JasonWoof Got questions, comments, patches, etc.? Contact Jason Woofenden
add footer with license and source
[crayon_mockup.git] / style.styl
1 body
2         margin: 0px
3         padding: 10px
4         font: 15 Arimo, Arial, sans-serif
5 h1
6         font-size: 28px
7         margin: 0
8 p
9         margin: 0
10 * p
11         margin-top: 10px
13 .footer
14         font-size: 13px
16 color_crayon = #8c8c8c
17 color_selected = #544c4c
18 color_hover = #777
19 color_dragging = #9e9373
20 color_controls = #000
21 color_controls_hover = #222
22 color_controls_selected = #444
23 color_controls_dragging = #666
24 .crayon_mockup
25         svg
26                 .polyline
27                         fill: none
28                         stroke-width: 5
29                         stroke-linecap: butt
30                         stroke-linejoin: round
31                         stroke-miterlimit: 4
32                         stroke-opacity: 1
33                         stroke-dasharray: none
34                         // fails in firefox (must be inline) filter: url(#crayon)
35                 .canvas_border
36                         overflow: hidden
37                         fill: none
38                         stroke: #ccc
39                         stroke-width: 2
40                         stroke-linecap: butt
41                         stroke-linejoin:miter
42                         stroke-dasharray:2 4
43                         stroke-dashoffset:1
44                         //stroke-opacity:1;marker:none;enable-background:accumulate
45                 .box
46                         stroke: color_crayon
47                         fill: none
48                         stroke-width: 4
49                         stroke-linecap: butt
50                         stroke-linejoin:miter
51                         // this doesn't work in firefox: filter: url(#crayon)
52                 .box, .polyline
53                         stroke: color_crayon
54                 .box.selected, .polyline.selected
55                         stroke: color_selected
56                 .box.dragging, .polyline.dragging
57                         stroke: color_dragging
58                 .box.normal.hover, .polyline.normal.hover
59                         stroke: color_hover
60                 .control_point
61                         stroke: none
62                         fill: color_controls
63                 .control_point.selected
64                         fill: color_controls_selected
65                 .control_point.dragging
66                         fill: color_controls_dragging
67                 .control_point.normal.hover
68                         fill: color_controls_hover