist, win, entry);
6209 WIDTH(win) = win->wa.width;
6210 HEIGHT(win) = win->wa.height;
6213 win->g_floatvalid = 0;
6214 win->floatmaxed = 0;
6215 win->ewmh_flags = 0;
6217 /* Set window properties so we can remember this after reincarnation */
6218 if (ws_idx_atom && prop == NULL &&
6219 snprintf((char *)ws_idx_str, SWM_PROPLEN, "%d", ws->idx) <
6221 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_PROP, "manage_window: set _SWM_WS: %s\n",
6223 XChangeProperty(display, win->id, ws_idx_atom, XA_STRING, 8,
6224 PropModeReplace, ws_idx_str, strlen((char *)ws_idx_str));
6229 ewmh_autoquirk(win);
6231 if (XGetClassHint(display, win->id, &win->ch)) {
6232 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_CLASS, "manage_window: class: %s, name: %s\n",
6233 win->ch.res_class, win->ch.res_name);
6235 /* java is retarded so treat it special */
6236 if (strstr(win->ch.res_name, "sun-awt")) {
6241 TAILQ_FOREACH(qp, &quirks, entry) {
6242 if (!strcmp(win->ch.res_class, qp->class) &&
6243 !strcmp(win->ch.res_name, qp->name)) {
6244 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_CLASS, "manage_window: found: "
6245 "class: %s, name: %s\n", win->ch.res_class,
6247 if (qp->quirk & SWM_Q_FLOAT) {
6251 win->quirks = qp->quirk;
6256 /* alter window position if quirky */
6257 if (win->quirks & SWM_Q_ANYWHERE) {
6258 win->manual = 1; /* don't center the quirky windows */
6259 bzero(&wc, sizeof wc);
6261 if (bar_enabled && Y(win) < bar_height) {
6262 Y(win) = wc.y = bar_height;
6265 if (WIDTH(win) + X(win) > WIDTH(r)) {
6266 X(win) = wc.x = WIDTH(r) - WIDTH(win) - 2;
6272 /* Reset font sizes (the bruteforce way; no default keybinding). */
6273 if (win->quirks & SWM_Q_XTERM_FONTADJ) {
6274 for (i = 0; i < SWM_MAX_FONT_STEPS; i++)
6275 fake_keypress(win, XK_KP_Subtract, ShiftMask);
6276 for (i = 0; i < SWM_MAX_FONT_STEPS; i++)
6277 fake_keypress(win, XK_KP_Add, ShiftMask);
6280 ewmh_get_win_state(win);
6281 ewmh_update_actions(win);
6282 ewmh_update_win_state(win, None, _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE);
6286 bzero(&wc, sizeof wc);
6287 wc.border_width = border_width;
6288 mask |= CWBorderWidth;
6289 XConfigureWindow(display, win->id, mask, &wc);
6292 XSelectInput(display, id, EnterWindowMask | FocusChangeMask |
6293 PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask);
6295 /* floaters need to be mapped if they are in the current workspace */
6296 if ((win->floating || win->transient) && (ws->idx == r->ws->idx))
6297 XMapRaised(display, win->id);
6303 free_window(struct ws_win *win)
6305 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "free_window: window: 0x%lx\n", win->id);
6310 /* needed for restart wm */
6311 set_win_state(win, WithdrawnState);
6313 TAILQ_REMOVE(&win->ws->unmanagedlist, win, entry);
6315 if (win->ch.res_class)
6316 XFree(win->ch.res_class);
6317 if (win->ch.res_name)
6318 XFree(win->ch.res_name);
6323 memset(win, 0xff, sizeof *win); /* XXX kill later */
6329 unmanage_window(struct ws_win *win)
6331 struct ws_win *parent;
6336 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "unmanage_window: window: 0x%lx\n", win->id);
6338 if (win->transient) {
6339 parent = find_window(win->transient);
6341 parent->child_trans = NULL;
6344 /* focus on root just in case */
6345 XSetInputFocus(display, PointerRoot, PointerRoot, CurrentTime);
6354 TAILQ_REMOVE(&win->ws->winlist, win, entry);
6355 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&win->ws->unmanagedlist, win, entry);
6359 focus_magic(struct ws_win *win)
6361 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "focus_magic: window: 0x%lx\n", WINID(win));
6364 /* if there are no windows clear the status-bar */
6369 if (win->child_trans) {
6370 /* win = parent & has a transient so focus on that */
6372 focus_win(win->child_trans);
