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vanilla ckeditor-3.2
[ckeditor.git] / _source / plugins / colorbutton / plugin.js
1 /*\r
2 Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r
3 For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license\r
4 */\r
5 \r
6 CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'colorbutton',\r
7 {\r
8         requires : [ 'panelbutton', 'floatpanel', 'styles' ],\r
9 \r
10         init : function( editor )\r
11         {\r
12                 var config = editor.config,\r
13                         lang = editor.lang.colorButton;\r
14 \r
15                 var clickFn;\r
16 \r
17                 if ( !CKEDITOR.env.hc )\r
18                 {\r
19                         addButton( 'TextColor', 'fore', lang.textColorTitle );\r
20                         addButton( 'BGColor', 'back', lang.bgColorTitle );\r
21                 }\r
22 \r
23                 function addButton( name, type, title )\r
24                 {\r
25                         editor.ui.add( name, CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON,\r
26                                 {\r
27                                         label : title,\r
28                                         title : title,\r
29                                         className : 'cke_button_' + name.toLowerCase(),\r
30                                         modes : { wysiwyg : 1 },\r
31 \r
32                                         panel :\r
33                                         {\r
34                                                 css : editor.skin.editor.css,\r
35                                                 attributes : { role : 'listbox', 'aria-label' : lang.panelTitle }\r
36                                         },\r
37 \r
38                                         onBlock : function( panel, block )\r
39                                         {\r
40                                                 block.autoSize = true;\r
41                                                 block.element.addClass( 'cke_colorblock' );\r
42                                                 block.element.setHtml( renderColors( panel, type ) );\r
43 \r
44                                                 var keys = block.keys;\r
45                                                 keys[ 39 ]      = 'next';                                       // ARROW-RIGHT\r
46                                                 keys[ 40 ]      = 'next';                                       // ARROW-DOWN\r
47                                                 keys[ 9 ]       = 'next';                                       // TAB\r
48                                                 keys[ 37 ]      = 'prev';                                       // ARROW-LEFT\r
49                                                 keys[ 38 ]      = 'prev';                                       // ARROW-UP\r
50                                                 keys[ CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ]      = 'prev';       // SHIFT + TAB\r
51                                                 keys[ 32 ]      = 'click';                                      // SPACE\r
52                                         }\r
53                                 });\r
54                 }\r
55 \r
56 \r
57                 function renderColors( panel, type )\r
58                 {\r
59                         var output = [],\r
60                                 colors = config.colorButton_colors.split( ',' ),\r
61                                 total = colors.length + ( config.colorButton_enableMore ? 2 : 1 );\r
62 \r
63                         var clickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction( function( color, type )\r
64                                 {\r
65                                         if ( color == '?' )\r
66                                         {\r
67                                                 var applyColorStyle = arguments.callee;\r
68                                                 function onColorDialogClose( evt )\r
69                                                 {\r
70                                                         this.removeListener( 'ok', onColorDialogClose );\r
71                                                         this.removeListener( 'cancel', onColorDialogClose );\r
72 \r
73                                                         evt.name == 'ok' && applyColorStyle( this.getContentElement( 'picker', 'selectedColor' ).getValue(), type );\r
74                                                 }\r
75 \r
76                                                 editor.openDialog( 'colordialog', function()\r
77                                                 {\r
78                                                         this.on( 'ok', onColorDialogClose );\r
79                                                         this.on( 'cancel', onColorDialogClose );\r
80                                                 } );\r
81 \r
82                                                 return;\r
83                                         }\r
84 \r
85                                         editor.focus();\r
86 \r
87                                         panel.hide();\r
88 \r
89                                         var style = new CKEDITOR.style( config['colorButton_' + type + 'Style'], color && { color : color } );\r
90 \r
91                                         editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );\r
92                                         if ( color )\r
93                                                 style.apply( editor.document );\r
94                                         else\r
95                                                 style.remove( editor.document );\r
96                                         editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );\r
97                                 });\r
98 \r
99                         // Render the "Automatic" button.\r
100                         output.push(\r
101                                 '<a class="cke_colorauto" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +\r
102                                         ' title="', lang.auto, '"' +\r
103                                         ' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',null,\'', type, '\');return false;"' +\r
104                                         ' href="javascript:void(\'', lang.auto, '\')"' +\r
105                                         ' role="option" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="', total, '">' +\r
106                                         '<table role="presentation" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">' +\r
107                                                 '<tr>' +\r
