. require_once('code/tasks.php'); $GLOBALS['tasks_form_recipient'] = "fixme@example.com"; require_once('code/wfpl/template.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/format.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/messages.php'); require_once('code/wfpl/email.php'); require_once('code/db_connect.php'); function description_has_fixmes($description) { return (strpos($description, 'FIXME') !== false); } function tasks_get_fields() { $title = format_oneline($_REQUEST['title']); $url = format_oneline($_REQUEST['url']); $description = format_unix($_REQUEST['description']); $price = format_decimal($_REQUEST['price']); tasks_tem_sets($title, $url, $description, $price); return array($title, $url, $description, $price); } function tasks_tem_sets($title, $url, $description, $price) { tem_set('title', $title); tem_set('url', $url); tem_set('description', $description); tem_set('price', $price); } function tasks_main() { if(!logged_in()) { $GLOBALS['url'] = this_url(); return 'login'; } if(isset($_REQUEST['tasks_id'])) { $ret = tasks_display_main(); if($ret) { return $ret; } tem_show('display_body'); } else { $ret = tasks_edit_main(); if($ret) { return $ret; } tem_show('edit_body'); } tem_show('main_body'); } function tasks_display_main() { $task_id = format_int($_REQUEST['tasks_id']);; $client_id = logged_in(); if(logged_in_as_contractor()) { $row = db_get_row('tasks', 'title,url,description,state,price,client_id,paid,finished_at,tested_at', 'where id=%i', $task_id); } else { $row = db_get_row('tasks', 'title,url,description,state,price,client_id,paid,finished_at,tested_at', 'where id=%i && client_id=%i', $task_id, $client_id); } if($row) { list($title, $url, $description, $state, $price, $owner_id, $paid, $finished_at, $tested_at) = $row; tem_set('task_id', $task_id); tem_set('title', $title); tem_set('url', $url); tem_set('description', $description); tem_set('state', task_state_pretty($state)); tem_set('price', $price); if($finished_at) { tem_set('finished_at', $finished_at); tem_show('finished_at_section'); } if($tested_at) { tem_set('tested_at', $tested_at); tem_show('tested_at_section'); } if($state == TASK_BUG) { tem_show('bug_title'); } else { tem_show('normal_title'); } if(logged_in_as_contractor()) { switch($state) { case TASK_DRAFT: case TASK_NEEDS_CLARIFICATION: case TASK_NEEDS_QUOTE: case TASK_BUG: tem_show('normal_edit_link'); break; case TASK_NEEDS_GO_AHEAD: tem_show('approve_price_link'); tem_show('normal_edit_link'); tem_show('price_row'); break; case TASK_QUEUED: tem_show('normal_edit_link'); tem_show('working_link'); tem_show('price_row'); break; case TASK_WORKING: tem_show('price_row'); tem_show('needs_testing_link'); break; case TASK_NEEDS_TESTING: if($owner_id == logged_in()) { tem_show('finished_link'); } # FALL THROUGH case TASK_FINISHED: if($paid) { tem_show('marked_paid'); } else { tem_show('mark_paid_link'); } tem_show('price_row'); break; } } else { switch($state) { case TASK_DRAFT: case TASK_NEEDS_CLARIFICATION: case TASK_NEEDS_QUOTE: case TASK_BUG: tem_show('normal_edit_link'); break; case TASK_NEEDS_GO_AHEAD: tem_show('price_row'); tem_show('approve_price_link'); tem_show('normal_edit_link'); break; case TASK_QUEUED: tem_show('price_row'); tem_show('warning_edit_link'); break; case TASK_WORKING: tem_show('price_row'); break; case TASK_NEEDS_TESTING: tem_show('price_row'); tem_show('finished_link'); break; case TASK_FINISHED: tem_show('price_row'); break; } } } else { message("Task #$task_id not found"); return './'; } } define('MAX_PRIORITY', 2000000000); define('MIN_PRIORITY', 0); define('MID_PRIORITY', floor((MAX_PRIORITY - MIN_PRIORITY) / 2)); function new_lowest_priority($client_id) { $lowest_ord = db_get_value('tasks', 'ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord asc limit 1', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); if($lowest_ord === false) { return