control. # # ######## # # HTML # # ######## # # First, your
tag must contain this attribute: # enctype="multipart/form-data" # # Second, you should indicate to the browser the maximum file size (in bytes) # allowed for uploads with a hidden input field named MAX_FILE_SIZE. You can # use the function upload_max_filesize() to get the maximum allowed size that # PHP will accept. # # Example: # # # # # #
# # ####### # # PHP # # ####### # # In the php code you can use either save_uploaded_file('photo', # 'upload/dir/'); or save_uploaded_image('photo', 'upload/dir/'); The only # difference being that save_uploaded_image() will convert gifs to PNGs. # # Both functions will generate a reasonable filename based on the filename # passed from the browser (and on the mime-type if there's no extension) unless # you specify a filename. See the comments above the function definitions below # for more details. # # In a future version of save_uploaded_image(), when you specify a filename, it # will check the image type of the uploaded image, and if it's different than # the type you specified, it will convert the image for you. $GLOBALS['mime_to_ext'] = array( 'text/plain' => 'txt', 'text/html' => 'html', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/jpe' => 'jpg', 'image/jpg' => 'jpg', 'image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/png' => 'png', 'application/pdf' => 'pdf' ); $GLOBALS['ext_to_ext'] = array( 'text' => 'txt', 'jpe' => 'jpg', 'jpeg' => 'jpg', 'htm' => 'html' ); # return the upload_max_filesize in bytes function upload_max_filesize() { $max = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $postfix = strtolower(substr($max, -1)); if($postfix == 'g') { return substr($max, 0, -1) * 1073741824; } elseif($postfix == 'm') { return substr($max, 0, -1) * 1048576; } elseif ($postfix == 'k') { return substr($max, 0, -1) * 1024; } else { return $max; } } # pass in the client's path that came from an html tag # # mime time used to generate extension ONLY IF it doesn't have one already. function generate_filename($path, $mime = 'text/plain') { # lower case $filename = strtolower($path); # remove directories (unix, windows and mac paths) $last = strrpos($filename, '/'); if($last === false) { $last = strrpos($filename, '\\'); } if($last === false) { $last = strrpos($filename, ':'); } if($last) { $filename = substr($filename, $last + 1); } # replace symbols with underscores $filename = ereg_replace('[^a-z0-9_.]', '_', $filename); # remove dots from the beginning (no invisible files) $filename = ereg_replace('^\.*', '', $filename); # fix extension $last_dot = strrpos($filename, '.'); if($last_dot === false) { #no extension if(isset($GLOBALS['mime_to_ext'][$mime])) { $filename .= '.' . $GLOBALS['mime_to_ext'][$mime]; } } else { $basename = substr($filename, 0, $last_dot); $ext = substr($filename, $last_dot + 1); if(isset($GLOBALS['ext_to_ext'][$ext])) { $ext .= $GLOBALS['ext_to_ext'][$ext]; } $filename = $basename . '.' . $ext; } return $filename; } # Move uploaded file, and return the new filename. # # Pass in the index into the $_FILES array (the name of the html input tag) and # the path to the folder you'd like it saved to. If path ends with a slash this # function will generate a filename based on the client's name, otherwise it'll # name the file that. # # example: save_uploaded_file('pdf', 'uploaded_pdfs/'); # example: save_uploaded_file('resume', "/www/$user_id.txt"); function save_uploaded_file($key, $path) { if(substr($path, -1) == '/') { $filename = $path . generate_filename($_FILES[$key]['name'], $_FILES[$key]['type']); } else { $filename = $path; } if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $filename)) { return false; } return $filename; } function path_to_convert() { if(!isset($GLOBALS['path_to_convert'])) { $GLOBALS['path_to_convert'] = _path_to_convert(); } return $GLOBALS['path_to_convert']; } function _path_to_convert() { # relies on PHP's short-circuit mechanism if(file_exists($convert = '/usr/local/bin/convert') || file_exists($convert = '/usr/bin/convert') || ($convert = `which convert` != '' && file_exists($convert))) { return $convert; } else { die("can't find imagemagick's 'convert' program"); } } # returns new filename with .png extension function gif_to_png($filename, $new_filename = 'just change extension') { if($new_filename == 'just change extension') { $new_filename = $filename; $last_dot = strrpos($new_filename, '.'); if($last_dot !== false) { $new_filename = substr($new_filename, 0, $last_dot); } $new_filename .= '.png'; } $convert = path_to_convert(); $command = "$convert " . escapeshellarg($filename) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($new_filename); exec($command, $dummy, $ret); if($ret != 0) { die("image conversion failed. convert did exit($ret)"); } unlink($filename); return $new_filename; } # make a thumbnail image. # # Thumbnail will have the same filename, except "_thumb" will be added right # before the dot preceding the extension. so foo.png yields foo_thumb.png # # Thumbnail will retain aspect ratio, and be either $max_width wide or # $max_height tall (or, if the aspect is just right, both) function make_thumbnail($filename, $max_width = '70', $max_height = '70') { $thumb = ereg_replace('[.]([a-z]+)$', "_thumb.\\1", $filename); if($thumb == $filename) { die("couldn't make thumbnail because filename has no extension."); } $convert = path_to_convert(); # can't be too careful $max_width = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $max_width); if($max_width == '') { $max_width = '70'; } $max_height = ereg_replace('[^0-9]', '', $max_height); if($max_height == '') { $max_height = '70'; } $command = "$convert -geometry ${max_width}x$max_height " . escapeshellarg($filename) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($thumb); exec($command, $dummy, $ret); if($ret != 0) { die("Thumbnail creatin failed. convert did exit($ret)"); } return $thumb; } # like save_uploaded_file() (above) except it converts gifs to pngs. # # FIXME: if a filename is passed in the end of path, we should check if the file type matches, and if not run convert. function save_uploaded_image($key, $path) { if(substr($path, -1) == '/') { $filename = save_uploaded_file($key, $path); if(substr($filename, -4) == '.gif') { $filename = gif_to_png($filename); } return $filename; } else { return save_uploaded_file($key, $path); } } ?>