wfpl.'); } require_once('code/wfpl/template.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/format.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/email.php'); function ~form_name~_get_fields() { $fields = array(); $~name~ = format_~format~($_REQUEST['~name~']); tem_set('~name~', $~name~); return array(~php_fields~); } function ~form_name~() { if(isset($_REQUEST['~always_field~'])) { list(~php_fields~) = ~form_name~_get_fields(); if("you're happy with the POSTed values") { # uncomment the following lines to save the values recieved to the # database. You can use ~form_name~.sql to create the database table. #require_once('db_connect.php'); #db_insert('~form_name~', '~db_fields~', ~php_fields~); if($GLOBALS['~form_name~_form_recipient'] != "") { $to = $GLOBALS['~form_name~_form_recipient']; if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) and valid_email($_REQUEST['email'])) { $from = $_REQUEST['email']; if($_REQUEST['name'] and ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\' -]*$', $_REQUEST['name']) !== false) { $from = "$_REQUEST[name] <$from>"; } } else { $from = $to; } $subject = '~form_name~ form submitted'; $message = tem_run(''); $cc = ''; $bcc = ''; email($from, $to, $subject, $message, $cc, $bcc); } tem_load('~form_name~.html'); tem_sub('thankyou'); tem_output(); exit(); } # otherwise, we display the form again. ~form_name~_get_fields() has # already put the posted values back into the template engine, so they will # show up in the form fields. You should add some message asking people to # fix their entry in whatever way you require. } tem_sub('form'); } # emulate run.php if it's not being used if(!function_exists('run_php')) { tem_load('~form_name~.html'); ~form_name~(); tem_output(); } ?>