# Copyright 2015 Jason Woofenden # This file implements an WYSIWYG editor in the browser (no contenteditable) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # SETTINGS overlay_padding = 10 timeout = (ms, cb) -> return setTimeout cb, ms next_frame = (cb) -> if (window.requestAnimationFrame?) window.requestAnimationFrame cb else timeout 16, cb this_url_sans_path = -> ret = "#{window.location.href}" clip = ret.lastIndexOf '#' if clip > -1 ret = ret.substr 0, clip clip = ret.lastIndexOf '?' if clip > -1 ret = ret.substr 0, clip clip = ret.lastIndexOf '/' if clip > -1 ret = ret.substr 0, clip + 1 return ret # xml 1.0 spec, chromium and firefox accept these, plus lots of unicode chars valid_attr_regex = new RegExp '^[a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9_:.]*$' # html5 spec is much more lax, but chromium won't let me make at attribute with the name "4" js_attr_regex = new RegExp '^[oO][nN].' debug_dot_at = (doc, x, y) -> return # disabled el = doc.createElement 'div' el.setAttribute 'style', "position: absolute; left: #{x}px; top: #{y}px; width: 1px; height: 3px; background-color: red" doc.body.appendChild el #console.log(new Error().stack) # text nodes don't have getBoundingClientRect(), so use selection api to find # it. get_el_bounds = window.bounds = (el) -> if el.getBoundingClientRect? rect = el.getBoundingClientRect() else # text nodes don't have getBoundingClientRect(), so use range api range = el.ownerDocument.createRange() range.selectNodeContents el rect = range.getBoundingClientRect() doc = el.ownerDocument.documentElement win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView y_fix = win.pageYOffset - doc.clientTop x_fix = win.pageXOffset - doc.clientLeft return { x: rect.left + x_fix y: rect.top + y_fix w: rect.width ? (rect.right - rect.left) h: rect.height ? (rect.top - rect.bottom) } is_display_block = (el) -> if el.currentStyle? return el.currentStyle.display is 'block' else return window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('display') is 'block' # Pass return value from dom event handlers to this. # If they return false, this will addinionally stop propagation and default. event_return = (e, bool) -> if bool is false if e.stopPropagation? e.stopPropagation() if e.preventDefault? e.preventDefault() return bool # Warning: currently assumes you're asking about a single character # Note: chromium returns multiple bounding rects for a space at a line-break # Note: chromium's getBoundingClientRect() is broken (when zero-area client rects) # Note: sometimes returns null (eg for whitespace that is not visible) text_range_bounds = (el, start, end) -> range = document.createRange() range.setStart el, start range.setEnd el, end rects = range.getClientRects() if rects.length > 0 rect = rects[0] else return null doc = el.ownerDocument.documentElement win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView y_fix = win.pageYOffset - doc.clientTop x_fix = win.pageXOffset - doc.clientLeft return { x: rect.left + x_fix y: rect.top + y_fix w: rect.width ? (rect.right - rect.left) h: rect.height ? (rect.top - rect.bottom) rects: rects bounding: range.getBoundingClientRect() } class CursorPosition constructor: (args) -> @n = args.n ? null @i = args.i ? null if args.x? @x = args.x @y = args.y @h = args.h else @set_xyh() return set_xyh: -> range = document.createRange() if @n.text.length is 0 ret = text_range_bounds @n.el, 0, 0 else if @i is @n.text.length ret = text_range_bounds @n.el, @i - 1, @i if ret? ret.x += ret.w else ret = text_range_bounds @n.el, @i, @i + 1 if ret? @x = ret.x @y = ret.y @h = ret.h else @x = null @y = null @h = null return ret new_cursor_position = (args) -> ret = new CursorPosition args if ret.x? return ret return null # encode text so it can be safely placed inside an html attribute enc_attr_regex = new RegExp '(&)|(")|(\u00A0)', 'g' enc_attr = (txt) -> return