MID_PRIORITY; } if($lowest_ord == MIN_PRIORITY) { reprioritize_tasks($client_id); # make room $lowest_ord = db_get_value('tasks', 'ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord asc limit 1', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); } return MIN_PRIORITY + floor(($lowest_ord - MIN_PRIORITY) / 2); } # keep everything in the same order, but space them out so there's room to squeeze things in anywhere function reprioritize_tasks($client_id) { $ids = db_get_column('tasks', 'id', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord desc, id desc', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); $step = floor((MAX_PRIORITY - MIN_PRIORITY) / (count($ids) + 1)); $cur = MAX_PRIORITY; foreach($ids as $id) { $cur -= $step; db_update('tasks', 'ord', $cur, 'where id=%i', $id); } } # pass the task id and one of (up,down,top,bottom) function prioritize_task($id, $change) { $row = db_get_row('tasks', 'client_id,ord', 'where id=%i', $id); if(!$row) { message('Database error #2242'); return; } list($client_id, $ord) = $row; switch($change) { case 'top': list($highest_id, $highest_ord) = db_get_row('tasks', 'id,ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord desc limit 1', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); if($highest_id == $id) { message('Already highest priority'); return; } if($highest_ord == MAX_PRIORITY) { reprioritize_tasks($client_id); # make room $highest_ord = db_get_value('tasks', 'ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord desc limit 1', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); } $new_ord = MAX_PRIORITY - floor((MAX_PRIORITY - $highest_ord) / 2); db_update('tasks', 'ord', $new_ord, 'where id=%i', $id); return; case 'bottom': list($lowest_id, $lowest_ord) = db_get_row('tasks', 'id,ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord asc limit 1', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); if($lowest_id == $id) { message('Already lowest priority'); return $lowest_ord; } if($lowest_ord == MIN_PRIORITY) { reprioritize_tasks($client_id); # make room $lowest_ord = db_get_value('tasks', 'ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord asc limit 1', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); } $new_ord = MIN_PRIORITY + floor(($lowest_ord - MIN_PRIORITY) / 2); db_update('tasks', 'ord', $new_ord, 'where id=%i', $id); return; case 'up': case 'down': if($change == 'up') { $rows = db_get_rows('tasks', 'id,ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord desc, id desc', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); if($rows[0][0] == $id) { message('Already highest priority'); return; } if($rows[1][0] == $id) { prioritize_task($id, 'top'); return; } } else { $rows = db_get_rows('tasks', 'id,ord', 'where client_id=%i && state=%i order by ord asc, id asc', $client_id, TASK_QUEUED); if($rows[0][0] == $id) { message('Already lowest priority'); return; } if($rows[1][0] == $id) { prioritize_task($id, 'bottom'); return; } } # find the one we're moving $cur_index = 0; $done = count($rows); for($i = 2; $i < $done ; ++$i) { if($rows[$i][0] == $id) { $cur_index = $i; break; } } $before_ord = $rows[$cur_index - 1][1]; $before_before_ord = $rows[$cur_index - 2][1]; if(abs($before_before_ord - $before_ord) < 2) { reprioritize_tasks($client_id); $before_ord = db_get_value('tasks', 'ord', 'where id=%i', $rows[$cur_index - 1][0]); $before_before_ord = db_get_value('tasks', 'ord', 'where id=%i', $rows[$cur_index - 2][0]); if($before_before_ord == $before_ord) { message('Programmer error #8592'); return; } } $new_ord = $before_ord + floor(($before_before_ord - $before_ord) / 2); db_update('tasks', 'ord', $new_ord, 'where id=%i', $id); return; default: message('invalid change'); return; } } function tasks_edit_main() { $state = TASK_DRAFT; # will be overwritten $client_id = logged_in(); # fixed shortly if we're