# Copyright 2015 Jason Woofenden # This file implements an WYSIWYG editor in the browser (no contenteditable) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . TYPE_TAG = peach_parser.TYPE_TAG TYPE_TEXT = peach_parser.TYPE_TEXT TYPE_COMMENT = peach_parser.TYPE_COMMENT TYPE_DOCTYPE = peach_parser.TYPE_DOCTYPE get_el_bounds = (el) -> rect = el.getBoundingClientRect() doc = el.ownerDocument.documentElement win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView y_fix = win.pageYOffset - doc.clientTop x_fix = win.pageXOffset - doc.clientLeft return { x: rect.left + x_fix y: rect.top + y_fix w: rect.width ? (rect.right - rect.left) h: rect.height ? (rect.top - rect.bottom) } # figure out the top/left coordinates of where the cursor should be if it's at # position ``i`` within text node ``n`` # # implementation: insert a span tag where we want the cursor, and ask the # browser where it put that span cursor_to_loc = (n, i) -> span = domify span: style: "height: 1em; border-left: 1px solid black; margin-left: -1px" parent = n.el.parentNode els = [] txts = [] plus_width = false if n.text.length < 2 bounds = get_el_offset n.el if i is 1 plus_width = true else if i is 0 # cursor at start of text check_i = 0 txts.push n.text.substr 0, 1 txts.push n.text.substr 1 else if i is n.text.length # cursor at end of text check_i = 1 plus_width = true txts.push n.text.substr 0, n.text.length - 1 txts.push n.text.substr n.text.length - 1 else check_i = 1 txts.push n.text.substr 0, i txts.push n.text.substr i, 1 txts.push n.text.substr i + 1 for txt, txt_i in txts el = n.el.ownerDocument.createTextNode txt if txt_i is check_i span = n.el.ownerDocument.createElement 'span' span.appendChild el el = span els.push el parent.insertBefore el, n.el parent.removeChild n.el bounds = get_el_bounds els[check_i] parent.insertBefore n.el, els[0] for el in els parent.removeChild el ret = top: bounds.y, left: bounds.x if plus_width ret.left += bounds.w # fudge case where bounds are BS because we're on non-significant whitespace if i > 0 first = cursor_to_loc n, 0 if ret.left <= first.left # no need for a loop here, because recursion ret = cursor_to_loc n, i - 1 return ret # TODO #loc_to_cursor = (n, i) -> # return top: , left: # encode text so it can be safely placed inside an html attribute enc_attr_regex = new RegExp '(&)|(")|(\u00A0)', 'g' enc_attr = (txt) -> return txt.replace enc_attr_regex, (match, amp, quote) -> return '&' if (amp) return '"' if (quote) return ' ' void_elements = { area: true base: true br: true col: true embed: true hr: true img: true input: true keygen: true link: true meta: true param: true source: true track: true wbr: true } dom_to_html = (dom) -> ret = '' for el in dom switch el.type when TYPE_TAG ret += '<' + el.name attr_keys = [] for k of el.attrs attr_keys.unshift k #attr_keys.sort() for k in attr_keys ret += " #{k}" if el.attrs[k].length > 0 ret += "=\"#{enc_attr el.attrs[k]}\"" ret += '>' unless void_elements[el.name] if el.children.length ret += dom_to_html el.children ret += "" when TYPE_TEXT ret += el.text when TYPE_COMMENT ret += "" when TYPE_DOCTYPE ret += " 0 ret += " \"#{el.public_identifier}\"" if el.system_identifier? and el.system_identifier.length > 0 ret += " \"#{el.system_identifier}\"" ret += ">\n" return ret domify = (h) -> for tag, attrs of h if tag is 'text' return document.createTextNode attrs el = document.createElement tag for k, v of attrs if k is 'children' for child in v el.appendChild child else el.setAttribute k, v return el css = '' css += 'div#peach_html5_editor_cursor {' css += 'position: absolute;' css += 'height: 1em;' css += 'width: 2px;' css += 'margin-left: -1px;' css += 'margin-right: -1px;' css += 'background: #000;' css += '-webkit-animation: 1s blink step-end infinite;' css += 'animation: 1s blink step-end infinite;' css += '}' css += '@-webkit-keyframes "blink" {' css += 'from, to { background: #000; }' css += '50% { background: transparent; }' css += '}' css += '@keyframes "blink" {' css += 'from, to { background: #000; }' css += '50% { background: transparent; }' css += '}' # key codes: KEY_LEFT = 37 KEY_UP = 38 KEY_RIGHT = 39 KEY_DOWN = 40 KEY_BACKSPACE = 8 # <-- KEY_DELETE = 46 # --> KEY_END = 35 KEY_ENTER = 13 KEY_ESCAPE = 27 KEY_HOME = 36 KEY_INSERT = 45 KEY_PAGE_UP = 33 KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 34 KEY_TAB = 9 instantiate_tree = (tree, parent) -> for c in tree switch c.type when TYPE_TEXT c.el = parent.ownerDocument.createTextNode c.text parent.appendChild c.el when TYPE_TAG # TODO create in correct namespace c.el = parent.ownerDocument.createElement c.name for k, v of c.attrs # FIXME if attr_whitelist[k]? c.el.setAttribute k, v parent.appendChild c.el if c.children.length instantiate_tree c.children, c.el traverse_tree = (tree, state, cb) -> for c in tree cb c, state break if state.done? if c.children.length traverse_tree c.children, state, cb break if state.done? return state # find the next element in top (and decendants) that is after n and can contain text # TODO make it so cursor can go places that don't have text but could find_next_cursor_position = (top, n, i) -> if n? and n.type is TYPE_TEXT and n.text.length > i return [n, i + 1] found = traverse_tree top, before: n?, (node, state) -> if node.type is TYPE_TEXT and state.before is false state.node = node state.done = true if node is n state.before = false if found.node? return [found.node, 0] return null # TODO make it so cursor can go places that don't have text but could find_prev_cursor_position = (top, n, i) -> if n? and n.type is TYPE_TEXT and i > 0 return [n, i - 1] found = traverse_tree top, before: n?, (node, state) -> if node.type is TYPE_TEXT unless n? state.node = node state.done = true if node is n if state.prev? state.node = state.prev state.done = true if node state.prev = node if found.node? return [found.node, found.node.text.length] return null class PeachHTML5Editor constructor: (in_el, options = {}) -> @in_el = in_el @tree = [] @iframe = domify iframe: class: 'peach_html5_editor' @cursor = null @cursor_el = null @cursor_visible = false opt_fragment = options.fragment ? true @parser_opts = {} if opt_fragment @parser_opts.fragment = 'body' @iframe.onload = => @idoc = @iframe.contentDocument ignore_key_codes = '18': true # alt '20': true # capslock '17': true # ctrl '144': true # numlock '16': true # shift '91': true # windows "start" key control_key_codes = # we react to these, but they aren't typing '37': KEY_LEFT '38': KEY_UP '39': KEY_RIGHT '40': KEY_DOWN '35': KEY_END '8': KEY_BACKSPACE '46': KEY_DELETE '13': KEY_ENTER '27': KEY_ESCAPE '36': KEY_HOME '45': KEY_INSERT '33': KEY_PAGE_UP '34': KEY_PAGE_DOWN '9': KEY_TAB @idoc.body.onkeyup = (e) => return if e.ctrlKey return false if ignore_key_codes[e.keyCode]? #return false if control_key_codes[e.keyCode]? @idoc.body.onkeydown = (e) => return if e.ctrlKey return false if ignore_key_codes[e.keyCode]? #return false if control_key_codes[e.keyCode]? switch e.keyCode when KEY_LEFT if @cursor? new_cursor = find_prev_cursor_position @tree, @cursor... if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor else for c in @tree new_cursor = find_next_cursor_position @tree, c, -1 if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor break return false when KEY_UP return false when KEY_RIGHT if @cursor? new_cursor = find_next_cursor_position @tree, @cursor... if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor else for c in @tree new_cursor = find_prev_cursor_position @tree, c, -1 if new_cursor? @move_cursor new_cursor break return false when KEY_DOWN return false when KEY_END return false when KEY_BACKSPACE return false when KEY_DELETE return false when KEY_ENTER return false when KEY_ESCAPE return false when KEY_HOME return false when KEY_INSERT return false when KEY_PAGE_UP return false when KEY_PAGE_DOWN return false when KEY_TAB return false @idoc.body.onkeypress = (e) => return if e.ctrlKey return false if ignore_key_codes[e.keyCode]? return false if control_key_codes[e.keyCode]? # handled in keydown char = e.charCode ? e.keyCode if char and @cursor? char = String.fromCharCode char if @cursor[1] is 0 @cursor[0].text = char + @cursor[0].text else if @cursor[1] is @cursor[0].text.length - 1 @cursor[0].text += char else @cursor[0].text = @cursor[0].text.substr(0, @cursor[1]) + char + @cursor[0].text.substr(@cursor[1]) @cursor[0].el.nodeValue = @cursor[0].text @move_cursor [@cursor[0], @cursor[1] + 1] return false if options.stylesheet # TODO test this istyle = @idoc.createElement 'style' istyle.setAttribute 'src', options.stylesheet @idoc.head.appendChild istyle icss = @idoc.createElement 'style' icss.appendChild @idoc.createTextNode css @idoc.head.appendChild icss @load_html @in_el.value @in_el.parentNode.appendChild @iframe clear_dom: -> # FIXME add parent node, so we don't empty body and delete cursor_el while @idoc.body.childNodes.length @idoc.body.removeChild @idoc.body.childNodes[0] @cursor_visible = false return load_html: (html) -> @tree = peach_parser.parse html, @parser_opts #as_html = dom_to_html @tree #@iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = as_html @clear_dom() instantiate_tree @tree, @idoc.body move_cursor: (cursor) -> return if @cursor? and cursor? and @cursor[0] is cursor[0] and @cursor[1] is cursor[1] @cursor = cursor # replace cursor, to reset blink animation if @cursor_visible @cursor_el.parentNode.removeChild @cursor_el @cursor_el = domify div: id: 'peach_html5_editor_cursor' @idoc.body.appendChild @cursor_el @cursor_visible = true # TODO figure out top/left coords for cursor loc = cursor_to_loc cursor[0], cursor[1] @cursor_el.style.top = "#{loc.top}px" @cursor_el.style.left = "#{loc.left}px" window.peach_html5_editor = (args...) -> return new PeachHTML5Editor args... # test in browser: peach_html5_editor(document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0])