CKEditor 4 Changelog ==================== ## CKEditor 4.4.1 New Features: * [#9661]( Added the option to [configure](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-linkJavaScriptLinksAllowed) anchor tags with JavaScript code in `href` attribute. Fixed Issues: * [#11861]( Fixed: [Webkit/Blink] Span elements created while joining adjacent elements. **Note:** This patch only covers cases when *Backspace* or *Delete* is pressed on a collapsed (empty) selection. The remaining case, with a non-empty selection, will be fixed in next release. * [#10714]( Fixed: [iOS] Selection and drop-downs are broken if touch listener is used due to [Webkit bug]( Thanks to [Arty Gus](! * [#11911]( Fixed setting the `dir` attribute for preloaded language in [CKEDITOR.lang](!/api/CKEDITOR.lang). Thanks to [Akash Mohapatra](! * [#11926]( Fixed: Code snippet does not decode HTML entities when loading code from the `` element. * [#11223]( Fixed: Issue when [Protected Source](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-protectedSource) was not working in the title element. * [#11859]( Fixed: Removed [Source Dialog]( plugin from being required in [Code Snippet]( sample. * [#11754]( Fixed: Infinite loop in Google Chrome when content contains not closed attributes. * [#11848]( Fixed: [`editor.insertElement()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertElement) throwing an exception in IE when there was no selection in editor. * [#11801]( Fixed: Editor anchors unavailable when linking [Enhanced Image]( widget. * [#11626]( Fixed: [Table Resize]( sets invalid width. * [#11872]( Made [`element.addClass()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.element-method-addClass) chainable symmetrically to [`element.removeClass()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.element-method-removeClass). * [#11813]( Fixed: Link lost while pasting captioned image and restoring undo snapshot ([Enhanced Image]( * [#11814]( Fixed: _Link_ and _Unlink_ entries persistently displayed in [Enhanced Image]( context menu. * [#11839]( Fixed: [IE9] Caret jumps out of editable area when resizing editor in source mode. * [#11822]( Fixed: [Webkit] Editing Anchors by double-click broken in some cases. * [#11823]( Fixed: [IE8] [Table Resize]( throws error over scrollbar. * [#11788]( Fixed: It is not possible to change language back to _Not set_ in [Code Snippet]( dialog. * [#11788]( Fixed: [Filter](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter) rules are not applied inside elements with `contenteditable` attribute set to `true`. * [#11798]( Fixed: Inserting non-editable element inside a table cell breaks the table badly. * [#11793]( Fixed: Drop-down is not "on" when clicking it while editor is blurred. * [#11850]( Fixed: Fake objects with contenteditable set to `false` are not downcasted properly. * [#11811]( Fixed: Widget's data are not encoded correctly when passed to attribute. * [#11777]( Fixed encoding ampersand in the [Mathematical Formulas]( plugin. * [#11880]( Fixed: [IE8-9] Linked image has a default thick border. Other changes: * [#11807]( Updated jQuery version used in sample to 1.11.0 and tested CKEditor jQuery adapter with version 1.11.0 and 2.1.0. * [#9504]( Stopped using deprecated attribute.specified in all browsers except IE. * [#11809]( Changed tab size in `
` to 4 spaces.

## CKEditor 4.4

**Important Notes:**

* Marked the [`editor.beforePaste`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-beforePaste) event as deprecated.
