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11 <h2>Narrative Example</h2>
13 <p>When you <a href="./">commission Jason Woofenden</a> you are asked to write about your change/addition in the form of a first-person narrative. In this narrative you write as if the change/addition you would like has already been implemented. You write the specifics of what you do and what you see as a result.</p>
14 <p>Here is an example of a narrative for a new page:</p>
16 <blockquote>I go to my home page, (or any other page on my site) and I click a link labeled "Contact Us" which is just below the "About Us" link on the left. Then I see a page with a headline "Contact Us" and a form with these fields: "Name", "E-mail", "Comments" and a button "Send". When I click "Send", all information entered is e-mailed to foo@example.com and I see a page with the headline "Thank You" and this paragraph: "Thank you for your interest. We can usually reply within one business day."</blockquote>
18 <p>After Jason makes the changes, you can verify that they are complete by following the steps in the narrative and making sure you can see everything it describes.</p>