JasonWoof Got questions, comments, patches, etc.? Contact Jason Woofenden
[ckeditor.git] / _source / core / editor.js
1 /*\r
2 Copyright (c) 2003-2009, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r
3 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license\r
4 */\r
5 \r
6 /**\r
7  * @fileOverview Defines the {@link CKEDITOR.editor} class, which represents an\r
8  *              editor instance.\r
9  */\r
10 \r
11 (function()\r
12 {\r
13         // The counter for automatic instance names.\r
14         var nameCounter = 0;\r
15 \r
16         var getNewName = function()\r
17         {\r
18                 var name = 'editor' + ( ++nameCounter );\r
19                 return ( CKEDITOR.instances && CKEDITOR.instances[ name ] ) ? getNewName() : name;\r
20         };\r
21 \r
22         // ##### START: Config Privates\r
23 \r
24         // These function loads custom configuration files and cache the\r
25         // CKEDITOR.editorConfig functions defined on them, so there is no need to\r
26         // download them more than once for several instances.\r
27         var loadConfigLoaded = {};\r
28         var loadConfig = function( editor )\r
29         {\r
30                 var customConfig = editor.config.customConfig;\r
31 \r
32                 // Check if there is a custom config to load.\r
33                 if ( !customConfig )\r
34                         return false;\r
35 \r
36                 var loadedConfig = loadConfigLoaded[ customConfig ] || ( loadConfigLoaded[ customConfig ] = {} );\r
37 \r
38                 // If the custom config has already been downloaded, reuse it.\r
39                 if ( loadedConfig.fn )\r
40                 {\r
41                         // Call the cached CKEDITOR.editorConfig defined in the custom\r
42                         // config file for the editor instance depending on it.\r
43                         loadedConfig.fn.call( editor, editor.config );\r
44 \r
45                         // If there is no other customConfig in the chain, fire the\r
46                         // "configLoaded" event.\r
47                         if ( editor.config.customConfig == customConfig || !loadConfig( editor ) )\r
48                                 editor.fireOnce( 'customConfigLoaded' );\r
49                 }\r
50                 else\r
51                 {\r
52                         // Load the custom configuration file.\r
53                         CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( customConfig, function()\r
54                                 {\r
55                                         // If the CKEDITOR.editorConfig function has been properly\r
56                                         // defined in the custom configuration file, cache it.\r
57                                         if ( CKEDITOR.editorConfig )\r
58                                                 loadedConfig.fn = CKEDITOR.editorConfig;\r
59                                         else\r
60                                                 loadedConfig.fn = function(){};\r
61 \r
62                                         // Call the load config again. This time the custom\r
63                                         // config is already cached and so it will get loaded.\r
64                                         loadConfig( editor );\r
65                                 });\r
66                 }\r
67 \r
68                 return true;\r
69         };\r
70 \r
71         var initConfig = function( editor, instanceConfig )\r
72         {\r
73                 // Setup the lister for the "customConfigLoaded" event.\r
74                 editor.on( 'customConfigLoaded', function()\r
75                         {\r
76                                 if ( instanceConfig )\r
77                                 {\r
78                                         // Register the events that may have been set at the instance\r
79                                         // configuration object.\r
80                                         if ( instanceConfig.on )\r
81                                         {\r
82                                                 for ( var eventName in instanceConfig.on )\r
83                                                 {\r
84                                                         editor.on( eventName, instanceConfig.on[ eventName ] );\r
85                                                 }\r
86                                         }\r
87 \r
88                                         // Overwrite the settings from the in-page config.\r
89                                         CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.config, instanceConfig, true );\r
90 \r
91                                         delete editor.config.on;\r
92                                 }\r
93 \r
94                                 onConfigLoaded( editor );\r
95                         });\r
96 \r
97                 // The instance config may override the customConfig setting to avoid\r
98                 // loading the default ~/config.js file.\r
99                 if ( instanceConfig && instanceConfig.customConfig != undefined )\r
100                         editor.config.customConfig = instanceConfig.customConfig;\r
101 \r
102                 // Load configs from the custom configuration files.\r
103                 if ( !loadConfig( editor ) )\r
104                         editor.fireOnce( 'customConfigLoaded' );\r
105         };\r
106 \r
107         // ##### END: Config Privates\r
108 \r
109         var onConfigLoaded = function( editor )\r
110         {\r
111                 // Set config related properties.\r
112 \r
113                 var skin = editor.config.skin.split( ',' ),\r
114                         skinName = skin[ 0 ],\r
115                         skinPath = CKEDITOR.getUrl( skin[ 1 ] || (\r
116                                 'skins/' + skinName + '/' ) );\r
117 \r
