JasonWoof Got questions, comments, patches, etc.? Contact Jason Woofenden
cleanup file/function names
authorJason Woofenden <jason@jasonwoof.com>
Fri, 22 Jan 2016 01:09:28 +0000 (20:09 -0500)
committerJason Woofenden <jason@jasonwoof.com>
Fri, 22 Jan 2016 01:09:28 +0000 (20:09 -0500)
14 files changed:
editor.coffee [new file with mode: 0644]
editor_tests_coffee.html [new file with mode: 0644]
html5-named-entities.coffee [deleted file]
parse-html.coffee [deleted file]
parser.coffee [new file with mode: 0644]
parser_no_browser_helper.coffee [new file with mode: 0644]
parser_tests.coffee [new file with mode: 0644]
test.coffee [deleted file]

index cccce55..de3b8f4 100644 (file)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
index 38e2973..4cd8ad4 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 A couple files have their own licensing terms, see the top of these files for
 A couple files have their own licensing terms, see the top of these files for
-       test.coffee
+       parser_tests.coffee
 Unless otherwise noted at the top of the file, all other files in this project
 Unless otherwise noted at the top of the file, all other files in this project
index 5ae1b2b..f2fef49 100644 (file)
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-OBJECTS= parse-html.js test.js html5-named-entities.js
+OBJECTS= parser.js parser_tests.js parser_no_browser_helper.js
 all: $(OBJECTS)
 %.js: %.coffee
 all: $(OBJECTS)
 %.js: %.coffee
-       coffee -c $< && sed -i -e 's/\(parse-html\|html5-named-entities\)[.]coffee/\1.js/g' $@
+       coffee -c $< && sed -i -e 's/\(parser\|parser_no_browser_helper\)[.]coffee/\1.js/g' $@
        rm -f $(OBJECTS)
        rm -f $(OBJECTS)
index 02020d6..af50f19 100644 (file)
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Quick Start Guide
 4.     Try running the parser in the console, example:
 4.     Try running the parser in the console, example:
-               window.wheic.parse_html("<p>foo</p>", {fragment: "body"})
+               window.wheic_parser.parse("<p>foo</p>", {fragment: "body"})
 For further reading, see "Running Under node.js" below.
 For further reading, see "Running Under node.js" below.
@@ -55,25 +55,25 @@ Now you can do any of these things in any order:
 *      Run the tests directly from CoffeeScript:
 *      Run the tests directly from CoffeeScript:
-               coffee test.coffee
+               coffee parser_tests.coffee
 *      Test the compiled (javascript) parser in your favorite browser by opening
        up ``parser_tests.html`` and looking at the console.
 *      Run tests via compiled code:
 *      Test the compiled (javascript) parser in your favorite browser by opening
        up ``parser_tests.html`` and looking at the console.
 *      Run tests via compiled code:
-               nodejs test.js
+               nodejs parser_tests.js
 *      Try using the parser in your own javascript node.js project:
 *      Try using the parser in your own javascript node.js project:
-               var wheic = require('./parse-html.js');
-               var dom = wheic.parse_html("<p>hi</p>", {fragment: 'body'});
+               var html5 = require('./parser.js');
+               var dom = html5.parse("<p>hi</p>", {fragment: 'body'});
 *      Try using the parser in your own CoffeeScript node.js project:
 *      Try using the parser in your own CoffeeScript node.js project:
-               wheic = require './parse-html.js'
-               dom = wheic.parse_html "<p>hi</p>", fragment: 'body'
+               html5 = require './parser.js'
+               dom = html5.parse "<p>hi</p>", fragment: 'body'
        Note: the CoffeeScript compile time is significant, so you'll want to use
        Note: the CoffeeScript compile time is significant, so you'll want to use
diff --git a/editor.coffee b/editor.coffee
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4de3b81
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Jason Woofenden
+# This file implements an WYSIWYG editor in the browser (no contenteditable)
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/editor_tests_coffee.html b/editor_tests_coffee.html
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3e0a005
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+       <meta charset="UTF-8">
+       <link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=">
+       <title>html parser tester</title>
+       <h1>WHEIC editor test page (CoffeeScript version)</h1>
+       <p>This version of the test page compiles the CoffeeScript files in the browser. This is slower to load, but saves you having to rebuild as you work (or even install CoffeeScript).</p>
+       <form action="#" method="get">
+       <p><textarea rows="9" cols="22" name="test_wysiwyg">&lt;p&gt;Normal &lt;strong&gt;Bold &lt;em&gt; Italic+Bold&lt;/strong&gt; Italic&lt;/em&gt; Normal&lt;/p&gt;</textarea></p>
+       </form>
+       <script src="parser.coffee" type="text/coffeescript"></script>
+       <script src="editor.coffee" type="text/coffeescript"></script>
+       <script src="coffee-script.js"></script>
diff --git a/html5-named-entities.coffee b/html5-named-entities.coffee
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index afec2f7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# This module exports a single function which will decode any of the character
-# references that have a terminating semicolon from the html5 spec at
-# https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/entities.json
-# Do not include the "&" or ";" in your argument, eg pass "alpha"
-module.exports = (txt) ->
-       return named_entities_with_terminators[txt] ? null
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diff --git a/parse-html.coffee b/parse-html.coffee
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 362240f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4746 +0,0 @@
-# HTML parser meant to run in a browser, in support of WYSIWYG editor
-# Copyright 2015 Jason Woofenden
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
-# later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# This file implements a thorough parser for html5, meant to be used by a
-# WYSIWYG editor.
-# The implementation is a pretty direct implementation of the parsing algorithm
-# described here:
-#     http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html
-# except for some places marked "WHATWG" that are implemented as described here:
-#     https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html
-# This code passes all of the tests in the .dat files at:
-#     https://github.com/JasonWoof/html5lib-tests/tree/patch-1/tree-construction
-## how to use this code
-# See README.md for how to run this file in the browser or in node.js.
-# This file exports a single useful function: parse_tml, and some constants
-# (see the bottom of this file for those.)
-# Call it like this:
-#     wheic.parse_html("<p><b>hi</p>")
-# Or, if you don't want <html><head><body>/etc, do this:
-#     wheic.parse_html("<p><b>hi</p>", {fragment: "body"})
-# return value is an array of Nodes, see "class Node" below.
-# This code is a work in progress, eg try search this file for "fixfull",
-# "TODO" and "FIXME"
-# Notes:  stacks/lists
-# Jason was frequently confused by the terminology used to refer to different
-# parts of the stacks and lists in the spec, so he made this chart to help keep
-# his head straight:
-# stacks grow downward (current element is index=0)
-# example: open_els = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]
-# "grows downwards" means it's visualized like this: (index: el "names")
-#   6: g "start of the list", "topmost", "first"
-#   5: f
-#   4: e "previous" (to d), "above", "before"
-#   3: d   (previous/next are relative to this element)
-#   2: c "next", "after", "lower", "below"
-#   1: b
-#   0: a "end of the list", "current node", "bottommost", "last"
-if (typeof module) isnt 'undefined' and module.exports?
-       context = 'module'
-       exports = module.exports
-       context = 'browser'
-       window.wheic = {}
-       exports = window.wheic
-from_code_point = (x) ->
-       if String.fromCodePoint?
-               return String.fromCodePoint x
-       else
-               if x <= 0xffff
-                       return String.fromCharCode x
-               x -= 0x10000
-               return String.fromCharCode((x >> 10) + 0xd800, (x % 0x400) + 0xdc00)
-# Each node is an obect of the Node class. Here are the Node types:
-TYPE_TAG = 0 # name, {attributes}, [children]
-TYPE_TEXT = 1 # "text"
-# the following types are emited by the tokenizer, but shouldn't end up in the tree:
-TYPE_START_TAG = 4 # name, [attributes ([key,value]...) in reverse order], [children]
-TYPE_END_TAG = 5 # name
-TYPE_AFE_MARKER = 7 # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#reconstruct-the-active-formatting-elements
-TYPE_AAA_BOOKMARK = 8 # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#adoption-agency-algorithm
-# namespace constants
-NS_HTML = 1
-NS_SVG = 3
-# quirks mode constants
-# queue up debug logs, so eg they can be shown only for tests that fail
-g_debug_log = []
-debug_log_reset = ->
-       g_debug_log = []
-       return
-debug_log = (str) ->
-       g_debug_log.push str
-       return
-debug_log_each = (cb) ->
-       for str in g_debug_log
-               cb str
-       return
-prev_node_id = 0
-class Node
-       constructor: (type, args = {}) ->
-               @type = type # one of the TYPE_* constants above
-               @name = args.name ? '' # tag name
-               @text = args.text ? '' # contents for text/comment nodes
-               @attrs = args.attrs ? {}
-               @attrs_a = args.attr_k ? [] # attrs in progress, TYPE_START_TAG only
-               @children = args.children ? []
-               @namespace = args.namespace ? NS_HTML
-               @parent = args.parent ? null
-               @token = args.token ? null
-               @flags = args.flags ? {}
-               if args.id?
-                       @id = "#{args.id}+"
-               else
-                       @id = "#{++prev_node_id}"
-       acknowledge_self_closing: ->
-               if @token?
-                       @token.flag 'did_self_close', true
-               else
-                       @flag 'did_self_close', true
-               return
-       flag: (key, value = null) ->
-               if value?
-                       @flags[key] = value
-               else
-                       return @flags[key]
-               return
-# helpers: (only take args that are normally known when parser creates nodes)
-new_open_tag = (name) ->
-       return new Node TYPE_START_TAG, name: name
-new_end_tag = (name) ->
-       return new Node TYPE_END_TAG, name: name
-new_element = (name) ->
-       return new Node TYPE_TAG, name: name
-new_text_node = (txt) ->
-       return new Node TYPE_TEXT, text: txt
-new_character_token = new_text_node
-new_comment_token = (txt) ->
-       return new Node TYPE_COMMENT, text: txt
-new_doctype_token = (name) ->
-       return new Node TYPE_DOCTYPE, name: name
-new_eof_token = ->
-       return new Node TYPE_EOF
-new_afe_marker = ->
-       return new Node TYPE_AFE_MARKER
-new_aaa_bookmark = ->
-       return new Node TYPE_AAA_BOOKMARK
-lc_alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-digits = "0123456789"
-alnum = lc_alpha + uc_alpha + digits
-hex_chars = digits + "abcdefABCDEF"
-is_uc_alpha = (str) ->
-       return str.length is 1 and uc_alpha.indexOf(str) > -1
-is_lc_alpha = (str) ->
-       return str.length is 1 and lc_alpha.indexOf(str) > -1
-# some SVG elements have dashes in them
-tag_name_chars = alnum + "-"
-# http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#space-character
-space_chars = "\u0009\u000a\u000c\u000d\u0020"
-is_space = (txt) ->
-       return txt.length is 1 and space_chars.indexOf(txt) > -1
-is_space_tok = (t) ->
-       return t.type is TYPE_TEXT && t.text.length is 1 and space_chars.indexOf(t.text) > -1
-is_input_hidden_tok = (t) ->
-       return false unless t.type is TYPE_START_TAG
-       for a in t.attrs_a
-               if a[0] is 'type'
-                       if a[1].toLowerCase() is 'hidden'
-                               return true
-                       return false
-       return false
-# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_character#Unicode
-whitespace_chars = "\u0009\u000a\u000b\u000c\u000d\u0020\u0085\u00a0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000"
-unicode_fixes = {}
-unicode_fixes[0x00] = "\uFFFD"
-unicode_fixes[0x80] = "\u20AC"
-unicode_fixes[0x82] = "\u201A"
-unicode_fixes[0x83] = "\u0192"
-unicode_fixes[0x84] = "\u201E"
-unicode_fixes[0x85] = "\u2026"
-unicode_fixes[0x86] = "\u2020"
-unicode_fixes[0x87] = "\u2021"
-unicode_fixes[0x88] = "\u02C6"
-unicode_fixes[0x89] = "\u2030"
-unicode_fixes[0x8A] = "\u0160"
-unicode_fixes[0x8B] = "\u2039"
-unicode_fixes[0x8C] = "\u0152"
-unicode_fixes[0x8E] = "\u017D"
-unicode_fixes[0x91] = "\u2018"
-unicode_fixes[0x92] = "\u2019"
-unicode_fixes[0x93] = "\u201C"
-unicode_fixes[0x94] = "\u201D"
-unicode_fixes[0x95] = "\u2022"
-unicode_fixes[0x96] = "\u2013"
-unicode_fixes[0x97] = "\u2014"
-unicode_fixes[0x98] = "\u02DC"
-unicode_fixes[0x99] = "\u2122"
-unicode_fixes[0x9A] = "\u0161"
-unicode_fixes[0x9B] = "\u203A"
-unicode_fixes[0x9C] = "\u0153"
-unicode_fixes[0x9E] = "\u017E"
-unicode_fixes[0x9F] = "\u0178"
-quirks_yes_pi_prefixes = [
-       "+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//"
-       "-//as//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//"
-       "-//advasoft ltd//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//"
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-       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 2//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 1//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 2//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.1e//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 3.0//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 3.2 final//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 3.2//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html 3//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html level 0//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html level 1//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html level 2//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html level 3//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 0//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 1//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 2//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 3//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html strict//"
-       "-//ietf//dtd html//"
-       "-//metrius//dtd metrius presentational//"
-       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html strict//"
-       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html//"
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-       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html strict//"
-       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html//"
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-       "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//"
-       "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2s draft//"
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-       "-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html 2.0//"
-       "-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html//"
-# These are the character references that don't need a terminating semicolon
-# min length: 2, max: 6, none are a prefix of any other.
-legacy_char_refs = {
-       Aacute: 'Á', aacute: 'á', Acirc: 'Â', acirc: 'â', acute: '´', AElig: 'Æ',
-       aelig: 'æ', Agrave: 'À', agrave: 'à', AMP: '&', amp: '&', Aring: 'Å',
-       aring: 'å', Atilde: 'Ã', atilde: 'ã', Auml: 'Ä', auml: 'ä', brvbar: '¦',
-       Ccedil: 'Ç', ccedil: 'ç', cedil: '¸', cent: '¢', COPY: '©', copy: '©',
-       curren: '¤', deg: '°', divide: '÷', Eacute: 'É', eacute: 'é', Ecirc: 'Ê',
-       ecirc: 'ê', Egrave: 'È', egrave: 'è', ETH: 'Ð', eth: 'ð', Euml: 'Ë',
-       euml: 'ë', frac12: '½', frac14: '¼', frac34: '¾', GT: '>', gt: '>',
-       Iacute: 'Í', iacute: 'í', Icirc: 'Î', icirc: 'î', iexcl: '¡', Igrave: 'Ì',
-       igrave: 'ì', iquest: '¿', Iuml: 'Ï', iuml: 'ï', laquo: '«', LT: '<',
-       lt: '<', macr: '¯', micro: 'µ', middot: '·', nbsp: "\u00a0", not: '¬',
-       Ntilde: 'Ñ', ntilde: 'ñ', Oacute: 'Ó', oacute: 'ó', Ocirc: 'Ô', ocirc: 'ô',
-       Ograve: 'Ò', ograve: 'ò', ordf: 'ª', ordm: 'º', Oslash: 'Ø', oslash: 'ø',
-       Otilde: 'Õ', otilde: 'õ', Ouml: 'Ö', ouml: 'ö', para: '¶', plusmn: '±',
-       pound: '£', QUOT: '"', quot: '"', raquo: '»', REG: '®', reg: '®', sect: '§',
-       shy: '­', sup1: '¹', sup2: '²', sup3: '³', szlig: 'ß', THORN: 'Þ', thorn: 'þ',
-       times: '×', Uacute: 'Ú', uacute: 'ú', Ucirc: 'Û', ucirc: 'û', Ugrave: 'Ù',
-       ugrave: 'ù', uml: '¨', Uuml: 'Ü', uuml: 'ü', Yacute: 'Ý', yacute: 'ý',
-       yen: '¥', yuml: 'ÿ'
-void_elements = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']
-raw_text_elements = ['script', 'style']
-escapable_raw_text_elements = ['textarea', 'title']
-# http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/ 1.1 (Second Edition)
-svg_elements = [
-       'a', 'altGlyph', 'altGlyphDef', 'altGlyphItem', 'animate', 'animateColor',
-       'animateMotion', 'animateTransform', 'circle', 'clipPath', 'color-profile',
-       'cursor', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'feBlend', 'feColorMatrix',
-       'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix',
-       'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feFlood',
-       'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feImage',
-       'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight',
-       'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence', 'filter',
-       'font', 'font-face', 'font-face-format', 'font-face-name', 'font-face-src',
-       'font-face-uri', 'foreignObject', 'g', 'glyph', 'glyphRef', 'hkern',
-       'image', 'line', 'linearGradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'metadata',
-       'missing-glyph', 'mpath', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline',
-       'radialGradient', 'rect', 'script', 'set', 'stop', 'style', 'svg',
-       'switch', 'symbol', 'text', 'textPath', 'title', 'tref', 'tspan', 'use',
-       'view', 'vkern'
-# http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML/ Version 3.0 2nd Edition
-mathml_elements = [
-       'abs', 'and', 'annotation', 'annotation-xml', 'apply', 'approx', 'arccos',
-       'arccosh', 'arccot', 'arccoth', 'arccsc', 'arccsch', 'arcsec', 'arcsech',
-       'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctanh', 'arg', 'bind', 'bvar', 'card',
-       'cartesianproduct', 'cbytes', 'ceiling', 'cerror', 'ci', 'cn', 'codomain',
-       'complexes', 'compose', 'condition', 'conjugate', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cot',
-       'coth', 'cs', 'csc', 'csch', 'csymbol', 'curl', 'declare', 'degree',
-       'determinant', 'diff', 'divergence', 'divide', 'domain',
-       'domainofapplication', 'emptyset', 'eq', 'equivalent', 'eulergamma',
-       'exists', 'exp', 'exponentiale', 'factorial', 'factorof', 'false', 'floor',
-       'fn', 'forall', 'gcd', 'geq', 'grad', 'gt', 'ident', 'image', 'imaginary',
-       'imaginaryi', 'implies', 'in', 'infinity', 'int', 'integers', 'intersect',
-       'interval', 'inverse', 'lambda', 'laplacian', 'lcm', 'leq', 'limit',
-       'list', 'ln', 'log', 'logbase', 'lowlimit', 'lt', 'maction', 'maligngroup',
-       'malignmark', 'math', 'matrix', 'matrixrow', 'max', 'mean', 'median',
-       'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac', 'mglyph', 'mi', 'mi', 'min',
-       'minus', 'mlabeledtr', 'mlongdiv', 'mmultiscripts', 'mn', 'mo', 'mode',
-       'moment', 'momentabout', 'mover', 'mpadded', 'mphantom', 'mprescripts',
-       'mroot', 'mrow', 'ms', 'mscarries', 'mscarry', 'msgroup', 'msline',
-       'mspace', 'msqrt', 'msrow', 'mstack', 'mstyle', 'msub', 'msubsup', 'msup',
-       'mtable', 'mtd', 'mtext', 'mtr', 'munder', 'munderover', 'naturalnumbers',
-       'neq', 'none', 'not', 'notanumber', 'notin', 'notprsubset', 'notsubset',
-       'or', 'otherwise', 'outerproduct', 'partialdiff', 'pi', 'piece',
-       'piecewise', 'plus', 'power', 'primes', 'product', 'prsubset', 'quotient',
-       'rationals', 'real', 'reals', 'reln', 'rem', 'root', 'scalarproduct',
-       'sdev', 'sec', 'sech', 'selector', 'semantics', 'sep', 'set', 'setdiff',
-       'share', 'sin', 'sinh', 'span', 'subset', 'sum', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tendsto',
-       'times', 'transpose', 'true', 'union', 'uplimit', 'variance', 'vector',
-       'vectorproduct', 'xor'
-# foreign_elements = [svg_elements..., mathml_elements...]
-#normal_elements = All other allowed HTML elements are normal elements.
