. # you'll need these database tables: # create table wfpl_sessions (id int unique auto_increment, session_key varchar(16), length int, expires int); # create table wfpl_session_data (id int unique auto_increment, session_id int, name varchar(100), value text); # run this command to install/clear the tables: # mysql DATABASE_NAME < code/wfpl/examples/session.sql # note: you may need these parameters for mysql: -u USERNAME -p # GLOSSARY # # session_key 16 digit string identifying the session # session_id integer id of the record in the "wfpl_sessions" table of the database # UNTIL_CLOSE a constant passed as session length to indicate "until browser window closes" # session_id is kept in $GLOBALS # session_key is sent as a cookie, and thus appears in $_REQUEST. The clean version is in $GLOBALS # generate a new random 16-character string function session_generate_key() { $character_set = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; $id = " "; # PHP 4.2.0 and up seed the random number generator for you. # Lets hope that it seeds with something harder to guess than the clock. for($i = 0; $i < 16; ++$i) { $id{$i} = $character_set{mt_rand(0, 61)}; } return $id; } # track this user with a session cookie (ie a cookie that goes away when the # user closes the browser). The timestamp is how long to track the session in # the database. Defaults to one day. function session_new($length = 86400) { $session_key = session_generate_key(); db_insert('wfpl_sessions', 'session_key,length', $session_key, $length); $GLOBALS['session_id'] = db_auto_id(); $GLOBALS['session_key'] = $session_key; $_COOKIE['session_key'] = $session_key; #just in case someone calls session_exists() after session_new() session_touch($length); return $GLOBALS['session_key']; } # call to renew the timeout for the session. # assumes there's a session. call init_session() if you'd like one auto-create one if not found. function session_touch($length = false) { if(!$length) { $length = db_get_value('wfpl_sessions', 'length', 'where id=%i', $GLOBALS['session_id']); } $expires = time() + $length; header('Set-Cookie: session_key=' . $GLOBALS['session_key']); db_update('wfpl_sessions', 'expires', $expires, 'where id=%i', $GLOBALS['session_id']); } # delete the current session function kill_session() { if(!session_exists()) { return; } _kill_session($GLOBALS['session_id']); } # for internal use. use kill_session() above function _kill_session($id) { db_delete('wfpl_session_data', 'where session_id=%i', $id); db_delete('wfpl_sessions', 'where id=%i', $id); } # delete expired sessions from database function session_purge_old() { $now = time(); $expired_sessions = db_get_column('wfpl_sessions', 'id', 'where expires < %i', $now); if($expired_sessions) foreach($expired_sessions as $expired_session) { _kill_session($expired_session); } } # return true if a session exists function session_exists() { if(!isset($_COOKIE['session_key'])) { return false; } if(isset($GLOBALS['session_id'])) { return true; } $session_key = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', $_COOKIE['session_key']); if(!strlen($session_key) == 16) { return false; } $GLOBALS['session_key'] = $session_key; session_purge_old(); $id = db_get_value('wfpl_sessions', 'id', 'where session_key=%"', $session_key); if($id === false) { return false; } $GLOBALS['session_id'] = $id; return true; } # depricated function session_exists_and_authed() { return logged_in(); } # generate a random password using only letters and numbers that look # particularly unique function new_readable_password($length = 8) { $character_set = "ABCDEFHJKLMNPQRTUVWXY34789"; $code = ""; # PHP 4.2.0 and up seed the random number generator for you. # Lets hope that it seeds with something harder to guess than the clock. while($length--) { $code .= $character_set{mt_rand(0, 25)}; # inclusive } return $code; } # return username if a session exists and is authenticated function logged_in() { if(!session_exists()) { return false; } return session_get('auth_username'); } # return true if a session exists and is authenticated function logged_in_as_admin() { if(!session_exists()) { return false; } if(session_get('auth_admin')) { return true; } return false; } # find existing session, or make one (name "session_init" was taken) function init_session() { if(!session_exists()) { session_new(); } } # save a variable into the session function session_set($name, $value) { session_clear($name); db_insert('wfpl_session_data', 'session_id,name,value', $GLOBALS['session_id'], $name, $value); } # remove variable from the session function session_clear($name) { db_delete('wfpl_session_data', 'where session_id=%i && name=%"', $GLOBALS['session_id'], $name); } # get a variable into the session function session_get($name) { return db_get_value('wfpl_session_data', 'value', 'where session_id=%i && name=%"', $GLOBALS['session_id'], $name); } ?>