118                 editor.skinName = skinName;\r
119                 editor.skinPath = skinPath;\r
120                 editor.skinClass = 'cke_skin_' + skinName;\r
121 \r
122                 // Fire the "configLoaded" event.\r
123                 editor.fireOnce( 'configLoaded' );\r
124 \r
125                 // Load language file.\r
126                 loadLang( editor );\r
127         };\r
128 \r
129         var loadLang = function( editor )\r
130         {\r
131                 CKEDITOR.lang.load( editor.config.language, editor.config.defaultLanguage, function( languageCode, lang )\r
132                         {\r
133                                 editor.langCode = languageCode;\r
134 \r
135                                 // As we'll be adding plugin specific entries that could come\r
136                                 // from different language code files, we need a copy of lang,\r
137                                 // not a direct reference to it.\r
138                                 editor.lang = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( lang );\r
139 \r
140                                 // We're not able to support RTL in Firefox 2 at this time.\r
141                                 if ( CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.version < 10900 && editor.lang.dir == 'rtl' )\r
142                                         editor.lang.dir = 'ltr';\r
143 \r
144                                 loadPlugins( editor );\r
145                         });\r
146         };\r
147 \r
148         var loadPlugins = function( editor )\r
149         {\r
150                 var config                      = editor.config,\r
151                         plugins                 = config.plugins,\r
152                         extraPlugins    = config.extraPlugins,\r
153                         removePlugins   = config.removePlugins;\r
154 \r
155                 if ( extraPlugins )\r
156                 {\r
157                         // Remove them first to avoid duplications.\r
158                         var removeRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|,)(?:' + extraPlugins.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, '|' ) + ')(?=,|$)' , 'g' );\r
159                         plugins = plugins.replace( removeRegex, '' );\r
160 \r
161                         plugins += ',' + extraPlugins;\r
162                 }\r
163 \r
164                 if ( removePlugins )\r
165                 {\r
166                         removeRegex = new RegExp( '(?:^|,)(?:' + removePlugins.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, '|' ) + ')(?=,|$)' , 'g' );\r
167                         plugins = plugins.replace( removeRegex, '' );\r
168                 }\r
169 \r
170                 // Load all plugins defined in the "plugins" setting.\r
171                 CKEDITOR.plugins.load( plugins.split( ',' ), function( plugins )\r
172                         {\r
173                                 // The list of plugins.\r
174                                 var pluginsArray = [];\r
175 \r
176                                 // The language code to get loaded for each plugin. Null\r
177                                 // entries will be appended for plugins with no language files.\r
178                                 var languageCodes = [];\r
179 \r
180                                 // The list of URLs to language files.\r
181                                 var languageFiles = [];\r
182 \r
183                                 // Cache the loaded plugin names.\r
184                                 editor.plugins = plugins;\r
185 \r
186                                 // Loop through all plugins, to build the list of language\r
187                                 // files to get loaded.\r
188                                 for ( var pluginName in plugins )\r
189                                 {\r
190                                         var plugin = plugins[ pluginName ],\r
191                                                 pluginLangs = plugin.lang,\r
192                                                 pluginPath = CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( pluginName ),\r
193                                                 lang = null;\r
194 \r
195                                         // Set the plugin path in the plugin.\r
196                                         plugin.path = pluginPath;\r
197 \r
198                                         // If the plugin has "lang".\r
199                                         if ( pluginLangs )\r
200                                         {\r
201                                                 // Resolve the plugin language. If the current language\r
202                                                 // is not available, get the first one (default one).\r
203                                                 lang = ( CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf( pluginLangs, editor.langCode ) >= 0 ? editor.langCode : pluginLangs[ 0 ] );\r
204 \r
205                                                 if ( !plugin.lang[ lang ] )\r
206                                                 {\r
207                                                         // Put the language file URL into the list of files to\r
208                                                         // get downloaded.\r
209                                                         languageFiles.push( CKEDITOR.getUrl( pluginPath + 'lang/' + lang + '.js' ) );\r
210                                                 }\r
211                                                 else\r
212                                                 {\r
213                                                         CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.lang, plugin.lang[ lang ] );\r
214                                                         lang = null;\r
215                                                 }\r
