array('textbox', 'varname', 'varchar(50)'), 'name' => array('textbox', 'oneline', 'varchar(200)'), 'textbox' => array('textbox', 'oneline', 'varchar(200)'), 'int' => array('textbox', 'int', 'int'), 'decimal' => array('textbox', 'decimal', 'decimal(12,12)'), 'bigint' => array('textbox', 'int', 'varchar(100)'), # up to 100 digits, stored as a string 'zip' => array('textbox', 'zip', 'varchar(20)'), 'email' => array('textbox', 'email', 'varchar(100)'), 'phone' => array('textbox', 'phone', 'varchar(32)'), 'state' => array('states', 'oneline', 'varchar(2)'), 'money' => array('textbox', 'money', 'varchar(32)'), 'dollars' => array('textbox', 'dollars', 'varchar(32)'), 'url' => array('textbox', 'url', 'varchar(200)'), 'hidden' => array('hidden', 'unix', 'varchar(200)'), 'password' => array('password', 'oneline', 'varchar(200)'), 'textarea' => array('textarea', 'unix', 'text'), 'html' => array('html', 'unix', 'text'), 'pulldown' => array('pulldown', 'options', 'varchar(100)'), 'radio' => array('radio', 'oneline', 'varchar(200)'), 'leftcheck' => array('leftcheck', 'yesno', 'varchar(3)'), 'checkbox' => array('checkbox', 'yesno', 'varchar(3)'), 'yesno' => array('checkbox', 'yesno', 'varchar(3)'), 'delete' => array('checkbox', 'yesno', 'n/a'), 'image' => array('image', 'oneline', 'varchar(200)'), 'submit' => array('submit', 'oneline', 'n/a') ); function list_available_types() { $types = ''; foreach($GLOBALS['types'] as $key => $value) { if($types) { $types .= ', '; } $types .= $key; } tem_set('available_types', $types); } function metaform() { if(isset($_REQUEST['form_name'])) { $GLOBALS['form_name'] = ereg_replace('[^a-z0-9_-]', '', $_REQUEST['form_name']); $GLOBALS['opt_email'] = format_yesno($_REQUEST['opt_email']); tem_set('opt_email', $GLOBALS['opt_email']); $GLOBALS['opt_db'] = format_yesno($_REQUEST['opt_db']); tem_set('opt_db', $GLOBALS['opt_db']); $GLOBALS['opt_listing'] = format_yesno($_REQUEST['opt_listing']); tem_set('opt_listing', $GLOBALS['opt_listing']); $GLOBALS['opt_http_pass'] = format_yesno($_REQUEST['opt_http_pass']); tem_set('opt_http_pass', $GLOBALS['opt_http_pass']); } else { $GLOBALS['form_name'] = 'some_form'; } if(isset($_REQUEST['fields'])) { if(isset($_REQUEST['view_sql'])) { view_sql(); exit(); } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['view_php'])) { view_php(); exit(); } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['view_html'])) { view_html(); exit(); } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['view_email'])) { view_email(); exit(); } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['download_tar'])) { download_tar(); exit(); } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['preview'])) { preview(); exit(); } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) { tem_set('fields', $_REQUEST['fields']); tem_set('form_name', $GLOBALS['form_name']); # fall through } else { die("Sorry... couldn't tell which button you pressed"); } } set_form_action(); list_available_types(); tem_output('code/wfpl/metaform/main.html'); } function field_input($type) { return $GLOBALS['types'][$type][0]; } function field_format($type) { return $GLOBALS['types'][$type][1]; } function field_sql($type) { return $GLOBALS['types'][$type][2]; } function get_fields() { # no sense in doing all this so many times if(isset($GLOBALS['gotten_fields'])) { return $GLOBALS['gotten_fields']; } $fields_str = unix_newlines($_REQUEST['fields']); $GLOBALS['gotten_fields'] = array(); $fields_str = rtrim($fields_str); $fields = split("\n", $fields_str); foreach($fields as $field) { list($name, $type, $options) = split(' *', $field); if($options) $options = split(',', $options); if(!