* The default class of captioned images has changed to `image` (was: `caption`). Please note that once edited in CKEditor 4.4+, all existing images of the `caption` class (`
`) will be [filtered out](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) unless the [`config.image2_captionedClass`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-image2_captionedClass) option is set to `caption`. For backward compatibility (i.e. when upgrading), it is highly recommended to use this setting, which also helps prevent CSS conflicts, etc. This does not apply to new CKEditor integrations. * Widgets without defined buttons are no longer registered automatically to the [Advanced Content Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter). Before CKEditor 4.4 widgets were registered to the ACF which was an incorrect behavior ([#11567]( This change should not have any impact on standard scenarios, but if your button does not execute the widget command, you need to set [`allowedContent`](!/api/CKEDITOR.feature-property-allowedContent) and [`requiredContent`](!/api/CKEDITOR.feature-property-requiredContent) properties for it manually, because the editor will not be able to find them. * The [Show Borders]( plugin was added to the Standard installation package in order to ensure that unstyled tables are still visible for the user ([#11665]( * Since CKEditor 4.4 the editor instance should be passed to [``](!/api/ methods to ensure full compatibility with other features (e.g. applying styles to widgets requires that). We ensured backward compatibility though, so the [``](!/api/ will work even when the editor instance is not provided. New Features: * [#11297]( Styles can now be applied to widgets. The definition of a style which can be applied to a specific widget must contain two additional properties — `type` and `widget`. Read more in the [Widget Styles](!/guide/dev_styles-section-widget-styles) section of the "Syles Drop-down" guide. Note that by default, widgets support only classes and no other attributes or styles. Related changes and features: * Introduced the [``](!/api/ method for registering custom style handlers. * The [``](!/api/ and [``](!/api/ methods are now called with an editor instance instead of the document so they can be reused by the [`CKEDITOR.editor.applyStyle()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-applyStyle) and [`CKEDITOR.editor.removeStyle()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-removeStyle) methods. Backward compatibility was preserved, but from CKEditor 4.4 it is highly recommended to pass an editor instead of a document to these methods. * Many new methods and properties were introduced in the [Widget API](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget) to make the handling of styles by widgets fully customizable. See: [`widget.definition.styleableElements`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition-property-styleableElements), [`widget.definition.styleToAllowedContentRule`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition-property-styleToAllowedContentRules), [`widget.addClass()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-method-addClass), [`widget.removeClass()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-method-removeClass), [`widget.getClasses()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-method-getClasses), [`widget.hasClass()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-method-hasClass), [`widget.applyStyle()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-method-applyStyle), [`widget.removeStyle()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-method-removeStyle), [`widget.checkStyleActive()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-method-checkStyleActive). * Integration with the [Allowed Content Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) required an introduction of the [``](!/api/ method which can be implemented by the custom style handler and if exists, it is used by the [`CKEDITOR.filter`](!/api/CKEDITOR.filter) to translate a style to [allowed content rules](!/api/CKEDITOR.filter.allowedContentRules). * [#11300]( Various changes in the [Enhanced Image]( plugin: * Introduced the [`config.image2_captionedClass`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-image2_captionedClass) option to configure the class of captioned images. * Introduced the [`config.image2_alignClasses`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-image2_alignClasses) option to configure the way images are aligned with CSS classes. If this setting is defined, the editor produces classes instead of inline styles for aligned images. * Default image caption can be translated (customized) with the `editor.lang.image2.captionPlaceholder` string. * [#11341]( [Enhanced Image]( plugin: It is now possible to add a link to any image type. * [#10202]( Introduced wildcard support in the [Allowed Content Rules](!/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules) format. * [#10276]( Introduced blacklisting in the [Allowed Content Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter). * [#10480]( Introduced code snippets with code highlighting. There are two versions available so far — the default [Code Snippet]( which uses the [highlight.js]( library and the [Code Snippet GeSHi]( which uses the [GeSHi]( library. * [#11737]( Introduced an option to prevent [filtering](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) of an element that matches custom criteria (see [`filter.addElementCallback()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.filter-method-addElementCallback)). * [#11532]( Introduced the [`editor.addContentsCss()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-addContentsCss) method that can be used for [adding custom CSS files](!/guide/plugin_sdk_styles). * [#11536]( Added the [``](!