216                                         }\r
217 \r
218                                         // Save the language code, so we know later which\r
219                                         // language has been resolved to this plugin.\r
220                                         languageCodes.push( lang );\r
221 \r
222                                         pluginsArray.push( plugin );\r
223                                 }\r
224 \r
225                                 // Load all plugin specific language files in a row.\r
226                                 CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load( languageFiles, function()\r
227                                         {\r
228                                                 // Initialize all plugins that have the "beforeInit" and "init" methods defined.\r
229                                                 var methods = [ 'beforeInit', 'init', 'afterInit' ];\r
230                                                 for ( var m = 0 ; m < methods.length ; m++ )\r
231                                                 {\r
232                                                         for ( var i = 0 ; i < pluginsArray.length ; i++ )\r
233                                                         {\r
234                                                                 var plugin = pluginsArray[ i ];\r
235 \r
236                                                                 // Uses the first loop to update the language entries also.\r
237                                                                 if ( m === 0 && languageCodes[ i ] && plugin.lang )\r
238                                                                         CKEDITOR.tools.extend( editor.lang, plugin.lang[ languageCodes[ i ] ] );\r
239 \r
240                                                                 // Call the plugin method (beforeInit and init).\r
241                                                                 if ( plugin[ methods[ m ] ] )\r
242                                                                         plugin[ methods[ m ] ]( editor );\r
243                                                         }\r
244                                                 }\r
245 \r
246                                                 // Load the editor skin.\r
247                                                 editor.fire( 'pluginsLoaded' );\r
248                                                 loadSkin( editor );\r
249                                         });\r
250                         });\r
251         };\r
252 \r
253         var loadSkin = function( editor )\r
254         {\r
255                 CKEDITOR.skins.load( editor, 'editor', function()\r
256                         {\r
257                                 loadTheme( editor );\r
258                         });\r
259         };\r
260 \r
261         var loadTheme = function( editor )\r
262         {\r
263                 var theme = editor.config.theme;\r
264                 CKEDITOR.themes.load( theme, function()\r
265                         {\r
266                                 var editorTheme = editor.theme = CKEDITOR.themes.get( theme );\r
267                                 editorTheme.path = CKEDITOR.themes.getPath( theme );\r
268                                 editorTheme.build( editor );\r
269 \r
270                                 if ( editor.config.autoUpdateElement )\r
271                                         attachToForm( editor );\r
272                         });\r
273         };\r
274 \r
275         var attachToForm = function( editor )\r
276         {\r
277                 var element = editor.element;\r
278 \r
279                 // If are replacing a textarea, we must\r
280                 if ( editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && element.is( 'textarea' ) )\r
281                 {\r
282                         var form = element.$.form && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( element.$.form );\r
283                         if ( form )\r
284                         {\r
285                                 function onSubmit()\r
286                                 {\r
287                                         editor.updateElement();\r
288                                 }\r
289                                 form.on( 'submit',onSubmit );\r
290 \r
291                                 // Setup the submit function because it doesn't fire the\r
292                                 // "submit" event.\r
293                                 if ( !form.$.submit.nodeName )\r
294                                 {\r
295                                         form.$.submit = CKEDITOR.tools.override( form.$.submit, function( originalSubmit )\r
296                                                 {\r
297                                                         return function()\r
298                                                                 {\r
299                                                                         editor.updateElement();\r
300 \r
301                                                                         // For IE, the DOM submit function is not a\r
302                                                                         // function, so we need thid check.\r
303                                                                         if ( originalSubmit.apply )\r
304                                                                                 originalSubmit.apply( this, arguments );\r
305                                                                         else\r
306                                                                                 originalSubmit();\r
307                                                                 };\r
308                                                 });\r
309                                 }\r
310 \r