txt.replace enc_attr_regex, (match, amp, quote) -> return '&' if (amp) return '"' if (quote) return ' ' enc_text_regex = new RegExp '(&)|(<)|(\u00A0)', 'g' enc_text = (txt) -> return txt.replace enc_text_regex, (match, amp, lt) -> return '&' if (amp) return '<' if (lt) return ' ' void_elements = { area: true base: true br: true col: true embed: true hr: true img: true input: true keygen: true link: true meta: true param: true source: true track: true wbr: true } # TODO make these always pretty-print (on the inside) like blocks no_text_elements = { # these elements never contain text select: true table: true tr: true thead: true tbody: true ul: true ol: true } domify = (doc, hash) -> for tag, attrs of hash if tag is 'text' return document.createTextNode attrs el = document.createElement tag for k, v of attrs if k is 'children' for child in v el.appendChild child else el.setAttribute k, v return el outer_css = (args) -> w = args.w ? 300 h = args.h ? 300 inner_padding = args.inner_padding ? overlay_padding frame_width = args.frame_width ? inner_padding # TODO editor controls height... occupy = (left, top = left, right = left, bottom = top) -> w -= left + right h -= top + bottom return Math.max(left, top, right, bottom) ret = '' ret += 'body {' ret += 'margin: 0;' ret += 'padding: 0;' ret += 'color: black;' ret += 'background: white;' ret += '}' ret += '#wrap1 {' ret += "border: #{occupy 1}px solid black;" ret += "padding: #{occupy frame_width}px;" ret += '}' ret += '#wrap2 {' ret += "border: #{occupy 1}px solid black;" ret += "padding: #{occupy inner_padding}px;" ret += "padding-right: #{inner_padding + occupy 0, 0, 15, 0}px;" # for scroll bar ret += "width: #{w}px;" ret += "height: #{h}px;" ret += 'overflow-x: hidden;' ret += 'overflow-y: scroll;' ret += '}' ret += '#wrap3 {' ret += 'position: relative;' ret += "width: #{w}px;" ret += "min-height: #{h}px;" ret += '}' ret += 'iframe {' ret += 'box-sizing: border-box;' ret += 'margin: 0;' ret += 'border: none;' ret += 'padding: 0;' ret += "width: #{w}px;" #ret += "height: #{h}px;" # height auto-set when content set/changed ret += '-ms-user-select: none;' ret += '-webkit-user-select: none;' ret += '-moz-user-select: none;' ret += 'user-select: none;' ret += '}' ret += '#overlay {' ret += 'position: absolute;' ret += "left: -#{inner_padding}px;" ret += "top: -#{inner_padding}px;" ret += "right: -#{inner_padding}px;" ret += "bottom: -#{inner_padding}px;" ret += 'overflow: hidden;' ret += '}' ret += '.lightbox {' ret += 'position: absolute;' ret += 'background: rgba(100,100,100,0.2);' ret += '}' ret += '#cursor {' ret += 'position: absolute;' ret += 'width: 2px;' ret += 'background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(255,255,255,1), rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(255,255,255,1), rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(255,255,255,1), rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(255,255,255,1), rgba(0,0,0,1));' ret += 'background-size: 200% 200%;' ret += '-webkit-animation: blink 1s linear normal infinite;' ret += 'animation: blink 1s linear normal infinite;' ret += '}' ret += '@-webkit-keyframes blink {' ret += '0%{background-position:0% 0%}' ret += '100%{background-position:0% -100%}' ret += '}' ret += '@keyframes blink { ' ret += '0%{background-position:0% 0%}' ret += '100%{background-position:0% -100%}' ret += '}' ret += '.ann_box {' ret += 'z-index: 5;' ret += 'position: absolute;' ret += 'border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);' ret += 'outline: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.1);' # in case there's a black background ret += '}' ret += '.ann_tag {' ret += 'z-index: 10;' ret += 'position: absolute;' ret += 'font-size: 8px;' ret += 'white-space: pre;' ret += 'background: rgba(255,255,255,0.4);' ret += '-ms-user-select: none;' ret += '-webkit-user-select: none;' ret += '-moz-user-select: none;' ret += 'user-select: none;' ret += '}' return ret ignore_key_codes = '18': true # alt '20': true # capslock '17': true # ctrl '144': true # numlock '16': true # shift '91': true # windows "start" key # key codes: (valid on keydown, not keypress) KEY_LEFT = 37 KEY_UP = 38 KEY_RIGHT = 39 KEY_DOWN = 40 KEY_BACKSPACE = 8 # <-- KEY_DELETE = 46 # --> KEY_END = 35 KEY_ENTER = 13 KEY_ESCAPE = 27 KEY_HOME = 36 KEY_INSERT = 45 KEY_PAGE_UP = 33 KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 34 KEY_TAB = 9 control_key_codes = # we react to these, but they aren't typing '37': KEY_LEFT '38': KEY_UP '39': KEY_RIGHT '40': KEY_DOWN '35': KEY_END '8': KEY_BACKSPACE '46': KEY_DELETE '13': KEY_ENTER '27': KEY_ESCAPE '36': KEY_HOME '45': KEY_INSERT '33': KEY_PAGE_UP '34': KEY_PAGE_DOWN '9': KEY_TAB instantiate_tree = (tree, parent) -> remove = [] for c, i in tree switch c.type when 'text' c.el = parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode c.text parent.appendChild c.el when 'tag' if c.name in ['script', 'object', 'iframe', 'link'] # TODO put placeholders instead remove.unshift i continue # TODO create in correct namespace c.el = parent.ownerDocument.createElement c.name for k, v of c.attrs # FIXME if attr_whitelist[k]? if valid_attr_regex.test k unless js_attr_regex.test k c.el.setAttribute k, v parent.appendChild c.el if c.children.length instantiate_tree c.children, c.el for i in remove tree.splice i, 1 traverse_tree = (tree, cb) -> done = false for c in tree done = cb c return done if done if c.children.length done = traverse_tree c.children, cb return done if done return done first_cursor_position = (tree) -> found = null traverse_tree tree, (node, state) -> if node.type is 'text' cursor = new_cursor_position n: node, i: 0 if cursor? found = cursor return true return false return found # maybe null # this will fail when text has non-locatable cursor positions find_next_cursor_position = (tree, cursor) -> if cursor.n.type is 'text' and cursor.n.text.length > cursor.i new_cursor = new_cursor_position n: cursor.n, i: cursor.i + 1 if new_cursor? return new_cursor state_before = true found = null traverse_tree tree, (node, state) -> if node.type is 'text' and state_before is false new_cursor = new_cursor_position n: node, i: 0 if new_cursor? found = new_cursor return true if node is cursor.n state_before = false return false if found? return found return null last_cursor_position = (tree) -> found = null traverse_tree tree, (node) -> if node.type is 'text' cursor = new_cursor_position n: node, i: node.text.length if cursor? found = cursor return false return found # maybe null # this will fail when text has non-locatable cursor positions find_prev_cursor_position = (tree, cursor) -> if cursor.n.type is 'text' and cursor.i > 0 new_cursor = new_cursor_position n: cursor.n, i: cursor.i - 1 if new_cursor? return new_cursor found_prev = null found = null traverse_tree tree, (node) -> if node is cursor.n found = found_prev # maybe null return true if node.type is 'text' new_cursor = new_cursor_position n: node, i: node.text.length if new_cursor? found_prev = new_cursor return false return found # maybe null xy_to_cursor = (tree, xy) -> for n in tree if n.type is 'tag' or n.type is 'text' bounds = get_el_bounds n.el continue if xy.x < bounds.x continue if xy.x > bounds.x + bounds.w continue if xy.y < bounds.y continue if xy.y > bounds.y + bounds.h if n.children.length ret = xy_to_cursor n.children, xy return ret if ret? if n.type is 'text' # click is within bounding box that contains all text. if n.text.length is 0 ret = new_cursor_position n: n, i: 0 return ret if ret? continue before = new_cursor_position n: n, i: 0 continue unless before? after = new_cursor_position n: n, i: n.text.length continue unless after? if xy.y < before.y + before.h and xy.x < before.x # console.log 'before first char on first line' continue