X-Git-Url: https://jasonwoof.com/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=_source%2Flang%2Feu.js;h=0c4451d8f41518b85374bd79de860a18a00b9baf;hb=48b1db88210b4160dce439c6e3e32e14af8c106b;hp=073497b5ae0bc14efd6ad8726255af283982f2e9;hpb=9873d66421922c7aef8be0f5d2ab51e547b19e66;p=ckeditor.git diff --git a/_source/lang/eu.js b/_source/lang/eu.js index 073497b..0c4451d 100644 --- a/_source/lang/eu.js +++ b/_source/lang/eu.js @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* -Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. +Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = superscript : 'Goi-indize', horizontalrule : 'Txertatu Marra Horizontala', pagebreak : 'Txertatu Orrialde-jauzia', + pagebreakAlt : 'Page Break', // MISSING unlink : 'Kendu Esteka', undo : 'Desegin', redo : 'Berregin', @@ -109,6 +110,17 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = langDirRTL : 'Right to Left (RTL)', // MISSING styles : 'Style', // MISSING cssClasses : 'Stylesheet Classes', // MISSING + width : 'Zabalera', + height : 'Altuera', + align : 'Lerrokatu', + alignLeft : 'Ezkerrera', + alignRight : 'Eskuman', + alignCenter : 'Erdian', + alignTop : 'Goian', + alignMiddle : 'Erdian', + alignBottom : 'Behean', + invalidHeight : 'Altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.', + invalidWidth : 'Zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.', // Put the voice-only part of the label in the span. unavailable : '%1, erabilezina' @@ -155,9 +167,7 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = popupFullScreen : 'Pantaila Osoa (IE)', popupScrollBars : 'Korritze Barrak', popupDependent : 'Menpekoa (Netscape)', - popupWidth : 'Zabalera', popupLeft : 'Ezkerreko Posizioa', - popupHeight : 'Altuera', popupTop : 'Goiko Posizioa', id : 'Id', langDir : 'Hizkuntzaren Norabidea', @@ -243,15 +253,9 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = rows : 'Lerroak', columns : 'Zutabeak', border : 'Ertzaren Zabalera', - align : 'Lerrokatu', - alignLeft : 'Ezkerrean', - alignCenter : 'Erdian', - alignRight : 'Eskuman', - width : 'Zabalera', widthPx : 'pixel', widthPc : 'ehuneko', widthUnit : 'width unit', // MISSING - height : 'Altuera', cellSpace : 'Gelaxka arteko tartea', cellPad : 'Gelaxken betegarria', caption : 'Epigrafea', @@ -287,9 +291,6 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = wordWrap : 'Itzulbira', hAlign : 'Lerrokatze Horizontala', vAlign : 'Lerrokatze Bertikala', - alignTop : 'Goian', - alignMiddle : 'Erdian', - alignBottom : 'Behean', alignBaseline : 'Oinarri-lerroan', bgColor : 'Fondoaren Kolorea', borderColor : 'Ertzaren Kolorea', @@ -410,24 +411,17 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = btnUpload : 'Zerbitzarira bidalia', upload : 'Gora Kargatu', alt : 'Ordezko Testua', - width : 'Zabalera', - height : 'Altuera', lockRatio : 'Erlazioa Blokeatu', unlockRatio : 'Unlock Ratio', // MISSING resetSize : 'Tamaina Berrezarri', border : 'Ertza', hSpace : 'HSpace', vSpace : 'VSpace', - align : 'Lerrokatu', - alignLeft : 'Ezkerrera', - alignRight : 'Eskuman', alertUrl : 'Mesedez Irudiaren URLa idatzi', linkTab : 'Esteka', button2Img : 'Aukeratutako irudi botoia, irudi normal batean eraldatu nahi duzu?', img2Button : 'Aukeratutako irudia, irudi botoi batean eraldatu nahi duzu?', urlMissing : 'Image source URL is missing.', // MISSING - validateWidth : 'Width must be a whole number.', // MISSING - validateHeight : 'Height must be a whole number.', // MISSING validateBorder : 'Border must be a whole number.', // MISSING validateHSpace : 'HSpace must be a whole number.', // MISSING validateVSpace : 'VSpace must be a whole number.' // MISSING @@ -451,16 +445,10 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = accessAlways : 'Beti', accessSameDomain: 'Domeinu berdinekoak', accessNever : 'Inoiz ere ez', - align : 'Lerrokatu', - alignLeft : 'Ezkerrera', alignAbsBottom : 'Abs Behean', alignAbsMiddle : 'Abs Erdian', alignBaseline : 'Oinan', - alignBottom : 'Behean', - alignMiddle : 'Erdian', - alignRight : 'Eskuman', alignTextTop : 'Testua Goian', - alignTop : 'Goian', quality : 'Kalitatea', qualityBest : 'Hoberena', qualityHigh : 'Altua', @@ -474,13 +462,9 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = windowMode : 'Leihoaren modua', flashvars : 'Flash Aldagaiak', bgcolor : 'Atzeko kolorea', - width : 'Zabalera', - height : 'Altuera', hSpace : 'HSpace', vSpace : 'VSpace', validateSrc : 'Mesedez URL esteka idatzi', - validateWidth : 'Zabalera zenbaki bat izan behar da.', - validateHeight : 'Altuera zenbaki bat izan behar da.', validateHSpace : 'HSpace zenbaki bat izan behar da.', validateVSpace : 'VSpace zenbaki bat izan behar da.' }, @@ -615,6 +599,15 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = remove : 'Remove Div' // MISSING }, + iframe : + { + title : 'IFrame Properties', // MISSING + toolbar : 'IFrame', // MISSING + noUrl : 'Please type the iframe URL', // MISSING + scrolling : 'Enable scrollbars', // MISSING + border : 'Show frame border' // MISSING + }, + font : { label : 'Letra-tipoa', @@ -712,7 +705,7 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = dic_restore : 'Restore', // MISSING dic_delete : 'Delete', // MISSING dic_rename : 'Rename', // MISSING - dic_info : 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type it\'s name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING + dic_info : 'Initially the User Dictionary is stored in a Cookie. However, Cookies are limited in size. When the User Dictionary grows to a point where it cannot be stored in a Cookie, then the dictionary may be stored on our server. To store your personal dictionary on our server you should specify a name for your dictionary. If you already have a stored dictionary, please type its name and click the Restore button.', // MISSING aboutTab : 'Honi buruz' }, @@ -730,10 +723,11 @@ CKEDITOR.lang['eu'] = fakeobjects : { - anchor : 'Aingura', - flash : 'Flash Animazioa', - div : 'Orrialde Saltoa', - unknown : 'Objektu ezezaguna' + anchor : 'Aingura', + flash : 'Flash Animazioa', + iframe : 'IFrame', // MISSING + hiddenfield : 'Hidden Field', // MISSING + unknown : 'Objektu ezezaguna' }, resize : 'Arrastatu tamaina aldatzeko',