$type) $type = $name; $input = field_input($type); $format = field_format($type); $sql = field_sql($type); $GLOBALS['gotten_fields'][] = array($name, $type, $input, $format, $sql, $options); } return $GLOBALS['gotten_fields']; } # this one, that you're using to create forms function set_form_action() { $action = ereg_replace('.*/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if($action == '') $action = './'; tem_set('form_action', $action); } # perfect HTTP headers for viewing created files function view_headers() { header('Content-type: text/plain'); } function make_sql() { $tem = new tem(); $tem->load('code/wfpl/metaform/template.sql'); $tem->set('form_name', $GLOBALS['form_name']); $fields = get_fields(); foreach($fields as $field) { list($name, $type, $input, $format, $sql) = $field; if($sql != 'n/a') { $tem->set('name', $name); $tem->set('type', $sql); if($sql == 'int') { $tem->set('default', '0'); } else { $tem->set('default', '""'); } $tem->sub('column'); } } view_headers(); return $tem->run(); } function view_sql() { view_headers(); echo make_sql(); } # always_field is a form field that always submits (unlike say, checkboxes). It's used to detect if the form has submitted or not. function find_always_field($fields) { foreach($fields as $field) { list($name, $type, $input, $format, $sql) = $field; if($input != 'submit' && $input != 'checkbox' && $input != 'radio') { return $name; } } return false; } # pass false if you want to exclude the and tag etc. function make_html($whole_file = true) { $uploads_output_already = false; $has_html_editors = false; $tem = new tem(); $tem->load('code/wfpl/metaform/template.html'); $tem->set('form_name', $GLOBALS['form_name']); $fields = get_fields(); $tem->set('always_field', find_always_field($fields)); foreach($fields as $field) { list($name, $type, $input, $format, $sql) = $field; $tem->set('name', $name); $tem->set('caption', format_caption($name)); $tem->sub($input); if($input != 'hidden') { $tem->sub('row'); } if($input == 'image' && !$uploads_output_already) { $tem->sub('uploads'); $tem->set('enctype_attr', '" enctype="multipart/form-data'); $uploads_output_already = true; } elseif($input == 'html') { $has_html_editors = true; $tem->set('html_field_name', $name); $tem->sub('replace_textarea'); } } if($GLOBALS['opt_db'] == 'Yes') { $tem->sub('opt_db_1'); $tem->sub('opt_db_2'); } else { $tem->sub('opt_db_1_else'); } if($GLOBALS['opt_listing'] == 'Yes') { $tem->sub('opt_listing_1'); } else { $tem->sub('opt_listing_1_else'); } if($GLOBALS['opt_email'] == 'Yes' && $GLOBALS['opt_db'] != 'Yes') { $tem->set('name', 'send'); $tem->set('caption', 'Send'); } else { $tem->set('name', 'save'); $tem->set('caption', 'Save'); } $tem->sub('submit'); $tem->sub('row'); $tem->sub('form'); if($has_html_editors) { $tem->sub('html_editor_headers'); } if($whole_file) { return $tem->run(); } else { return $tem->get('form'); } } function view_html() { view_headers(); echo make_html(); } function make_php() { $tem = new tem(); $tem->load('code/wfpl/metaform/template.php'); $tem->set('form_name', $GLOBALS['form_name']); $fields = get_fields(); $db_fields = ''; $php_fields = ''; $always_field = find_always_field($fields); $image_included_yet = false; foreach($fields as $field) { list($name, $type, $input, $format, $sql) = $field; if($input != 'submit') { $tem->set('format', $format); $tem->set('name', $name); $tem->set('db_field', ''); # we don't want to use the value from last time if($sql != 'n/a') { if($db_fields != '') $db_fields .