6373 if (win->child_trans->take_focus)
6374 client_msg(win, takefocus);
6376 /* make sure transient hasn't disappeared */
6377 if (validate_win(win->child_trans) == 0) {
6378 focus_win(win->child_trans);
6379 if (win->child_trans->take_focus)
6380 client_msg(win->child_trans, takefocus);
6382 win->child_trans = NULL;
6384 if (win->take_focus)
6385 client_msg(win, takefocus);
6391 if (win->take_focus)
6392 client_msg(win, takefocus);
6399 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "expose: window: 0x%lx\n", e->xexpose.window);
6406 XKeyEvent *ev = &e->xkey;
6408 struct swm_region *r;
6410 keysym = XkbKeycodeToKeysym(display, (KeyCode)ev->keycode, 0, 0);
6411 if ((kp = key_lookup(CLEANMASK(ev->state), keysym)) == NULL)
6413 if (keyfuncs[kp->funcid].func == NULL)
6416 r = root_to_region(ev->root);
6417 if (kp->funcid == kf_spawn_custom)
6418 spawn_custom(r, &(keyfuncs[kp->funcid].args), kp->spawn_name);
6420 keyfuncs[kp->funcid].func(r, &(keyfuncs[kp->funcid].args));
6424 buttonpress(XEvent *e)
6428 XButtonPressedEvent *ev = &e->xbutton;
6430 if ((win = find_window(ev->window)) == NULL)
6434 action = client_click;
6436 for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(buttons); i++)
6437 if (action == buttons[i].action && buttons[i].func &&
6438 buttons[i].button == ev->button &&
6439 CLEANMASK(buttons[i].mask) == CLEANMASK(ev->state))
6440 buttons[i].func(win, &buttons[i].args);
6444 configurerequest(XEvent *e)
6446 XConfigureRequestEvent *ev = &e->xconfigurerequest;
6451 if ((win = find_window(ev->window)) == NULL)
6452 if ((win = find_unmanaged_window(ev->window)) == NULL)
6455 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "configurerequest: window: 0x%lx, new: %s\n",
6456 ev->window, YESNO(new));
6459 bzero(&wc, sizeof wc);
6462 wc.width = ev->width;
6463 wc.height = ev->height;
6464 wc.border_width = ev->border_width;
6465 wc.sibling = ev->above;
6466 wc.stack_mode = ev->detail;
6467 XConfigureWindow(display, ev->window, ev->value_mask, &wc);
6469 config_win(win, ev);
6473 configurenotify(XEvent *e)
6477 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "configurenotify: window: 0x%lx\n",
6478 e->xconfigure.window);
6480 win = find_window(e->xconfigure.window);
6482 XGetWMNormalHints(display, win->id, &win->sh, &win->sh_mask);
6486 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
6487 drain_enter_notify();
6492 destroynotify(XEvent *e)
6495 XDestroyWindowEvent *ev = &e->xdestroywindow;
6497 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "destroynotify: window: 0x%lx\n", ev->window);
6499 if ((win = find_window(ev->window)) == NULL) {
6500 if ((win = find_unmanaged_window(ev->window)) == NULL)
6506 /* make sure we focus on something */
6509 unmanage_window(win);
6511 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
6512 drain_enter_notify();
6517 enternotify(XEvent *e)
6519 XCrossingEvent *ev = &e->xcrossing;
6524 Window focus_return;
6525 int revert_to_return;
6527 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "enternotify: window: 0x%lx, mode: %d, detail: "
6528 "%d, root: 0x%lx, subwindow: 0x%lx, same_screen: %s, focus: %s, "
6529 "state: %d\n", ev->window, ev->mode, ev->detail, ev->root,
6530 ev->subwindow, YESNO(ev->same_screen), YESNO(ev->focus), ev->state);
6532 if (ev->mode != NotifyNormal) {
6533 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "skip enternotify: generated by "
6538 switch (focus_mode) {
6546 * all these checks need to be in this order because the
6547 * XCheckTypedWindowEvent relies on weeding out the previous events
6549 * making this code an option would enable a follow mouse for focus
6554 * state is set when we are switching workspaces and focus is set when
6555 * the window or a subwindow already has focus (occurs during restart).