-special_elements = {
-       # HTML:
-       address:NS_HTML, applet:NS_HTML, area:NS_HTML, article:NS_HTML,
-       aside:NS_HTML, base:NS_HTML, basefont:NS_HTML, bgsound:NS_HTML,
-       blockquote:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML, br:NS_HTML, button:NS_HTML,
-       caption:NS_HTML, center:NS_HTML, col:NS_HTML, colgroup:NS_HTML, dd:NS_HTML,
-       details:NS_HTML, dir:NS_HTML, div:NS_HTML, dl:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML,
-       embed:NS_HTML, fieldset:NS_HTML, figcaption:NS_HTML, figure:NS_HTML,
-       footer:NS_HTML, form:NS_HTML, frame:NS_HTML, frameset:NS_HTML, h1:NS_HTML,
-       h2:NS_HTML, h3:NS_HTML, h4:NS_HTML, h5:NS_HTML, h6:NS_HTML, head:NS_HTML,
-       header:NS_HTML, hgroup:NS_HTML, hr:NS_HTML, html:NS_HTML, iframe:NS_HTML,
-       img:NS_HTML, input:NS_HTML, isindex:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, link:NS_HTML,
-       listing:NS_HTML, main:NS_HTML, marquee:NS_HTML,
-       menu:NS_HTML,menuitem:NS_HTML, # WHATWG adds these
-       meta:NS_HTML, nav:NS_HTML, noembed:NS_HTML, noframes:NS_HTML,
-       noscript:NS_HTML, object:NS_HTML, ol:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, param:NS_HTML,
-       plaintext:NS_HTML, pre:NS_HTML, script:NS_HTML, section:NS_HTML,
-       select:NS_HTML, source:NS_HTML, style:NS_HTML, summary:NS_HTML,
-       table:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML, td:NS_HTML, template:NS_HTML,
-       textarea:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML, th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML, title:NS_HTML,
-       tr:NS_HTML, track:NS_HTML, ul:NS_HTML, wbr:NS_HTML, xmp:NS_HTML,
-       # MathML:
-       mi:NS_MATHML, mo:NS_MATHML, mn:NS_MATHML, ms:NS_MATHML, mtext:NS_MATHML,
-       'annotation-xml':NS_MATHML,
-       # SVG:
-       foreignObject:NS_SVG, desc:NS_SVG, title:NS_SVG
-formatting_elements = {
-        a: true, b: true, big: true, code: true, em: true, font: true, i: true,
-        nobr: true, s: true, small: true, strike: true, strong: true, tt: true,
-        u: true
-mathml_text_integration = {
-       mi: NS_MATHML, mo: NS_MATHML, mn: NS_MATHML, ms: NS_MATHML, mtext: NS_MATHML
-is_mathml_text_integration_point = (el) ->
-       return mathml_text_integration[el.name] is el.namespace
-is_html_integration = (el) -> # DON'T PASS A TOKEN
-       if el.namespace is NS_MATHML
-               if el.name is 'annotation-xml'
-                       if el.attrs.encoding?
-                               if el.attrs.encoding.toLowerCase() is 'text/html'
-                                       return true
-                               if el.attrs.encoding.toLowerCase() is 'application/xhtml+xml'
-                                       return true
-               return false
-       if el.namespace is NS_SVG
-               if el.name is 'foreignObject' or el.name is 'desc' or el.name is 'title'
-                       return true
-       return false
-h_tags = {
-       h1:NS_HTML, h2:NS_HTML, h3:NS_HTML, h4:NS_HTML, h5:NS_HTML, h6:NS_HTML
-foster_parenting_targets = {
-       table: NS_HTML
-       tbody: NS_HTML
-       tfoot: NS_HTML
-       thead: NS_HTML
-       tr: NS_HTML
-end_tag_implied = {
-       dd: NS_HTML
-       dt: NS_HTML
-       li: NS_HTML
-       option: NS_HTML
-       optgroup: NS_HTML
-       p: NS_HTML
-       rb: NS_HTML
-       rp: NS_HTML
-       rt: NS_HTML
-       rtc: NS_HTML
-el_is_special = (e) ->
-       return special_elements[e.name] is e.namespace
-adp_els = { address: NS_HTML, div: NS_HTML, p: NS_HTML }
-el_is_special_not_adp = (el) ->
-       return special_elements[el.name] is el.namespace and adp_els[el.name] isnt el.namespace
-svg_name_fixes = {
-       altglyph: 'altGlyph'
-       altglyphdef: 'altGlyphDef'
-       altglyphitem: 'altGlyphItem'
-       animatecolor: 'animateColor'
-       animatemotion: 'animateMotion'
-       animatetransform: 'animateTransform'
-       clippath: 'clipPath'
-       feblend: 'feBlend'
-       fecolormatrix: 'feColorMatrix'
-       fecomponenttransfer: 'feComponentTransfer'
-       fecomposite: 'feComposite'
-       feconvolvematrix: 'feConvolveMatrix'
-       fediffuselighting: 'feDiffuseLighting'
-       fedisplacementmap: 'feDisplacementMap'
-       fedistantlight: 'feDistantLight'
-       fedropshadow: 'feDropShadow'
-       feflood: 'feFlood'
-       fefunca: 'feFuncA'
-       fefuncb: 'feFuncB'
-       fefuncg: 'feFuncG'
-       fefuncr: 'feFuncR'
-       fegaussianblur: 'feGaussianBlur'
-       feimage: 'feImage'
-       femerge: 'feMerge'
-       femergenode: 'feMergeNode'
-       femorphology: 'feMorphology'
-       feoffset: 'feOffset'
-       fepointlight: 'fePointLight'
-       fespecularlighting: 'feSpecularLighting'
-       fespotlight: 'feSpotLight'
-       fetile: 'feTile'
-       feturbulence: 'feTurbulence'
-       foreignobject: 'foreignObject'
-       glyphref: 'glyphRef'
-       lineargradient: 'linearGradient'
-       radialgradient: 'radialGradient'
-       textpath: 'textPath'
-svg_attribute_fixes = {
-       attributename: 'attributeName'
-       attributetype: 'attributeType'
-       basefrequency: 'baseFrequency'
-       baseprofile: 'baseProfile'
-       calcmode: 'calcMode'
-       clippathunits: 'clipPathUnits'
-       contentscripttype: 'contentScriptType'
-       contentstyletype: 'contentStyleType'
-       diffuseconstant: 'diffuseConstant'
-       edgemode: 'edgeMode'
-       externalresourcesrequired: 'externalResourcesRequired'
-       # WHATWG removes this: filterres: 'filterRes'
-       filterunits: 'filterUnits'
-       glyphref: 'glyphRef'
-       gradienttransform: 'gradientTransform'
-       gradientunits: 'gradientUnits'
-       kernelmatrix: 'kernelMatrix'
-       kernelunitlength: 'kernelUnitLength'
-       keypoints: 'keyPoints'
-       keysplines: 'keySplines'
-       keytimes: 'keyTimes'
-       lengthadjust: 'lengthAdjust'
-       limitingconeangle: 'limitingConeAngle'
-       markerheight: 'markerHeight'
-       markerunits: 'markerUnits'
-       markerwidth: 'markerWidth'
-       maskcontentunits: 'maskContentUnits'
-       maskunits: 'maskUnits'
-       numoctaves: 'numOctaves'
-       pathlength: 'pathLength'
-       patterncontentunits: 'patternContentUnits'
-       patterntransform: 'patternTransform'
-       patternunits: 'patternUnits'
-       pointsatx: 'pointsAtX'
-       pointsaty: 'pointsAtY'
-       pointsatz: 'pointsAtZ'
-       preservealpha: 'preserveAlpha'
-       preserveaspectratio: 'preserveAspectRatio'
-       primitiveunits: 'primitiveUnits'
-       refx: 'refX'
-       refy: 'refY'
-       repeatcount: 'repeatCount'
-       repeatdur: 'repeatDur'
-       requiredextensions: 'requiredExtensions'
-       requiredfeatures: 'requiredFeatures'
-       specularconstant: 'specularConstant'
-       specularexponent: 'specularExponent'
-       spreadmethod: 'spreadMethod'
-       startoffset: 'startOffset'
-       stddeviation: 'stdDeviation'
-       stitchtiles: 'stitchTiles'
-       surfacescale: 'surfaceScale'
-       systemlanguage: 'systemLanguage'
-       tablevalues: 'tableValues'
-       targetx: 'targetX'
-       targety: 'targetY'
-       textlength: 'textLength'
-       viewbox: 'viewBox'
-       viewtarget: 'viewTarget'
-       xchannelselector: 'xChannelSelector'
-       ychannelselector: 'yChannelSelector'
-       zoomandpan: 'zoomAndPan'
-foreign_attr_fixes = {
-       'xlink:actuate': 'xlink actuate'
-       'xlink:arcrole': 'xlink arcrole'
-       'xlink:href': 'xlink href'
-       'xlink:role': 'xlink role'
-       'xlink:show': 'xlink show'
-       'xlink:title': 'xlink title'
-       'xlink:type': 'xlink type'
-       'xml:base': 'xml base'
-       'xml:lang': 'xml lang'
-       'xml:space': 'xml space'
-       'xmlns': 'xmlns'
-       'xmlns:xlink': 'xmlns xlink'
-adjust_mathml_attributes = (t) ->
-       for a in t.attrs_a
-               if a[0] is 'definitionurl'
-                       a[0] = 'definitionURL'
-       return
-adjust_svg_attributes = (t) ->
-       for a in t.attrs_a
-               if svg_attribute_fixes[a[0]]?
-                       a[0] = svg_attribute_fixes[a[0]]
-       return
-adjust_foreign_attributes = (t) ->
-       # fixfull
-       for a in t.attrs_a
-               if foreign_attr_fixes[a[0]]?
-                       a[0] = foreign_attr_fixes[a[0]]
-       return
-# decode_named_char_ref()
-# The list of named character references is _huge_ so if we're running in a
-# browser, we get the browser to decode them, rather than increasing the code
-# size to include the table.
-if context is 'module'
-       _decode_named_char_ref = require './html5-named-entities.coffee'
-       # TODO test this in IE8
-       decode_named_char_ref_el = document.createElement('textarea')
-       _decode_named_char_ref = (txt) ->
-               txt = "&#{txt};"
-               decode_named_char_ref_el.innerHTML = txt
-               decoded = decode_named_char_ref_el.value
-               return null if decoded is txt
-               return decoded
-# Pass the name of a named entity _that has a terminating semicolon_
-# Entities without terminating semicolons should use legacy_char_refs[]
-# Do not include the "&" or ";" in your argument, eg pass "alpha"
-decode_named_char_ref_cache = {}
-decode_named_char_ref = (txt) ->
-       decoded = decode_named_char_ref_cache[txt]
-       return decoded if decoded?
-       decoded = _decode_named_char_ref txt
-       return decode_named_char_ref_cache[txt] = decoded
-parse_html = (args_html, args = {}) ->
-       txt = null
-       cur = null # index of next char in txt to be parsed
-       # declare doc and tokenizer variables so they're in scope below
-       doc = null
-       open_els = null # stack of open elements
-       afe = null # active formatting elements
-       template_ins_modes = null
-       ins_mode = null
-       original_ins_mode = null
-       tok_state = null
-       tok_cur_tag = null # partially parsed tag
-       flag_scripting = null
-       flag_frameset_ok = null
-       flag_parsing = null
-       flag_foster_parenting = null
-       form_element_pointer = null
-       temporary_buffer = null
-       pending_table_character_tokens = null
-       head_element_pointer = null
-       flag_fragment_parsing = null
-       context_element = null
-       stop_parsing = ->
-               flag_parsing = false
-               return
-       parse_error = ->
-               if args.error_cb?
-                       args.error_cb cur
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#push-onto-the-list-of-active-formatting-elements
-       # "Noah's Ark clause" but with three
-       afe_push = (new_el) ->
-               matches = 0
-               for el, i in afe
-                       if el.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
-                               break
-                       if el.name is new_el.name and el.namespace is new_el.namespace
-                               attrs_match = true
-                               for k, v of el.attrs
-                                       unless new_el.attrs[k] is v
-                                               attrs_match = false
-                                               break
-                               if attrs_match
-                                       for k, v of new_el.attrs
-                                               unless el.attrs[k] is v
-                                                       attrs_match = false
-                                                       break
-                               if attrs_match
-                                       matches += 1
-                                       if matches is 3
-                                               afe.splice i, 1
-                                               break
-               afe.unshift new_el
-               return
-       afe_push_marker = ->
-               afe.unshift new_afe_marker()
-               return
-       # the functions below impliment the Tree Contstruction algorithm
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tree-construction
-       # But first... the helpers
-       template_tag_is_open = ->
-               for el in open_els
-                       if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               return true
-               return false
-       is_in_scope_x = (tag_name, scope, namespace) ->
-               for el in open_els
-                       if el.name is tag_name and (namespace is null or namespace is el.namespace)
-                               return true
-                       if scope[el.name] is el.namespace
-                               return false
-               return false
-       is_in_scope_x_y = (tag_name, scope, scope2, namespace) ->
-               for el in open_els
-                       if el.name is tag_name and (namespace is null or namespace is el.namespace)
-                               return true
-                       if scope[el.name] is el.namespace
-                               return false
-                       if scope2[el.name] is el.namespace
-                               return false
-               return false
-       standard_scopers = {
-               applet: NS_HTML, caption: NS_HTML, html: NS_HTML, table: NS_HTML,
-               td: NS_HTML, th: NS_HTML, marquee: NS_HTML, object: NS_HTML,
-               template: NS_HTML,
-               mi: NS_MATHML, mo: NS_MATHML, mn: NS_MATHML, ms: NS_MATHML,
-               mtext: NS_MATHML, 'annotation-xml': NS_MATHML,
-               foreignObject: NS_SVG, desc: NS_SVG, title: NS_SVG
-       }
-       button_scopers = button: NS_HTML
-       li_scopers = ol: NS_HTML, ul: NS_HTML
-       table_scopers = html: NS_HTML, table: NS_HTML, template: NS_HTML
-       is_in_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
-               return is_in_scope_x tag_name, standard_scopers, namespace
-       is_in_button_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
-               return is_in_scope_x_y tag_name, standard_scopers, button_scopers, namespace
-       is_in_table_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
-               return is_in_scope_x tag_name, table_scopers, namespace
-       # aka is_in_list_item_scope
-       is_in_li_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
-               return is_in_scope_x_y tag_name, standard_scopers, li_scopers, namespace
-       is_in_select_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
-               for t in open_els
-                       if t.name is tag_name and (namespace is null or namespace is t.namespace)
-                               return true
-                       if t.namespace isnt NS_HTML and t.name isnt 'optgroup' and t.name isnt 'option'
-                               return false
-               return false
-       # this checks for a particular element, not by name
-       # this requires a namespace match
-       el_is_in_scope = (needle) ->
-               for el in open_els
-                       if el is needle
-                               return true
-                       if standard_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
-                               return false
-               return false
-       clear_to_table_stopers = {
-               'table': true
-               'template': true
-               'html': true
-       }
-       clear_stack_to_table_context = ->
-               loop
-                       if clear_to_table_stopers[open_els[0].name]?
-                               break
-                       open_els.shift()
-               return
-       clear_to_table_body_stopers = {
-               tbody: NS_HTML
-               tfoot: NS_HTML
-               thead: NS_HTML
-               template: NS_HTML
-               html: NS_HTML
-       }
-       clear_stack_to_table_body_context = ->
-               loop
-                       if clear_to_table_body_stopers[open_els[0].name] is open_els[0].namespace
-                               break
-                       open_els.shift()
-               return
-       clear_to_table_row_stopers = {
-               'tr': true
-               'template': true
-               'html': true
-       }
-       clear_stack_to_table_row_context = ->
-               loop
-                       if clear_to_table_row_stopers[open_els[0].name]?
-                               break
-                       open_els.shift()
-               return
-       clear_afe_to_marker = ->
-               loop
-                       return unless afe.length > 0 # this happens in fragment case, ?spec error
-                       el = afe.shift()
-                       if el.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
-                               return
-               return
-       # ...
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#reset-the-insertion-mode-appropriately
-       reset_ins_mode = ->
-               # 1. Let last be false.
-               last = false
-               # 2. Let node be the last node in the stack of open elements.
-               node_i = 0
-               node = open_els[node_i]
-               # 3. Loop: If node is the first node in the stack of open elements,
-               # then set last to true, and, if the parser was originally created as
-               # part of the HTML fragment parsing algorithm (fragment case) set node
-               # to the context element.
-               loop
-                       if node_i is open_els.length - 1
-                               last = true
-                               if flag_fragment_parsing
-                                       node = context_element
-                       # 4. If node is a select element, run these substeps:
-                       if node.name is 'select' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               # 1. If last is true, jump to the step below labeled done.
-                               unless last
-                                       # 2. Let ancestor be node.
-                                       ancestor_i = node_i
-                                       ancestor = node
-                                       # 3. Loop: If ancestor is the first node in the stack of
-                                       # open elements, jump to the step below labeled done.
-                                       loop
-                                               if ancestor_i is open_els.length - 1
-                                                       break
-                                               # 4. Let ancestor be the node before ancestor in the stack
-                                               # of open elements.
-                                               ancestor_i += 1
-                                               ancestor = open_els[ancestor_i]
-                                               # 5. If ancestor is a template node, jump to the step below
-                                               # labeled done.
-                                               if ancestor.name is 'template' and ancestor.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                                       break
-                                               # 6. If ancestor is a table node, switch the insertion mode
-                                               # to "in select in table" and abort these steps.
-                                               if ancestor.name is 'table' and ancestor.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select_in_table
-                                                       return
-                                               # 7. Jump back to the step labeled loop.
-                               # 8. Done: Switch the insertion mode to "in select" and abort
-                               # these steps.
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select
-                               return
-                       # 5. If node is a td or th element and last is false, then switch
-                       # the insertion mode to "in cell" and abort these steps.
-                       if (node.name is 'td' or node.name is 'th') and node.namespace is NS_HTML and last is false
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_cell
-                               return
-                       # 6. If node is a tr element, then switch the insertion mode to "in
-                       # row" and abort these steps.
-                       if node.name is 'tr' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
-                               return
-                       # 7. If node is a tbody, thead, or tfoot element, then switch the
-                       # insertion mode to "in table body" and abort these steps.
-                       if (node.name is 'tbody' or node.name is 'thead' or node.name is 'tfoot') and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
-                               return
-                       # 8. If node is a caption element, then switch the insertion mode
-                       # to "in caption" and abort these steps.
-                       if node.name is 'caption' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_caption
-                               return
-                       # 9. If node is a colgroup element, then switch the insertion mode
-                       # to "in column group" and abort these steps.
-                       if node.name is 'colgroup' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
-                               return
-                       # 10. If node is a table element, then switch the insertion mode to
-                       # "in table" and abort these steps.
-                       if node.name is 'table' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                               return
-                       # 11. If node is a template element, then switch the insertion mode
-                       # to the current template insertion mode and abort these steps.
-                       if node.name is 'template' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = template_ins_modes[0]
-                               return
-                       # 12. If node is a head element and last is true, then switch the
-                       # insertion mode to "in body" ("in body"! not "in head"!) and abort
-                       # these steps. (fragment case)
-                       if node.name is 'head' and node.namespace is NS_HTML and last
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-                               return
-                       # 13. If node is a head element and last is false, then switch the
-                       # insertion mode to "in head" and abort these steps.
-                       if node.name is 'head' and node.namespace is NS_HTML and last is false
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
-                               return
-                       # 14. If node is a body element, then switch the insertion mode to
-                       # "in body" and abort these steps.
-                       if node.name is 'body' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-                               return
-                       # 15. If node is a frameset element, then switch the insertion mode
-                       # to "in frameset" and abort these steps. (fragment case)
-                       if node.name is 'frameset' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_frameset
-                               return
-                       # 16. If node is an html element, run these substeps:
-                       if node.name is 'html' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               # 1. If the head element pointer is null, switch the insertion
-                               # mode to "before head" and abort these steps. (fragment case)
-                               if head_element_pointer is null
-                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_before_head
-                               else
-                                       # 2. Otherwise, the head element pointer is not null,
-                                       # switch the insertion mode to "after head" and abort these
-                                       # steps.
-                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_head
-                               return
-                       # 17. If last is true, then switch the insertion mode to "in body"
-                       # and abort these steps. (fragment case)
-                       if last
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-                               return
-                       # 18. Let node now be the node before node in the stack of open
-                       # elements.
-                       node_i += 1
-                       node = open_els[node_i]
-                       # 19. Return to the step labeled loop.
-               return
-       #
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#adjusted-current-node
-       adjusted_current_node = ->
-               if open_els.length is 1 and flag_fragment_parsing
-                       return context_element
-               return open_els[0]
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#reconstruct-the-active-formatting-elements
-       # this implementation is structured (mostly) as described at the link above.
-       # capitalized comments are the "labels" described at the link above.