= ','; $db_fields .= $name; if($php_fields != '') $php_fields .= ', '; $php_fields .= '$' . $name; } if($input == 'image') { $tem->sub('image_upload'); $tem->sub('image_db'); if(!$image_included_yet) { $tem->sub('image_include'); $tem->sub('upload_max'); $tem->sub('upload_settings'); $image_included_yet = true; } } else { if($input == 'pulldown') { $tem->sub('pulldowns'); $tem->sub('pulldown_format_extra'); } $tem->sub('formats'); } $tem->sub('tem_sets'); } } $tem->set('always_field', $always_field); $tem->set('db_fields', $db_fields); $tem->set('php_fields', $php_fields); $tem->set('metaform_url', edit_url()); if($GLOBALS['opt_listing'] == 'Yes') { $tem->sub('opt_listing_1'); $tem->sub('opt_listing_2'); $tem->sub('opt_listing_3'); $tem->sub('opt_listing_4'); } else { $tem->sub('opt_listing_3_else'); $tem->sub('opt_listing_4_else'); } if($GLOBALS['opt_db'] == 'Yes') { $tem->sub('opt_db_1'); $tem->sub('opt_db_2'); $tem->sub('opt_db_3'); $tem->sub('opt_db_4'); $tem->sub('opt_db_5'); } if($GLOBALS['opt_email'] == 'Yes') { $tem->sub('opt_email_1'); $tem->sub('opt_email_2'); } if($GLOBALS['opt_http_pass'] == 'Yes') { $tem->sub('opt_http_pass_1'); $tem->sub('opt_http_pass_2'); } return $tem->run(); } # make a URL for the edit page with all the fields filled in function edit_url() { $url = this_url(); $url = ereg_replace('view_php=[^&]*', 'edit=yes', $url); $url = ereg_replace('download_tar=[^&]*', 'edit=yes', $url); $url = ereg_replace('/[a-z0-9_.]*\?', '/?', $url); $url = str_replace('jasonwoof.l', '', $url); # so that code generated on Jason's home computer will display a publically accessible link. return $url; } function view_php() { view_headers(); echo make_php(); } function make_email() { $tem = new tem(); $tem->load('code/wfpl/metaform/'); $tem->set('form_name', $GLOBALS['form_name']); $fields = get_fields(); foreach($fields as $field) { list($name, $type, $input, $format, $sql) = $field; $tem->set('name', $name); $tem->set('caption', $name); # fixme if($type == 'textarea') { $tem->sub('multi_line'); } else { $tem->sub('fields'); } } return $tem->run(); } function make_htaccess() { $tem = new tem(); $tem->set('form', $GLOBALS['form_name']); return $tem->run('code/wfpl/metaform/htaccess'); } function view_email() { view_headers(); echo make_email(); } function preview() { tem_load('code/wfpl/metaform/preview.html'); tem_set('form_name', $GLOBALS['form_name']); tem_set('fields', $_REQUEST['fields']); $preview_tem = new tem(); $preview_tem->load_str(make_html(false)); if($GLOBALS['opt_db'] == 'Yes') { $preview_tem->sub('new_msg'); } $fields = get_fields(); foreach($fields as $field) { list($name, $type, $input, $format, $sql) = $field; if($type == 'pulldown') { pulldown($name, array('option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3')); } } $preview = $preview_tem->run(); unset($preview_tem); tem_set('preview', $preview); set_form_action(); tem_output(); } function download_tar() { $name = $GLOBALS['form_name']; $data = array( ".htaccess" => make_htaccess(), "run.php ->" => 'code/wfpl/run.php', "style.css" => read_whole_file('code/wfpl/metaform/style.css'), "$name.html" => make_html(), "$name.php" => make_php()); if($GLOBALS['opt_db'] == 'Yes') { $data["$name.sql"] = make_sql(); } if($GLOBALS['opt_email'] == 'Yes') { $data["$"] = make_email(); } make_wfpl_tar($name, $data); } metaform(); exit(); ?>