if xy.y > after.y and xy.x > after.x # console.log 'after last char on last line' continue if xy.y < before.y console.log "Warning: click in text bounding box but above first line" continue # above first line (runaround?) if xy.y > after.y + after.h console.log "Warning: click in text bounding box but below last line", xy.y, after.y, after.h continue # below last line (shouldn't happen?) while after.i - before.i > 1 guess_i = Math.round((before.i + after.i) / 2) cur = new_cursor_position n: n, i: guess_i unless cur? console.log "error: failed to find cursor pixel location for", n, guess_i before = null break if xy.y < cur.y or (xy.y <= cur.y + cur.h and xy.x < cur.x) after = cur else before = cur continue unless before? # signals failure to find a cursor position # which one is closest? if Math.abs(before.x - xy.x) < Math.abs(after.x - xy.x) return before else return after return null # browsers collapse these (html5 spec calls these "space characters") is_space_code = (char_code) -> switch char_code when 9, 10, 12, 13, 32 return true return false is_space = (chr) -> return is_space_code chr.charCodeAt 0 tree_remove_empty_text_nodes = (tree) -> empties = [] traverse_tree tree, (n) -> if n.type is 'text' if n.text.length is 0 empties.unshift n return false for n in empties # don't completely empty the tree if tree.length is 1 if tree[0].type is 'text' console.log "oop, leaving a blank node because it's the only thing" return n.el.parentNode.removeChild n.el for c, i in n.parent.children if c is n n.parent.children.splice i, 1 break # pass a array of nodes (from parser library, ie it should have .el and .text) tree_dedup_space = (tree) -> prev = cur = next = null prev_i = cur_i = next_i = 0 prev_pos = pos = next_pos = null prev_px = cur_px = next_px = null first = true removed_char = null tree_remove_empty_text_nodes(tree) iterate = (tree, cb) -> for n in tree if n.type is 'text' i = 0 while i < n.text.length # don't foreach, cb might remove chars advance = cb n, i if advance i += 1 if n.type is 'tag' block = is_display_block n.el if block cb null if n.children.length > 0 iterate n.children, cb if block cb null # remove cur char remove = -> removed_char = cur.text.charAt(cur_i) cur.el.textContent = cur.text = (cur.text.substr 0, cur_i) + (cur.text.substr cur_i + 1) if next is cur # in same text node if next_i is 0 throw "how is this possible?" next_i -= 1 return true # undo remove() put_it_back = -> cur.el.textContent = cur.text = (cur.text.substr 0, cur_i) + removed_char + (cur.text.substr cur_i) if next is cur # in same text node next_i += 1 return false # return true if cur was removed from the dom (ie re-use same prev) operate = -> # cur definitately set # prev and/or next might be null, indicating the start/end of a display:block return false unless is_space_code cur.text.charCodeAt cur_i bounds = text_range_bounds cur.el, cur_i, cur_i + 1 # consistent cases: # 1. zero rects returned by getClientRects() means collapsed space if bounds is null return remove() # 2. width greater than zero means visible space if bounds.w > 0 return false # now the weird edge cases... # # firefox and chromium both report zero width for characters at the end # of a line where the text wraps (automatically, due to word-wrap) to # the next line. These do not appear to be distinguishable from # collapsed spaces via the range/bounds api, so... # # remove it from the dom, and if prev or next moves, put it back. if prev? and not prev_px? prev_px = new_cursor_position n: prev, i: prev_i if next? and not next_px? next_px = new_cursor_position n: next, i: next_i #if prev is null and next is null # parent_px = cur.parent.el.getBoundingClientRect() remove() if prev? if prev_px? new_prev_px = new_cursor_position n: prev, i: prev_i if new_prev_px.x isnt prev_px.x or new_prev_px.y isnt prev_px.y return put_it_back() else console.log "this shouldn't