This color scheme is just temporary, for testing the cursor and annotations on a variaty of background colors
HTML view. Changes here propagate when you remove your cursor (press tab or click outside)<H1>Headline!</h1><p> normal text that is hopefully long enoughthat it will wrap around and spill onto a second line.</p> <p >Text with lots of extra whitespace in the original html and no closing p tag <p> <p>normal paragraph<p> <p>testing <br> e f<br>g <br> h i j <a href="">Click me! o p q r</p> <div style="color: white"> <p> y z <strong>Bold <em> Italic + Bold</strong> Italic </em> Normal</p> <p style="white-space: pre-wrap">this <p> has white-space: pre-wrap</p> <div style="color: black; background: white;"> <div>I'm in a div</div> <div>I'm in another div</div> <div> <div> </div> </div> </div> <p> Above, there's a white div containing 4 divs. The third contains just an NBSP and the fourth is completely empty</p> <p>final paragraph.</p> </div>
Source - AGPLv3+