-       reconstruct_afe = ->
-               return if afe.length is 0
-               if afe[0].type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER or afe[0] in open_els
-                       return
-               # Rewind
-               i = 0
-               loop
-                       if i is afe.length - 1
-                               break
-                       i += 1
-                       if afe[i].type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER or afe[i] in open_els
-                               i -= 1 # Advance
-                               break
-               # Create
-               loop
-                       el = insert_html_element afe[i].token
-                       afe[i] = el
-                       break if i is 0
-                       i -= 1 # Advance
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#adoption-agency-algorithm
-       # adoption agency algorithm
-       # overview here:
-       #   http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#misnested-tags:-b-i-/b-/i
-       #   http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#misnested-tags:-b-p-/b-/p
-       #   http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#unclosed-formatting-elements
-       adoption_agency = (subject) ->
-# this block implements tha W3C spec
-#              # 1. If the current node is an HTML element whose tag name is subject,
-#              # then run these substeps:
-#              #
-#              # 1. Let element be the current node.
-#              #
-#              # 2. Pop element off the stack of open elements.
-#              #
-#              # 3. If element is also in the list of active formatting elements,
-#              # remove the element from the list.
-#              #
-#              # 4. Abort the adoption agency algorithm.
-#              if open_els[0].name is subject and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-#                      el = open_els.shift()
-#                      # remove it from the list of active formatting elements (if found)
-#                      for t, i in afe
-#                              if t is el
-#                                      afe.splice i, 1
-#                                      break
-#                      return
-# WHATWG: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#adoption-agency-algorithm
-               # If the current node is an HTML element whose tag name is subject, and
-               # the current node is not in the list of active formatting elements,
-               # then pop the current node off the stack of open elements, and abort
-               # these steps.
-               if open_els[0].name is subject and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                       # remove it from the list of active formatting elements (if found)
-                       in_afe = false
-                       for el, i in afe
-                               if el is open_els[0]
-                                       in_afe = true
-                                       break
-                       unless in_afe
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               return
-                       # fall through
-               outer = 0
-               loop
-                       if outer >= 8
-                               return
-                       outer += 1
-                       # 5. Let formatting element be the last element in the list of
-                       # active formatting elements that: is between the end of the list
-                       # and the last scope marker in the list, if any, or the start of
-                       # the list otherwise, and  has the tag name subject.
-                       fe = null
-                       for t, fe_of_afe in afe
-                               if t.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
-                                       break
-                               if t.name is subject
-                                       fe = t
-                                       break
-                       # If there is no such element, then abort these steps and instead
-                       # act as described in the "any other end tag" entry above.
-                       if fe is null
-                               in_body_any_other_end_tag subject
-                               return
-                       # 6. If formatting element is not in the stack of open elements,
-                       # then this is a parse error; remove the element from the list, and
-                       # abort these steps.
-                       in_open_els = false
-                       for t, fe_of_open_els in open_els
-                               if t is fe
-                                       in_open_els = true
-                                       break
-                       unless in_open_els
-                               parse_error()
-                               # "remove it from the list" must mean afe, since it's not in open_els
-                               afe.splice fe_of_afe, 1
-                               return
-                       # 7. If formatting element is in the stack of open elements, but
-                       # the element is not in scope, then this is a parse error; abort
-                       # these steps.
-                       unless el_is_in_scope fe
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       # 8. If formatting element is not the current node, this is a parse
-                       # error. (But do not abort these steps.)
-                       unless open_els[0] is fe
-                               parse_error()
-                               # continue
-                       # 9. Let furthest block be the topmost node in the stack of open
-                       # elements that is lower in the stack than formatting element, and
-                       # is an element in the special category. There might not be one.
-                       fb = null
-                       fb_of_open_els = null
-                       for t, i in open_els
-                               if t is fe
-                                       break
-                               if el_is_special t
-                                       fb = t
-                                       fb_of_open_els = i
-                                       # and continue, to see if there's one that's more "topmost"
-                       # 10. If there is no furthest block, then the UA must first pop all
-                       # the nodes from the bottom of the stack of open elements, from the
-                       # current node up to and including formatting element, then remove
-                       # formatting element from the list of active formatting elements,
-                       # and finally abort these steps.
-                       if fb is null
-                               loop
-                                       t = open_els.shift()
-                                       if t is fe
-                                               afe.splice fe_of_afe, 1
-                                               return
-                       # 11. Let common ancestor be the element immediately above
-                       # formatting element in the stack of open elements.
-                       ca = open_els[fe_of_open_els + 1] # common ancestor
-                       node_above = open_els[fb_of_open_els + 1] # next node if node isn't in open_els anymore
-                       # 12. Let a bookmark note the position of formatting element in the list of active formatting elements relative to the elements on either side of it in the list.
-                       bookmark = new_aaa_bookmark()
-                       for t, i in afe
-                               if t is fe
-                                       afe.splice i, 0, bookmark
-                                       break
-                       node = last_node = fb
-                       inner = 0
-                       loop
-                               inner += 1
-                               # 3. Let node be the element immediately above node in the
-                               # stack of open elements, or if node is no longer in the stack
-                               # of open elements (e.g. because it got removed by this
-                               # algorithm), the element that was immediately above node in
-                               # the stack of open elements before node was removed.
-                               node_next = null
-                               for t, i in open_els
-                                       if t is node
-                                               node_next = open_els[i + 1]
-                                               break
-                               node = node_next ? node_above
-                               # TODO make sure node_above gets re-set if/when node is removed from open_els
-                               # 4. If node is formatting element, then go to the next step in
-                               # the overall algorithm.
-                               if node is fe
-                                       break
-                               # 5. If inner loop counter is greater than three and node is in
-                               # the list of active formatting elements, then remove node from
-                               # the list of active formatting elements.
-                               node_in_afe = false
-                               for t, i in afe
-                                       if t is node
-                                               if inner > 3
-                                                       afe.splice i, 1
-                                               else
-                                                       node_in_afe = true
-                                               break
-                               # 6. If node is not in the list of active formatting elements,
-                               # then remove node from the stack of open elements and then go
-                               # back to the step labeled inner loop.
-                               unless node_in_afe
-                                       for t, i in open_els
-                                               if t is node
-                                                       node_above = open_els[i + 1]
-                                                       open_els.splice i, 1
-                                                       break
-                                       continue
-                               # 7. create an element for the token for which the element node
-                               # was created, in the HTML namespace, with common ancestor as
-                               # the intended parent; replace the entry for node in the list
-                               # of active formatting elements with an entry for the new
-                               # element, replace the entry for node in the stack of open
-                               # elements with an entry for the new element, and let node be
-                               # the new element.
-                               new_node = token_to_element node.token, NS_HTML, ca
-                               for t, i in afe
-                                       if t is node
-                                               afe[i] = new_node
-                                               break
-                               for t, i in open_els
-                                       if t is node
-                                               node_above = open_els[i + 1]
-                                               open_els[i] = new_node
-                                               break
-                               node = new_node
-                               # 8. If last node is furthest block, then move the
-                               # aforementioned bookmark to be immediately after the new node
-                               # in the list of active formatting elements.
-                               if last_node is fb
-                                       for t, i in afe
-                                               if t is bookmark
-                                                       afe.splice i, 1
-                                                       break
-                                       for t, i in afe
-                                               if t is node
-                                                       # "after" means lower
-                                                       afe.splice i, 0, bookmark # "after as <-
-                                                       break
-                               # 9. Insert last node into node, first removing it from its
-                               # previous parent node if any.
-                               if last_node.parent?
-                                       for c, i in last_node.parent.children
-                                               if c is last_node
-                                                       last_node.parent.children.splice i, 1
-                                                       break
-                               node.children.push last_node
-                               last_node.parent = node
-                               # 10. Let last node be node.
-                               last_node = node
-                               # 11. Return to the step labeled inner loop.
-                       # 14. Insert whatever last node ended up being in the previous step
-                       # at the appropriate place for inserting a node, but using common
-                       # ancestor as the override target.
-                       # In the case where fe is immediately followed by fb:
-                       #   * inner loop exits out early (node==fe)
-                       #   * last_node is fb
-                       #   * last_node is still in the tree (not a duplicate)
-                       if last_node.parent?
-                               for c, i in last_node.parent.children
-                                       if c is last_node
-                                               last_node.parent.children.splice i, 1
-                                               break
-                       # can't use standard insert token thing, because it's already in
-                       # open_els and must stay at it's current position in open_els
-                       dest = adjusted_insertion_location ca
-                       dest[0].children.splice dest[1], 0, last_node
-                       last_node.parent = dest[0]
-                       # 15. Create an element for the token for which formatting element
-                       # was created, in the HTML namespace, with furthest block as the
-                       # intended parent.
-                       new_element = token_to_element fe.token, NS_HTML, fb
-                       # 16. Take all of the child nodes of furthest block and append them
-                       # to the element created in the last step.
-                       while fb.children.length
-                               t = fb.children.shift()
-                               t.parent = new_element
-                               new_element.children.push t
-                       # 17. Append that new element to furthest block.
-                       new_element.parent = fb
-                       fb.children.push new_element
-                       # 18. Remove formatting element from the list of active formatting
-                       # elements, and insert the new element into the list of active
-                       # formatting elements at the position of the aforementioned
-                       # bookmark.
-                       for t, i in afe
-                               if t is fe
-                                       afe.splice i, 1
-                                       break
-                       for t, i in afe
-                               if t is bookmark
-                                       afe[i] = new_element
-                                       break
-                       # 19. Remove formatting element from the stack of open elements,
-                       # and insert the new element into the stack of open elements
-                       # immediately below the position of furthest block in that stack.
-                       for t, i in open_els
-                               if t is fe
-                                       open_els.splice i, 1
-                                       break
-                       for t, i in open_els
-                               if t is fb
-                                       open_els.splice i, 0, new_element
-                                       break
-                       # 20. Jump back to the step labeled outer loop.
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#close-a-p-element
-       close_p_element = ->
-               generate_implied_end_tags 'p' # arg is exception
-               unless open_els[0].name is 'p' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                       parse_error()
-               while open_els.length > 1 # just in case
-                       el = open_els.shift()
-                       if el.name is 'p' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               return
-               return
-       close_p_if_in_button_scope = ->
-               if is_in_button_scope 'p', NS_HTML
-                       close_p_element()
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-a-character
-       # aka insert_a_character = (t) ->
-       insert_character = (t) ->
-               dest = adjusted_insertion_location()
-               # fixfull check for Document node
-               if dest[1] > 0
-                       prev = dest[0].children[dest[1] - 1]
-                       if prev.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                               prev.text += t.text
-                               return
-               dest[0].children.splice dest[1], 0, t
-               return
-       # 8.2.5 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tree-construction
-       process_token = (t) ->
-               acn = adjusted_current_node()
-               unless acn?
-                       ins_mode t
-                       return
-               if acn.namespace is NS_HTML
-                       ins_mode t
-                       return
-               if is_mathml_text_integration_point(acn)
-                       if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and not (t.name is 'mglyph' or t.name is 'malignmark')
-                               ins_mode t
-                               return
-                       if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                               ins_mode t
-                               return
-               if acn.namespace is NS_MATHML and acn.name is 'annotation-xml' and t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'svg'
-                       ins_mode t
-                       return
-               if is_html_integration acn
-                       if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG or t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                               ins_mode t
-                               return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       ins_mode t
-                       return
-               in_foreign_content t
-               return
-       #
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#creating-and-inserting-nodes
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#appropriate-place-for-inserting-a-node
-       adjusted_insertion_location = (override_target = null) ->
-               # 1. If there was an override target specified, then let target be the
-               # override target.
-               if override_target?
-                       target = override_target
-               else # Otherwise, let target be the current node.
-                       target = open_els[0]
-               # 2. Determine the adjusted insertion location using the first matching
-               # steps from the following list:
-               #
-               # If foster parenting is enabled and target is a table, tbody, tfoot,
-               # thead, or tr element Foster parenting happens when content is
-               # misnested in tables.
-               if flag_foster_parenting and foster_parenting_targets[target.name] is target.namespace
-                       loop # once. this is here so we can ``break`` to "abort these substeps"
-                               # 1. Let last template be the last template element in the
-                               # stack of open elements, if any.
-                               last_template = null
-                               last_template_i = null
-                               for el, i in open_els
-                                       if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               last_template = el
-                                               last_template_i = i
-                                               break
-                               # 2. Let last table be the last table element in the stack of
-                               # open elements, if any.
-                               last_table = null
-                               last_table_i
-                               for el, i in open_els
-                                       if el.name is 'table' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               last_table = el
-                                               last_table_i = i
-                                               break
-                               # 3. If there is a last template and either there is no last
-                               # table, or there is one, but last template is lower (more
-                               # recently added) than last table in the stack of open
-                               # elements, then: let adjusted insertion location be inside
-                               # last template's template contents, after its last child (if
-                               # any), and abort these substeps.
-                               if last_template and (last_table is null or last_template_i < last_table_i)
-                                       target = last_template # fixfull should be it's contents
-                                       target_i = target.children.length
-                                       break
-                               # 4. If there is no last table, then let adjusted insertion
-                               # location be inside the first element in the stack of open
-                               # elements (the html element), after its last child (if any),
-                               # and abort these substeps. (fragment case)
-                               if last_table is null
-                                       # this is odd
-                                       target = open_els[open_els.length - 1]
-                                       target_i = target.children.length
-                                       break
-                               # 5. If last table has a parent element, then let adjusted
-                               # insertion location be inside last table's parent element,
-                               # immediately before last table, and abort these substeps.
-                               if last_table.parent?
-                                       for c, i in last_table.parent.children
-                                               if c is last_table
-                                                       target = last_table.parent
-                                                       target_i = i
-                                                       break
-                                       break
-                               # 6. Let previous element be the element immediately above last
-                               # table in the stack of open elements.
-                               #
-                               # huh? how could it not have a parent?
-                               previous_element = open_els[last_table_i + 1]
-                               # 7. Let adjusted insertion location be inside previous
-                               # element, after its last child (if any).
-                               target = previous_element
-                               target_i = target.children.length
-                               # Note: These steps are involved in part because it's possible
-                               # for elements, the table element in this case in particular,
-                               # to have been moved by a script around in the DOM, or indeed
-                               # removed from the DOM entirely, after the element was inserted
-                               # by the parser.
-                               break # don't really loop
-               else
-                       # Otherwise Let adjusted insertion location be inside target, after
-                       # its last child (if any).
-                       target_i = target.children.length
-               # 3. If the adjusted insertion location is inside a template element,
-               # let it instead be inside the template element's template contents,
-               # after its last child (if any).
-               # fixfull (template)
-               # 4. Return the adjusted insertion location.
-               return [target, target_i]
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#create-an-element-for-the-token
-       # aka create_an_element_for_token
-       token_to_element = (t, namespace, intended_parent) ->
-               # convert attributes into a hash
-               attrs = {}
-               for a in t.attrs_a
-                       attrs[a[0]] = a[1] # TODO check what to do with dupilcate attrs
-               el = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: t.name, namespace: namespace, attrs: attrs, token: t
-               # TODO 2. If the newly created element has an xmlns attribute in the
-               # XMLNS namespace whose value is not exactly the same as the element's
-               # namespace, that is a parse error. Similarly, if the newly created
-               # element has an xmlns:xlink attribute in the XMLNS namespace whose
-               # value is not the XLink Namespace, that is a parse error.
-               # fixfull: the spec says stuff about form pointers and ownerDocument
-               return el
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-a-foreign-element
-       insert_foreign_element = (token, namespace) ->
-               ail = adjusted_insertion_location()
-               ail_el = ail[0]
-               ail_i = ail[1]
-               el = token_to_element token, namespace, ail_el
-               # TODO skip this next step if it's broken (eg ail_el is document with child already)
-               el.parent = ail_el
-               ail_el.children.splice ail_i, 0, el
-               open_els.unshift el
-               return el
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-an-html-element
-       insert_html_element = (token) ->
-               return insert_foreign_element token, NS_HTML
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-a-comment
-       # position should be [node, index_within_children]
-       insert_comment = (t, position = null) ->
-               position ?= adjusted_insertion_location()
-               position[0].children.splice position[1], 0, t
-               return
-       #
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#generic-raw-text-element-parsing-algorithm
-       parse_generic_raw_text = (t) ->
-               insert_html_element t
-               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
-               original_ins_mode = ins_mode
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_text
-               return
-       parse_generic_rcdata_text = (t) ->
-               insert_html_element t
-               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
-               original_ins_mode = ins_mode
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_text
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#closing-elements-that-have-implied-end-tags
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#generate-implied-end-tags
-       generate_implied_end_tags = (except = null) ->
-               while end_tag_implied[open_els[0].name] is open_els[0].namespace and open_els[0].name isnt except
-                       open_els.shift()
-               return
-       # The rules for parsing tokens in HTML content
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inhtml
-       # The "initial" insertion mode
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-initial-insertion-mode
-       is_quirks_yes_doctype = (t) ->
-               if t.flag 'force-quirks'
-                       return true
-               if t.name isnt 'html'
-                       return true
-               if t.public_identifier?
-                       pi = t.public_identifier.toLowerCase()
-                       for p in quirks_yes_pi_prefixes
-                               if pi.substr(0, p.length) is p
-                                       return true
-                       if pi is '-//w3o//dtd w3 html strict 3.0//en//' or pi is '-/w3c/dtd html 4.0 transitional/en' or pi is 'html'
-                               return true
-               if t.system_identifier?
-                       if t.system_identifier.toLowerCase() is 'http://www.ibm.com/data/dtd/v11/ibmxhtml1-transitional.dtd'
-                               return true
-               else if t.public_identifier?
-                       # already did this: pi = t.public_identifier.toLowerCase()
-                       if pi.substr(0, 32) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//' or pi.substr(0, 36) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//'
-                               return true
-               return false
-       is_quirks_limited_doctype = (t) ->
-               if t.public_identifier?
-                       pi = t.public_identifier.toLowerCase()
-                       if pi.substr(0, 32) is '-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 frameset//' or pi.substr(0, 36) is '-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//'
-                               return true
-                       if t.system_identifier?
-                               if pi.substr(0, 32) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//' or pi.substr(0, 36) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//'
-                                       return true
-               return false
-       ins_mode_initial = (t) ->
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       # ?fixfull
-                       doc.children.push t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       # fixfull syntax error from first paragraph and following bullets
-                       # fixfull set doc.doctype
-                       # fixfull is the "not an iframe srcdoc" thing relevant?
-                       if is_quirks_yes_doctype t
-                               doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_YES
-                       else if is_quirks_limited_doctype t
-                               doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_LIMITED
-                       doc.children.push t
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_before_html
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               # fixfull not iframe srcdoc?
-               parse_error()
-               doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_YES
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_before_html
-               process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-before-html-insertion-mode
-       ins_mode_before_html = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       doc.children.push t
-                       return
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       el = token_to_element t, NS_HTML, doc
-                       doc.children.push el
-                       el.document = doc
-                       open_els.unshift(el)
-                       # fixfull (big paragraph in spec about manifest, fragment, urls, etc)
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_before_head
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       if t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br'
-                               # fall through to "anything else"
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-               # Anything else
-               el = token_to_element new_open_tag('html'), NS_HTML, doc
-               doc.children.push el
-               el.document = doc
-               open_els.unshift el
-               # ?fixfull browsing context
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_before_head
-               process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-before-head-insertion-mode
-       ins_mode_before_head = (t) ->
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'head'
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       head_element_pointer = el
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       if t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br'
-                               # fall through to Anything else below
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-               # Anything else
-               el = insert_html_element new_open_tag 'head'
-               head_element_pointer = el
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
-               process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inhead
-       ins_mode_in_head_else = (t) -> # factored out for same-as-spec flow control
-               open_els.shift() # spec says this will be a 'head' node
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_after_head
-               process_token t
-               return
-       ins_mode_in_head = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and (t.text is "\t" or t.text is "\n" or t.text is "\u000c" or t.text is ' ')
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link')
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'meta'
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       # fixfull encoding stuff
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'title'
-                       parse_generic_rcdata_text t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and ((t.name is 'noscript' and flag_scripting) or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'style')
-                       parse_generic_raw_text t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noscript' and flag_scripting is false
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head_noscript
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'script'
-                       ail = adjusted_insertion_location()
-                       el = token_to_element t, NS_HTML, ail
-                       el.flag 'parser-inserted', true
-                       # fixfull frament case
-                       ail[0].children.splice ail[1], 0, el
-                       open_els.unshift el
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-                       original_ins_mode = ins_mode # make sure orig... is defined
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_text
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'head'
-                       open_els.shift() # will be a head element... spec says so
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_head
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br')
-                       ins_mode_in_head_else t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'template'
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       afe_push_marker()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_template
-                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_template
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template'
-                       if template_tag_is_open()
-                               generate_implied_end_tags
-                               if open_els[0].name isnt 'template'
-                                       parse_error()
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               break
-                               clear_afe_to_marker()
-                               template_ins_modes.shift()
-                               reset_ins_mode()
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'head') or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               ins_mode_in_head_else t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inheadnoscript
-       ins_mode_in_head_noscript_else = (t) ->
-               parse_error()
-               open_els.shift()
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
-               process_token t
-               return
-       ins_mode_in_head_noscript = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'noscript'
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
-                       return
-               if is_space_tok(t) or t.type is TYPE_COMMENT or (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'style'))
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'br'
-                       ins_mode_in_head_noscript_else t
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'noscript')) or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               ins_mode_in_head_noscript_else t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-after-head-insertion-mode
-       ins_mode_after_head_else = (t) ->
-               body_tok = new_open_tag 'body'
-               insert_html_element body_tok
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-               process_token t
-               return
-       ins_mode_after_head = (t) ->
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'body'
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_frameset
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'style' or t.name is 'template' or t.name is 'title')
-                       parse_error()
-                       open_els.unshift head_element_pointer
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       for el, i in open_els
-                               if el is head_element_pointer
-                                       open_els.splice i, 1
-                                       return
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template'
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br')
-                       ins_mode_after_head_else t
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'head') or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               ins_mode_after_head_else t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inbody
-       in_body_any_other_end_tag = (name) -> # factored out because adoption agency calls it
-               node = open_els[0]
-               loop
-                       if node.name is name and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               generate_implied_end_tags name # arg is exception
-                               unless node is open_els[0]
-                                       parse_error()
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el is node
-                                               return
-                       if special_elements[node.name] is node.namespace
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       for el, i in open_els
-                               if node is el
-                                       node = open_els[i + 1]
-                                       break
-               return
-       ins_mode_in_body = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_character t
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       parse_error()
-                       return if template_tag_is_open()
-                       root_attrs = open_els[open_els.length - 1].attrs
-                       for a in t.attrs_a
-                               root_attrs[a[0]] = a[1] unless root_attrs[a[0]]?