6557 * Only honor the focus flag if last_focus_event is not FocusOut,
6558 * this allows spectrwm to continue to control focus when another
6559 * program is also playing with it.
6561 if (ev->state || (ev->focus && last_focus_event != FocusOut)) {
6562 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "ignoring enternotify: focus\n");
6567 * happens when a window is created or destroyed and the border
6568 * crosses the mouse pointer and when switching ws
6570 * we need the subwindow test to see if we came from root in order
6571 * to give focus to floaters
6573 if (ev->mode == NotifyNormal && ev->detail == NotifyVirtual &&
6574 ev->subwindow == 0) {
6575 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "ignoring enternotify: NotifyVirtual\n");
6579 /* this window already has focus */
6580 if (ev->mode == NotifyNormal && ev->detail == NotifyInferior) {
6581 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "ignoring enternotify: win has focus\n");
6585 /* this window is being deleted or moved to another ws */
6586 if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, ev->window, ConfigureNotify,
6588 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "ignoring enternotify: configurenotify\n");
6589 XPutBackEvent(display, &cne);
6593 if ((win = find_window(ev->window)) == NULL) {
6594 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "ignoring enternotify: win == NULL\n");
6599 * In fullstack kill all enters unless they come from a different ws
6600 * (i.e. another region) or focus has been grabbed externally.
6602 if (win->ws->cur_layout->flags & SWM_L_FOCUSPREV &&
6603 last_focus_event != FocusOut) {
6604 XGetInputFocus(display, &focus_return, &revert_to_return);
6605 if ((w = find_window(focus_return)) == NULL ||
6607 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "ignoring event: fullstack\n");
6615 if ((win = find_window(ev->window)) == NULL) {
6616 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "skip enternotify: window is NULL\n");
6621 * if we have more enternotifies let them handle it in due time
6623 if (XCheckTypedEvent(display, EnterNotify, &cne) == True) {
6625 "ignoring enternotify: got more enternotify\n");
6626 XPutBackEvent(display, &cne);
6633 /* lets us use one switch statement for arbitrary mode/detail combinations */
6634 #define MERGE_MEMBERS(a,b) (((a & 0xffff) << 16) | (b & 0xffff))
6637 focusevent(XEvent *e)
6641 u_int32_t mode_detail;
6642 XFocusChangeEvent *ev = &e->xfocus;
6644 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "focusevent: %s window: 0x%lx mode: %d "
6645 "detail: %d\n", ev->type == FocusIn ? "entering" : "leaving",
6646 ev->window, ev->mode, ev->detail);
6648 if (last_focus_event == ev->type) {
6649 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "ignoring focusevent: bad ordering\n");
6653 last_focus_event = ev->type;
6654 mode_detail = MERGE_MEMBERS(ev->mode, ev->detail);
6656 switch (mode_detail) {
6657 /* synergy client focus operations */
6658 case MERGE_MEMBERS(NotifyNormal, NotifyNonlinear):
6659 case MERGE_MEMBERS(NotifyNormal, NotifyNonlinearVirtual):
6661 /* synergy server focus operations */
6662 case MERGE_MEMBERS(NotifyWhileGrabbed, NotifyNonlinear):
6664 /* Entering applications like rdesktop that mangle the pointer */
6665 case MERGE_MEMBERS(NotifyNormal, NotifyPointer):
6667 if ((win = find_window(e->xfocus.window)) != NULL && win->ws->r)
6668 XSetWindowBorder(display, win->id,
6669 win->ws->r->s->c[ev->type == FocusIn ?
