Variations on Rockdodger VoR is a quick action game where you drive a space ship and try to avoid crashing into rocks. Current information about vor can be found on the homepage: See INSTALL for instructions on building, running and installing. Jason Woofenden and Josh Grams like Rock Dodgers ( very much: both playing it and hacking on it. VoR is the result. It is currently based on the rockdodger 0.4.2 codebase, with quite a few modifications, both user-visible changes and internal technical improvements. Available for download from, or you can check out the latest SVN copy from (Warning: Not Always On). Note: This is a fairly hard game, intended to be a quickie game for when you want to kill a few spare minutes. For reference, my best time [Josh Grams] is about 2 minutes in version 0.3. I'm not generally very good at video games, but I have been playing this one for quite a while now. However, you can make it substantially easier by slowing the game down. New in version 0.2, we have a constant GAMESPEED in config.h. New players may like to try it at 3/4 or even 2/3 speed. It should probably be a command-line option, but I'm too lazy to fix that right now. Changes from Rock Dodgers User-Visible Changes: 0.1: * Moves like a real spacecraft; no more friction! * No more silly shields or lasers; just pure rockdodgin' fun! * Up/down scrolling; gives you more escape options. * Proper time display for score, not just raw milliseconds (bleh). * Ship explodes, blowing rocks away, rather than automagically vanishing them. 0.2: * New graphics, generated by POV-Ray. Yeah, okay, the ship is really cheezy. At least the rocks are cool. * Real collision detection; no more "ship is 1 pixel bigger all around than it looks." 0.3: * Scrolls to the right so you can zoom ahead. * Fully random rock generation; rocks no longer wrap vertically. * Rocks' relative speeds are now uniform in all directions (i.e. much more up/down speed variation). Noticeably hard...err...more "interesting". Internal Technical Changes: * Upgraded to SFont 2.03, which has way less cruft, but no text input routine. * Started factoring a lot of stuff out of main into their own .c files. * Removed a bunch of unused code. * Function definitions: name at beginning of line (line following the return type) for easy grepping as per GNU coding standards. * Real collision detection (bbox/bitmask).