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'style' or t.name is 'template' or t.name is 'title')) or (t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template')
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'body'
-                       parse_error()
-                       return if open_els.length < 2
-                       second = open_els[open_els.length - 2]
-                       return unless second.namespace is NS_HTML
-                       return unless second.name is 'body'
-                       return if template_tag_is_open()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       for a in t.attrs_a
-                               second.attrs[a[0]] = a[1] unless second.attrs[a[0]]?
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
-                       parse_error()
-                       return if open_els.length < 2
-                       second_i = open_els.length - 2
-                       second = open_els[second_i]
-                       return unless second.namespace is NS_HTML
-                       return unless second.name is 'body'
-                       if flag_frameset_ok is false
-                               return
-                       if second.parent?
-                               for el, i in second.parent.children
-                                       if el is second
-                                               second.parent.children.splice i, 1
-                                               break
-                       open_els.splice second_i, 1
-                       # pop everything except the "root html element"
-                       while open_els.length > 1
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_frameset
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       ok_tags = {
-                               dd:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML,
-                               td:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML, th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML,
-                               tr:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML, html:NS_HTML,
-                       }
-                       for el in open_els
-                               unless ok_tags[t.name] is el.namespace
-                                       parse_error()
-                                       break
-                       if template_ins_modes.length > 0
-                               ins_mode_in_template t
-                       else
-                               stop_parsing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'body'
-                       unless is_in_scope 'body', NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       ok_tags = {
-                               dd:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, optgroup:NS_HTML,
-                               option:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, rb:NS_HTML, rp:NS_HTML, rt:NS_HTML,
-                               rtc:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML, td:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML,
-                               th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML, tr:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML,
-                               html:NS_HTML
-                       }
-                       for el in open_els
-                               unless ok_tags[t.name] is el.namespace
-                                       parse_error()
-                                       break
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_body
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       unless is_in_scope 'body', NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       ok_tags = {
-                               dd:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, optgroup:NS_HTML,
-                               option:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, rb:NS_HTML, rp:NS_HTML, rt:NS_HTML,
-                               rtc:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML, td:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML,
-                               th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML, tr:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML,
-                               html:NS_HTML
-                       }
-                       for el in open_els
-                               unless ok_tags[t.name] is el.namespace
-                                       parse_error()
-                                       break
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_body
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'address' or t.name is 'article' or t.name is 'aside' or t.name is 'blockquote' or t.name is 'center' or t.name is 'details' or t.name is 'dialog' or t.name is 'dir' or t.name is 'div' or t.name is 'dl' or t.name is 'fieldset' or t.name is 'figcaption' or t.name is 'figure' or t.name is 'footer' or t.name is 'header' or t.name is 'hgroup' or t.name is 'main' or t.name is 'nav' or t.name is 'ol' or t.name is 'p' or t.name is 'section' or t.name is 'summary' or t.name is 'ul')
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and h_tags[t.name]?
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       if h_tags[open_els[0].name] is open_els[0].namespace
-                               parse_error()
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'pre' or t.name is 'listing')
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       eat_next_token_if_newline()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'form'
-                       unless form_element_pointer is null or template_tag_is_open()
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       unless template_tag_is_open()
-                               form_element_pointer = el
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'li'
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       for node in open_els
-                               if node.name is 'li' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       generate_implied_end_tags 'li' # arg is exception
-                                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'li' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                                               parse_error()
-                                       loop
-                                               el = open_els.shift()
-                                               if el.name is 'li' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                                       break
-                                       break
-                               if el_is_special_not_adp node
-                                               break
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'dd' or t.name is 'dt')
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       for node in open_els
-                               if node.name is 'dd' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       generate_implied_end_tags 'dd' # arg is exception
-                                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'dd' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                                               parse_error()
-                                       loop
-                                               el = open_els.shift()
-                                               if el.name is 'dd' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                                       break
-                                       break
-                               if node.name is 'dt' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       generate_implied_end_tags 'dt' # arg is exception
-                                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'dt' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                                               parse_error()
-                                       loop
-                                               el = open_els.shift()
-                                               if el.name is 'dt' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                                       break
-                                       break
-                               if el_is_special_not_adp node
-                                       break
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'plaintext'
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       tok_state = tok_state_plaintext
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'button'
-                       if is_in_scope 'button', NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               generate_implied_end_tags()
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el.name is 'button' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               break
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'address' or t.name is 'article' or t.name is 'aside' or t.name is 'blockquote' or t.name is 'button' or t.name is 'center' or t.name is 'details' or t.name is 'dialog' or t.name is 'dir' or t.name is 'div' or t.name is 'dl' or t.name is 'fieldset' or t.name is 'figcaption' or t.name is 'figure' or t.name is 'footer' or t.name is 'header' or t.name is 'hgroup' or t.name is 'listing' or t.name is 'main' or t.name is 'nav' or t.name is 'ol' or t.name is 'pre' or t.name is 'section' or t.name is 'summary' or t.name is 'ul')
-                       unless is_in_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       generate_implied_end_tags()
-                       unless open_els[0].name is t.name and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       return
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'form'
-                       unless template_tag_is_open()
-                               node = form_element_pointer
-                               form_element_pointer = null
-                               if node is null or not el_is_in_scope node
-                                       parse_error()
-                                       return
-                               generate_implied_end_tags()
-                               if open_els[0] isnt node
-                                       parse_error()
-                               for el, i in open_els
-                                       if el is node
-                                               open_els.splice i, 1
-                                               break
-                       else
-                               unless is_in_scope 'form', NS_HTML
-                                       parse_error()
-                                       return
-                               generate_implied_end_tags()
-                               if open_els[0].name isnt 'form' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                                       parse_error()
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el.name is 'form' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               break
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'p'
-                       unless is_in_button_scope 'p', NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               insert_html_element new_open_tag 'p'
-                       close_p_element()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'li'
-                       unless is_in_li_scope 'li', NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       generate_implied_end_tags 'li' # arg is exception
-                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'li' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is 'li' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'dd' or t.name is 'dt')
-                       unless is_in_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       generate_implied_end_tags t.name # arg is exception
-                       if open_els[0].name isnt t.name or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and h_tags[t.name]?
-                       h_in_scope = false
-                       for el in open_els
-                               if h_tags[el.name] is el.namespace
-                                       h_in_scope = true
-                                       break
-                               if standard_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
-                                       break
-                       unless h_in_scope
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       generate_implied_end_tags()
-                       if open_els[0].name isnt t.name or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if h_tags[el.name] is el.namespace
-                                       break
-                       return
-               # deep breath!
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'a'
-                       # If the list of active formatting elements contains an a element
-                       # between the end of the list and the last marker on the list (or
-                       # the start of the list if there is no marker on the list), then
-                       # this is a parse error; run the adoption agency algorithm for the
-                       # tag name "a", then remove that element from the list of active
-                       # formatting elements and the stack of open elements if the
-                       # adoption agency algorithm didn't already remove it (it might not
-                       # have if the element is not in table scope).
-                       found = false
-                       for el in afe
-                               if el.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
-                                       break
-                               if el.name is 'a' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       found = el
-                       if found?
-                               parse_error()
-                               adoption_agency 'a'
-                               for el, i in afe
-                                       if el is found
-                                               afe.splice i, 1
-                               for el, i in open_els
-                                       if el is found
-                                               open_els.splice i, 1
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       afe_push el
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'b' or t.name is 'big' or t.name is 'code' or t.name is 'em' or t.name is 'font' or t.name is 'i' or t.name is 's' or t.name is 'small' or t.name is 'strike' or t.name is 'strong' or t.name is 'tt' or t.name is 'u')
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       afe_push el
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'nobr'
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       if is_in_scope 'nobr', NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               adoption_agency 'nobr'
-                               reconstruct_afe()
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       afe_push el
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'a' or t.name is 'b' or t.name is 'big' or t.name is 'code' or t.name is 'em' or t.name is 'font' or t.name is 'i' or t.name is 'nobr' or t.name is 's' or t.name is 'small' or t.name is 'strike' or t.name is 'strong' or t.name is 'tt' or t.name is 'u')
-                       adoption_agency t.name
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'applet' or t.name is 'marquee' or t.name is 'object')
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       afe_push_marker()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'applet' or t.name is 'marquee' or t.name is 'object')
-                       unless is_in_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       generate_implied_end_tags()
-                       if open_els[0].name isnt t.name or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       clear_afe_to_marker()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'table'
-                       unless doc.flag('quirks mode') is QUIRKS_YES
-                               close_p_if_in_button_scope() # test
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'br'
-                       parse_error()
-                       # W3C: t.type = TYPE_START_TAG
-                       t = new_open_tag 'br' # WHATWG
-                       # fall through
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'area' or t.name is 'br' or t.name is 'embed' or t.name is 'img' or t.name is 'keygen' or t.name is 'wbr')
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'input'
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       unless is_input_hidden_tok t
-                               flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'menuitem' or t.name is 'param' or t.name is 'source' or t.name is 'track')
-                       # WHATWG adds 'menuitem' for this block
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'hr'
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'image'
-                       parse_error()
-                       t.name = 'img'
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'isindex'
-                       parse_error()
-                       if template_tag_is_open() is false and form_element_pointer isnt null
-                               return
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       el = insert_html_element new_open_tag 'form'
-                       unless template_tag_is_open()
-                               form_element_pointer = el
-                       for a in t.attrs_a
-                               if a[0] is 'action'
-                                       el.attrs['action'] = a[1]
-                                       break
-                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'hr'
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'label'
-                       # note: this is a little out-of-spec-order so we only have to scan t.attrs_a once
-                       input_el = new_open_tag 'input'
-                       prompt = null
-                       for a in t.attrs_a
-                               if a[0] is 'prompt'
-                                       prompt = a[1]
-                               if a[0] isnt 'name' and a[0] isnt 'action' and a[0] isnt 'prompt'
-                                       input_el.attrs_a.push [a[0], a[1]]
-                       input_el.attrs_a.push ['name', 'isindex']
-                       # fixfull this next bit is in english... internationalize?
-                       prompt ?= "This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: "
-                       insert_character new_character_token prompt # fixfull split
-                       # TODO submit typo "balue" in spec
-                       insert_html_element input_el
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       # insert_character '' # you can put chars here if promt attr missing
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'hr'
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       unless template_tag_is_open()
-                               form_element_pointer = null
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'textarea'
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       eat_next_token_if_newline()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
-                       original_ins_mode = ins_mode
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_text
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'xmp'
-                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       parse_generic_raw_text t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'iframe'
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       parse_generic_raw_text t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'noembed' or (t.name is 'noscript' and flag_scripting))
-                       parse_generic_raw_text t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'select'
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       if ins_mode is ins_mode_in_table or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_caption or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_table_body or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_row or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_cell
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select_in_table
-                       else
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'optgroup' or t.name is 'option')
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-# this comment block implements the W3C spec
-#              if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'rb' or t.name is 'rp' or t.name is 'rtc')
-#                      if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
-#                              generate_implied_end_tags()
-#                              unless open_els[0].name is 'ruby' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-#                                      parse_error()
-#                      insert_html_element t
-#                      return
-#              if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'rt'
-#                      if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
-#                              generate_implied_end_tags 'rtc' # arg is exception
-#                              unless (open_els[0].name is 'ruby' or open_els[0].name is 'rtc') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-#                                      parse_error()
-#                      insert_html_element t
-#                      return
-# below implements the WHATWG spec https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-inbody
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'rb' or t.name is 'rtc')
-                       if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
-                               generate_implied_end_tags()
-                               unless open_els[0].name is 'ruby' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       parse_error()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'rp' or t.name is 'rt')
-                       if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
-                               generate_implied_end_tags 'rtc'
-                               unless (open_els[0].name is 'ruby' or open_els[0].name is 'rtc') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       parse_error()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-# end WHATWG chunk
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'math'
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       adjust_mathml_attributes t
-                       adjust_foreign_attributes t
-                       insert_foreign_element t, NS_MATHML
-                       if t.flag 'self-closing'
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'svg'
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       adjust_svg_attributes t
-                       adjust_foreign_attributes t
-                       insert_foreign_element t, NS_SVG
-                       if t.flag 'self-closing'
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'frame' or t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG # any other start tag
-                       reconstruct_afe()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG # any other end tag
-                       in_body_any_other_end_tag t.name
-                       return
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-incdata
-       ins_mode_text = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'script' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els[0].flag 'already started', true
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       ins_mode = original_ins_mode
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'script'
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       ins_mode = original_ins_mode
-                       # fixfull the spec seems to assume that I'm going to run the script
-                       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#scriptEndTag
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       ins_mode = original_ins_mode
-                       return
-               return
-       # the functions below implement the tokenizer stats described here:
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tokenization
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intable
-       ins_mode_in_table_else = (t) ->
-               parse_error()
-               flag_foster_parenting = true
-               ins_mode_in_body t
-               flag_foster_parenting = false
-               return
-       ins_mode_in_table = (t) ->
-               switch t.type
-                       when TYPE_TEXT
-                               if (open_els[0].name is 'table' or open_els[0].name is 'tbody' or open_els[0].name is 'tfoot' or open_els[0].name is 'thead' or open_els[0].name is 'tr') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       pending_table_character_tokens = []
-                                       original_ins_mode = ins_mode
-                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_text
-                                       process_token t
-                               else
-                                       ins_mode_in_table_else t
-                       when TYPE_COMMENT
-                               insert_comment t
-                       when TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                               parse_error()
-                       when TYPE_START_TAG
-                               switch t.name
-                                       when 'caption'
-                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
-                                               afe_push_marker()
-                                               insert_html_element t
-                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_caption
-                                       when 'colgroup'
-                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
-                                               insert_html_element t
-                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
-                                       when 'col'
-                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
-                                               insert_html_element new_open_tag 'colgroup'
-                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
-                                               process_token t
-                                       when 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'thead'
-                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
-                                               insert_html_element t
-                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
-                                       when 'td', 'th', 'tr'
-                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
-                                               insert_html_element new_open_tag 'tbody'
-                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
-                                               process_token t
-                                       when 'table'
-                                               parse_error()
-                                               if is_in_table_scope 'table', NS_HTML
-                                                       loop
-                                                               el = open_els.shift()
-                                                               if el.name is 'table' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                                                       break
-                                                       reset_ins_mode()
-                                                       process_token t
-                                       when 'style', 'script', 'template'
-                                               ins_mode_in_head t
-                                       when 'input'
-                                               unless is_input_hidden_tok t
-                                                       ins_mode_in_table_else t
-                                               else
-                                                       parse_error()
-                                                       el = insert_html_element t
-                                                       open_els.shift()
-                                                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                                       when 'form'
-                                               parse_error()
-                                               if form_element_pointer?
-                                                       return
-                                               if template_tag_is_open()
-                                                       return
-                                               form_element_pointer = insert_html_element t
-                                               open_els.shift()
-                                       else
-                                               ins_mode_in_table_else t
-                       when TYPE_END_TAG
-                               switch t.name
-                                       when 'table'
-                                               if is_in_table_scope 'table', NS_HTML
-                                                       loop
-                                                               el = open_els.shift()
-                                                               if el.name is 'table' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                                                       break
-                                                       reset_ins_mode()
-                                               else
-                                                       parse_error()
-                                       when 'body', 'caption', 'col', 'colgroup', 'html', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr'
-                                               parse_error()
-                                       when 'template'
-                                               ins_mode_in_head t
-                                       else
-                                               ins_mode_in_table_else t
-                       when TYPE_EOF
-                               ins_mode_in_body t
-                       else
-                               ins_mode_in_table_else t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intabletext
-       ins_mode_in_table_text = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
-                       # from javascript?