/api/ method for decoding HTML entities. * [#11225]( Introduced the [``](!/api/ property which contains transparent image data to be used in CSS or as image source. Other changes: * [#11377]( Unified internal representation of empty anchors using the [fake objects]( * [#11422]( Removed Firefox 3.x, Internet Explorer 6 and Opera 12.x leftovers in code. * [#5217]( Setting data (including switching between modes) creates a new undo snapshot. Besides that: * Introduced the [`editable.status`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editable-property-status) property. * Introduced a new `forceUpdate` option for the [`editor.lockSnapshot`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-lockSnapshot) event. * Fixed: Selection not being unlocked in inline editor after setting data ([#11500]( * The [WebSpellChecker]( plugin was updated to the latest version. Fixed Issues: * [#10190]( Fixed: Removing block style with [`editor.removeStyle()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-removeStyle) should result in a paragraph and not a div. * [#11727]( Fixed: The editor tries to select a non-editable image which was clicked. ## CKEditor 4.3.5 New Features: * Added new translation: Tatar. Fixed Issues: * [#11677]( Fixed: Undo/Redo keystrokes are blocked in the source mode. * [#11717]( [Document Properties]( plugin requires the [Color Dialog]( plugin to work. ## CKEditor 4.3.4 Fixed Issues: * [#11597]( [IE11] Fixed: Error thrown when trying to open the [preview]( using the keyboard. * [#11544]( [Placeholders]( will no longer be upcasted in parents not accepting `` elements. * [#8663]( Fixed [`element.renameNode()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.element-method-renameNode) not clearing the [`element.getName()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.element-method-getName) cache. * [#11574]( Fixed: *Backspace* destroying the DOM structure if an inline editable is placed in a list item. * [#11603]( Fixed: [Table Resize]( attaches to tables outside the editable. * [#9205](, [#7805](, [#8216]( Fixed: `{cke_protected_1}` appearing in data in various cases where HTML comments are placed next to `"` or `'`. * [#11635]( Fixed: Some attributes are not protected before the content is passed through the fix bin. * [#11660]( [IE] Fixed: Table content is lost when some extra markup is inside the table. * [#11641]( Fixed: Switching between modes in the classic editor removes content styles for the inline editor. * [#11568]( Fixed: [Styles]( drop-down list is not enabled on selection change. ## CKEditor 4.3.3 Fixed Issues: * [#11500]( [Webkit/Blink] Fixed: Selection lost when setting data in another inline editor. Additionally, [`selection.removeAllRanges()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-method-removeAllRanges) is now scoped to selection's [root](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-property-root). * [#11104]( [IE] Fixed: Various issues with scrolling and selection when focusing widgets. * [#11487]( Moving mouse over the [Enhanced Image]( widget will no longer change the value returned by the [`editor.checkDirty()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-checkDirty) method. * [#8673]( [WebKit] Fixed: Cannot select and remove the [Page Break]( * [#11413]( Fixed: Incorrect [`editor.execCommand()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-execCommand) behavior. * [#11438]( Splitting table cells vertically is no longer changing table structure. * [#8899]( Fixed: Links in the [About CKEditor]( dialog window now open in a new browser window or tab. * [#11490]( Fixed: [Menu button]( panel not showing in the source mode. * [#11417]( The [`widget.doubleclick`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget-event-doubleclick) event is not canceled anymore after editing was triggered. * [#11253]( [IE] Fixed: Clipped upload button in the [Enhanced Image]( dialog window. * [#11359]( Standardized the way anchors are discovered by the [Link]( plugin. * [#11058]( [IE8] Fixed: Error when deleting a table row. * [#11508]( Fixed: [`htmlDataProcessor`](!/api/CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor) discovering protected attributes within other attributes' values. * [#11533]( Widgets: Avoid recurring upcasts if the DOM structure was modified during an upcast. * [#11400]( Fixed: The [`domObject.removeAllListeners()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.domObject-method-removeAllListeners) method does not remove custom listeners completely. * [#11493]( Fixed: The [`selection.getRanges()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection-method-getRanges) method does not override cached ranges when used with the `onlyEditables` argument. * [#11390]( [IE] All [XML]( plugin [methods](!/api/CKEDITOR.xml) now work in IE10+. * [#11542]( [IE11] Fixed: Blurry toolbar icons when Right-to-Left UI language is set. * [#11504]( Fixed: When [`config.fullPage`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-fullPage) is set to `true`, entities are not encoded in editor output. * [#11004]( Integrated [Enhanced Image]( dialog window with [Advanced Content Filter](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter). * [#11439]( Fixed: Properties get cloned in the Cell Properties dialog window if multiple cells are selected. ## CKEditor 4.3.2 Fixed Issues: * [#11331]( A menu button will have a changed label when selected instead of using the `aria-pressed` attribute. * [#11177]( Widget drag handler improvements: * [#11176]( Fixed: Initial position is not updated when the widget data object is empty. * [#11001]( Fixed: Multiple synchronous layout recalculations are caused by initial drag handler positioning causing performance issues. * [#11161]( Fixed: Drag handler is not repositioned in various situations. * [#11281]( Fixed: Drag handler and mask are duplicated after widget reinitialization. * [#11207]( [Firefox] Fixed: Misplaced [Enhanced Image]( resizer in the inline editor. * [#11102]( `CKEDITOR.template` improvements: * [#11102]( Added newline character support. * [#11216]( Added "\\'" substring support. * [#11121]( [Firefox] Fixed: High Contrast mode is enabled when the editor is loaded in a hidden iframe. * [#11350]( The default value of [`config.contentsCss`](!