311                                 // Remove 'submit' events registered on form element before destroying.(#3988)\r
312                                 editor.on( 'destroy', function()\r
313                                 {\r
314                                         form.removeListener( 'submit', onSubmit );\r
315                                 } );\r
316                         }\r
317                 }\r
318         };\r
319 \r
320         function updateCommandsMode()\r
321         {\r
322                 var command,\r
323                         commands = this._.commands,\r
324                         mode = this.mode;\r
325 \r
326                 for ( var name in commands )\r
327                 {\r
328                         command = commands[ name ];\r
329                         command[ command.modes[ mode ] ? 'enable' : 'disable' ]();\r
330                 }\r
331         }\r
332 \r
333         /**\r
334          * Initializes the editor instance. This function is called by the editor\r
335          * contructor (editor_basic.js).\r
336          * @private\r
337          */\r
338         CKEDITOR.editor.prototype._init = function()\r
339                 {\r
340                         // Get the properties that have been saved in the editor_base\r
341                         // implementation.\r
342                         var element                     = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( this._.element ),\r
343                                 instanceConfig  = this._.instanceConfig;\r
344                         delete this._.element;\r
345                         delete this._.instanceConfig;\r
346 \r
347                         this._.commands = {};\r
348                         this._.styles = [];\r
349 \r
350                         /**\r
351                          * The DOM element that has been replaced by this editor instance. This\r
352                          * element holds the editor data on load and post.\r
353                          * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.element\r
354                          * @type CKEDITOR.dom.element\r
355                          * @example\r
356                          * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;\r
357                          * alert( <b>editor.element</b>.getName() );  "textarea"\r
358                          */\r
359                         this.element = element;\r
360 \r
361                         /**\r
362                          * The editor instance name. It hay be the replaced element id, name or\r
363                          * a default name using a progressive counter (editor1, editor2, ...).\r
364                          * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.name\r
365                          * @type String\r
366                          * @example\r
367                          * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;\r
368                          * alert( <b>editor.name</b> );  "editor1"\r
369                          */\r
370                         this.name = ( element && ( this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )\r
371                                                         && ( element.getId() || element.getNameAtt() ) )\r
372                                                 || getNewName();\r
373 \r
374                         if ( this.name in CKEDITOR.instances )\r
375                                 throw '[CKEDITOR.editor] The instance "' + this.name + '" already exists.';\r
376 \r
377                         /**\r
378                          * The configurations for this editor instance. It inherits all\r
379                          * settings defined in (@link CKEDITOR.config}, combined with settings\r
380                          * loaded from custom configuration files and those defined inline in\r
381                          * the page when creating the editor.\r
382                          * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.config\r
383                          * @type Object\r
384                          * @example\r
385                          * var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;\r
386                          * alert( <b>editor.config.theme</b> );  "default" e.g.\r
387                          */\r
388                         this.config = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy( CKEDITOR.config );\r
389 \r
390                         /**\r
391                          * Namespace containing UI features related to this editor instance.\r
392                          * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.ui\r
393                          * @type CKEDITOR.ui\r
394                          * @example\r
395                          */\r
396                         this.ui = new CKEDITOR.ui( this );\r
397 \r
398                         /**\r
399                          * Controls the focus state of this editor instance. This property\r
400                          * is rarely used for normal API operations. It is mainly\r
401                          * destinated to developer adding UI elements to the editor interface.\r
402                          * @name CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.focusManager\r
403                          * @type CKEDITOR.focusManager\r
404                          * @example\r
405                          */\r
406                         this.focusManager = new CKEDITOR.focusManager( this );\r
407 \r
408                         CKEDITOR.fire( 'instanceCreated', null, this );\r
409 \r
410                         this.on( 'mode', updateCommandsMode, null, null, 1 );\r
411 \r
412                         initConfig( this, instanceConfig );\r
413                 };\r
414 })();\r
415 \r
416 CKEDITOR.tools.extend( CKEDITOR.editor.prototype,\r
417         /** @lends CKEDITOR.editor.prototype */\r
418         {\r