6673 warnx("ignoring focusevent");
6674 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_FOCUS, "ignoring focusevent\n");
6681 mapnotify(XEvent *e)
6684 XMapEvent *ev = &e->xmap;
6686 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "mapnotify: window: 0x%lx\n", ev->window);
6688 win = manage_window(ev->window);
6690 set_win_state(win, NormalState);
6693 * focus_win can only set input focus on a mapped window.
6694 * make sure the window really has focus since it is just being mapped.
6696 if (win->ws->focus == win)
6701 mappingnotify(XEvent *e)
6703 XMappingEvent *ev = &e->xmapping;
6705 XRefreshKeyboardMapping(ev);
6706 if (ev->request == MappingKeyboard)
6711 maprequest(XEvent *e)
6714 struct swm_region *r;
6715 XWindowAttributes wa;
6716 XMapRequestEvent *ev = &e->xmaprequest;
6718 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "maprequest: window: 0x%lx\n",
6719 e->xmaprequest.window);
6721 if (!XGetWindowAttributes(display, ev->window, &wa))
6723 if (wa.override_redirect)
6726 win = manage_window(e->xmaprequest.window);
6728 return; /* can't happen */
6732 /* make new win focused */
6733 r = root_to_region(win->wa.root);
6734 if (win->ws == r->ws)
6739 propertynotify(XEvent *e)
6742 XPropertyEvent *ev = &e->xproperty;
6745 name = XGetAtomName(display, ev->atom);
6746 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "propertynotify: window: 0x%lx, atom: %s\n",
6751 win = find_window(ev->window);
6755 if (ev->state == PropertyDelete && ev->atom == a_swm_iconic) {
6756 update_iconic(win, 0);
6757 XMapRaised(display, win->id);
6767 XGetWMNormalHints(display, win->id, &win->sh, &mask);
6768 warnx("normal hints: flag 0x%x", win->sh.flags);
6769 if (win->sh.flags & PMinSize) {
6770 WIDTH(win) = win->sh.min_width;
6771 HEIGHT(win) = win->sh.min_height;
6772 warnx("min %d %d", WIDTH(win), HEIGHT(win));
6774 XMoveResizeWindow(display, win->id,
6775 X(win), Y(win), WIDTH(win), HEIGHT(win));
6787 unmapnotify(XEvent *e)
6791 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "unmapnotify: window: 0x%lx\n", e->xunmap.window);
6793 /* determine if we need to help unmanage this window */
6794 win = find_window(e->xunmap.window);
6798 if (getstate(e->xunmap.window) == NormalState) {
6799 unmanage_window(win);
6802 /* giant hack for apps that don't destroy transient windows */
6803 /* eat a bunch of events to prevent remanaging the window */
6805 while (XCheckWindowEvent(display, e->xunmap.window,
6806 EnterWindowMask, &cne))
6808 while (XCheckWindowEvent(display, e->xunmap.window,
6809 StructureNotifyMask, &cne))
6811 while (XCheckWindowEvent(display, e->xunmap.window,
6812 SubstructureNotifyMask, &cne))
6814 /* resend unmap because we ated it */
6815 XUnmapWindow(display, e->xunmap.window);
6818 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
6819 drain_enter_notify();
6823 visibilitynotify(XEvent *e)
6826 struct swm_region *r;
6828 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "visibilitynotify: window: 0x%lx\n",
6829 e->xvisibility.window);
6830 if (e->xvisibility.state == VisibilityUnobscured)
6831 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
6832 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry)
6833 if (e->xvisibility.window == r->bar_window)
6838 clientmessage(XEvent *e)
6840 XClientMessageEvent *ev;
6845 win = find_window(ev->window);
6849 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "clientmessage: window: 0x%lx, type: %ld\n",
6850 ev->window, ev->message_type);
6852 if (ev->message_type == ewmh[_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW].atom) {
