# All your files are UTF-8... RIGHT?
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
+# You should rename your images and css files when you change them so they can
+# be cached forever
+<FilesMatch "\.(css|jpg|png)$">
+ ExpiresActive On
+ ExpiresDefault A31536000
+# the following line makes it so you can just update the link to your
+# stylesheet without actually renaming it all the time. This is needed even if
+# you don't set a long cache period on stylesheets, because Safari will check
+# for a new html, but not check for a new css.
+RewriteRule ^style_[0-9]*.css$ /style.css [L]
+# To enable larger uploads, you'll need both of these:
+# php_value post_max_size 205M
+# php_value upload_max_filesize 200M
# This section contains directives to enable pretty URLs, and instruct apache
# to run wfpl on them. This runs code/config.php if it exists, then loads