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                       pending_table_character_tokens.push t
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               all_space = true
-               for old in pending_table_character_tokens
-                       unless is_space_tok old
-                               all_space = false
-                               break
-               if all_space
-                       for old in pending_table_character_tokens
-                               insert_character old
-               else
-                       for old in pending_table_character_tokens
-                               ins_mode_in_table_else old
-               pending_table_character_tokens = []
-               ins_mode = original_ins_mode
-               process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-incaption
-       ins_mode_in_caption = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'caption'
-                       if is_in_table_scope 'caption', NS_HTML
-                               generate_implied_end_tags()
-                               if open_els[0].name isnt 'caption'
-                                       parse_error()
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el.name is 'caption' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               break
-                               clear_afe_to_marker()
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                               # fragment case
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')) or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'table'
-                       parse_error()
-                       if is_in_table_scope 'caption', NS_HTML
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el.name is 'caption' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               break
-                               clear_afe_to_marker()
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                               process_token t
-                       # else fragment case
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               ins_mode_in_body t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-incolgroup
-       ins_mode_in_column_group = (t) ->
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'col'
-                       el = insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'colgroup'
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'colgroup' and open_els.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'col'
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG) and t.name is 'template'
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               if open_els[0].name isnt 'colgroup'
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               open_els.shift()
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-               process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intbody
-       ins_mode_in_table_body = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'tr'
-                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'td')
-                       parse_error()
-                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
-                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'tr'
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')
-                       unless is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')) or (t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'table')
-                       has = false
-                       for el in open_els
-                               if el.namespace is NS_HTML and (el.name is 'tbody' or el.name is 'tfoot' or el.name is 'thead')
-                                       has = true
-                                       break
-                               if table_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
-                                       break
-                       if !has
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'tr')
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               ins_mode_in_table t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intr
-       ins_mode_in_row = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'td')
-                       clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_cell
-                       afe_push_marker()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'tr'
-                       if is_in_table_scope 'tr', NS_HTML
-                               clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')) or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'table'
-                       if is_in_table_scope 'tr', NS_HTML
-                               clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
-                               process_token t
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')
-                       if is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               if is_in_table_scope 'tr', NS_HTML
-                                       clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
-                                       open_els.shift()
-                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
-                                       process_token t
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               ins_mode_in_table t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#close-the-cell
-       close_the_cell = ->
-               generate_implied_end_tags()
-               unless (open_els[0].name is 'td' or open_els[0] is 'th') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                       parse_error()
-               loop
-                       el = open_els.shift()
-                       if el.namespace is NS_HTML and (el.name is 'td' or el.name is 'th')
-                               break
-               clear_afe_to_marker()
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intd
-       ins_mode_in_cell = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
-                       if is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               generate_implied_end_tags()
-                               unless (open_els[0].name is t.name) and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       parse_error()
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               break
-                               clear_afe_to_marker()
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
-                       has = false
-                       for el in open_els
-                               if el.namespace is NS_HTML and (el.name is 'td' or el.name is 'th')
-                                       has = true
-                                       break
-                               if table_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
-                                       break
-                       if !has
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       close_the_cell()
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html')
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
-                       if is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               close_the_cell()
-                               process_token t
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               # Anything Else
-               ins_mode_in_body t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inselect
-       ins_mode_in_select = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'option'
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'optgroup'
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'optgroup' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'optgroup'
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               if open_els[1].name is 'optgroup' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       open_els.shift()
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'optgroup' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'option'
-                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                               open_els.shift()
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'select'
-                       if is_in_select_scope 'select', NS_HTML
-                               loop
-                                       el = open_els.shift()
-                                       if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                               break
-                               reset_ins_mode()
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'select'
-                       parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       reset_ins_mode()
-                       # spec says that this is the same as </select> but it doesn't say
-                       # to check scope first
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'input' or t.name is 'keygen' or t.name is 'textarea')
-                       parse_error()
-                       unless is_in_select_scope 'select', NS_HTML
-                               return
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       reset_ins_mode()
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'template')
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inselectintable
-       ins_mode_in_select_in_table = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
-                       parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       reset_ins_mode()
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
-                       parse_error()
-                       unless is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
-                               return
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       reset_ins_mode()
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               ins_mode_in_select t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intemplate
-       ins_mode_in_template = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT or t.type is TYPE_COMMENT or t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'style' or t.name is 'template' or t.name is 'title')) or (t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template')
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')
-                       template_ins_modes.shift()
-                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_table
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'col'
-                       template_ins_modes.shift()
-                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_column_group
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'tr'
-                       template_ins_modes.shift()
-                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_table_body
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
-                       template_ins_modes.shift()
-                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_row
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG
-                       template_ins_modes.shift()
-                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_body
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       unless template_tag_is_open()
-                               stop_parsing()
-                               return
-                       parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               el = open_els.shift()
-                               if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       clear_afe_to_marker()
-                       template_ins_modes.shift()
-                       reset_ins_mode()
-                       process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-afterbody
-       ins_mode_after_body = (t) ->
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       first = open_els[open_els.length - 1]
-                       insert_comment t, [first, first.children.length]
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       if flag_fragment_parsing
-                               parse_error()
-                               return
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_after_body
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       stop_parsing()
-                       return
-               # Anything ELse
-               parse_error()
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-               process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inframeset
-       ins_mode_in_frameset = (t) ->
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
-                       if open_els.length is 1
-                               parse_error()
-                               return # fragment case
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       if flag_fragment_parsing is false and open_els[0].name isnt 'frameset'
-                               ins_mode = ins_mode_after_frameset
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frame'
-                       insert_html_element t
-                       open_els.shift()
-                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noframes'
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       if open_els.length isnt 1
-                               parse_error()
-                       stop_parsing()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-afterframeset
-       ins_mode_after_frameset = (t) ->
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'html'
-                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_after_frameset
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noframes'
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       stop_parsing()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode
-       ins_mode_after_after_body = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t, [doc, doc.children.length]
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE or is_space_tok(t) or (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html')
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       stop_parsing()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
-               process_token t
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode
-       ins_mode_after_after_frameset = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t, [doc, doc.children.length]
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE or is_space_tok(t) or (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html')
-                       ins_mode_in_body t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
-                       stop_parsing()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noframes'
-                       ins_mode_in_head t
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inforeign
-       has_color_face_or_size = (t) ->
-               for a in t.attrs_a
-                       if a[0] is 'color' or a[0] is 'face' or a[0] is 'size'
-                               return true
-               return false
-       in_foreign_content_end_script = ->
-               open_els.shift()
-               # fixfull
-               return
-       in_foreign_content_other_start = (t) ->
-               acn = adjusted_current_node()
-               if acn.namespace is NS_MATHML
-                       adjust_mathml_attributes t
-               if acn.namespace is NS_SVG and svg_name_fixes[t.name]?
-                       t.name = svg_name_fixes[t.name]
-               if acn.namespace is NS_SVG
-                       adjust_svg_attributes t
-               adjust_foreign_attributes t
-               insert_foreign_element t, acn.namespace
-               if t.flag 'self-closing'
-                       if t.name is 'script'
-                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-                               in_foreign_content_end_script()
-                               # fixfull
-                       else
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
-               return
-       in_foreign_content = (t) ->
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       insert_character new_character_token "\ufffd"
-                       return
-               if is_space_tok t
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                       flag_frameset_ok = false
-                       insert_character t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
-                       insert_comment t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                       parse_error()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'b' or t.name is 'big' or t.name is 'blockquote' or t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'br' or t.name is 'center' or t.name is 'code' or t.name is 'dd' or t.name is 'div' or t.name is 'dl' or t.name is 'dt' or t.name is 'em' or t.name is 'embed' or t.name is 'h1' or t.name is 'h2' or t.name is 'h3' or t.name is 'h4' or t.name is 'h5' or t.name is 'h6' or t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'hr' or t.name is 'i' or t.name is 'img' or t.name is 'li' or t.name is 'listing' or t.name is 'main' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'nobr' or t.name is 'ol' or t.name is 'p' or t.name is 'pre' or t.name is 'ruby' or t.name is 's' or t.name is 'small' or t.name is 'span' or t.name is 'strong' or t.name is 'strike' or t.name is 'sub' or t.name is 'sup' or t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tt' or t.name is 'u' or t.name is 'ul' or t.name is 'var' or (t.name is 'font' and has_color_face_or_size(t)))
-                       parse_error()
-                       if flag_fragment_parsing
-                               in_foreign_content_other_start t
-                               return
-                       loop # is this safe?
-                               open_els.shift()
-                               if is_mathml_text_integration_point(open_els[0]) or is_html_integration(open_els[0]) or open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       process_token t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG
-                       in_foreign_content_other_start t
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'script' and open_els[0].name is 'script' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_SVG
-                       in_foreign_content_end_script()
-                       return
-               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
-                       i = 0
-                       node = open_els[i]
-                       if node.name.toLowerCase() isnt t.name
-                               parse_error()
-                       loop
-                               if node is open_els[open_els.length - 1]
-                                       return
-                               if node.name.toLowerCase() is t.name
-                                       loop
-                                               el = open_els.shift()
-                                               if el is node
-                                                       return
-                               i += 1
-                               node = open_els[i]
-                               if node.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       break
-                       ins_mode t # explicitly call HTML insertion mode
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#data-state
-       tok_state_data = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '&'
-                               return new_text_node parse_character_reference()
-                       when '<'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_tag_open
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               return new_text_node c
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               return new_eof_token()
-                       else
-                               return new_text_node c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#character-reference-in-data-state
-       # not needed: tok_state_character_reference_in_data = ->
-       # just call parse_character_reference()
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-state
-       tok_state_rcdata = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '&'
-                               return new_text_node parse_character_reference()
-                       when '<'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_less_than_sign
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               return new_eof_token()
-                       else
-                               return new_character_token c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#character-reference-in-rcdata-state
-       # not needed: tok_state_character_reference_in_rcdata = ->
-       # just call parse_character_reference()
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-state
-       tok_state_rawtext = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '<'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_less_than_sign
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               return new_eof_token()
-                       else
-                               return new_character_token c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-state
-       tok_state_script_data = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '<'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_less_than_sign
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               return new_eof_token()
-                       else
-                               return new_character_token c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#plaintext-state
-       tok_state_plaintext = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               return new_eof_token()
-                       else
-                               return new_character_token c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tag-open-state
-       tok_state_tag_open = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '!'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_markup_declaration_open
-                       return
-               if c is '/'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_end_tag_open
-                       return
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_open_tag c.toLowerCase()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
-                       return
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_open_tag c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
-                       return
-               if c is '?'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token '?' # FIXME right?
-                       tok_state = tok_state_bogus_comment
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_state = tok_state_data
-               cur -= 1 # we didn't parse/handle the char after <
-               return new_text_node '<'
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#end-tag-open-state
-       tok_state_end_tag_open = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
-                       return
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return new_text_node '</'
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token c
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_comment
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tag-name-state
-       tok_state_tag_name = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                       when '/'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                       when '>'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_cur_tag = null
-                               return tmp
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.name += "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
-                               else
-                                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-less-than-sign-state
-       tok_state_rcdata_less_than_sign = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '/'
-                       temporary_buffer = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_open
-                       return null
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
-               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
-               return new_character_token '<'
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-end-tag-open-state
-       tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_open = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_name
-                       return null
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_name
-                       return null
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
-               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
-               return new_character_token "</" # fixfull separate these
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#appropriate-end-tag-token
-       is_appropriate_end_tag = (t) ->
-               # fixfull: this assumes that open_els[0].name is "the tag name of the last
-               # start tag to have been emitted from this tokenizer"
-               return t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is open_els[0].name
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-end-tag-name-state
-       tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                               return
-                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
-               if c is '/'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag # FIXME spec typo?
-                               return
-                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
-               if c is '>'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return null
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return null
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
-               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
-               return new_character_token '</' + temporary_buffer # fixfull separate these
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-less-than-sign-state
-       tok_state_rawtext_less_than_sign = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '/'
-                       temporary_buffer = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_open
-                       return null
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
-               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
-               return new_character_token '<'
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-end-tag-open-state
-       tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_open = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_name
-                       return null
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_name
-                       return null
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
-               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
-               return new_character_token "</" # fixfull separate these
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-end-tag-name-state
-       tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                               return
-                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
-               if c is '/'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                               return
-                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
-               if c is '>'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return null
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return null
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
-               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
-               return new_character_token '</' + temporary_buffer # fixfull separate these
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-less-than-sign-state
-       tok_state_script_data_less_than_sign = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '/'
-                       temporary_buffer = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_end_tag_open
-                       return
-               if c is '!'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escape_start
-                       return new_character_token '<!' # fixfull split
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return new_character_token '<'
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-end-tag-open-state
-       tok_state_script_data_end_tag_open = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_end_tag_name
-                       return
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_end_tag_name
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return new_character_token '</'
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-end-tag-open-state
-       tok_state_script_data_end_tag_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                               return
-                       # fall through
-               if c is '/'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                               return
-                       # fall through
-               if c is '>'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       # fall through
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return new_character_token "</#{temporary_buffer}" # fixfull split
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escape-start-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escape_start = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escape_start_dash
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escape-start-dash-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escape_start_dash = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash_dash
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escaped = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               if c is '<'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       parse_error()
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               return new_character_token c
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-dash-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash_dash
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               if c is '<'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       parse_error()
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-               return new_character_token c
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-dash-dash-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash_dash = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               if c is '<'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-                       return new_character_token '>'
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-               return new_character_token c
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-less-than-sign-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '/'
-                       temporary_buffer = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_open
-                       return
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       temporary_buffer = c.toLowerCase() # yes, really
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escape_start
-                       return new_character_token "<#{c}" # fixfull split
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       temporary_buffer = c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escape_start
-                       return new_character_token "<#{c}" # fixfull split
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return new_character_token '<'
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-end-tag-open-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_open = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_name
-                       return
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_name
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return new_character_token '</' # fixfull split
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-end-tag-name-state
-       tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                               return
-                       # fall through
-               if c is '/'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                               return
-                       # fall through
-               if c is '>'
-                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       # fall through
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
-                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase()
-                       return
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
-                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase()
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return new_character_token "</#{temporary_buffer}" # fixfull split
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escape-start-state
-       tok_state_script_data_double_escape_start = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' ' or c is '/' or c is '>'
-                       if temporary_buffer is 'script'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-                       else
-                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-                       return new_character_token c
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase() # yes, really lowercase
-                       return new_character_token c
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return new_character_token c
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-state
-       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               if c is '<'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign
-                       return new_character_token '<'
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               return new_character_token c
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-dash-state
-       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash_dash
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               if c is '<'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign
-                       return new_character_token '<'
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-               return new_character_token c
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-dash-dash-state
-       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash_dash = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '-'
-                       return new_character_token '-'
-               if c is '<'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign
-                       return new_character_token '<'
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-                       return new_character_token '>'
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-               return new_character_token c
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-less-than-sign-state
-       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '/'
-                       temporary_buffer = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escape_end
-                       return new_character_token '/'
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escape-end-state
-       tok_state_script_data_double_escape_end = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' ' or c is '/' or c is '>'
-                       if temporary_buffer is 'script'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
-                       else
-                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-                       return new_character_token c
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase() # yes, really lowercase
-                       return new_character_token c
-               if is_lc_alpha(c)
-                       temporary_buffer += c
-                       return new_character_token c
-               # Anything else
-               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-attribute-name-state
-       tok_state_before_attribute_name = ->
-               attr_name = null
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
-                               return null
-                       when '/'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                               return null
-                       when '>'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_cur_tag = null
-                               return tmp
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               attr_name = "\ufffd"
-                       when '"', "'", '<', '='
-                               parse_error()
-                               attr_name = c
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                                       attr_name = c.toLowerCase()
-                               else
-                                       attr_name = c
-               if attr_name?
-                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift [attr_name, '']
-                       tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-name-state
-       tok_state_attribute_name = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
-                               tok_state = tok_state_after_attribute_name
-                       when '/'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                       when '='
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_value
-                       when '>'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_cur_tag = null
-                               return tmp
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += "\ufffd"
-                       when '"', "'", '<'
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += c
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += c.toLowerCase()
-                               else
-                                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-attribute-name-state
-       tok_state_after_attribute_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       return
-               if c is '/'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                       return
-               if c is '='
-                       tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_value
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift [c.toLowerCase(), '']
-                       tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift ["\ufffd", '']
-                       tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
-                       return
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       cur -= 1 # reconsume
-                       return
-               if c is '"' or c is "'" or c is '<'
-                       parse_error()
-                       # fall through to Anything else
-               # Anything else
-               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift [c, '']
-               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-attribute-value-state
-       tok_state_before_attribute_value = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
-                               return null
-                       when '"'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_double_quoted
-                       when '&'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted
-                               cur -= 1
-                       when "'"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_single_quoted
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               # Parse error
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted
-                       when '>'
-                               # Parse error
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_cur_tag = null
-                               return tmp
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
-                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-value-(double-quoted)-state
-       tok_state_attribute_value_double_quoted = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '"'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_after_attribute_value_quoted
-                       when '&'
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += parse_character_reference '"', true
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               # Parse error
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-value-(single-quoted)-state
-       tok_state_attribute_value_single_quoted = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "'"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_after_attribute_value_quoted
-                       when '&'
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += parse_character_reference "'", true
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               # Parse error
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-value-(unquoted)-state
-       tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                       when '&'
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += parse_character_reference '>', true
-                       when '>'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_cur_tag = null
-                               return tmp
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               # Parse Error if ', <, = or ` (backtick)
-                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-attribute-value-(quoted)-state
-       tok_state_after_attribute_value_quoted = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                       when '/'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
-                       when '>'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
-                               tok_cur_tag = null
-                               return tmp
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       else
-                               # Parse Error
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-                               cur -= 1 # we didn't handle that char
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#self-closing-start-tag-state
-       tok_state_self_closing_start_tag = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'self-closing', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is ''
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
-               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#bogus-comment-state
-       # WARNING: put a comment token in tok_cur_tag before setting this state
-       tok_state_bogus_comment = ->
-               next_gt = txt.indexOf '>', cur
-               if next_gt is -1
-                       val = txt.substr cur
-                       cur = txt.length
-               else
-                       val = txt.substr cur, (next_gt - cur)
-                       cur = next_gt + 1
-               val = val.replace(new RegExp("\u0000", 'g'), "\ufffd")
-               tok_cur_tag.text += val
-               tok_state = tok_state_data
-               return tok_cur_tag
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#markup-declaration-open-state
-       tok_state_markup_declaration_open = ->
-               if txt.substr(cur, 2) is '--'
-                       cur += 2
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_comment_start
-                       return
-               if txt.substr(cur, 7).toLowerCase() is 'doctype'
-                       cur += 7
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype
-                       return
-               acn = adjusted_current_node()
-               if acn and acn.namespace isnt NS_HTML and txt.substr(cur, 7) is '[CDATA['
-                       cur += 7
-                       tok_state = tok_state_cdata_section
-                       return
-               # Otherwise
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token ''
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_comment
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-start-state
-       tok_state_comment_start = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '-'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_start_dash
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
-                       when '>'
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += c
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-start-dash-state
-       tok_state_comment_start_dash = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '-'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-\ufffd"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-                       when '>'
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-#{c}"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-state
-       tok_state_comment = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '-'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end_dash
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "\ufffd"
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-end-dash-state
-       tok_state_comment_end_dash = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '-'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-\ufffd"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-#{c}"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-end-state
-       tok_state_comment_end = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '>'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--\ufffd"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-                       when '!'
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end_bang
-                       when '-'
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += '-'
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--#{c}"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-end-bang-state
-       tok_state_comment_end_bang = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when '-'
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--!#{c}"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end_dash
-                       when '>'
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       when "\u0000"
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--!\ufffd"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                               return tok_cur_tag
-                       else
-                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--!#{c}"
-                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-state
-       tok_state_doctype = ->
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-                       when "\t", "\u000a", "\u000c", ' '
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_name
-                       when '' # EOF
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_data
-                               el = new_doctype_token ''
-                               el.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                               return el
-                       else
-                               parse_error()
-                               tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_name
-                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-state
-       tok_state_before_doctype_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       return
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_doctype_token c.toLowerCase()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_name
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag = new_doctype_token "\ufffd"
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_name
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       el = new_doctype_token ''
-                       el.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return el
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       el = new_doctype_token ''
-                       el.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return el
-               # Anything else
-               tok_cur_tag = new_doctype_token c
-               tok_state = tok_state_doctype_name
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-name-state
-       tok_state_doctype_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_name
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if is_uc_alpha(c)
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.name += "\ufffd"
-                       return
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               tok_cur_tag.name += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-name-state
-       tok_state_after_doctype_name = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               if txt.substr(cur - 1, 6).toLowerCase() is 'public'
-                       cur += 5
-                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_public_keyword
-                       return
-               if txt.substr(cur - 1, 6).toLowerCase() is 'system'
-                       cur += 5
-                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_system_keyword
-                       return
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-public-keyword-state
-       tok_state_after_doctype_public_keyword = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_public_identifier
-                       return
-               if c is '"'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_double_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is "'"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_single_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-doctype-public-identifier-state
-       tok_state_before_doctype_public_identifier = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       return
-               if c is '"'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_double_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is "'"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_single_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-public-identifier-(double-quoted)-state
-       tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_double_quoted = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '"'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_public_identifier
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += "\ufffd"
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-public-identifier-(single-quoted)-state
-       tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_single_quoted = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "'"
-                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_public_identifier
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += "\ufffd"
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-public-identifier-state
-       tok_state_after_doctype_public_identifier = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       tok_state = tok_state_between_doctype_public_and_system_identifiers
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '"'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is "'"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers-state
-       tok_state_between_doctype_public_and_system_identifiers = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '"'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is "'"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-system-keyword-state
-       tok_state_after_doctype_system_keyword = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_system_identifier
-                       return
-               if c is '"'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is "'"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-doctype-system-identifier-state
-       tok_state_before_doctype_system_identifier = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       return
-               if c is '"'
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is "'"
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
-                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-system-identifier-(double-quoted)-state
-       tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '"'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_system_identifier
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += "\ufffd"
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-system-identifier-(single-quoted)-state
-       tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "'"
-                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_system_identifier
-                       return
-               if c is "\u0000"
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += "\ufffd"
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += c
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-system-identifier-state
-       tok_state_after_doctype_system_identifier = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
-                       return
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       parse_error()
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               parse_error()
-               # do _not_ tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
-               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#bogus-doctype-state
-       tok_state_bogus_doctype = ->
-               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
-               if c is '>'
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               if c is '' # EOF
-                       tok_state = tok_state_data
-                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
-                       return tok_cur_tag
-               # Anything else
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#cdata-section-state
-       tok_state_cdata_section = ->
-               tok_state = tok_state_data
-               next_gt = txt.indexOf ']]>', cur
-               if next_gt is -1
-                       val = txt.substr cur
-                       cur = txt.length
-               else
-                       val = txt.substr cur, (next_gt - cur)
-                       cur = next_gt + 3
-               val = val.replace(new RegExp("\u0000", 'g'), "\ufffd")
-               if val.length > 0
-                       return new_character_token val # fixfull split
-               return null
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#consume-a-character-reference
-       # Don't set this as a state, just call it
-       # returns a string (NOT a text node)
-       parse_character_reference = (allowed_char = null, in_attr = false) ->
-               if cur >= txt.length
-                       return '&'
-               switch c = txt.charAt(cur)
-                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' ', '<', '&', '', allowed_char
-                               # explicitly not a parse error
-                               return '&'
-                       when ';'
-                               # there has to be "one or more" alnums between & and ; to be a parse error
-                               return '&'
-                       when '#'
-                               if cur + 1 >= txt.length
-                                       return '&'
-                               if txt.charAt(cur + 1).toLowerCase() is 'x'
-                                       base = 16
-                                       charset = hex_chars
-                                       start = cur + 2
-                               else
-                                       charset = digits
-                                       start = cur + 1
-                                       base = 10
-                               i = 0
-                               while start + i < txt.length and charset.indexOf(txt.charAt(start + i)) > -1
-                                       i += 1
-                               if i is 0
-                                       return '&'
-                               cur = start + i
-                               if txt.charAt(start + i) is ';'
-                                       cur += 1
-                               else
-                                       parse_error()
-                               code_point = txt.substr(start, i)
-                               while code_point.charAt(0) is '0' and code_point.length > 1
-                                       code_point = code_point.substr 1
-                               code_point = parseInt(code_point, base)
-                               if unicode_fixes[code_point]?