419                 /**\r
420                  * Adds a command definition to the editor instance. Commands added with\r
421                  * this function can be later executed with {@link #execCommand}.\r
422                  * @param {String} commandName The indentifier name of the command.\r
423                  * @param {CKEDITOR.commandDefinition} commandDefinition The command definition.\r
424                  * @example\r
425                  * editorInstance.addCommand( 'sample',\r
426                  * {\r
427                  *     exec : function( editor )\r
428                  *     {\r
429                  *         alert( 'Executing a command for the editor name "' + editor.name + '"!' );\r
430                  *     }\r
431                  * });\r
432                  */\r
433                 addCommand : function( commandName, commandDefinition )\r
434                 {\r
435                         return this._.commands[ commandName ] = new CKEDITOR.command( this, commandDefinition );\r
436                 },\r
437 \r
438                 addCss : function( css )\r
439                 {\r
440                         this._.styles.push( css );\r
441                 },\r
442 \r
443                 /**\r
444                  * Destroys the editor instance, releasing all resources used by it.\r
445                  * If the editor replaced an element, the element will be recovered.\r
446                  * @param {Boolean} [noUpdate] If the instance is replacing a DOM\r
447                  *              element, this parameter indicates whether or not to update the\r
448                  *              element with the instance contents.\r
449                  * @example\r
450                  * alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1 );  e.g "object"\r
451                  * <b>CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.destroy()</b>;\r
452                  * alert( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1 );  "undefined"\r
453                  */\r
454                 destroy : function( noUpdate )\r
455                 {\r
456                         if ( !noUpdate )\r
457                                 this.updateElement();\r
458 \r
459                         this.theme.destroy( this );\r
460                         this.fire( 'destroy' );\r
461                         CKEDITOR.remove( this );\r
462                 },\r
463 \r
464                 /**\r
465                  * Executes a command.\r
466                  * @param {String} commandName The indentifier name of the command.\r
467                  * @param {Object} [data] Data to be passed to the command\r
468                  * @returns {Boolean} "true" if the command has been successfuly\r
469                  *              executed, otherwise "false".\r
470                  * @example\r
471                  * editorInstance.execCommand( 'Bold' );\r
472                  */\r
473                 execCommand : function( commandName, data )\r
474                 {\r
475                         var command = this.getCommand( commandName );\r
476 \r
477                         var eventData =\r
478                         {\r
479                                 name: commandName,\r
480                                 commandData: data,\r
481                                 command: command\r
482                         };\r
483 \r
484                         if ( command && command.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )\r
485                         {\r
486                                 if ( this.fire( 'beforeCommandExec', eventData ) !== true )\r
487                                 {\r
488                                         eventData.returnValue = command.exec( eventData.commandData );\r
489 \r
490                                         // Fire the 'afterCommandExec' immediately if command is synchronous.\r
491                                         if ( !command.async && this.fire( 'afterCommandExec', eventData ) !== true )\r
492                                                 return eventData.returnValue;\r
493                                 }\r
494                         }\r
495 \r
496                         // throw 'Unknown command name "' + commandName + '"';\r
497                         return false;\r
498                 },\r
499 \r
500                 /**\r
501                  * Gets one of the registered commands. Note that, after registering a\r
502                  * command definition with addCommand, it is transformed internally\r
503                  * into an instance of {@link CKEDITOR.command}, which will be then\r
504                  * returned by this function.\r
505                  * @param {String} commandName The name of the command to be returned.\r
506                  * This is the same used to register the command with addCommand.\r
507                  * @returns {CKEDITOR.command} The command object identified by the\r
508                  * provided name.\r
509                  */\r
510                 getCommand : function( commandName )\r
511                 {\r
512                         return this._.commands[ commandName ];\r
513                 },\r
514 \r
515                 /**\r
516                  * Gets the editor data. The data will be in raw format. It is the same\r
517                  * data that is posted by the editor.\r
518                  * @type String\r
519                  * @returns (String) The editor data.\r
520                  * @example\r
521                  * if ( CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>getData()</b> == '' )\r
522                  *     alert( 'There is no data available' );\r
523                  */\r
524                 getData : function()\r
525                 {\r
526                         this.fire( 'beforeGetData' );\r
527 \r
528                         var eventData = this._.data;\r
529 \r