6853 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "clientmessage: _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW\n");
6856 if (ev->message_type == ewmh[_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW].atom) {
6857 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "clientmessage: _NET_CLOSE_WINDOW\n");
6858 if (win->can_delete)
6859 client_msg(win, adelete);
6861 XKillClient(display, win->id);
6863 if (ev->message_type == ewmh[_NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW].atom) {
6865 "clientmessage: _NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW\n");
6866 if (win->floating) {
6867 if (ev->data.l[0] & (1<<8)) /* x */
6868 X(win) = ev->data.l[1];
6869 if (ev->data.l[0] & (1<<9)) /* y */
6870 Y(win) = ev->data.l[2];
6871 if (ev->data.l[0] & (1<<10)) /* width */
6872 WIDTH(win) = ev->data.l[3];
6873 if (ev->data.l[0] & (1<<11)) /* height */
6874 HEIGHT(win) = ev->data.l[4];
6879 /* TODO: Change stack sizes */
6880 /* notify no change was made. */
6881 config_win(win, NULL);
6884 if (ev->message_type == ewmh[_NET_WM_STATE].atom) {
6885 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "clientmessage: _NET_WM_STATE\n");
6886 ewmh_update_win_state(win, ev->data.l[1], ev->data.l[0]);
6888 ewmh_update_win_state(win, ev->data.l[2],
6896 xerror_start(Display *d, XErrorEvent *ee)
6903 xerror(Display *d, XErrorEvent *ee)
6905 /* warnx("error: %p %p", display, ee); */
6913 xerrorxlib = XSetErrorHandler(xerror_start);
6915 /* this causes an error if some other window manager is running */
6916 XSelectInput(display, DefaultRootWindow(display),
6917 SubstructureRedirectMask);
6918 XSync(display, False);
6922 XSetErrorHandler(xerror);
6923 XSync(display, False);
6928 new_region(struct swm_screen *s, int x, int y, int w, int h)
6930 struct swm_region *r, *n;
6931 struct workspace *ws = NULL;
6934 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "new region: screen[%d]:%dx%d+%d+%d\n",
6935 s->idx, w, h, x, y);
6937 /* remove any conflicting regions */
6938 n = TAILQ_FIRST(&s->rl);
6941 n = TAILQ_NEXT(r, entry);
6942 if (X(r) < (x + w) &&
6943 (X(r) + WIDTH(r)) > x &&
6945 (Y(r) + HEIGHT(r)) > y) {
6946 if (r->ws->r != NULL)
6947 r->ws->old_r = r->ws->r;
6949 XDestroyWindow(display, r->bar_window);
6950 TAILQ_REMOVE(&s->rl, r, entry);
6951 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&s->orl, r, entry);
6955 /* search old regions for one to reuse */
6957 /* size + location match */
6958 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &s->orl, entry)
6959 if (X(r) == x && Y(r) == y &&
6960 HEIGHT(r) == h && WIDTH(r) == w)
6964 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &s->orl, entry)
6965 if (HEIGHT(r) == h && WIDTH(r) == w)
6969 TAILQ_REMOVE(&s->orl, r, entry);
6970 /* try to use old region's workspace */
6971 if (r->ws->r == NULL)
6974 if ((r = calloc(1, sizeof(struct swm_region))) == NULL)
6975 err(1, "new_region: calloc: failed to allocate memory "
6978 /* if we don't have a workspace already, find one */
6980 for (i = 0; i < workspace_limit; i++)
6981 if (s->ws[i].r == NULL) {
6988 errx(1, "new_region: no free workspaces");
6999 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&s->rl, r, entry);
7005 #ifdef SWM_XRR_HAS_CRTC
7007 XRRScreenResources *sr;
7010 #endif /* SWM_XRR_HAS_CRTC */
7011 struct swm_region *r;
7014 if (i >= ScreenCount(display))
7015 errx(1, "scan_xrandr: invalid screen");
7017 /* remove any old regions */
7018 while ((r = TAILQ_FIRST(&screens[i].rl)) != NULL) {
