'Name', 'role' => 'Role', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'last_login' => 'Last Login', 'last_active' => 'Last Active' ); function admin_users_get_fields() { $data = array(); $data['role'] = format_options(_REQUEST_cut('role'), 'role'); $data['name'] = format_oneline(trim(_REQUEST_cut('name'))); $data['username'] = format_oneline(trim(_REQUEST_cut('username'))); $data['pass1'] = format_oneline(trim(_REQUEST_cut('pass1'))); $data['pass2'] = format_oneline(trim(_REQUEST_cut('pass2'))); return $data; } function admin_users_main() { session_auth_must('admin_users'); $id = _REQUEST_cut('edit_id'); if ($id) { return admin_users_main_form($id); } $id = _REQUEST_cut('admin_users_delete_id'); if ($id) { return admin_users_main_delete($id); } if (_REQUEST_cut('new')) { return admin_users_main_form(); } if (_REQUEST_cut('list')) { return admin_users_main_listing(); } if (_REQUEST_cut('download_csv')) { return admin_users_csv_download(); } if (isset($_POST['name'])) { return admin_users_main_form(); } # default action: return admin_users_main_listing(); } function admin_users_main_delete($id) { db_delete('users', 'where id=%i', $id); message('Account deleted.'); return './admin_users'; } function admin_users_csv_download() { require_once(__DIR__.'/'.'inc/wfpl/csv.php'); $rows = db_get_rows('users', 'id,'.ADMIN_USERS_DB_FIELDS, 'order by id'); $fields = explode(',', 'id,'.ADMIN_USERS_DB_FIELDS); $header = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($GLOBALS['admin_users_field_to_caption'][$field])) { $header[] = $GLOBALS['admin_users_field_to_caption'][$field]; } else { $header[] = $field; } } array_unshift($rows, $header); array2d_to_csv_download($rows, 'admin_users.csv'); } function admin_users_main_listing() { $data = array(); $desc = ''; $sort = _REQUEST_cut('sort'); if ($sort && substr($sort, 0, 1) === '-') { $sort = substr($sort, 1); $desc = ' DESC '; } else { $data["sorting-by-$sort"] = '-'; } $legal_sorts = explode(',', ADMIN_USERS_DB_FIELDS); if (!$sort || !in_array($sort, $legal_sorts)) { $sort = 'role, name'; } $data['rows'] = db_get_assocs('users', 'id,role,name,username,last_login,last_active', "order by $sort $desc limit 1000"); tem_set('listings', $data); render_timestamps(); } function admin_users_suggested_password() { $character_set = "ABCDEFHJKLMNPQRTUWXY34789"; # removed all similar-looking characters $code = " "; # PHP 4.2.0 and up seed the random number generator for you. # Lets hope that it seeds with something harder to guess than the clock. for($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { $code{$i} = $character_set{mt_rand(0, 24)}; # inclusive } return $code; } function admin_users_main_form($id = false) { if ($id) { tem_set('id', $id); } pulldown('role', [ ['admin', 'Site Administrator'], ['disabled', 'Account Disabled'] ]); if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $data = admin_users_get_fields(); if (strlen($data['username']) < 1) { message("Oop, Username is required"); $data['username_bad'] = true; } elseif ($data['pass1'] !== $data['pass2']) { message("Oop, passwords didn't match. Please enter your desired password carefully (twice)."); $data['password_bad'] = true; } else { # password hash is slow, so only do it if we're really doing a db write if (isset($data['pass1']) && strlen($data['pass1']) > 0) { # hash password for db storage if (!function_exists('password_hash')) { require_once(DOCROOT . 'inc/password_funcs_backported.php'); } $data['password'] = password_hash($data['pass1'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); } unset($data['pass1']); unset($data['pass2']); if ($id) { db_update_assoc('users', $data, 'where id=%i', $id); message('Account updated.'); } else { db_insert_assoc('users', $data); message('Account saved.'); } return './admin_users'; } # else fall through to display the form again. Field values are in $data } elseif ($id) { # we've recieved an edit id, but no data. So we grab the values to be edited from the database $data = db_get_assoc('users', ADMIN_USERS_DB_FIELDS, 'where id=%i', $id); } else { # form not submitted, you can set default values like so: #$data = array('name' => 'Yes'); $data = array(); } tem_set('password_suggestions', [ admin_users_suggested_password(), admin_users_suggested_password(), admin_users_suggested_password(), admin_users_suggested_password(), admin_users_suggested_password() ]); tem_set('form', $data); }