-                                       parse_error()
-                                       return unicode_fixes[code_point]
-                               else
-                                       if (code_point >= 0xd800 and code_point <= 0xdfff) or code_point > 0x10ffff
-                                               parse_error()
-                                               return "\ufffd"
-                                       else
-                                               if (code_point >= 0x0001 and code_point <= 0x0008) or (code_point >= 0x000D and code_point <= 0x001F) or (code_point >= 0x007F and code_point <= 0x009F) or (code_point >= 0xFDD0 and code_point <= 0xFDEF) or code_point is 0x000B or code_point is 0xFFFE or code_point is 0xFFFF or code_point is 0x1FFFE or code_point is 0x1FFFF or code_point is 0x2FFFE or code_point is 0x2FFFF or code_point is 0x3FFFE or code_point is 0x3FFFF or code_point is 0x4FFFE or code_point is 0x4FFFF or code_point is 0x5FFFE or code_point is 0x5FFFF or code_point is 0x6FFFE or code_point is 0x6FFFF or code_point is 0x7FFFE or code_point is 0x7FFFF or code_point is 0x8FFFE or code_point is 0x8FFFF or code_point is 0x9FFFE or code_point is 0x9FFFF or code_point is 0xAFFFE or code_point is 0xAFFFF or code_point is 0xBFFFE or code_point is 0xBFFFF or code_point is 0xCFFFE or code_point is 0xCFFFF or code_point is 0xDFFFE or code_point is 0xDFFFF or code_point is 0xEFFFE or code_point is 0xEFFFF or code_point is 0xFFFFE or code_point is 0xFFFFF or code_point is 0x10FFFE or code_point is 0x10FFFF
-                                                       parse_error()
-                                               return from_code_point code_point
-                               return
-                       else
-                               for i in [0...31]
-                                       if alnum.indexOf(txt.charAt(cur + i)) is -1
-                                               break
-                               if i is 0
-                                       # exit early, because parse_error() below needs at least one alnum
-                                       return '&'
-                               if txt.charAt(cur + i) is ';'
-                                       decoded = decode_named_char_ref txt.substr(cur, i)
-                                       i += 1 # scan past the ';' (after, so we dno't pass it to decode)
-                                       if decoded?
-                                               cur += i
-                                               return decoded
-                                       # else FALL THROUGH (check for match without last char(s) or ";")
-                               # no ';' terminator (only legacy char refs)
-                               max = i
-                               for i in [2..max] # no prefix matches, so ok to check shortest first
-                                       c = legacy_char_refs[txt.substr(cur, i)]
-                                       if c?
-                                               if in_attr
-                                                       if txt.charAt(cur + i) is '='
-                                                               # "because some legacy user agents will
-                                                               # misinterpret the markup in those cases"
-                                                               parse_error()
-                                                               return '&'
-                                                       if alnum.indexOf(txt.charAt(cur + i)) > -1
-                                                               # this makes attributes forgiving about url args
-                                                               return '&'
-                                               # ok, and besides the weird exceptions for attributes...
-                                               # return the matching char
-                                               cur += i # consume entity chars
-                                               parse_error() # because no terminating ";"
-                                               return c
-                               parse_error()
-                               return '&'
-               return # never reached
-       eat_next_token_if_newline = ->
-               old_cur = cur
-               t = null
-               until t?
-                       t = tok_state()
-               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
-                       # definition of a newline depends on whether it was a character ref or not
-                       if cur - old_cur is 1
-                               # not a character reference
-                               if t.text is "\u000d" or t.text is "\u000a"
-                                       return
-                       else
-                               if t.text is "\u000a"
-                                       return
-               # not a "newline"
-               cur = old_cur
-               return
-       # tree constructor initialization
-       # see comments on TYPE_TAG/etc for the structure of this data
-       txt = args_html
-       cur = 0
-       doc = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'document', namespace: NS_HTML
-       doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_NO # TODO bugreport spec for not specifying this
-       fragment_root = null # fragment parsing algorithm returns children of this
-       open_els = []
-       afe = [] # active formatting elements
-       template_ins_modes = []
-       ins_mode = ins_mode_initial
-       original_ins_mode = ins_mode # TODO check spec
-       flag_scripting = args.scripting ? true # TODO might need an extra flag to get <noscript> to parse correctly
-       flag_frameset_ok = true
-       flag_parsing = true
-       flag_foster_parenting = false
-       form_element_pointer = null
-       temporary_buffer = null
-       pending_table_character_tokens = []
-       head_element_pointer = null
-       flag_fragment_parsing = false
-       context_element = null
-       prev_node_id = 0 # just for debugging
-       # tokenizer initialization
-       tok_state = tok_state_data
-       parse_init = ->
-               # fragment parsing (text arg)
-               if args.fragment?
-                       # this handles the fragment from the tests in the format described here:
-                       # https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-tests/blob/master/tree-construction/README.md
-                       f = args.fragment
-                       ns = NS_HTML
-                       if f.substr(0, 5) is 'math '
-                               f = f.substr 5
-                               ns = NS_MATHML
-                       else if f.substr(0, 4) is 'svg '
-                               f = f.substr 4
-                               ns = NS_SVG
-                       t = new_open_tag f
-                       context_element = token_to_element t, ns
-                       context_element.document = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'document', namespace: NS_HTML
-                       context_element.document.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_NO
-               # fragment parsing (Node arg)
-               if args.context?
-                       context_element = args.context
-               # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-html-fragments
-               # fragment parsing algorithm
-               if context_element?
-                       flag_fragment_parsing = true
-                       doc = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'html', namespace: NS_HTML
-                       # search up the tree from context, to try to find it's document,
-                       # because this file only puts a "document" property on the root
-                       # element.
-                       old_doc = null
-                       el = context_element
-                       loop
-                               if el.document?
-                                       old_doc = el.document
-                                       break
-                               if el.parent
-                                       el = el.parent
-                               else
-                                       break
-                       if old_doc
-                               doc.flag 'quirks mode', old_doc.flag 'quirks mode'
-                       # set tok_state
-                       if context_element.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               switch context_element.name
-                                       when 'title', 'textarea'
-                                               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
-                                       when 'style', 'xmp', 'iframe', 'noembed', 'noframes'
-                                               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
-                                       when 'script'
-                                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
-                                       when 'noscript'
-                                               if flag_scripting
-                                                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
-                                       when 'plaintext'
-                                               tok_state = tok_state_plaintext
-                       fragment_root = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'html', namespace: NS_HTML
-                       doc.children.push fragment_root
-                       fragment_root.document = doc
-                       open_els = [fragment_root]
-                       if context_element.name is 'template' and context_element.namespace is NS_HTML
-                               template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_template
-                       # fixfull create token for context (it should have it's original one already)
-                       reset_ins_mode()
-                       # set form_element pointer... in the foreign doc?!
-                       el = context_element
-                       loop
-                               if el.name is 'form' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
-                                       form_element_pointer = el
-                                       break
-                               if el.parent
-                                       el = el.parent
-                               else
-                                       break
-               # text pre-processing
-               # FIXME check http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#preprocessing-the-input-stream
-               txt = txt.replace(new RegExp("\r\n", 'g'), "\n") # fixfull spec doesn't say this
-               txt = txt.replace(new RegExp("\r", 'g'), "\n") # fixfull spec doesn't say this
-               return
-       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tree-construction
-       parse_main_loop = ->
-               while flag_parsing
-                       t = tok_state()
-                       if t?
-                               process_token t
-                               # fixfull parse error if has self-closing flag, but it wasn't acknolwedged
-               return
-       parse_init()
-       parse_main_loop()
-       if flag_fragment_parsing
-               return fragment_root.children
-       return doc.children
-exports.parse_html = parse_html
-exports.debug_log_reset = debug_log_reset
-exports.debug_log_each = debug_log_each
-exports.TYPE_TAG = TYPE_TAG
-exports.NS_HTML = NS_HTML
-exports.NS_SVG = NS_SVG
diff --git a/parser.coffee b/parser.coffee
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..804c257
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4746 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Jason Woofenden
+# This file implements an HTML5 parser
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
+# later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# This file implements a thorough parser for html5, meant to be used by a
+# WYSIWYG editor.
+# The implementation is a pretty direct implementation of the parsing algorithm
+# described here:
+#     http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html
+# except for some places marked "WHATWG" that are implemented as described here:
+#     https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html
+# This code passes all of the tests in the .dat files at:
+#     https://github.com/JasonWoof/html5lib-tests/tree/patch-1/tree-construction
+## how to use this code
+# See README.md for how to run this file in the browser or in node.js.
+# This file exports a single useful function: parse_tml, and some constants
+# (see the bottom of this file for those.)
+# Call it like this:
+#     wheic_parser.parse("<p><b>hi</p>")
+# Or, if you don't want <html><head><body>/etc, do this:
+#     wheic_parser.parse("<p><b>hi</p>", {fragment: "body"})
+# return value is an array of Nodes, see "class Node" below.
+# This code is a work in progress, eg try search this file for "fixfull",
+# "TODO" and "FIXME"
+# Notes:  stacks/lists
+# Jason was frequently confused by the terminology used to refer to different
+# parts of the stacks and lists in the spec, so he made this chart to help keep
+# his head straight:
+# stacks grow downward (current element is index=0)
+# example: open_els = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]
+# "grows downwards" means it's visualized like this: (index: el "names")
+#   6: g "start of the list", "topmost", "first"
+#   5: f
+#   4: e "previous" (to d), "above", "before"
+#   3: d   (previous/next are relative to this element)
+#   2: c "next", "after", "lower", "below"
+#   1: b
+#   0: a "end of the list", "current node", "bottommost", "last"
+if (typeof module) isnt 'undefined' and module.exports?
+       context = 'module'
+       exports = module.exports
+       context = 'browser'
+       window.wheic_parser = {}
+       exports = window.wheic_parser
+from_code_point = (x) ->
+       if String.fromCodePoint?
+               return String.fromCodePoint x
+       else
+               if x <= 0xffff
+                       return String.fromCharCode x
+               x -= 0x10000
+               return String.fromCharCode((x >> 10) + 0xd800, (x % 0x400) + 0xdc00)
+# Each node is an obect of the Node class. Here are the Node types:
+TYPE_TAG = 0 # name, {attributes}, [children]
+TYPE_TEXT = 1 # "text"
+# the following types are emited by the tokenizer, but shouldn't end up in the tree:
+TYPE_START_TAG = 4 # name, [attributes ([key,value]...) in reverse order], [children]
+TYPE_END_TAG = 5 # name
+TYPE_AFE_MARKER = 7 # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#reconstruct-the-active-formatting-elements
+TYPE_AAA_BOOKMARK = 8 # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#adoption-agency-algorithm
+# namespace constants
+NS_HTML = 1
+NS_SVG = 3
+# quirks mode constants
+# queue up debug logs, so eg they can be shown only for tests that fail
+g_debug_log = []
+debug_log_reset = ->
+       g_debug_log = []
+       return
+debug_log = (str) ->
+       g_debug_log.push str
+       return
+debug_log_each = (cb) ->
+       for str in g_debug_log
+               cb str
+       return
+prev_node_id = 0
+class Node
+       constructor: (type, args = {}) ->
+               @type = type # one of the TYPE_* constants above
+               @name = args.name ? '' # tag name
+               @text = args.text ? '' # contents for text/comment nodes
+               @attrs = args.attrs ? {}
+               @attrs_a = args.attr_k ? [] # attrs in progress, TYPE_START_TAG only
+               @children = args.children ? []
+               @namespace = args.namespace ? NS_HTML
+               @parent = args.parent ? null
+               @token = args.token ? null
+               @flags = args.flags ? {}
+               if args.id?
+                       @id = "#{args.id}+"
+               else
+                       @id = "#{++prev_node_id}"
+       acknowledge_self_closing: ->
+               if @token?
+                       @token.flag 'did_self_close', true
+               else
+                       @flag 'did_self_close', true
+               return
+       flag: (key, value = null) ->
+               if value?
+                       @flags[key] = value
+               else
+                       return @flags[key]
+               return
+# helpers: (only take args that are normally known when parser creates nodes)
+new_open_tag = (name) ->
+       return new Node TYPE_START_TAG, name: name
+new_end_tag = (name) ->
+       return new Node TYPE_END_TAG, name: name
+new_element = (name) ->
+       return new Node TYPE_TAG, name: name
+new_text_node = (txt) ->
+       return new Node TYPE_TEXT, text: txt
+new_character_token = new_text_node
+new_comment_token = (txt) ->
+       return new Node TYPE_COMMENT, text: txt
+new_doctype_token = (name) ->
+       return new Node TYPE_DOCTYPE, name: name
+new_eof_token = ->
+       return new Node TYPE_EOF
+new_afe_marker = ->
+       return new Node TYPE_AFE_MARKER
+new_aaa_bookmark = ->
+       return new Node TYPE_AAA_BOOKMARK
+lc_alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+digits = "0123456789"
+alnum = lc_alpha + uc_alpha + digits
+hex_chars = digits + "abcdefABCDEF"
+is_uc_alpha = (str) ->
+       return str.length is 1 and uc_alpha.indexOf(str) > -1
+is_lc_alpha = (str) ->
+       return str.length is 1 and lc_alpha.indexOf(str) > -1
+# some SVG elements have dashes in them
+tag_name_chars = alnum + "-"
+# http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#space-character
+space_chars = "\u0009\u000a\u000c\u000d\u0020"
+is_space = (txt) ->
+       return txt.length is 1 and space_chars.indexOf(txt) > -1
+is_space_tok = (t) ->
+       return t.type is TYPE_TEXT && t.text.length is 1 and space_chars.indexOf(t.text) > -1
+is_input_hidden_tok = (t) ->
+       return false unless t.type is TYPE_START_TAG
+       for a in t.attrs_a
+               if a[0] is 'type'
+                       if a[1].toLowerCase() is 'hidden'
+                               return true
+                       return false
+       return false
+# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_character#Unicode
+whitespace_chars = "\u0009\u000a\u000b\u000c\u000d\u0020\u0085\u00a0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000"
+unicode_fixes = {}
+unicode_fixes[0x00] = "\uFFFD"
+unicode_fixes[0x80] = "\u20AC"
+unicode_fixes[0x82] = "\u201A"
+unicode_fixes[0x83] = "\u0192"
+unicode_fixes[0x84] = "\u201E"
+unicode_fixes[0x85] = "\u2026"
+unicode_fixes[0x86] = "\u2020"
+unicode_fixes[0x87] = "\u2021"
+unicode_fixes[0x88] = "\u02C6"
+unicode_fixes[0x89] = "\u2030"
+unicode_fixes[0x8A] = "\u0160"
+unicode_fixes[0x8B] = "\u2039"
+unicode_fixes[0x8C] = "\u0152"
+unicode_fixes[0x8E] = "\u017D"
+unicode_fixes[0x91] = "\u2018"
+unicode_fixes[0x92] = "\u2019"
+unicode_fixes[0x93] = "\u201C"
+unicode_fixes[0x94] = "\u201D"
+unicode_fixes[0x95] = "\u2022"
+unicode_fixes[0x96] = "\u2013"
+unicode_fixes[0x97] = "\u2014"
+unicode_fixes[0x98] = "\u02DC"
+unicode_fixes[0x99] = "\u2122"
+unicode_fixes[0x9A] = "\u0161"
+unicode_fixes[0x9B] = "\u203A"
+unicode_fixes[0x9C] = "\u0153"
+unicode_fixes[0x9E] = "\u017E"
+unicode_fixes[0x9F] = "\u0178"
+quirks_yes_pi_prefixes = [
+       "+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//"
+       "-//as//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//"
+       "-//advasoft ltd//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 1//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 2//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 1//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 2//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.0//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 2.1e//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 3.0//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 3.2 final//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 3.2//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html 3//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html level 0//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html level 1//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html level 2//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html level 3//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 0//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 1//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 2//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html strict level 3//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html strict//"
+       "-//ietf//dtd html//"
+       "-//metrius//dtd metrius presentational//"
+       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html strict//"
+       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html//"
+       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 tables//"
+       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html strict//"
+       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html//"
+       "-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 tables//"
+       "-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd html//"
+       "-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd strict html//"
+       "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html 2.0//"
+       "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended 1.0//"
+       "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended relaxed 1.0//"
+       "-//sq//dtd html 2.0 hotmetal + extensions//"
+       "-//softquad software//dtd hotmetal pro 6.0::19990601::extensions to html 4.0//"
+       "-//softquad//dtd hotmetal pro 4.0::19971010::extensions to html 4.0//"
+       "-//spyglass//dtd html 2.0 extended//"
+       "-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava html//"
+       "-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava strict html//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html 3 1995-03-24//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 draft//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 final//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html 3.2s draft//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 frameset//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html experimental 19960712//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd html experimental 970421//"
+       "-//w3c//dtd w3 html//"
+       "-//w3o//dtd w3 html 3.0//"
+       "-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html 2.0//"
+       "-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html//"
+# These are the character references that don't need a terminating semicolon
+# min length: 2, max: 6, none are a prefix of any other.
