switch_to_tool = (tool_class) ->
+# json (compiled to javascript and minified) is ~8% smaller than the resulting xml
+json_to_svg = (json) ->
+ for tag, attrs of json
+ el = document.createElementNS svg_ns, tag
+ for k, v of attrs
+ if k is 'children'
+ for child in v
+ el.appendChild json_to_svg child
+ else
+ el.setAttribute k, v
+ return el
# called automatically on domcontentloaded
init = ->
$container = $ '.crayon_mockup'
$tool_options = $ '<div class="tool_options"></div>'
$container.append $toolbar
$container.append $tool_options
- svg = document.createElementNS svg_ns, 'svg'
- svg.setAttribute 'width', width
- svg.setAttribute 'height', height
- svg.setAttribute 'viewBox', "0 0 #{width} #{height}"
+ svg = json_to_svg svg: width: width, height: height, viewBox: "0 0 #{width} #{height}"
$svg = $ svg
$container.append $svg
- filter = document.createElementNS svg_ns, 'filter'
- filter.setAttribute 'id', 'crayon'
- filter.setAttribute 'filterUnits', 'userSpaceOnUse'
- filter.setAttribute 'x', '-5%'
- filter.setAttribute 'y', '-5%'
- filter.setAttribute 'height', '110%'
- filter.setAttribute 'width', '110%'
- filter_inner = document.createElementNS svg_ns, 'feTurbulence'
- filter_inner.setAttribute 'baseFrequency', '.3'
- filter_inner.setAttribute 'numOctaves', '2'
- filter_inner.setAttribute 'type', 'fractalNoise'
- filter.appendChild filter_inner
- filter_inner = document.createElementNS svg_ns, 'feDisplacementMap'
- filter_inner.setAttribute 'scale', '6'
- filter_inner.setAttribute 'xChannelSelector', 'R'
- filter_inner.setAttribute 'in', 'SourceGraphic'
- filter.appendChild filter_inner
- svg.appendChild filter
+ svg.appendChild json_to_svg filter:
+ id: 'crayon', filterUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
+ x: '-5%', y: '-5%', height: '110%', width: '110%'
+ children: [
+ { feTurbulence: baseFrequency: '.3', numOctaves: '2', type: 'fractalNoise' }
+ { feDisplacementMap: scale: '6', xChannelSelector: 'R', in: 'SourceGraphic' }
+ ]
tool_buttons =
tutorial: default: true, factory: TutorialTool