7019 r->ws->old_r = r->ws->r = NULL;
7020 XDestroyWindow(display, r->bar_window);
7021 TAILQ_REMOVE(&screens[i].rl, r, entry);
7022 TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&screens[i].orl, r, entry);
7026 /* map virtual screens onto physical screens */
7027 #ifdef SWM_XRR_HAS_CRTC
7028 if (xrandr_support) {
7029 sr = XRRGetScreenResources(display, screens[i].root);
7031 new_region(&screens[i], 0, 0,
7032 DisplayWidth(display, i),
7033 DisplayHeight(display, i));
7037 for (c = 0, ci = NULL; c < ncrtc; c++) {
7038 ci = XRRGetCrtcInfo(display, sr, sr->crtcs[c]);
7039 if (ci->noutput == 0)
7042 if (ci != NULL && ci->mode == None)
7043 new_region(&screens[i], 0, 0,
7044 DisplayWidth(display, i),
7045 DisplayHeight(display, i));
7047 new_region(&screens[i],
7048 ci->x, ci->y, ci->width, ci->height);
7051 XRRFreeCrtcInfo(ci);
7052 XRRFreeScreenResources(sr);
7054 #endif /* SWM_XRR_HAS_CRTC */
7056 new_region(&screens[i], 0, 0, DisplayWidth(display, i),
7057 DisplayHeight(display, i));
7062 screenchange(XEvent *e) {
7063 XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *xe = (XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *)e;
7064 struct swm_region *r;
7067 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENT, "screenchange: root: 0x%lx\n", xe->root);
7069 if (!XRRUpdateConfiguration(e))
7072 /* silly event doesn't include the screen index */
7073 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
7074 if (screens[i].root == xe->root)
7076 if (i >= ScreenCount(display))
7077 errx(1, "screenchange: screen not found");
7079 /* brute force for now, just re-enumerate the regions */
7082 /* add bars to all regions */
7083 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
7084 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry)
7087 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
7088 drain_enter_notify();
7094 Window d1, d2, *wins = NULL;
7095 XWindowAttributes wa;
7100 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
7101 if (!XQueryTree(display, screens[i].root, &d1, &d2, &wins, &no))
7104 /* attach windows to a region */
7105 /* normal windows */
7106 for (j = 0; j < no; j++) {
7107 if (!XGetWindowAttributes(display, wins[j], &wa) ||
7108 wa.override_redirect ||
7109 XGetTransientForHint(display, wins[j], &d1))
7112 state = getstate(wins[j]);
7113 manage = state == IconicState;
7114 if (wa.map_state == IsViewable || manage)
7115 manage_window(wins[j]);
7117 /* transient windows */
7118 for (j = 0; j < no; j++) {
7119 if (!XGetWindowAttributes(display, wins[j], &wa) ||
7120 wa.override_redirect)
7123 state = getstate(wins[j]);
7124 manage = state == IconicState;
7125 if (XGetTransientForHint(display, wins[j], &d1) &&
7127 manage_window(wins[j]);
7140 int errorbase, major, minor;
7141 struct workspace *ws;
7144 if ((screens = calloc(ScreenCount(display),
7145 sizeof(struct swm_screen))) == NULL)
7146 err(1, "setup_screens: calloc: failed to allocate memory for "
7149 /* initial Xrandr setup */
7150 xrandr_support = XRRQueryExtension(display,
7151 &xrandr_eventbase, &errorbase);
7153 if (XRRQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor) && major < 1)
7156 /* map physical screens */
7157 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
7158 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_WS, "setup_screens: init screen: %d\n", i);
7160 TAILQ_INIT(&screens[i].rl);
7161 TAILQ_INIT(&screens[i].orl);
7162 screens[i].root = RootWindow(display, i);
7164 /* set default colors */
7165 setscreencolor("red", i + 1, SWM_S_COLOR_FOCUS);