+legacy_char_refs = {
+       Aacute: 'Á', aacute: 'á', Acirc: 'Â', acirc: 'â', acute: '´', AElig: 'Æ',
+       aelig: 'æ', Agrave: 'À', agrave: 'à', AMP: '&', amp: '&', Aring: 'Å',
+       aring: 'å', Atilde: 'Ã', atilde: 'ã', Auml: 'Ä', auml: 'ä', brvbar: '¦',
+       Ccedil: 'Ç', ccedil: 'ç', cedil: '¸', cent: '¢', COPY: '©', copy: '©',
+       curren: '¤', deg: '°', divide: '÷', Eacute: 'É', eacute: 'é', Ecirc: 'Ê',
+       ecirc: 'ê', Egrave: 'È', egrave: 'è', ETH: 'Ð', eth: 'ð', Euml: 'Ë',
+       euml: 'ë', frac12: '½', frac14: '¼', frac34: '¾', GT: '>', gt: '>',
+       Iacute: 'Í', iacute: 'í', Icirc: 'Î', icirc: 'î', iexcl: '¡', Igrave: 'Ì',
+       igrave: 'ì', iquest: '¿', Iuml: 'Ï', iuml: 'ï', laquo: '«', LT: '<',
+       lt: '<', macr: '¯', micro: 'µ', middot: '·', nbsp: "\u00a0", not: '¬',
+       Ntilde: 'Ñ', ntilde: 'ñ', Oacute: 'Ó', oacute: 'ó', Ocirc: 'Ô', ocirc: 'ô',
+       Ograve: 'Ò', ograve: 'ò', ordf: 'ª', ordm: 'º', Oslash: 'Ø', oslash: 'ø',
+       Otilde: 'Õ', otilde: 'õ', Ouml: 'Ö', ouml: 'ö', para: '¶', plusmn: '±',
+       pound: '£', QUOT: '"', quot: '"', raquo: '»', REG: '®', reg: '®', sect: '§',
+       shy: '­', sup1: '¹', sup2: '²', sup3: '³', szlig: 'ß', THORN: 'Þ', thorn: 'þ',
+       times: '×', Uacute: 'Ú', uacute: 'ú', Ucirc: 'Û', ucirc: 'û', Ugrave: 'Ù',
+       ugrave: 'ù', uml: '¨', Uuml: 'Ü', uuml: 'ü', Yacute: 'Ý', yacute: 'ý',
+       yen: '¥', yuml: 'ÿ'
+void_elements = ['area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']
+raw_text_elements = ['script', 'style']
+escapable_raw_text_elements = ['textarea', 'title']
+# http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/ 1.1 (Second Edition)
+svg_elements = [
+       'a', 'altGlyph', 'altGlyphDef', 'altGlyphItem', 'animate', 'animateColor',
+       'animateMotion', 'animateTransform', 'circle', 'clipPath', 'color-profile',
+       'cursor', 'defs', 'desc', 'ellipse', 'feBlend', 'feColorMatrix',
+       'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix',
+       'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feFlood',
+       'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feImage',
+       'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight',
+       'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence', 'filter',
+       'font', 'font-face', 'font-face-format', 'font-face-name', 'font-face-src',
+       'font-face-uri', 'foreignObject', 'g', 'glyph', 'glyphRef', 'hkern',
+       'image', 'line', 'linearGradient', 'marker', 'mask', 'metadata',
+       'missing-glyph', 'mpath', 'path', 'pattern', 'polygon', 'polyline',
+       'radialGradient', 'rect', 'script', 'set', 'stop', 'style', 'svg',
+       'switch', 'symbol', 'text', 'textPath', 'title', 'tref', 'tspan', 'use',
+       'view', 'vkern'
+# http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML/ Version 3.0 2nd Edition
+mathml_elements = [
+       'abs', 'and', 'annotation', 'annotation-xml', 'apply', 'approx', 'arccos',
+       'arccosh', 'arccot', 'arccoth', 'arccsc', 'arccsch', 'arcsec', 'arcsech',
+       'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctanh', 'arg', 'bind', 'bvar', 'card',
+       'cartesianproduct', 'cbytes', 'ceiling', 'cerror', 'ci', 'cn', 'codomain',
+       'complexes', 'compose', 'condition', 'conjugate', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cot',
+       'coth', 'cs', 'csc', 'csch', 'csymbol', 'curl', 'declare', 'degree',
+       'determinant', 'diff', 'divergence', 'divide', 'domain',
+       'domainofapplication', 'emptyset', 'eq', 'equivalent', 'eulergamma',
+       'exists', 'exp', 'exponentiale', 'factorial', 'factorof', 'false', 'floor',
+       'fn', 'forall', 'gcd', 'geq', 'grad', 'gt', 'ident', 'image', 'imaginary',
+       'imaginaryi', 'implies', 'in', 'infinity', 'int', 'integers', 'intersect',
+       'interval', 'inverse', 'lambda', 'laplacian', 'lcm', 'leq', 'limit',
+       'list', 'ln', 'log', 'logbase', 'lowlimit', 'lt', 'maction', 'maligngroup',
+       'malignmark', 'math', 'matrix', 'matrixrow', 'max', 'mean', 'median',
+       'menclose', 'merror', 'mfenced', 'mfrac', 'mglyph', 'mi', 'mi', 'min',
+       'minus', 'mlabeledtr', 'mlongdiv', 'mmultiscripts', 'mn', 'mo', 'mode',
+       'moment', 'momentabout', 'mover', 'mpadded', 'mphantom', 'mprescripts',
+       'mroot', 'mrow', 'ms', 'mscarries', 'mscarry', 'msgroup', 'msline',
+       'mspace', 'msqrt', 'msrow', 'mstack', 'mstyle', 'msub', 'msubsup', 'msup',
+       'mtable', 'mtd', 'mtext', 'mtr', 'munder', 'munderover', 'naturalnumbers',
+       'neq', 'none', 'not', 'notanumber', 'notin', 'notprsubset', 'notsubset',
+       'or', 'otherwise', 'outerproduct', 'partialdiff', 'pi', 'piece',
+       'piecewise', 'plus', 'power', 'primes', 'product', 'prsubset', 'quotient',
+       'rationals', 'real', 'reals', 'reln', 'rem', 'root', 'scalarproduct',
+       'sdev', 'sec', 'sech', 'selector', 'semantics', 'sep', 'set', 'setdiff',
+       'share', 'sin', 'sinh', 'span', 'subset', 'sum', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tendsto',
+       'times', 'transpose', 'true', 'union', 'uplimit', 'variance', 'vector',
+       'vectorproduct', 'xor'
+# foreign_elements = [svg_elements..., mathml_elements...]
+#normal_elements = All other allowed HTML elements are normal elements.
+special_elements = {
+       # HTML:
+       address:NS_HTML, applet:NS_HTML, area:NS_HTML, article:NS_HTML,
+       aside:NS_HTML, base:NS_HTML, basefont:NS_HTML, bgsound:NS_HTML,
+       blockquote:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML, br:NS_HTML, button:NS_HTML,
+       caption:NS_HTML, center:NS_HTML, col:NS_HTML, colgroup:NS_HTML, dd:NS_HTML,
+       details:NS_HTML, dir:NS_HTML, div:NS_HTML, dl:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML,
+       embed:NS_HTML, fieldset:NS_HTML, figcaption:NS_HTML, figure:NS_HTML,
+       footer:NS_HTML, form:NS_HTML, frame:NS_HTML, frameset:NS_HTML, h1:NS_HTML,
+       h2:NS_HTML, h3:NS_HTML, h4:NS_HTML, h5:NS_HTML, h6:NS_HTML, head:NS_HTML,
+       header:NS_HTML, hgroup:NS_HTML, hr:NS_HTML, html:NS_HTML, iframe:NS_HTML,
+       img:NS_HTML, input:NS_HTML, isindex:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, link:NS_HTML,
+       listing:NS_HTML, main:NS_HTML, marquee:NS_HTML,
+       menu:NS_HTML,menuitem:NS_HTML, # WHATWG adds these
+       meta:NS_HTML, nav:NS_HTML, noembed:NS_HTML, noframes:NS_HTML,
+       noscript:NS_HTML, object:NS_HTML, ol:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, param:NS_HTML,
+       plaintext:NS_HTML, pre:NS_HTML, script:NS_HTML, section:NS_HTML,
+       select:NS_HTML, source:NS_HTML, style:NS_HTML, summary:NS_HTML,
+       table:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML, td:NS_HTML, template:NS_HTML,
+       textarea:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML, th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML, title:NS_HTML,
+       tr:NS_HTML, track:NS_HTML, ul:NS_HTML, wbr:NS_HTML, xmp:NS_HTML,
+       # MathML:
+       mi:NS_MATHML, mo:NS_MATHML, mn:NS_MATHML, ms:NS_MATHML, mtext:NS_MATHML,
+       'annotation-xml':NS_MATHML,
+       # SVG:
+       foreignObject:NS_SVG, desc:NS_SVG, title:NS_SVG
+formatting_elements = {
+        a: true, b: true, big: true, code: true, em: true, font: true, i: true,
+        nobr: true, s: true, small: true, strike: true, strong: true, tt: true,
+        u: true
+mathml_text_integration = {
+       mi: NS_MATHML, mo: NS_MATHML, mn: NS_MATHML, ms: NS_MATHML, mtext: NS_MATHML
+is_mathml_text_integration_point = (el) ->
+       return mathml_text_integration[el.name] is el.namespace
+is_html_integration = (el) -> # DON'T PASS A TOKEN
+       if el.namespace is NS_MATHML
+               if el.name is 'annotation-xml'
+                       if el.attrs.encoding?
+                               if el.attrs.encoding.toLowerCase() is 'text/html'
+                                       return true
+                               if el.attrs.encoding.toLowerCase() is 'application/xhtml+xml'
+                                       return true
+               return false
+       if el.namespace is NS_SVG
+               if el.name is 'foreignObject' or el.name is 'desc' or el.name is 'title'
+                       return true
+       return false
+h_tags = {
+       h1:NS_HTML, h2:NS_HTML, h3:NS_HTML, h4:NS_HTML, h5:NS_HTML, h6:NS_HTML
+foster_parenting_targets = {
+       table: NS_HTML
+       tbody: NS_HTML
+       tfoot: NS_HTML
+       thead: NS_HTML
+       tr: NS_HTML
+end_tag_implied = {
+       dd: NS_HTML
+       dt: NS_HTML
+       li: NS_HTML
+       option: NS_HTML
+       optgroup: NS_HTML
+       p: NS_HTML
+       rb: NS_HTML
+       rp: NS_HTML
+       rt: NS_HTML
+       rtc: NS_HTML
+el_is_special = (e) ->
+       return special_elements[e.name] is e.namespace
+adp_els = { address: NS_HTML, div: NS_HTML, p: NS_HTML }
+el_is_special_not_adp = (el) ->
+       return special_elements[el.name] is el.namespace and adp_els[el.name] isnt el.namespace
+svg_name_fixes = {
+       altglyph: 'altGlyph'
+       altglyphdef: 'altGlyphDef'
+       altglyphitem: 'altGlyphItem'
+       animatecolor: 'animateColor'
+       animatemotion: 'animateMotion'
+       animatetransform: 'animateTransform'
+       clippath: 'clipPath'
+       feblend: 'feBlend'
+       fecolormatrix: 'feColorMatrix'
+       fecomponenttransfer: 'feComponentTransfer'
+       fecomposite: 'feComposite'
+       feconvolvematrix: 'feConvolveMatrix'
+       fediffuselighting: 'feDiffuseLighting'
+       fedisplacementmap: 'feDisplacementMap'
+       fedistantlight: 'feDistantLight'
+       fedropshadow: 'feDropShadow'
+       feflood: 'feFlood'
+       fefunca: 'feFuncA'
+       fefuncb: 'feFuncB'
+       fefuncg: 'feFuncG'
+       fefuncr: 'feFuncR'
+       fegaussianblur: 'feGaussianBlur'
+       feimage: 'feImage'
+       femerge: 'feMerge'
+       femergenode: 'feMergeNode'
+       femorphology: 'feMorphology'
+       feoffset: 'feOffset'
+       fepointlight: 'fePointLight'
+       fespecularlighting: 'feSpecularLighting'
+       fespotlight: 'feSpotLight'
+       fetile: 'feTile'
+       feturbulence: 'feTurbulence'
+       foreignobject: 'foreignObject'
+       glyphref: 'glyphRef'
+       lineargradient: 'linearGradient'
+       radialgradient: 'radialGradient'
+       textpath: 'textPath'
+svg_attribute_fixes = {
+       attributename: 'attributeName'
+       attributetype: 'attributeType'
+       basefrequency: 'baseFrequency'
+       baseprofile: 'baseProfile'
+       calcmode: 'calcMode'
+       clippathunits: 'clipPathUnits'
+       contentscripttype: 'contentScriptType'
+       contentstyletype: 'contentStyleType'
+       diffuseconstant: 'diffuseConstant'
+       edgemode: 'edgeMode'
+       externalresourcesrequired: 'externalResourcesRequired'
+       # WHATWG removes this: filterres: 'filterRes'
+       filterunits: 'filterUnits'
+       glyphref: 'glyphRef'
+       gradienttransform: 'gradientTransform'
+       gradientunits: 'gradientUnits'
+       kernelmatrix: 'kernelMatrix'
+       kernelunitlength: 'kernelUnitLength'
+       keypoints: 'keyPoints'
+       keysplines: 'keySplines'
+       keytimes: 'keyTimes'
+       lengthadjust: 'lengthAdjust'
+       limitingconeangle: 'limitingConeAngle'
+       markerheight: 'markerHeight'
+       markerunits: 'markerUnits'
+       markerwidth: 'markerWidth'
+       maskcontentunits: 'maskContentUnits'
+       maskunits: 'maskUnits'
+       numoctaves: 'numOctaves'
+       pathlength: 'pathLength'
+       patterncontentunits: 'patternContentUnits'
+       patterntransform: 'patternTransform'
+       patternunits: 'patternUnits'
+       pointsatx: 'pointsAtX'
+       pointsaty: 'pointsAtY'
+       pointsatz: 'pointsAtZ'
+       preservealpha: 'preserveAlpha'
+       preserveaspectratio: 'preserveAspectRatio'
+       primitiveunits: 'primitiveUnits'
+       refx: 'refX'
+       refy: 'refY'
+       repeatcount: 'repeatCount'
+       repeatdur: 'repeatDur'
+       requiredextensions: 'requiredExtensions'
+       requiredfeatures: 'requiredFeatures'
+       specularconstant: 'specularConstant'
+       specularexponent: 'specularExponent'
+       spreadmethod: 'spreadMethod'
+       startoffset: 'startOffset'
+       stddeviation: 'stdDeviation'
+       stitchtiles: 'stitchTiles'
+       surfacescale: 'surfaceScale'
+       systemlanguage: 'systemLanguage'
+       tablevalues: 'tableValues'
+       targetx: 'targetX'
+       targety: 'targetY'
+       textlength: 'textLength'
+       viewbox: 'viewBox'
+       viewtarget: 'viewTarget'
+       xchannelselector: 'xChannelSelector'
+       ychannelselector: 'yChannelSelector'
+       zoomandpan: 'zoomAndPan'
+foreign_attr_fixes = {
+       'xlink:actuate': 'xlink actuate'
+       'xlink:arcrole': 'xlink arcrole'
+       'xlink:href': 'xlink href'
+       'xlink:role': 'xlink role'
+       'xlink:show': 'xlink show'
+       'xlink:title': 'xlink title'
+       'xlink:type': 'xlink type'
+       'xml:base': 'xml base'
+       'xml:lang': 'xml lang'
+       'xml:space': 'xml space'
+       'xmlns': 'xmlns'
+       'xmlns:xlink': 'xmlns xlink'
+adjust_mathml_attributes = (t) ->
+       for a in t.attrs_a
+               if a[0] is 'definitionurl'
+                       a[0] = 'definitionURL'
+       return
+adjust_svg_attributes = (t) ->
+       for a in t.attrs_a
+               if svg_attribute_fixes[a[0]]?
+                       a[0] = svg_attribute_fixes[a[0]]
+       return
+adjust_foreign_attributes = (t) ->
+       # fixfull
+       for a in t.attrs_a
+               if foreign_attr_fixes[a[0]]?
+                       a[0] = foreign_attr_fixes[a[0]]
+       return
+# decode_named_char_ref()
+# The list of named character references is _huge_ so if we're running in a
+# browser, we get the browser to decode them, rather than increasing the code
+# size to include the table.
+if context is 'module'
+       _decode_named_char_ref = require './parser_no_browser_helper.coffee'
+       # TODO test this in IE8
+       decode_named_char_ref_el = document.createElement('textarea')
+       _decode_named_char_ref = (txt) ->
+               txt = "&#{txt};"
+               decode_named_char_ref_el.innerHTML = txt
+               decoded = decode_named_char_ref_el.value
+               return null if decoded is txt
+               return decoded
+# Pass the name of a named entity _that has a terminating semicolon_
+# Entities without terminating semicolons should use legacy_char_refs[]
+# Do not include the "&" or ";" in your argument, eg pass "alpha"
+decode_named_char_ref_cache = {}
+decode_named_char_ref = (txt) ->
+       decoded = decode_named_char_ref_cache[txt]
+       return decoded if decoded?
+       decoded = _decode_named_char_ref txt
+       return decode_named_char_ref_cache[txt] = decoded
+parse_html = (args_html, args = {}) ->
+       txt = null
+       cur = null # index of next char in txt to be parsed
+       # declare doc and tokenizer variables so they're in scope below
+       doc = null
+       open_els = null # stack of open elements
+       afe = null # active formatting elements
+       template_ins_modes = null
+       ins_mode = null
+       original_ins_mode = null
+       tok_state = null
+       tok_cur_tag = null # partially parsed tag
+       flag_scripting = null
+       flag_frameset_ok = null
+       flag_parsing = null
+       flag_foster_parenting = null
+       form_element_pointer = null
+       temporary_buffer = null
+       pending_table_character_tokens = null
+       head_element_pointer = null
+       flag_fragment_parsing = null
+       context_element = null
+       stop_parsing = ->
+               flag_parsing = false
+               return
+       parse_error = ->
+               if args.error_cb?
+                       args.error_cb cur
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#push-onto-the-list-of-active-formatting-elements
+       # "Noah's Ark clause" but with three
+       afe_push = (new_el) ->
+               matches = 0
+               for el, i in afe
+                       if el.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
+                               break
+                       if el.name is new_el.name and el.namespace is new_el.namespace
+                               attrs_match = true
+                               for k, v of el.attrs
+                                       unless new_el.attrs[k] is v
+                                               attrs_match = false
+                                               break
+                               if attrs_match
+                                       for k, v of new_el.attrs
+                                               unless el.attrs[k] is v
+                                                       attrs_match = false
+                                                       break
+                               if attrs_match
+                                       matches += 1
+                                       if matches is 3
+                                               afe.splice i, 1
+                                               break
+               afe.unshift new_el
+               return
+       afe_push_marker = ->
+               afe.unshift new_afe_marker()
+               return
+       # the functions below impliment the Tree Contstruction algorithm
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tree-construction
+       # But first... the helpers
+       template_tag_is_open = ->
+               for el in open_els
+                       if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               return true
+               return false
+       is_in_scope_x = (tag_name, scope, namespace) ->
+               for el in open_els
+                       if el.name is tag_name and (namespace is null or namespace is el.namespace)
+                               return true
+                       if scope[el.name] is el.namespace
+                               return false
+               return false
+       is_in_scope_x_y = (tag_name, scope, scope2, namespace) ->
+               for el in open_els
+                       if el.name is tag_name and (namespace is null or namespace is el.namespace)
+                               return true
+                       if scope[el.name] is el.namespace
+                               return false
+                       if scope2[el.name] is el.namespace
+                               return false
+               return false
+       standard_scopers = {
+               applet: NS_HTML, caption: NS_HTML, html: NS_HTML, table: NS_HTML,
+               td: NS_HTML, th: NS_HTML, marquee: NS_HTML, object: NS_HTML,
+               template: NS_HTML,
+               mi: NS_MATHML, mo: NS_MATHML, mn: NS_MATHML, ms: NS_MATHML,
+               mtext: NS_MATHML, 'annotation-xml': NS_MATHML,
+               foreignObject: NS_SVG, desc: NS_SVG, title: NS_SVG
+       }
+       button_scopers = button: NS_HTML
+       li_scopers = ol: NS_HTML, ul: NS_HTML
+       table_scopers = html: NS_HTML, table: NS_HTML, template: NS_HTML
+       is_in_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
+               return is_in_scope_x tag_name, standard_scopers, namespace
+       is_in_button_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
+               return is_in_scope_x_y tag_name, standard_scopers, button_scopers, namespace
+       is_in_table_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
+               return is_in_scope_x tag_name, table_scopers, namespace
+       # aka is_in_list_item_scope
+       is_in_li_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
+               return is_in_scope_x_y tag_name, standard_scopers, li_scopers, namespace
+       is_in_select_scope = (tag_name, namespace = null) ->
+               for t in open_els
+                       if t.name is tag_name and (namespace is null or namespace is t.namespace)
+                               return true
+                       if t.namespace isnt NS_HTML and t.name isnt 'optgroup' and t.name isnt 'option'
+                               return false
+               return false
+       # this checks for a particular element, not by name
+       # this requires a namespace match
+       el_is_in_scope = (needle) ->
+               for el in open_els
+                       if el is needle
+                               return true
+                       if standard_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
+                               return false
+               return false
+       clear_to_table_stopers = {
+               'table': true
+               'template': true
+               'html': true
+       }
+       clear_stack_to_table_context = ->
+               loop
+                       if clear_to_table_stopers[open_els[0].name]?
+                               break
+                       open_els.shift()
+               return
+       clear_to_table_body_stopers = {
+               tbody: NS_HTML
+               tfoot: NS_HTML
+               thead: NS_HTML
+               template: NS_HTML
+               html: NS_HTML
+       }
+       clear_stack_to_table_body_context = ->
+               loop
+                       if clear_to_table_body_stopers[open_els[0].name] is open_els[0].namespace
+                               break
+                       open_els.shift()
+               return
+       clear_to_table_row_stopers = {
+               'tr': true
+               'template': true
+               'html': true
+       }
+       clear_stack_to_table_row_context = ->
+               loop
+                       if clear_to_table_row_stopers[open_els[0].name]?
+                               break
+                       open_els.shift()
+               return
+       clear_afe_to_marker = ->
+               loop
+                       return unless afe.length > 0 # this happens in fragment case, ?spec error
+                       el = afe.shift()
+                       if el.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
+                               return
+               return
+       # ...
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#reset-the-insertion-mode-appropriately
+       reset_ins_mode = ->
+               # 1. Let last be false.
+               last = false
+               # 2. Let node be the last node in the stack of open elements.
+               node_i = 0
+               node = open_els[node_i]
+               # 3. Loop: If node is the first node in the stack of open elements,
+               # then set last to true, and, if the parser was originally created as
+               # part of the HTML fragment parsing algorithm (fragment case) set node
+               # to the context element.
+               loop
+                       if node_i is open_els.length - 1
+                               last = true
+                               if flag_fragment_parsing
+                                       node = context_element
+                       # 4. If node is a select element, run these substeps:
+                       if node.name is 'select' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               # 1. If last is true, jump to the step below labeled done.
+                               unless last
+                                       # 2. Let ancestor be node.
