# To send results by e-mail, all you have to do is set your e-mail address here: $GLOBALS['~form_name~_form_recipient'] = "fixme@example.com"; # To save results to a database, you'll need to create the ~form_name~ table # (the file ~form_name~.sql should help with this), and create the file # 'code/db_connect.php' which calls db_connect() see: # code/wfpl/examples/db_connect.php # # if you rename any of the database fields, you'll need to update this: define('~form_name.upper~_DB_FIELDS', '~db_fields~'); # Set this to the path to your uploads directory. It can be relative to the # location of this script. IT MUST END WITH A SLASH $GLOBALS['upload_directory'] = 'uploads/'; # Define the username and password required to view this form: define('AUTH_REALM', '~form_name~ administration area'); define('AUTH_USER', 'fixme'); define('AUTH_PASS', 'fixme'); if(!file_exists('code/wfpl/template.php')) { die('This form requires wfpl.'); } require_once('code/wfpl/template.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/format.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/messages.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/email.php'); require_once('code/db_connect.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/upload.php'); function ~form_name~_get_fields() { $~name~ = format_~format~($_REQUEST['~name~'], '~name~'); if($_FILES['~name~'] && $_FILES['~name~']['error'] == 0) { $~name~ = substr(save_uploaded_image('~name~', $GLOBALS['upload_directory']), strlen($GLOBALS['upload_directory'])); } else { if($_REQUEST['delete_~name~'] == 'Yes') { $name = ''; } else { $~name~ = format_filename($_REQUEST['old_~name~']); } } ~form_name~_tem_sets(~php_fields~); return array(~php_fields~); } function ~form_name~_tem_sets(~php_fields~) { tem_set('~name~', $~name~); } # You may pass a "where clause" for the db query. function ~form_name~_display_listing($where = 'order by ~always_field~ limit 100') { $rows = db_get_rows('~form_name~', 'id,~always_field~', $where); if($rows == false || count($rows) == 0) { return false; } foreach($rows as $row) { list($id, $~always_field~) = $row; tem_set('id', $id); if($~always_field~ == '') { $~always_field~ = '--'; } tem_set('~always_field~', $~always_field~); tem_show('listing_row'); } tem_show('listings'); return true; } function ~form_name~_main() { $ret = _~form_name~_main(); if($ret) { return $ret; } display_messages(); } function _~form_name~_main() { # To remove password protection, just delete this block: if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != AUTH_USER || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != AUTH_PASS) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . AUTH_REALM . '"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo '401 Unauthorized'; exit; } pulldown('~name~', array('option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3')); $edit_id = format_int($_REQUEST['~form_name~_edit_id']); unset($_REQUEST['~form_name~_edit_id']); if($edit_id) { # add hidden field for database id of row we're editing tem_set('~form_name~_edit_id', $edit_id); tem_show('editing'); } $delete_id = format_int($_REQUEST['~form_name~_delete_id']); unset($_REQUEST['~form_name~_delete_id']); if($delete_id) { db_delete('~form_name~', 'where id=%i', $delete_id); message('Entry deleted.'); if(~form_name~_display_listing()) { return; } unset($delete_id); # FIXME: what to do after delete? return; } if(!$edit_id) { if(!isset($_REQUEST['~form_name~_new']) && !isset($_REQUEST['~always_field~'])) { if(~form_name~_display_listing()) { return; } } tem_show('new_msg'); } if(isset($_REQUEST['~always_field~'])) { list(~php_fields~) = ~form_name~_get_fields(); if("you're happy with the POSTed values") { if($edit_id) { db_update('~form_name~', ~form_name.upper~_DB_FIELDS, ~php_fields~, 'where id=%i', $edit_id); message('Entry updated.'); } else { db_insert('~form_name~', ~form_name.upper~_DB_FIELDS, ~php_fields~); message('Entry saved.'); } if($GLOBALS['~form_name~_form_recipient'] != "fixme@example.com") { $to = $GLOBALS['~form_name~_form_recipient']; if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) and valid_email($_REQUEST['email'])) { $from = $_REQUEST['email']; if($_REQUEST['name'] and ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\' -]*$', $_REQUEST['name']) !== false) { $from = "$_REQUEST[name] <$from>"; } } else { $from = $to; } $subject = '~form_name~ form submitted'; $message = tem_run('~form_name~.email.txt'); $cc = ''; $bcc = ''; if(email($from, $to, $subject, $message, $cc, $bcc)) { message('Due to an internal error, your message could not be sent. Please try again later.'); $error = true; } } if($error !== true) { ~form_name~_display_listing(); tem_show('thankyou'); return; } } # otherwise, we display the form again. ~form_name~_get_fields() has # already put the posted values back into the template engine, so they will # show up in the form fields. You should add some message asking people to # fix their entry in whatever way you require. } elseif($edit_id) { # we've recieved an edit id, but no data. So we grab the values to be edited from the database list(~php_fields~) = db_get_row('~form_name~', ~form_name.upper~_DB_FIELDS, 'where id=%i', $edit_id); ~form_name~_tem_sets(~php_fields~); } else { # form not submitted, you can set default values like so: #tem_set('~always_field~', 'Yes'); } tem_set('upload_max_filesize', upload_max_filesize()); # this has to be later in the file because it requres that ~always_field~ be set already if($edit_id) { tem_show('edit_msg'); } tem_show('form'); } ?>