# this file is used by the client and server. # work around lack of module system in the browser: if exports? my_exports = exports else window.terminal = {} my_exports = window.terminal class Terminal # public: constructor: (width, height) -> @width = 1 @height = 1 @text = [] @attributes = [] @x = 0 @y = 0 @a = 0x000007 # cursor attributes @partial = '' @resize width, height resize: (width, height) -> # FIXME: write a version that retains some of the data @width = width @height = height @text = [] @attributes = [] for y in [0...height] @text[y] = [] @attributes[y] = [] for x in [0...width] @text[y].push ' ' @attributes[y].push 0 # pass data from stdout update: (data) -> return unless data?.length > 0 if @partial.length > 0 data = @partial + data @partial = '' parts = data.split(/\x1b\[/) if parts.length > 1 if -1 is @escape_sequence_length parts[parts.length - 1] @partial = parts.pop() if parts.length > 0 for i in [0...parts.length] if i is 0 @update_text parts[i] else @update_sequence_then_text parts[i] return add_new_line: -> # clear top line for i in [0...@width] @text[0][i] = ' ' @attributes[0][i] = 0 # move (newly cleared) top line to the bottom tmp = @text.shift() @text.push(tmp) tmp = @attributes.shift() @attributes.push(tmp) # slide cursor up with rest of text @y -= 1 wrap_to_next_line: -> if @y is @height - 1 @add_new_line() @y += 1 @x = 0 # str has no escape sequences update_text: (str) -> return unless str.length > 0 for c in str switch c when '\t' # tab @update_text " ".substr(@x % 8) when '\x07' # bell false when '\x0d' # cr @x = 0 when '\x08' # backspace if @x > 0 @x -= 1 @text[@y][@x] = ' ' # should this set the attribute too? when '\x0a', '\x0b' # lf, vertical tab (same thing) @wrap_to_next_line() else @text[@y][@x] = c @attributes[@y][@x] = @a @x += 1 if @x is @width @wrap_to_next_line() return set_attribute_bits: (mask, value) -> @a = (@a & ~mask) | value # we're supposed to ignore leeding zeros, and while we're at it, lets swap # in the default for blank or missing values fix_esc_arg: (value, deef_alt) -> if value? and value != '' while value[0] is '0' and value.length > 1 value = value.substr 1 return value else return deef_alt # set cursor position (one based) csi_H: (row, column) -> row = 0 + @fix_esc_arg row, 1 column = 0 + @fix_esc_arg column, 1 # convert to 0 base column -= 1 if 0 <= column < @width @x = column else console.log "tried to move cursor to invalid column: #{column}" row -= 1 if 0 <= row < @height @y = row else console.log "tried to move cursor to invalid row: #{row}" # clear (some or all of) current line csi_K: (direction) -> switch @fix_esc_arg direction, '0' when '0' # erase to right for i in [@x...@width] @text[@y][i] = ' ' @attributes[@y][i] = @a when '1' # erase to left for i in [0...@x] @text[@y][i] = ' ' @attributes[@y][i] = @a when '0' # erase whole line for i in [0...@width] @text[@y][i] = ' ' @attributes[@y][i] = @a # set color, bold, underline, etc csi_m: -> args = [] for i in arguments args.push @fix_esc_arg i, 0 while args.length > 0 switch args.shift() # remove all style/color when '0' @set_attribute_bits 0xffffff, 0x000007 # style attributes when '1' # bold @set_attribute_bits 0x10000, 0x10000 when '4' # underline @set_attribute_bits 0x20000, 0x20000 when '5' # blink @set_attribute_bits 0x40000, 0x40000 when '8' # invisible @set_attribute_bits 0x80000, 0x80000 # disable style attributes when '22' # not bold... according to a page @set_attribute_bits 0x10000, 0 when '21' # ... though this would make more sense for "not bold" @set_attribute_bits 0x10000, 0 when '24' # not underline @set_attribute_bits 0x20000, 0 when '25' # not blink @set_attribute_bits 0x40000, 0 when '28' # not invisible @set_attribute_bits 0x80000, 0 when '100' # reset colors but not other attributes @set_attribute_bits 0xffff, 0x0007 # 8 fg colors when '30' # fg black @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x00 when '31' # fg red @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x01 when '32' # fg green @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x02 when '33' # fg yellow @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x03 when '34' # fg blue @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x04 when '35' # fg magenta @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x05 when '36' # fg cyan @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x06 when '37', '39' # fg white (39 is default) @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x07 when '38' if args.length >= 2 and args[0] is '5' args.shift() @set_attribute_bits 0xff, (0xff & args.shift()) else @set_attribute_bits 0x20000, 0x20000 # 8 bg colors when '40' # bg black @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0000 when '41' # bg red @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0100 when '42' # bg green @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0200 when '43' # bg yellow @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0300 when '44' # bg blue @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0400 when '45' # bg magenta @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0500 when '46' # bg cyan @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0600 when '47' # bg white @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0700 when '49' # bg default @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, 0x0000 when '48' if args.length >= 2 and args[0] is '5' args.shift() @set_attribute_bits 0xff00, ((0xff & args.shift()) << 8) else @set_attribute_bits 0x20000, 0x20000 # bright fg colors when '90' # fg bright black @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x08 when '91' # fg bright red @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x09 when '92' # fg bright green @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0a when '93' # fg bright yellow @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0b when '94' # fg bright blue @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0c when '95' # fg bright magenta @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0d when '96' # fg bright cyan @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0e when '97' # fg bright white @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0f # bright bg colors when '100' # bg bright black @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x08 when '101' # bg bright red @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x09 when '102' # bg bright green @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0a when '103' # bg bright yellow @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0b when '104' # bg bright blue @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0c when '105' # bg bright magenta @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0d when '106' # bg bright cyan @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0e when '107' # bg bright white @set_attribute_bits 0xff, 0x0f else # if we don't recognize the style, go back to default @set_attribute_bits 0xffffff, 0 return # str is the whole escape sequence (minus the esc[ prefix) update_sequence: (str) -> command = @["csi_#{str.substr str.length - 1}"] if not command? console.log "Unrecognized sequence: ESC[#{str}" return args = str.substr(0, str.length - 1).split ';' command.call this, args... update_sequence_then_text: (str) -> len = @escape_sequence_length str if len is -1 console.log "couldn't find escape sequence here: #{str.substr 0, 25}" @update_text "ESC[" + str else @update_sequence str.substr 0, len @update_text str.substr len escape_sequence_length: (str) -> parts = str.match(/^[0-9;?]{0,25}./) return -1 unless parts? return parts[0].length my_exports.new = (width, height) -> return new Terminal width, height