contractor $edit_id = format_int($_REQUEST['tasks_edit_id']); unset($_REQUEST['tasks_edit_id']); if($edit_id) { $owner = db_get_value('tasks', 'client_id', 'where id=%i', $edit_id); if(logged_in_as_contractor()) { $client_id = $owner; } elseif($owner != $client_id) { message('Sorry, that task was entered by/for another client.'); return './'; } # add hidden field for database id of row we're editing tem_set('tasks_edit_id', $edit_id); tem_show('editing'); $state = db_get_value('tasks', 'state', 'where id=%i', $edit_id); } if(isset($_REQUEST['bump'])) { switch($_REQUEST['bump']) { case 'up': case 'down': case 'top': case 'bottom': prioritize_task($edit_id, $_REQUEST['bump']); return './'; } } if(isset($_REQUEST['tasks_new_bug'])) { $state = TASK_BUG; } if(isset($_REQUEST['tasks_mark_paid_id'])) { if(!logged_in_as_contractor()) { message("Error: only Jason can mark tasks as paid."); return './'; } $id = $_REQUEST['tasks_mark_paid_id']; db_update('tasks', 'paid', 1, 'where id=%i', $id); message('Marked as paid.'); return './'; } if(isset($_REQUEST['tasks_approve_price_id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['tasks_approve_price_id']; $owner = db_get_value('tasks', 'client_id', 'where id=%i', $id); if(logged_in() != $owner) { message("Error: can't approve a task entered by/for another client."); return './'; } $ord = new_lowest_priority($owner); db_update('tasks', 'state,ord', TASK_QUEUED, $ord, 'where id=%i', $id); message('Price approved.'); return './'; } if(isset($_REQUEST['tasks_working_id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['tasks_working_id']; if(!logged_in_as_contractor()) { message("Error: only Jason can say what he's working on."); return './'; } db_update('tasks', 'state', TASK_WORKING, 'where id=%i', $id); message('Task marked as "in progress".'); return './tasks?tasks_id=' . $id; } if(isset($_REQUEST['tasks_needs_testing_id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['tasks_needs_testing_id']; if(!logged_in_as_contractor()) { message("Error: only Jason can say when he's done."); return './'; } db_update('tasks', 'state,finished_at', TASK_NEEDS_TESTING, date('Y-m-d'), 'where id=%i', $id); message('Task awaits testing.'); return './'; } if(isset($_REQUEST['tasks_finished_id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['tasks_finished_id']; $owner = db_get_value('tasks', 'client_id', 'where id=%i', $id);; if(logged_in() != $owner) { message("Error: can't test a task entered by/for another client."); return './'; } db_update('tasks', 'state,tested_at', TASK_FINISHED, date('Y-m-d'), 'where id=%i', $id); message('Task marked as finished.'); # FIXME also mark it as paid if client's balance can cover it return './'; } $delete_id = format_int($_REQUEST['tasks_delete_id']); unset($_REQUEST['tasks_delete_id']); if($delete_id) { db_delete('tasks', 'where id=%i', $delete_id); message('Task deleted.'); return './tasks.html'; } if(isset($_REQUEST['title'])) { list($title, $url, $description, $price) = tasks_get_fields(); $queuing = false; # FIXME if(isset($_REQUEST['save_draft'])) { $state = TASK_DRAFT; } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['save_bug'])) { $state = TASK_BUG; } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['save_price_no_tiny']) && logged_in_as_contractor()) { $state = TASK_NEEDS_GO_AHEAD; } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['save_price']) && logged_in_as_contractor()) { $tiny_agreement = db_get_value('people', 'tiny_agreement', 'where id=%i', $client_id); if($price <= $tiny_agreement) { $state = TASK_QUEUED; $queuing = true; } else { $state = TASK_NEEDS_GO_AHEAD; } } elseif(isset($_REQUEST['needs_clarification'])) { $state = TASK_NEEDS_CLARIFICATION; } else { # better be "request_price" if(description_has_fixmes($description)) { $state = TASK_NEEDS_CLARIFICATION; message('The description is not ready to be priced yet because it still contains at least one "FIXME".'); } else { $state = TASK_NEEDS_QUOTE; } } if(!logged_in_as_contractor() || $_REQUEST['client_id']) { # if you change this change the one above if($edit_id) { $tables = 'title,url,description,state'; $values = array($title, $url, $description, $state); if(isset($_REQUEST['price']) && logged_in_as_contractor()) { $tables .