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-contentsCss) is affected by [`CKEDITOR.getUrl()`](!/api/CKEDITOR-method-getUrl). * [#11097]( Improved the [Autogrow]( plugin performance when dealing with very big tables. * [#11290]( Removed redundant code in the [Source Dialog]( plugin. * [#11133]( [Page Break]( becomes editable if pasted. * [#11126]( Fixed: Native Undo executed once the bottom of the snapshot stack is reached. * [#11131]( [Div Editing Area]( Fixed: Error thrown when switching to source mode if the selection was in widget's nested editable. * [#11139]( [Div Editing Area]( Fixed: Elements Path is not cleared after switching to source mode. * [#10778]( Fixed a bug with range enlargement. The range no longer expands to visible whitespace. * [#11146]( [IE] Fixed: Preview window switches Internet Explorer to Quirks Mode. * [#10762]( [IE] Fixed: JavaScript code displayed in preview window's URL bar. * [#11186]( Introduced the [`widgets.repository.addUpcastCallback()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-method-addUpcastCallback) method that allows to block upcasting given element to a widget. * [#11307]( Fixed: Paste as Plain Text conflict with the [MooTools]( library. * [#11140]( [IE11] Fixed: Anchors are not draggable. * [#11379]( Changed default contents `line-height` to unitless values to avoid huge text overlapping (like in [#9696]( * [#10787]( [Firefox] Fixed: Broken replacement of text while pasting into `div`-based editor. * [#10884]( Widgets integration with the [Show Blocks]( plugin. * [#11021]( Fixed: An error thrown when selecting entire editable contents while fake selection is on. * [#11086]( [IE8] Re-enable inline widgets drag&drop in Internet Explorer 8. * [#11372]( Widgets: Special characters encoded twice in nested editables. * [#10068]( Fixed: Support for protocol-relative URLs. * [#11283]( [Enhanced Image]( A `
` element with `text-align: center` and an image inside is not recognised correctly. * [#11196]( [Accessibility Instructions]( Allowed additional keyboard button labels to be translated in the dialog window. ## CKEditor 4.3.1 **Important Notes:** * To match the naming convention, the `language` button is now `Language` ([#11201]( * [Enhanced Image]( button, context menu, command, and icon names match those of the [Image]( plugin ([#11222]( Fixed Issues: * [#11244]( Changed: The [`widget.repository.checkWidgets()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-method-checkWidgets) method now fires the [`widget.repository.checkWidgets`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-event-checkWidgets) event, so from CKEditor 4.3.1 it is preferred to use the method rather than fire the event. * [#11171]( Fixed: [`editor.insertElement()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertElement) and [`editor.insertText()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertText) methods do not call the [`widget.repository.checkWidgets()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository-method-checkWidgets) method. * [#11085]( [IE8] Replaced preview generated by the [Mathematical Formulas]( widget with a placeholder. * [#11044]( Enhanced WAI-ARIA support for the [Language]( plugin drop-down menu. * [#11075]( With drop-down menu button focused, pressing the *Down Arrow* key will now open the menu and focus its first option. * [#11165]( Fixed: The [File Browser]( plugin cannot be removed from the editor. * [#11159]( [IE9-10] [Enhanced Image]( Fixed buggy discovery of image dimensions. * [#11101]( Drop-down lists no longer break when given double quotes. * [#11077]( [Enhanced Image]( Empty undo step recorded when resizing the image. * [#10853]( [Enhanced Image]( Widget has paragraph wrapper when de-captioning unaligned image. * [#11198]( Widgets: Drag handler is not fully visible when an inline widget is in a heading. * [#11132]( [Firefox] Fixed: Caret is lost after drag and drop of an inline widget. * [#11182]( [IE10-11] Fixed: Editor crashes (IE11) or works with minor issues (IE10) if a page is loaded in Quirks Mode. See [`env.quirks`](!/api/CKEDITOR.env-property-quirks) for more details. * [#11204]( Added `figure` and `figcaption` styles to the `contents.css` file so [Enhanced Image]( looks nicer. * [#11202]( Fixed: No newline in [BBCode]( mode. * [#10890]( Fixed: Error thrown when pressing the *Delete* key in a list item. * [#10055]( [IE8-10] Fixed: *Delete* pressed on a selected image causes the browser to go back. * [#11183]( Fixed: Inserting a horizontal rule or a table in multiple row selection causes a browser crash. Additionally, the [`editor.insertElement()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-insertElement) method does not insert the element into every range of a selection any more. * [#11042]( Fixed: Selection made on an element containing a non-editable element was not auto faked. * [#11125]( Fixed: Keyboard navigation through menu and drop-down items will now cycle. * [#11011]( Fixed: The [`editor.applyStyle()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-applyStyle) method removes attributes from nested elements. * [#11179]( Fixed: [`editor.destroy()`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-destroy) does not cleanup content generated by the [Table Resize]( plugin for inline editors. * [#11237]( Fixed: Table border attribute value is deleted when pasting content from Microsoft Word. * [#11250]( Fixed: HTML entities inside the `