Peach CGT ========= Peach CGT simulates a card game table. It was designed for play-testing and developing rules for [WTactics]( It makes very few assumptions about how the game works, so it may be useful/fun for other projects as well. Peach CGT runs as a web server, and can host many two-player games at once. Note that this is a very early development version, and many things are not supported, such as tokens, counters, dice, re-shuffling, looking through your piles, etc.. Also it might not be very reliable. Playing ------- Just open a browser and go to a web address where a Peach CGT server is running. This will create a new game for you and give you a web address to give to the other player. Follow the instructions on the screen, and enjoy! Note: if you suspect that you are seeing something different than the other player, you both should probably hit refresh. This early version does not always detect network errors. Installing/Running the Server ----------------------------- You usually won't need to do this to play. This section is for making it so you can host games, try modifications to the code, etc.. First, install these prerequisites: nodejs node-less jquery jquery-ui coffeescript On debian unstable this should work: # apt-get install nodejs libnode-less coffeescript libjs-jquery libjs-jquery-ui To run the server (from the source directory): $ coffee Which should immediately print out a web address where people can go to start a new game. If it doesn't read on... Troubleshooting the Server -------------------------- First, make sure you've got all the prerequisites as described in the section above. A common problem is that the server cannot find jquery, or the parts of jquery-ui that it is looking for. Future versions of Peach CGT should be better at finding these javascript files, and may even come with some of them. For now, try fiddling with the `