7166 setscreencolor("rgb:88/88/88", i + 1, SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS);
7167 setscreencolor("rgb:00/80/80", i + 1, SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_BORDER);
7168 setscreencolor("black", i + 1, SWM_S_COLOR_BAR);
7169 setscreencolor("rgb:a0/a0/a0", i + 1, SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_FONT);
7171 /* create graphics context on screen with default font color */
7172 screens[i].bar_gc = XCreateGC(display, screens[i].root, 0,
7175 XSetForeground(display, screens[i].bar_gc,
7176 screens[i].c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_FONT].color);
7178 /* set default cursor */
7179 XDefineCursor(display, screens[i].root,
7180 XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_left_ptr));
7182 /* init all workspaces */
7183 /* XXX these should be dynamically allocated too */
7184 for (j = 0; j < SWM_WS_MAX; j++) {
7185 ws = &screens[i].ws[j];
7191 TAILQ_INIT(&ws->winlist);
7192 TAILQ_INIT(&ws->unmanagedlist);
7194 for (k = 0; layouts[k].l_stack != NULL; k++)
7195 if (layouts[k].l_config != NULL)
7196 layouts[k].l_config(ws,
7198 ws->cur_layout = &layouts[0];
7199 ws->cur_layout->l_string(ws);
7205 XRRSelectInput(display, screens[i].root,
7206 RRScreenChangeNotifyMask);
7213 if ((bar_fonts = strdup(SWM_BAR_FONTS)) == NULL)
7214 err(1, "setup_globals: strdup: failed to allocate memory.");
7216 if ((spawn_term[0] = strdup("xterm")) == NULL)
7217 err(1, "setup_globals: strdup: failed to allocate memory.");
7219 if ((clock_format = strdup("%a %b %d %R %Z %Y")) == NULL)
7220 err(1, "setup_globals: strdup: failed to allocate memory.");
7227 Atom netwmcheck, netwmname, utf8_string;
7230 /* work around sun jdk bugs, code from wmname */
7231 netwmcheck = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK", False);
7232 netwmname = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
7233 utf8_string = XInternAtom(display, "UTF8_STRING", False);
7234 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++) {
7235 root = screens[i].root;
7236 win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display,root, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
7237 screens[i].c[SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS].color,
7238 screens[i].c[SWM_S_COLOR_UNFOCUS].color);
7240 XChangeProperty(display, root, netwmcheck, XA_WINDOW, 32,
7241 PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&win, 1);
7242 XChangeProperty(display, win, netwmcheck, XA_WINDOW, 32,
7243 PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&win, 1);
7244 XChangeProperty(display, win, netwmname, utf8_string, 8,
7245 PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)"LG3D", strlen("LG3D"));
7250 main(int argc, char *argv[])
7252 struct swm_region *r, *rr;
7253 struct ws_win *winfocus = NULL;
7256 char conf[PATH_MAX], *cfile = NULL;
7261 struct sigaction sact;
7264 warnx("Welcome to spectrwm V%s Build: %s", SPECTRWM_VERSION, buildstr);
7265 if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") || !setlocale(LC_TIME, "") ||
7267 warnx("no locale support");
7269 if (!X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING)
7270 warnx("no UTF-8 support");
7272 if (!(display = XOpenDisplay(0)))
7273 errx(1, "can not open display");
7276 errx(1, "other wm running");
7278 /* handle some signals */
7279 bzero(&sact, sizeof(sact));
7280 sigemptyset(&sact.sa_mask);
7282 sact.sa_handler = sighdlr;
7283 sigaction(SIGINT, &sact, NULL);
7284 sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sact, NULL);
