handler = (req, res) -> reply_err = (req, res, msg) -> res.writeHead(200, 'Content-Type': 'text/plain') return res.end("Error loading #{req.url} \"#{msg}\"") switch req.url when '/', '/index.html' filename = __dirname + '/index.html' type = 'text/html' when '/jquery.js' filename = '/usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.min.js' type = 'text/javascript' when '/terminal.js' filename = __dirname + '/terminal.coffee' type = 'text/javascript' when '/client.js' filename = __dirname + '/client.coffee' type = 'text/javascript' else return reply_err req, res fs.readFile filename, 'utf8', (err, data) -> return reply_err req, res, err if err if filename.substr(filename.length - 7) is '.coffee' try data = coffee.compile data catch e return reply_err req, res, "server faild to compile #{filename}: #{JSON.stringify(e)}" res.writeHead(200, 'Content-Type': type) res.end(data) coffee = require 'coffee-script' app = require('http').createServer(handler) io = require('socket.io').listen(app) fs = require('fs') terminal = require('./terminal.coffee') # SETTINGS app.listen(2218) term = terminal.new(104, 66) sockets = [] io.sockets.on 'connection', (socket) -> sockets.push socket socket.on 'disconnect', -> for i in [i...sockets.length] if sockets[i] is socket sockets.splice i, 1 return enc_color = (prefix, c) -> if c < 8 return "#{prefix}#{c}" if c < 16 return "#{prefix + 6}#{c - 8}" return "#{prefix}8;5;#{c}" attr_diff = (a, b) -> xo = a ^ b parts = [] if (xo & 0xff) parts.push enc_color 3, (b & 0xff) if (xo & 0xff00) parts.push enc_color 4, ((b & 0xff00) >> 8) for [bit, code] in [[0x010000, '1'], [0x200000, '3'], [0x020000, '4'], [0x040000, '5'], [0x080000, '7'], [0x100000, '8']] if (xo & bit) if (b & bit) parts.push code else parts.push '2' + code if parts.length return "\x1b[#{parts.join ';'}m" else return '' encode_screen = (height, width, text, attributes) -> state = '' for y in [0...height] max = width - 1 while max >= 0 and text[y][max] is ' ' and (attributes[y][max] & 0x08ff00) is 0 max -= 1 if max >= 0 for x in [0..max] if attributes[y][x] isnt a state += attr_diff a, attributes[y][x] a = attributes[y][x] state += text[y][x] if y < height - 1 state += '\n' return state a = 0x07 state = '' if term.saved_normal_screen? state += encode_screen term.height, term.width, term.saved_normal_screen.text, term.saved_normal_screen.attributes state += "\x1b[#{term.saved_normal_screen.y + 1};#{term.saved_normal_screen.x + 1}H" state += "\x1b[?1049h\x1b[H" # flip to alt screen and move cursor home state += encode_screen term.height, term.width, term.text, term.attributes state += attr_diff a, term.a state += "\x1b[#{term.y + 1};#{term.x + 1}H" unless term.cursor_visible state += "\x1b[?25l" unless term.scroll_top is 0 and term.scroll_bottom is term.height - 1 state += "\x1b[#{term.scroll_top};#{term.scroll_bottom}r" socket.emit 'init', width: term.width, height: term.height, text: state process.stdin.resume() process.stdin.setEncoding 'utf8' process.stdin.on 'data', (data) -> term.update data for s in sockets s.emit 'data', data process.stdin.on 'end', -> process.exit()