108                                                         '<td>' +\r
109                                                                 '<span class="cke_colorbox" style="background-color:#000"></span>' +\r
110                                                         '</td>' +\r
111                                                         '<td colspan=7 align=center>',\r
112                                                                 lang.auto,\r
113                                                         '</td>' +\r
114                                                 '</tr>' +\r
115                                         '</table>' +\r
116                                 '</a>' +\r
117                                 '<table role="presentation" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">' );\r
118 \r
119                         // Render the color boxes.\r
120                         for ( var i = 0 ; i < colors.length ; i++ )\r
121                         {\r
122                                 if ( ( i % 8 ) === 0 )\r
123                                         output.push( '</tr><tr>' );\r
124 \r
125                                 var colorCode = colors[ i ];\r
126                                 var colorLabel = editor.lang.colors[ colorCode ] || colorCode;\r
127                                 output.push(\r
128                                         '<td>' +\r
129                                                 '<a class="cke_colorbox" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +\r
130                                                         ' title="', colorLabel, '"' +\r
131                                                         ' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',\'#', colorCode, '\',\'', type, '\'); return false;"' +\r
132                                                         ' href="javascript:void(\'', colorLabel, '\')"' +\r
133                                                         ' role="option" aria-posinset="', ( i + 2 ), '" aria-setsize="', total, '">' +\r
134                                                         '<span class="cke_colorbox" style="background-color:#', colorCode, '"></span>' +\r
135                                                 '</a>' +\r
136                                         '</td>' );\r
137                         }\r
138 \r
139                         // Render the "More Colors" button.\r
140                         if ( config.colorButton_enableMore )\r
141                         {\r
142                                 output.push(\r
143                                         '</tr>' +\r
144                                         '<tr>' +\r
145                                                 '<td colspan=8 align=center>' +\r
146                                                         '<a class="cke_colormore" _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +\r
147                                                                 ' title="', lang.more, '"' +\r
148                                                                 ' onclick="CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', clickFn, ',\'?\',\'', type, '\');return false;"' +\r
149                                                                 ' href="javascript:void(\'', lang.more, '\')"',\r
150                                                                 ' role="option" aria-posinset="', total, '" aria-setsize="', total, '">',\r
151                                                                 lang.more,\r
152                                                         '</a>' +\r
153                                                 '</td>' );      // It is later in the code.\r
154                         }\r
155 \r
156                         output.push( '</tr></table>' );\r
157 \r
158                         return output.join( '' );\r
159                 }\r
160         }\r
161 });\r
162 \r
163 /**\r
164  * Whether to enable the "More Colors..." button in the color selectors.\r
165  * @default false\r
166  * @type Boolean\r
167  * @example\r
168  * config.colorButton_enableMore = false;\r
169  */\r
170 CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_enableMore = true;\r
171 \r
172 /**\r
173  * Defines the colors to be displayed in the color selectors. It's a string\r
174  * containing the hexadecimal notation for HTML colors, without the "#" prefix.\r
175  * @type String\r
176  * @default '000,800000,8B4513,2F4F4F,008080,000080,4B0082,696969,B22222,A52A2A,DAA520,006400,40E0D0,0000CD,800080,808080,F00,FF8C00,FFD700,008000,0FF,00F,EE82EE,A9A9A9,FFA07A,FFA500,FFFF00,00FF00,AFEEEE,ADD8E6,DDA0DD,D3D3D3,FFF0F5,FAEBD7,FFFFE0,F0FFF0,F0FFFF,F0F8FF,E6E6FA,FFF'\r
177  * @example\r
178  * // Brazil colors only.\r
179  * config.colorButton_colors = '00923E,F8C100,28166F';\r
180  */\r
181 CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_colors =\r
182         '000,800000,8B4513,2F4F4F,008080,000080,4B0082,696969,' +\r
183         'B22222,A52A2A,DAA520,006400,40E0D0,0000CD,800080,808080,' +\r
184         'F00,FF8C00,FFD700,008000,0FF,00F,EE82EE,A9A9A9,' +\r
185         'FFA07A,FFA500,FFFF00,00FF00,AFEEEE,ADD8E6,DDA0DD,D3D3D3,' +\r
186         'FFF0F5,FAEBD7,FFFFE0,F0FFF0,F0FFFF,F0F8FF,E6E6FA,FFF';\r
187 \r
188 /**\r
189  * Holds the style definition to be used to apply the text foreground color.\r
190  * @type Object\r
191  * @example\r
192  * // This is basically the default setting value.\r
193  * config.colorButton_foreStyle =\r
194  *     {\r
195  *         element : 'span',\r
196  *         styles : { 'color' : '#(color)' }\r
197  *     };\r
198  */\r
199 CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_foreStyle =\r
200         {\r
201                 element         : 'span',\r
202                 styles          : { 'color' : '#(color)' },\r
203                 overrides       : [ { element : 'font', attributes : { 'color' : null } } ],\r
204 \r
205                 // Fore color style must be applied inside links instead of around it.\r
206                 childRule : function( element )\r
207                 {\r
208                         return element.getName() != 'a';\r
209                 }\r
210         };\r
211 \r
212 /**\r
213  * Holds the style definition to be used to apply the text background color.\r
214  * @type Object\r
215  * @example\r
216  * // This is basically the default setting value.\r
217  * config.colorButton_backStyle =\r
218  *     {\r
219  *         element : 'span',\r
220  *         styles : { 'background-color' : '#(color)' }\r
221  *     };\r
222  */\r
223 CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_backStyle =\r
224         {\r
225                 element         : 'span',\r
226                 styles          : { 'background-color' : '#(color)' }\r
227         };\r