
This page is for commissioning Jason Woofenden, working out the details of what is to be done and the cost, and managing schedules and priorities.

Commission a new feature/updateReport a problem

Tasks needing your attention:

Task #~task_id~: ~task_title.html~ (~task_state~)

Prioritized queue

Use the arrows on the left to change the order.

Task #~task_id~: ~task_title.html~ (

Tasks waiting for Jason:

Task #~task_id~: ~task_title.html~ (~task_state~)

Jason is currently working on:

Task #~task_id~: ~task_title.html~ (

Finished tasks (unpaid)

Task #~task_id~: ~task_title.html~ (

Finished and paid for

Task #~task_id~: ~task_title.html~