530                         if ( typeof eventData != 'string' )\r
531                         {\r
532                                 var element = this.element;\r
533                                 if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )\r
534                                         eventData = element.is( 'textarea' ) ? element.getValue() : element.getHtml();\r
535                                 else\r
536                                         eventData = '';\r
537                         }\r
538 \r
539                         eventData = { dataValue : eventData };\r
540 \r
541                         // Fire "getData" so data manipulation may happen.\r
542                         this.fire( 'getData', eventData );\r
543 \r
544                         return eventData.dataValue;\r
545                 },\r
546 \r
547                 getSnapshot : function()\r
548                 {\r
549                         var data = this.fire( 'getSnapshot' );\r
550 \r
551                         if ( typeof data != 'string' )\r
552                         {\r
553                                 var element = this.element;\r
554                                 if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )\r
555                                         data = element.is( 'textarea' ) ? element.getValue() : element.getHtml();\r
556                         }\r
557 \r
558                         return data;\r
559                 },\r
560 \r
561                 loadSnapshot : function( snapshot )\r
562                 {\r
563                         this.fire( 'loadSnapshot', snapshot );\r
564                 },\r
565 \r
566                 /**\r
567                  * Sets the editor data. The data must be provided in raw format.\r
568                  * @param {String} data HTML code to replace the curent content in the editor.\r
569                  * @example\r
570                  * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>setData( '&lt;p&gt;This is the editor data.&lt;/p&gt;' )</b>;\r
571                  */\r
572                 setData : function( data )\r
573                 {\r
574                         // Fire "setData" so data manipulation may happen.\r
575                         var eventData = { dataValue : data };\r
576                         this.fire( 'setData', eventData );\r
577 \r
578                         this._.data = eventData.dataValue;\r
579 \r
580                         this.fire( 'afterSetData', eventData );\r
581                 },\r
582 \r
583                 /**\r
584                  * Inserts HTML into the currently selected position in the editor.\r
585                  * @param {String} data HTML code to be inserted into the editor.\r
586                  * @example\r
587                  * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>insertHtml( '&lt;p&gt;This is a new paragraph.&lt;/p&gt;' )</b>;\r
588                  */\r
589                 insertHtml : function( data )\r
590                 {\r
591                         this.fire( 'insertHtml', data );\r
592                 },\r
593 \r
594                 /**\r
595                  * Inserts an element into the currently selected position in the\r
596                  * editor.\r
597                  * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} element The element to be inserted\r
598                  *              into the editor.\r
599                  * @example\r
600                  * var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '&lt;img src="hello.png" border="0" title="Hello" /&gt;' );\r
601                  * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.<b>insertElement( element )</b>;\r
602                  */\r
603                 insertElement : function( element )\r
604                 {\r
605                         this.fire( 'insertElement', element );\r
606                 },\r
607 \r
608                 checkDirty : function()\r
609                 {\r
610                         return ( this.mayBeDirty && this._.previousValue !== this.getSnapshot() );\r
611                 },\r
612 \r
613                 resetDirty : function()\r
614                 {\r
615                         if ( this.mayBeDirty )\r
616                                 this._.previousValue = this.getSnapshot();\r
617                 },\r
618 \r
619                 /**\r
620                  * Updates the &lt;textarea&gt; element that has been replaced by the editor with\r
621                  * the current data available in the editor.\r
622                  * @example\r
623                  * CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.updateElement();\r
624                  * alert( document.getElementById( 'editor1' ).value );  // The current editor data.\r
625                  */\r
626                 updateElement : function()\r
627                 {\r
628                         var element = this.element;\r
629                         if ( element && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )\r
630                         {\r
631                                 if ( element.is( 'textarea' ) )\r
632                                         element.setValue( this.getData() );\r
633                                 else\r
634                                         element.setHtml( this.getData() );\r
635                         }\r
636                 }\r
637         });\r
638 \r
639 CKEDITOR.on( 'loaded', function()\r
640         {\r
641                 // Run the full initialization for pending editors.\r
642                 var pending = CKEDITOR.editor._pending;\r
643                 if ( pending )\r
644                 {\r
645                         delete CKEDITOR.editor._pending;\r
646 \r
647                         for ( var i = 0 ; i < pending.length ; i++ )\r
648                                 pending[ i ]._init();\r
649                 }\r
650         });\r