7285 sigaction(SIGTERM, &sact, NULL);
7286 sigaction(SIGHUP, &sact, NULL);
7288 sact.sa_handler = sighdlr;
7289 sact.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP;
7290 sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sact, NULL);
7292 astate = XInternAtom(display, "WM_STATE", False);
7293 aprot = XInternAtom(display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False);
7294 adelete = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
7295 takefocus = XInternAtom(display, "WM_TAKE_FOCUS", False);
7296 a_wmname = XInternAtom(display, "WM_NAME", False);
7297 a_netwmname = XInternAtom(display, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
7298 a_utf8_string = XInternAtom(display, "UTF8_STRING", False);
7299 a_string = XInternAtom(display, "STRING", False);
7300 a_swm_iconic = XInternAtom(display, "_SWM_ICONIC", False);
7302 /* look for local and global conf file */
7303 pwd = getpwuid(getuid());
7305 errx(1, "invalid user: %d", getuid());
7314 for (i = 0; ; i++) {
7319 snprintf(conf, sizeof conf, "%s/.%s",
7320 pwd->pw_dir, SWM_CONF_FILE);
7324 snprintf(conf, sizeof conf, "/etc/%s",
7329 snprintf(conf, sizeof conf, "%s/.%s",
7330 pwd->pw_dir, SWM_CONF_FILE_OLD);
7334 snprintf(conf, sizeof conf, "/etc/%s",
7341 if (strlen(conf) && stat(conf, &sb) != -1)
7342 if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) {
7349 /* load conf (if any) and refresh font color in bar graphics contexts */
7350 if (cfile && conf_load(cfile, SWM_CONF_DEFAULT) == 0)
7351 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); ++i)
7352 XSetForeground(display, screens[i].bar_gc,
7353 screens[i].c[SWM_S_COLOR_BAR_FONT].color);
7356 /* set some values to work around bad programs */
7358 /* grab existing windows (before we build the bars) */
7361 if (getenv("SWM_STARTED") == NULL)
7362 setenv("SWM_STARTED", "YES", 1);
7364 /* setup all bars */
7365 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); i++)
7366 TAILQ_FOREACH(r, &screens[i].rl, entry) {
7367 if (winfocus == NULL)
7368 winfocus = TAILQ_FIRST(&r->ws->winlist);
7376 if (focus_mode == SWM_FOCUS_DEFAULT)
7377 drain_enter_notify();
7379 xfd = ConnectionNumber(display);
7381 while (XPending(display)) {
7382 XNextEvent(display, &e);
7385 if (e.type < LASTEvent) {
7386 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENTQ ,"XEvent: handled: %s, "
7387 "window: 0x%lx, type: %s (%d), %d remaining"
7388 "\n", YESNO(handler[e.type]),
7389 e.xany.window, geteventname(&e),
7390 e.type, QLength(display));
7392 if (handler[e.type])
7393 handler[e.type](&e);
7395 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_EVENTQ, "XRandr Event: window: "
7396 "0x%lx, type: %s (%d)\n", e.xany.window,
7397 xrandr_geteventname(&e), e.type);
7399 switch (e.type - xrandr_eventbase) {
7400 case RRScreenChangeNotify:
7409 /* if we are being restarted go focus on first window */
7411 rr = winfocus->ws->r;
7413 /* not a visible window */
7417 /* move pointer to first screen if multi screen */
7418 if (ScreenCount(display) > 1 || outputs > 1)
7419 XWarpPointer(display, None, rr->s[0].root,
7421 Y(rr) + (bar_enabled ? bar_height : 0));
7423 a.id = SWM_ARG_ID_FOCUSCUR;
7433 if (select(xfd + 1, &rd, NULL, NULL, &tv) == -1)
7435 DNPRINTF(SWM_D_MISC, "select failed");
7436 if (restart_wm == 1)
7437 restart(NULL, NULL);
7438 if (search_resp == 1)
7451 for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(display); ++i)
7452 if (screens[i].bar_gc != NULL)
7453 XFreeGC(display, screens[i].bar_gc);
7455 XFreeFontSet(display, bar_fs);
7456 XCloseDisplay(display);