happen, we remove spaces that don't locate" if next? if next_px? new_next_px = new_cursor_position n: next, i: next_i if new_next_px.x isnt next_px.x or new_next_px.y isnt next_px.y return put_it_back() #else # console.log "removing space becase space after it is collapsed" return true # pass null at start/end of display:block queue = (n, i) -> next = n next_i = i next_px = null advance = true if cur? removed = operate() # don't advance (to the next character next time) if we removed a # character from the same text node as ``next``, because doing so # renumbers the indexes in that string if removed and cur is next advance = false else removed = false unless removed prev = cur prev_i = cur_i prev_px = cur_px cur = next cur_i = next_i cur_px = next_px return advance queue null iterate tree, queue queue null tree_remove_empty_text_nodes(tree) class PeachHTML5Editor # Options: (all optional) # editor_id: "id" attribute for outer-most element created by/for editor # css_file: filename of a css file to style editable content # on_init: callback for when the editable content is in place constructor: (in_el, options) -> @options = options ? {} @in_el = in_el @tree = null @matting = [] @init_1_called = false # when iframes have loaded @outer_iframe # iframe to hold editor @outer_idoc # "document" object for @outer_iframe @wrap2 = null # scrollbar is on this @iframe = null # iframe to hold editable content @idoc = null # "document" object for @iframe @cursor = null @cursor_el = null @cursor_visible = false @poll_for_blur_timeout = null @wrap2_offset = null @iframe_height = null opt_fragment = @options.fragment ? true @parser_opts = {} if opt_fragment @parser_opts.fragment = 'body' @outer_iframe = domify document, iframe: {} outer_iframe_style = 'border: none !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; height: 100% !important; width: 100% !important;' if @options.editor_id? @outer_iframe.setAttribute 'id', @options.editor_id @outer_iframe.onload = => @outer_idoc = @outer_iframe.contentDocument icss = domify @outer_idoc, style: children: [ domify @outer_idoc, text: css ] @outer_idoc.head.appendChild icss @iframe = domify @outer_idoc, iframe: sandbox: 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts' @iframe.onload = => @init_1() timeout 200, => # firefox never fires this onload @init_1() unless @init_1_called @outer_idoc.body.appendChild( domify @outer_idoc, div: id: 'wrap1', children: [ domify @outer_idoc, div: style: "position: absolute; top: 0; left: 1px; font-size: 10px", children: [ domify @outer_idoc, text: "Peach HTML5 Editor" ] @wrap2 = domify @outer_idoc, div: id: 'wrap2', children: [ domify @outer_idoc, div: id: 'wrap3', children: [ @iframe @overlay = domify @outer_idoc, div: id: 'overlay' ] ] ] ) outer_wrap = domify document, div: class: 'peach_html5_editor' @in_el.parentNode.appendChild outer_wrap outer_bounds = get_el_bounds outer_wrap if outer_bounds.w < 300 outer_bounds.w = 300 if outer_bounds.h < 300 outer_bounds.h = 300 outer_iframe_style += "width: #{outer_bounds.w}px; height: #{outer_bounds.h}px;" @outer_iframe.setAttribute 'style', outer_iframe_style css = outer_css w: outer_bounds.w, h: outer_bounds.h outer_wrap.appendChild @outer_iframe init_1: -> # @iframe has loaded (but not it's css) @idoc = @iframe.contentDocument @init_1_called = true # chromium doesn't resolve relative urls as though they were at the same domain # so add a tag @idoc.head.appendChild domify @idoc, base: href: this_url_sans_path() # don't let @iframe have scrollbars @idoc.head.appendChild domify @idoc, style: children: [domify @idoc, text: "body { overflow: hidden; }"] # load css file if @options.css_file istyle = domify @idoc, link: rel: 'stylesheet', href: @options.css_file istyle.onload = => @init_2() @idoc.head.appendChild istyle else @init_2() init_2: -> # @iframe and it's css file(s) are ready @overlay.onclick = (e) => @have_focus() return event_return e, @onclick e @overlay.ondoubleclick = (e) => @have_focus() return event_return e, @ondoubleclick e @outer_idoc.body.onkeyup = (e) => @have_focus() return event_return e, @onkeyup e @outer_idoc.body.onkeydown = (e) => @have_focus() return event_return e, @onkeydown e @outer_idoc.body.onkeypress = (e) => @have_focus() return event_return e, @onkeypress e @load_html @in_el.value if @options.on_init? @options.on_init() overlay_event_to_inner_xy: (e) -> unless @wrap2_offset? @wrap2_offset = get_el_bounds @wrap2 x = e.pageX - overlay_padding y = e.pageY - overlay_padding + @wrap2.scrollTop return x: x - @wrap2_offset.x, y: y - @wrap2_offset.y onclick: (e) -> xy = @overlay_event_to_inner_xy e new_cursor = xy_to_cursor @tree, xy if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor else @kill_cursor() return false ondoubleclick: (e) -> return false onkeyup: (e) -> return if e.ctrlKey return false if ignore_key_codes[e.keyCode]? #return false if control_key_codes[e.keyCode]? onkeydown: (e) -> return if e.ctrlKey return false if ignore_key_codes[e.keyCode]? #return false if control_key_codes[e.keyCode]? switch e.keyCode when KEY_LEFT if @cursor? new_cursor = find_prev_cursor_position @tree, @cursor else new_cursor = first_cursor_position @tree if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor return false when KEY_RIGHT if @cursor? new_cursor = find_next_cursor_position @tree, @cursor else new_cursor = last_cursor_position @tree if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor return false when KEY_UP if @cursor? new_cursor = @cursor # go prev until we're higher on y axis while new_cursor.y >= @cursor.y new_cursor = find_prev_cursor_position @tree, new_cursor return false unless new_cursor? # done early if we're already left of old cursor position if new_cursor.x <= @cursor.x @move_cursor new_cursor return false target_y = new_cursor.y # search leftward, until we find the closest position # new_cursor is the prev-most position we've checked # prev_cursor is the older value, so it's not as prev as new_cursor while new_cursor.x > @cursor.x and new_cursor.y is target_y prev_cursor = new_cursor new_cursor = find_prev_cursor_position @tree, new_cursor break unless new_cursor? # move cursor to prev_cursor or new_cursor if new_cursor? if new_cursor.y is target_y # both valid, and on the same line, use closest if (@cursor.x - new_cursor.x) < (prev_cursor.x - @cursor.x) @move_cursor new_cursor else @move_cursor prev_cursor else # new_cursor on wrong line, use prev_cursor @move_cursor prev_cursor else # can't go any further prev, use prev_cursor @move_cursor prev_cursor else # move cursor to first position in document new_cursor = first_cursor_position @tree if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor return false when KEY_DOWN if @cursor? new_cursor = @cursor # go next until we move on the y axis while new_cursor.y <= @cursor.y new_cursor = find_next_cursor_position @tree, new_cursor return false unless new_cursor? # done early if we're already right of old cursor position if new_cursor.x >= @cursor.x # this would be strange, but could happen due to runaround @move_cursor new_cursor return false target_y = new_cursor.y # search rightward, until we find the closest position # new_cursor is the next-most position we've checked # prev_cursor is the older value, so it's not as next as new_cursor while new_cursor.x < @cursor.x and new_cursor.y is target_y prev_cursor = new_cursor new_cursor = find_next_cursor_position @tree, new_cursor break unless new_cursor? # move cursor to prev_cursor or new_cursor if new_cursor? if new_cursor.y is target_y # both valid, and on the same line, use closest if (new_cursor.x - @cursor.x) < (@cursor.x - prev_cursor.x) @move_cursor new_cursor else @move_cursor prev_cursor else # new_cursor on wrong line, use prev_cursor @move_cursor prev_cursor else # can't go any further prev, use prev_cursor @move_cursor prev_cursor else # move cursor to first position in document new_cursor = last_cursor_position @tree if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor return false when KEY_END return false when KEY_BACKSPACE return false unless @cursor? return false unless @cursor.i > 0 @cursor.n.text = @cursor.n.text.substr(0, @cursor.i - 1) + @cursor.n.text.substr(@cursor.i) @cursor.n.el.nodeValue = @cursor.n.text new_cursor = new_cursor_position n: @cursor.n, i: @cursor.i - 1 if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor else @kill_cursor() @changed() return false when KEY_DELETE return false unless @cursor? return false unless @cursor.i < @cursor.n.text.length @cursor.n.text = @cursor.n.text.substr(0, @cursor.i) + @cursor.n.text.substr(@cursor.i + 1) @cursor.n.el.nodeValue = @cursor.n.text new_cursor = new_cursor_position n: @cursor.n, i: @cursor.i if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor else @kill_cursor() @changed() return false when KEY_ENTER return false when KEY_ESCAPE return false when KEY_HOME return false when KEY_INSERT return false when KEY_PAGE_UP return false when KEY_PAGE_DOWN return false when KEY_TAB return false onkeypress: (e) -> return if e.ctrlKey return false if ignore_key_codes[e.keyCode]? # return false if control_key_codes[e.keyCode]? # handled in keydown char = e.charCode ? e.keyCode if char and @cursor? char = String.fromCharCode char if @cursor.i is 0 @cursor.n.text = char + @cursor.n.text else if @cursor.i is @cursor.n.text.length - 1 @cursor.n.text += char else @cursor.n.text = @cursor.n.text.substr(0, @cursor.i) + char + @cursor.n.text.substr(@cursor.i) @cursor.n.el.nodeValue = @cursor.n.text new_cursor = new_cursor_position n: @cursor.n, i: @cursor.i + 1 unless new_cursor # probably pressed space, and browser isn't displaying it # FIXME insert   instead, rip it out later if possible, etc. # for now, remove it @cursor.n.text = @cursor.n.text.substr(0, @cursor.i) + @cursor.n.text.substr(@cursor.i + 1) @cursor.n.el.nodeValue = @cursor.n.text return false @move_cursor new_cursor @changed() return false clear_dom: -> # remove all the editable content (and cursor, overlays, etc) while @idoc.body.childNodes.length @idoc.body.removeChild @idoc.body.childNodes[0] @kill_cursor() return load_html: (html) -> @tree = peach_parser.parse html, @parser_opts @clear_dom() instantiate_tree @tree, @idoc.body tree_dedup_space @tree @changed() changed: -> @in_el.onchange = null @in_el.value = @pretty_html @tree @in_el.onchange = => @load_html @in_el.value @adjust_iframe_height() adjust_iframe_height: -> h = parseInt(@idoc.body.scrollHeight, 10) if @iframe_height isnt h @iframe_height = h s = @wrap2.scrollTop @iframe.style.height = "0" @iframe.style.height = "#{h}px" @wrap2.scrollTop = s kill_cursor: -> # remove it, forget where it was if @cursor_visible @cursor_el.parentNode.removeChild @cursor_el @cursor_visible = false @cursor = null @annotate null move_cursor: (cursor) -> @cursor = cursor unless @cursor_visible @cursor_el = domify @outer_idoc, div: id: 'cursor' @overlay.appendChild @cursor_el @cursor_visible = true @cursor_el.style.left = "#{cursor.x + overlay_padding - 1}px" if cursor.h < 5 height = 12 else height = cursor.h @cursor_el.style.top = "#{cursor.y + overlay_padding + Math.round(height * .07)}px" @cursor_el.style.height = "#{Math.round height * 0.82}px" @annotate cursor.n annotate: (n) -> while @matting.length > 0 @overlay.removeChild @matting[0] @matting.shift() return unless n? prev_bounds = x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0 alpha = 0.1 while n?.el? if n.type is 'text' n = n.parent continue bounds = get_el_bounds n.el return unless bounds? if bounds.x is prev_bounds.x and bounds.y is prev_bounds.y and bounds.w is prev_bounds.w and bounds.h is prev_bounds.h n = n.parent continue ann_box = domify @outer_idoc, div: class: 'ann_box', style: "left: #{bounds.x - 1 + overlay_padding}px; top: #{bounds.y - 2 + overlay_padding}px; width: #{bounds.w}px; height: #{bounds.h}px" # outline: 1000px solid rgba(0,153,255,#{alpha}); @overlay.appendChild ann_box @matting.push ann_box ann_tag = domify @outer_idoc, div: class: 'ann_tag', style: "left: #{bounds.x + 1 + overlay_padding}px; top: #{bounds.y - 7 + overlay_padding}px", children: [domify @outer_idoc, text: " #{n.name} "] @overlay.appendChild ann_tag @matting.push ann_tag n = n.parent alpha *= 1.5 pretty_html: (tree, indent = '', parent_flags = pre_ish: false, block: true, want_nl: false) -> ret = '' want_nl = parent_flags.want_nl prev_in_flow_is_text = false prev_in_flow_is_block = false for n, i in tree # figure out flags inner_flags = want_nl: true is_br = false switch n.type when 'tag' if n.name is 'br' is_br = true is_text = false if n.el.currentStyle? cs = n.el.currentStyle whitespace = cs['white-space'] display = cs['display'] position = cs['position'] float = cs['float'] visibility = cs['visibility'] else cs = @iframe.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(n.el, null) whitespace = cs.getPropertyValue 'white-space' display = cs.getPropertyValue 'display' position = cs.getPropertyValue 'position' float = cs.getPropertyValue 'float' visibility = cs.getPropertyValue 'visibility' if n.name is 'textarea' inner_flags.pre_ish = true else inner_flags.pre_ish = whitespace.substr(0, 3) is 'pre' switch float when 'left', 'right' in_flow = false else switch position when 'absolute', 'fixed' in_flow = false else if 'display' is 'none' in_flow = false else switch visibility when 'hidden', 'collapse' in_flow = false else # visible in_flow = true switch display when 'inline', 'none' inner_flags.block = false is_block = in_flow_block = false when 'inline-black' inner_flags.block = true is_block = in_flow_block = false else # block, table, etc inner_flags.block = true is_block = true in_flow_block = in_flow when 'text' is_text = true is_block = false in_flow = true in_flow_block = false else # 'comment', 'doctype' is_text = false is_block = false in_flow = false in_flow_block = false # print whitespace if we can unless parent_flags.pre_ish unless prev_in_flow_is_text and is_br if (i is 0 and parent_flags.block) or in_flow_block or prev_in_flow_is_block if want_nl ret += "\n" ret += indent switch n.type when 'tag' ret += '<' + n.name attr_keys = [] for k of n.attrs attr_keys.unshift k #attr_keys.sort() for k in attr_keys ret += " #{k}" if n.attrs[k].length > 0 ret += "=\"#{enc_attr n.attrs[k]}\"" ret += '>' unless void_elements[n.name]? if inner_flags.block next_indent = indent + ' ' else next_indent = indent if n.children.length ret += @pretty_html n.children, next_indent, inner_flags ret += "" when 'text' ret += enc_text n.text when 'comment' ret += "" # TODO encode? when 'doctype' ret += " 0 ret += " \"#{n.public_identifier}\"" if n.system_identifier? and n.system_identifier.length > 0 ret += " \"#{n.system_identifier}\"" ret += ">" want_nl = true if in_flow prev_in_flow_is_text = is_text prev_in_flow_is_block = is_block or (in_flow and is_br) if tree.length # output final newline if allowed unless parent_flags.pre_ish if prev_in_flow_is_block or parent_flags.block ret += "\n#{indent.substr 4}" return ret onblur: -> @kill_cursor() have_focus: -> @editor_is_focused = true @poll_for_blur() poll_for_blur: -> return if @poll_for_blur_timeout? # already polling @poll_for_blur_timeout = timeout 150, => next_frame => # pause polling when browser knows we're not active/visible/etc. @poll_for_blur_timeout = null if document.activeElement is @outer_iframe @poll_for_blur() else @editor_is_focused = false @onblur() window.peach_html5_editor = (args...) -> return new PeachHTML5Editor args... # test in browser: peach_html5_editor(document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0])