#!/usr/bin/coffee fs = require 'fs' async = require 'async' af = require './api.coffee' token_file = "#{process.env.HOME}/.af-coffee-token" timeout = (ms, f) -> setTimeout f, ms # a session caches the api access token and prompts for the username and # password if it goes stale. It re-tries API calls that fail due to # invalid/expired token commands = {} for k, v of af commands[k] = v unless k is 'login' # this is the simple one that updates the files then restarts the app. # to update without severing current connections or downtime, see app_publish_seamless commands.app_publish = (token, app_name, zip_file, callback) -> async.waterfall [ (callback) => @api 'app_update_files', app_name, zip_file, callback (res, callback) => @api 'app_restart', app_name, callback ], callback # This uses a pair of apps to get a seamless upgrades. ie the site is never # down, and connections that are open at the time of upgrade are given 10 # seconds to close. # # Requirements: # # 1. There must be two apps with the same name except one has an underscore at # the end and the other doesn't. # # 2. One of these apps must be running, and must have the domain names mapped # to it. # # 3. The other must be stopped, and must not have the domain names mapped to # it. (just it's *.af.com address.) # # Pass the app name without the underscore at the end, and app_publish_seamless # will figure out which is which commands.app_publish_seamless = (token, app_name, zip_file, callback) -> async.auto { info1: (cb) => @api 'app_info', app_name, cb info2: (cb) => @api 'app_info', app_name + '_', cb infos: ['info1', 'info2', (cb, args) -> # FIXME check for other requirements and bail if not met if args.info1.state is 'STOPPED' cb null, new: args.info1, old: args.info2 else cb null, new: args.info2, old: args.info1 ] push: ['infos', (cb, args) => @api 'app_update_files', args.infos.new.name, zip_file, cb ] copy_uris: ['push', 'infos', (cb, args) => # There's a bug in the server where you can't set new uris and # start the app in the same app_set_info call for u in args.infos.old.uris args.infos.new.uris.push u unless u.substr(-6) is '.af.cm' @api 'app_set_info', args.infos.new.name, args.infos.new, cb ] new_info_again: ['copy_uris', 'infos', (cb, args) => @api 'app_info', args.infos.new.name, cb ] start_new: ['new_info_again', (cb, args) => args.new_info_again.state = 'STARTED' @api 'app_set_info', args.new_info_again.name, args.new_info_again, cb ] hide_old: ['start_new', 'infos', (cb, args) => just_af = [] for u in args.infos.old.uris just_af.push u if u.substr(-6) is '.af.cm' args.infos.old.uris = just_af @api 'app_set_info', args.infos.old.name, args.infos.old, cb ] wait_for_old_connections: ['hide_old', (cb) => seconds = 10 log_id = @log_start "waiting #{seconds} seconds for connections to old instance to finish" timeout seconds * 1000, => @log_end(log_id) cb() ] old_info_again: ['hide_old', 'infos', (cb, args) => @api 'app_info', args.infos.old.name, cb ] stop_old: ['wait_for_old_connections', 'old_info_again', (cb, args) => args.old_info_again.state = 'STOPPED' @api 'app_set_info', args.old_info_again.name, args.old_info_again, cb ] # TODO when we get into sending manifests, we may need to update_files to infos.old.name too }, callback app_set_state = (token, app_name, state, callback) -> async.waterfall [ (callback) => @api 'app_info', app_name, callback (info, callback) => info.state = state @api 'app_set_info', app_name, info, callback ], callback commands.app_start = (token, app_name, callback) -> app_set_state.call this, token, app_name, 'STARTED', callback commands.app_stop = (token, app_name, callback) -> app_set_state.call this, token, app_name, 'STOPPED', callback commands.app_restart = (token, app_name, callback) -> # Server requires you to fetch the app state before each call to change # it, so there's no quicker way than just calling app_stop then app_start async.waterfall [ (callback) => @api 'app_stop', app_name, callback (res, callback) => @api 'app_start', app_name, callback ], callback class Session constructor: -> @token = 0 @verbose = true @log_nest = 0 @log_mid = 0 @log_id = 0 log_whitespace: -> out = '' out += '\n' if @log_mid for i in [0...@log_nest] out += '\t' return out log_start: (msg) -> return unless @verbose @log_id += 1 process.stdout.write "#{@log_whitespace()}#{@log_id}: #{msg}" @log_nest += 1 @log_mid = @log_id return @log_id log_end: (start_id) -> return unless @verbose @log_nest -= 1 if @log_mid is start_id process.stdout.write "... done\n" else process.stdout.write "#{@log_whitespace()}#{start_id} done\n" @log_mid = 0 api: (call, args..., callback) -> async.waterfall [ (callback) => switch @token when 0 get_token callback when -1 login.call this, callback else callback null, @token (token, callback) => @token = token log_id = @log_start [call, args...].join ' ' # commands implemented in client.coffee need "this" pointing to the session commands[call].call this, @token, args..., (err, the_rest...) => @log_end(log_id) unless err? callback err, the_rest... ], (err, result) => # eg /app/xxx/stats sometimes returns 404 with wrong auth token if err?.code is 403 or err?.code is 404 @token = -1 @api(call, args..., callback) else callback err, result ask: (opts, callback) -> process.stdout.write @log_whitespace() + opts.prompt process.stdin.setEncoding 'utf8' process.stdin.resume() process.stdin.once 'data', (line) => if opts.silent # send ^[[A^[[2K to move the cursor up one line, then clear that line process.stdout.write new Buffer [27, 91, 65, 27, 91, 50, 75] process.stdout.write @log_whitespace() + opts.prompt + "***\n" process.stdin.pause() @log_mid = 0 callback null, (line.substr 0, line.length - 1) get_token = (callback) -> fs.readFile token_file, 'utf8', (err, token) -> if err? login callback else callback null, token login = (callback) -> async.waterfall [ (callback) => async.series [ (callback) => @ask prompt: 'username: ', callback (callback) => @ask prompt: 'password: ', silent: true, callback ], callback ([username, password], callback) -> af.login username, password, callback (token, callback) -> # wait for file write so there's no race condition if get_token gets called soon fs.writeFile token_file, token, (err) -> if err process.stderr.write "Warning: couldn't cache auth token in #{token_file}: #{err}\n" # don't pass on error, it's ok if we can't cache it callback null, token ], callback exports.new_session = -> return new Session() usage = -> process.stderr.write "usage: #{process.argv[0]} #{process.argv[1]} command [args...]\n" process.stderr.write "valid commands are:\n\t#{(k for k, v of commands).join '\n\t'}\n" # parse and act on commandline arguments unless we were require()d as a module if require.main is module args = process.argv[2..] if args.length is 0 usage() else if not commands[args[0]] process.stderr.write "unknown command \"#{args[0]}\"\n" usage() else session = new Session() session.api args[0], args[1..]..., (err, result) -> if err? process.stderr.write "Error: #{JSON.stringify err}\n" if result? if typeof result is 'string' process.stdout.write result else process.stdout.write JSON.stringify result