This is a web interface for cmus, so you can let people on your LAN can do the basics (pause, play, next, previous) and add songs to the queue. It is very basic. For example it doesn't show metadata about the tracks (just their paths) and you have to run a script manually every time you want the library listing (on the web page) updated. The code is released under GNU GPL v2+. See COPYING for details. INSTALL 1) Put these files somewhere in your home directory 2) Update HIDE_PREFIX on line 3 of if your music is not in ~/music 3) Copy do.php to a web-accessible directory. In that directory, also put the output of (probably as index.html). Also make a fifo in that directory named fifo: mkfifo fifo 4) make a symlink to the fifo file in this directory 5) cd to this directory (as your normal user, not the web server user) and run cmusd: ./ 6) make sure cmus is runing, then go to the web interface and see if it works. 6) If you get selinux errors, then hopefully you can fix them with local.te file to fix. Something like this: checkmodule -M -m -o local.mod local.te semodule_package -o local.pp -m local.mod semodule -i local.pp