= ',price'; array_push($values, $price); } if($queuing) { $client_id = db_get_value('tasks', 'client_id', 'where id=%i', $edit_id); $tables .= ',ord'; array_push($values, new_lowest_priority($client_id)); } db_update('tasks', $tables, $values, 'where id=%i', $edit_id); message('Task updated.'); } else { # new task $paid = 0; $client_id = logged_in(); if(logged_in_as_contractor() && $_REQUEST['client_id']) { $client_id = format_int($_REQUEST['client_id']); $client_name = db_get_value('people', 'name', 'where id=%i', $client_id); } else { # if client entered the task, no price is set $price = 0; } if($state == TASK_QUEUED) { $ord = new_lowest_priority($client_id); } else { $ord = 0; } db_insert('tasks', 'client_id,title,url,description,state,paid,price,ord', $client_id, $title, $url, $description, $state, $paid, $price, $ord); if(logged_in_as_contractor()) { message("Task saved for $client_name."); } else { message('Task saved.'); } } if($GLOBALS['tasks_form_recipient'] != "fixme@example.com") { $to = $GLOBALS['tasks_form_recipient']; $from = $to; $reply_to = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) and valid_email($_REQUEST['email'])) { $reply_to = $_REQUEST['email']; if($_REQUEST['name'] and ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\' -]*$', $_REQUEST['name']) !== false) { $reply_to = "$_REQUEST[name] <$reply_to>"; } } $subject = 'tasks form submitted'; $message = tem_run('tasks.email.txt'); $cc = ''; $bcc = ''; if(email($from, $to, $subject, $message, $reply_to, $cc, $bcc)) { message('Due to an internal error, your message could not be sent. Please try again later.'); $error = true; } } if($error !== true) { return './'; } } else { message('Error: you must select a client for the task'); } # otherwise, we display the form again. tasks_get_fields() has # already put the posted values back into the template engine, so they will # show up in the form fields. You should add some message asking people to # fix their entry in whatever way you require. } elseif($edit_id) { # we've recieved an edit id, but no data. So we grab the values to be edited from the database list($title, $url, $description, $state, $paid) = db_get_row('tasks', 'title,url,description,state,price', 'where id=%i', $edit_id); tasks_tem_sets($title, $url, $description, $price); } else { # form not submitted, you can set default values like so: #tem_set('client_id', 'Yes'); } # display header if($edit_id) { tem_show('edit_msg'); } elseif($state == TASK_BUG) { tem_show('bug_msg'); } else { tem_show('new_msg'); if(logged_in_as_contractor()) { pulldown('client_id', db_get_rows('people', 'id,name', 'where id > 1'), PULLDOWN_2D); tem_set('client_id', format_int($_REQUEST['client_id'])); tem_show('client_row'); } } # display instructions if($state == TASK_BUG) { tem_show('bug_instructions'); if(logged_in_as_contractor()) { tem_show('price_field'); tem_show('contractor_submits'); } else { tem_show('bug_submit'); } } elseif($state == TASK_NEEDS_QUOTE && logged_in_as_contractor()) { tem_show('set_price_instructions'); tem_show('price_field'); tem_show('contractor_submits'); } else { if(description_has_fixmes($description)) { tem_show('fixme_instructions'); } else { tem_show('normal_instructions'); } if(logged_in_as_contractor()) { tem_show('contractor_submits'); switch($state) { case TASK_DRAFT: case TASK_NEEDS_CLARIFICATION: case TASK_NEEDS_QUOTE: case TASK_NEEDS_GO_AHEAD: case TASK_QUEUED: case TASK_BUG: tem_show('price_field'); } } else { tem_show('normal_submits'); } } } ?>