+                                       ancestor_i = node_i
+                                       ancestor = node
+                                       # 3. Loop: If ancestor is the first node in the stack of
+                                       # open elements, jump to the step below labeled done.
+                                       loop
+                                               if ancestor_i is open_els.length - 1
+                                                       break
+                                               # 4. Let ancestor be the node before ancestor in the stack
+                                               # of open elements.
+                                               ancestor_i += 1
+                                               ancestor = open_els[ancestor_i]
+                                               # 5. If ancestor is a template node, jump to the step below
+                                               # labeled done.
+                                               if ancestor.name is 'template' and ancestor.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                                       break
+                                               # 6. If ancestor is a table node, switch the insertion mode
+                                               # to "in select in table" and abort these steps.
+                                               if ancestor.name is 'table' and ancestor.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select_in_table
+                                                       return
+                                               # 7. Jump back to the step labeled loop.
+                               # 8. Done: Switch the insertion mode to "in select" and abort
+                               # these steps.
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select
+                               return
+                       # 5. If node is a td or th element and last is false, then switch
+                       # the insertion mode to "in cell" and abort these steps.
+                       if (node.name is 'td' or node.name is 'th') and node.namespace is NS_HTML and last is false
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_cell
+                               return
+                       # 6. If node is a tr element, then switch the insertion mode to "in
+                       # row" and abort these steps.
+                       if node.name is 'tr' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
+                               return
+                       # 7. If node is a tbody, thead, or tfoot element, then switch the
+                       # insertion mode to "in table body" and abort these steps.
+                       if (node.name is 'tbody' or node.name is 'thead' or node.name is 'tfoot') and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
+                               return
+                       # 8. If node is a caption element, then switch the insertion mode
+                       # to "in caption" and abort these steps.
+                       if node.name is 'caption' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_caption
+                               return
+                       # 9. If node is a colgroup element, then switch the insertion mode
+                       # to "in column group" and abort these steps.
+                       if node.name is 'colgroup' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
+                               return
+                       # 10. If node is a table element, then switch the insertion mode to
+                       # "in table" and abort these steps.
+                       if node.name is 'table' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                               return
+                       # 11. If node is a template element, then switch the insertion mode
+                       # to the current template insertion mode and abort these steps.
+                       if node.name is 'template' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = template_ins_modes[0]
+                               return
+                       # 12. If node is a head element and last is true, then switch the
+                       # insertion mode to "in body" ("in body"! not "in head"!) and abort
+                       # these steps. (fragment case)
+                       if node.name is 'head' and node.namespace is NS_HTML and last
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+                               return
+                       # 13. If node is a head element and last is false, then switch the
+                       # insertion mode to "in head" and abort these steps.
+                       if node.name is 'head' and node.namespace is NS_HTML and last is false
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
+                               return
+                       # 14. If node is a body element, then switch the insertion mode to
+                       # "in body" and abort these steps.
+                       if node.name is 'body' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+                               return
+                       # 15. If node is a frameset element, then switch the insertion mode
+                       # to "in frameset" and abort these steps. (fragment case)
+                       if node.name is 'frameset' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_frameset
+                               return
+                       # 16. If node is an html element, run these substeps:
+                       if node.name is 'html' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               # 1. If the head element pointer is null, switch the insertion
+                               # mode to "before head" and abort these steps. (fragment case)
+                               if head_element_pointer is null
+                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_before_head
+                               else
+                                       # 2. Otherwise, the head element pointer is not null,
+                                       # switch the insertion mode to "after head" and abort these
+                                       # steps.
+                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_head
+                               return
+                       # 17. If last is true, then switch the insertion mode to "in body"
+                       # and abort these steps. (fragment case)
+                       if last
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+                               return
+                       # 18. Let node now be the node before node in the stack of open
+                       # elements.
+                       node_i += 1
+                       node = open_els[node_i]
+                       # 19. Return to the step labeled loop.
+               return
+       #
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#adjusted-current-node
+       adjusted_current_node = ->
+               if open_els.length is 1 and flag_fragment_parsing
+                       return context_element
+               return open_els[0]
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#reconstruct-the-active-formatting-elements
+       # this implementation is structured (mostly) as described at the link above.
+       # capitalized comments are the "labels" described at the link above.
+       reconstruct_afe = ->
+               return if afe.length is 0
+               if afe[0].type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER or afe[0] in open_els
+                       return
+               # Rewind
+               i = 0
+               loop
+                       if i is afe.length - 1
+                               break
+                       i += 1
+                       if afe[i].type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER or afe[i] in open_els
+                               i -= 1 # Advance
+                               break
+               # Create
+               loop
+                       el = insert_html_element afe[i].token
+                       afe[i] = el
+                       break if i is 0
+                       i -= 1 # Advance
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#adoption-agency-algorithm
+       # adoption agency algorithm
+       # overview here:
+       #   http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#misnested-tags:-b-i-/b-/i
+       #   http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#misnested-tags:-b-p-/b-/p
+       #   http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#unclosed-formatting-elements
+       adoption_agency = (subject) ->
+# this block implements tha W3C spec
+#              # 1. If the current node is an HTML element whose tag name is subject,
+#              # then run these substeps:
+#              #
+#              # 1. Let element be the current node.
+#              #
+#              # 2. Pop element off the stack of open elements.
+#              #
+#              # 3. If element is also in the list of active formatting elements,
+#              # remove the element from the list.
+#              #
+#              # 4. Abort the adoption agency algorithm.
+#              if open_els[0].name is subject and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+#                      el = open_els.shift()
+#                      # remove it from the list of active formatting elements (if found)
+#                      for t, i in afe
+#                              if t is el
+#                                      afe.splice i, 1
+#                                      break
+#                      return
+# WHATWG: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#adoption-agency-algorithm
+               # If the current node is an HTML element whose tag name is subject, and
+               # the current node is not in the list of active formatting elements,
+               # then pop the current node off the stack of open elements, and abort
+               # these steps.
+               if open_els[0].name is subject and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                       # remove it from the list of active formatting elements (if found)
+                       in_afe = false
+                       for el, i in afe
+                               if el is open_els[0]
+                                       in_afe = true
+                                       break
+                       unless in_afe
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               return
+                       # fall through
+               outer = 0
+               loop
+                       if outer >= 8
+                               return
+                       outer += 1
+                       # 5. Let formatting element be the last element in the list of
+                       # active formatting elements that: is between the end of the list
+                       # and the last scope marker in the list, if any, or the start of
+                       # the list otherwise, and  has the tag name subject.
+                       fe = null
+                       for t, fe_of_afe in afe
+                               if t.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
+                                       break
+                               if t.name is subject
+                                       fe = t
+                                       break
+                       # If there is no such element, then abort these steps and instead
+                       # act as described in the "any other end tag" entry above.
+                       if fe is null
+                               in_body_any_other_end_tag subject
+                               return
+                       # 6. If formatting element is not in the stack of open elements,
+                       # then this is a parse error; remove the element from the list, and
+                       # abort these steps.
+                       in_open_els = false
+                       for t, fe_of_open_els in open_els
+                               if t is fe
+                                       in_open_els = true
+                                       break
+                       unless in_open_els
+                               parse_error()
+                               # "remove it from the list" must mean afe, since it's not in open_els
+                               afe.splice fe_of_afe, 1
+                               return
+                       # 7. If formatting element is in the stack of open elements, but
+                       # the element is not in scope, then this is a parse error; abort
+                       # these steps.
+                       unless el_is_in_scope fe
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       # 8. If formatting element is not the current node, this is a parse
+                       # error. (But do not abort these steps.)
+                       unless open_els[0] is fe
+                               parse_error()
+                               # continue
+                       # 9. Let furthest block be the topmost node in the stack of open
+                       # elements that is lower in the stack than formatting element, and
+                       # is an element in the special category. There might not be one.
+                       fb = null
+                       fb_of_open_els = null
+                       for t, i in open_els
+                               if t is fe
+                                       break
+                               if el_is_special t
+                                       fb = t
+                                       fb_of_open_els = i
+                                       # and continue, to see if there's one that's more "topmost"
+                       # 10. If there is no furthest block, then the UA must first pop all
+                       # the nodes from the bottom of the stack of open elements, from the
+                       # current node up to and including formatting element, then remove
+                       # formatting element from the list of active formatting elements,
+                       # and finally abort these steps.
+                       if fb is null
+                               loop
+                                       t = open_els.shift()
+                                       if t is fe
+                                               afe.splice fe_of_afe, 1
+                                               return
+                       # 11. Let common ancestor be the element immediately above
+                       # formatting element in the stack of open elements.
+                       ca = open_els[fe_of_open_els + 1] # common ancestor
+                       node_above = open_els[fb_of_open_els + 1] # next node if node isn't in open_els anymore
+                       # 12. Let a bookmark note the position of formatting element in the list of active formatting elements relative to the elements on either side of it in the list.
+                       bookmark = new_aaa_bookmark()
+                       for t, i in afe
+                               if t is fe
+                                       afe.splice i, 0, bookmark
+                                       break
+                       node = last_node = fb
+                       inner = 0
+                       loop
+                               inner += 1
+                               # 3. Let node be the element immediately above node in the
+                               # stack of open elements, or if node is no longer in the stack
+                               # of open elements (e.g. because it got removed by this
+                               # algorithm), the element that was immediately above node in
+                               # the stack of open elements before node was removed.
+                               node_next = null
+                               for t, i in open_els
+                                       if t is node
+                                               node_next = open_els[i + 1]
+                                               break
+                               node = node_next ? node_above
+                               # TODO make sure node_above gets re-set if/when node is removed from open_els
+                               # 4. If node is formatting element, then go to the next step in
+                               # the overall algorithm.
+                               if node is fe
+                                       break
+                               # 5. If inner loop counter is greater than three and node is in
+                               # the list of active formatting elements, then remove node from
+                               # the list of active formatting elements.
+                               node_in_afe = false
+                               for t, i in afe
+                                       if t is node
+                                               if inner > 3
+                                                       afe.splice i, 1
+                                               else
+                                                       node_in_afe = true
+                                               break
+                               # 6. If node is not in the list of active formatting elements,
+                               # then remove node from the stack of open elements and then go
+                               # back to the step labeled inner loop.
+                               unless node_in_afe
+                                       for t, i in open_els
+                                               if t is node
+                                                       node_above = open_els[i + 1]
+                                                       open_els.splice i, 1
+                                                       break
+                                       continue
+                               # 7. create an element for the token for which the element node
+                               # was created, in the HTML namespace, with common ancestor as
+                               # the intended parent; replace the entry for node in the list
+                               # of active formatting elements with an entry for the new
+                               # element, replace the entry for node in the stack of open
+                               # elements with an entry for the new element, and let node be
+                               # the new element.
+                               new_node = token_to_element node.token, NS_HTML, ca
+                               for t, i in afe
+                                       if t is node
+                                               afe[i] = new_node
+                                               break
+                               for t, i in open_els
+                                       if t is node
+                                               node_above = open_els[i + 1]
+                                               open_els[i] = new_node
+                                               break
+                               node = new_node
+                               # 8. If last node is furthest block, then move the
+                               # aforementioned bookmark to be immediately after the new node
+                               # in the list of active formatting elements.
+                               if last_node is fb
+                                       for t, i in afe
+                                               if t is bookmark
+                                                       afe.splice i, 1
+                                                       break
+                                       for t, i in afe
+                                               if t is node
+                                                       # "after" means lower
+                                                       afe.splice i, 0, bookmark # "after as <-
+                                                       break
+                               # 9. Insert last node into node, first removing it from its
+                               # previous parent node if any.
+                               if last_node.parent?
+                                       for c, i in last_node.parent.children
+                                               if c is last_node
+                                                       last_node.parent.children.splice i, 1
+                                                       break
+                               node.children.push last_node
+                               last_node.parent = node
+                               # 10. Let last node be node.
+                               last_node = node
+                               # 11. Return to the step labeled inner loop.
+                       # 14. Insert whatever last node ended up being in the previous step
+                       # at the appropriate place for inserting a node, but using common
+                       # ancestor as the override target.
+                       # In the case where fe is immediately followed by fb:
+                       #   * inner loop exits out early (node==fe)
+                       #   * last_node is fb
+                       #   * last_node is still in the tree (not a duplicate)
+                       if last_node.parent?
+                               for c, i in last_node.parent.children
+                                       if c is last_node
+                                               last_node.parent.children.splice i, 1
+                                               break
+                       # can't use standard insert token thing, because it's already in
+                       # open_els and must stay at it's current position in open_els
+                       dest = adjusted_insertion_location ca
+                       dest[0].children.splice dest[1], 0, last_node
+                       last_node.parent = dest[0]
+                       # 15. Create an element for the token for which formatting element
+                       # was created, in the HTML namespace, with furthest block as the
+                       # intended parent.
+                       new_element = token_to_element fe.token, NS_HTML, fb
+                       # 16. Take all of the child nodes of furthest block and append them
+                       # to the element created in the last step.
+                       while fb.children.length
+                               t = fb.children.shift()
+                               t.parent = new_element
+                               new_element.children.push t
+                       # 17. Append that new element to furthest block.
+                       new_element.parent = fb
+                       fb.children.push new_element
+                       # 18. Remove formatting element from the list of active formatting
+                       # elements, and insert the new element into the list of active
+                       # formatting elements at the position of the aforementioned
+                       # bookmark.
+                       for t, i in afe
+                               if t is fe
+                                       afe.splice i, 1
+                                       break
+                       for t, i in afe
+                               if t is bookmark
+                                       afe[i] = new_element
+                                       break
+                       # 19. Remove formatting element from the stack of open elements,
+                       # and insert the new element into the stack of open elements
+                       # immediately below the position of furthest block in that stack.
+                       for t, i in open_els
+                               if t is fe
+                                       open_els.splice i, 1
+                                       break
+                       for t, i in open_els
+                               if t is fb
+                                       open_els.splice i, 0, new_element
+                                       break
+                       # 20. Jump back to the step labeled outer loop.
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#close-a-p-element
+       close_p_element = ->
+               generate_implied_end_tags 'p' # arg is exception
+               unless open_els[0].name is 'p' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                       parse_error()
+               while open_els.length > 1 # just in case
+                       el = open_els.shift()
+                       if el.name is 'p' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               return
+               return
+       close_p_if_in_button_scope = ->
+               if is_in_button_scope 'p', NS_HTML
+                       close_p_element()
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-a-character
+       # aka insert_a_character = (t) ->
+       insert_character = (t) ->
+               dest = adjusted_insertion_location()
+               # fixfull check for Document node
+               if dest[1] > 0
+                       prev = dest[0].children[dest[1] - 1]
+                       if prev.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                               prev.text += t.text
+                               return
+               dest[0].children.splice dest[1], 0, t
+               return
+       # 8.2.5 http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tree-construction
+       process_token = (t) ->
+               acn = adjusted_current_node()
+               unless acn?
+                       ins_mode t
+                       return
+               if acn.namespace is NS_HTML
+                       ins_mode t
+                       return
+               if is_mathml_text_integration_point(acn)
+                       if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and not (t.name is 'mglyph' or t.name is 'malignmark')
+                               ins_mode t
+                               return
+                       if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                               ins_mode t
+                               return
+               if acn.namespace is NS_MATHML and acn.name is 'annotation-xml' and t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'svg'
+                       ins_mode t
+                       return
+               if is_html_integration acn
+                       if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG or t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                               ins_mode t
+                               return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       ins_mode t
+                       return
+               in_foreign_content t
+               return
+       #
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#creating-and-inserting-nodes
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#appropriate-place-for-inserting-a-node
+       adjusted_insertion_location = (override_target = null) ->
+               # 1. If there was an override target specified, then let target be the
+               # override target.
+               if override_target?
+                       target = override_target
+               else # Otherwise, let target be the current node.
+                       target = open_els[0]
+               # 2. Determine the adjusted insertion location using the first matching
+               # steps from the following list:
+               #
+               # If foster parenting is enabled and target is a table, tbody, tfoot,
+               # thead, or tr element Foster parenting happens when content is
+               # misnested in tables.
+               if flag_foster_parenting and foster_parenting_targets[target.name] is target.namespace
+                       loop # once. this is here so we can ``break`` to "abort these substeps"
+                               # 1. Let last template be the last template element in the
+                               # stack of open elements, if any.
+                               last_template = null
+                               last_template_i = null
+                               for el, i in open_els
+                                       if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               last_template = el
+                                               last_template_i = i
+                                               break
+                               # 2. Let last table be the last table element in the stack of
+                               # open elements, if any.
+                               last_table = null
+                               last_table_i
+                               for el, i in open_els
+                                       if el.name is 'table' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               last_table = el
+                                               last_table_i = i
+                                               break
+                               # 3. If there is a last template and either there is no last
+                               # table, or there is one, but last template is lower (more
+                               # recently added) than last table in the stack of open
+                               # elements, then: let adjusted insertion location be inside
+                               # last template's template contents, after its last child (if
+                               # any), and abort these substeps.
+                               if last_template and (last_table is null or last_template_i < last_table_i)
+                                       target = last_template # fixfull should be it's contents
+                                       target_i = target.children.length
+                                       break
+                               # 4. If there is no last table, then let adjusted insertion
+                               # location be inside the first element in the stack of open
+                               # elements (the html element), after its last child (if any),
+                               # and abort these substeps. (fragment case)
+                               if last_table is null
+                                       # this is odd
+                                       target = open_els[open_els.length - 1]
+                                       target_i = target.children.length
+                                       break
+                               # 5. If last table has a parent element, then let adjusted
+                               # insertion location be inside last table's parent element,
+                               # immediately before last table, and abort these substeps.
+                               if last_table.parent?
+                                       for c, i in last_table.parent.children
+                                               if c is last_table
+                                                       target = last_table.parent
+                                                       target_i = i
+                                                       break
+                                       break
+                               # 6. Let previous element be the element immediately above last
+                               # table in the stack of open elements.
+                               #
+                               # huh? how could it not have a parent?
+                               previous_element = open_els[last_table_i + 1]
+                               # 7. Let adjusted insertion location be inside previous
+                               # element, after its last child (if any).
+                               target = previous_element
+                               target_i = target.children.length
+                               # Note: These steps are involved in part because it's possible
+                               # for elements, the table element in this case in particular,
+                               # to have been moved by a script around in the DOM, or indeed
+                               # removed from the DOM entirely, after the element was inserted
+                               # by the parser.
+                               break # don't really loop
+               else
+                       # Otherwise Let adjusted insertion location be inside target, after
+                       # its last child (if any).
+                       target_i = target.children.length
+               # 3. If the adjusted insertion location is inside a template element,
+               # let it instead be inside the template element's template contents,
+               # after its last child (if any).
+               # fixfull (template)
+               # 4. Return the adjusted insertion location.
+               return [target, target_i]
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#create-an-element-for-the-token
+       # aka create_an_element_for_token
+       token_to_element = (t, namespace, intended_parent) ->
+               # convert attributes into a hash
+               attrs = {}
+               for a in t.attrs_a
+                       attrs[a[0]] = a[1] # TODO check what to do with dupilcate attrs
+               el = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: t.name, namespace: namespace, attrs: attrs, token: t
+               # TODO 2. If the newly created element has an xmlns attribute in the
+               # XMLNS namespace whose value is not exactly the same as the element's
+               # namespace, that is a parse error. Similarly, if the newly created
+               # element has an xmlns:xlink attribute in the XMLNS namespace whose
+               # value is not the XLink Namespace, that is a parse error.
+               # fixfull: the spec says stuff about form pointers and ownerDocument
+               return el
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-a-foreign-element
+       insert_foreign_element = (token, namespace) ->
+               ail = adjusted_insertion_location()
+               ail_el = ail[0]
+               ail_i = ail[1]
+               el = token_to_element token, namespace, ail_el
+               # TODO skip this next step if it's broken (eg ail_el is document with child already)
+               el.parent = ail_el
+               ail_el.children.splice ail_i, 0, el
+               open_els.unshift el
+               return el
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-an-html-element
+       insert_html_element = (token) ->
+               return insert_foreign_element token, NS_HTML
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#insert-a-comment
+       # position should be [node, index_within_children]
+       insert_comment = (t, position = null) ->
+               position ?= adjusted_insertion_location()
+               position[0].children.splice position[1], 0, t
+               return
+       #
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#generic-raw-text-element-parsing-algorithm
+       parse_generic_raw_text = (t) ->
+               insert_html_element t
+               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
+               original_ins_mode = ins_mode
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_text
+               return
+       parse_generic_rcdata_text = (t) ->
+               insert_html_element t
+               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
+               original_ins_mode = ins_mode
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_text
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#closing-elements-that-have-implied-end-tags
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#generate-implied-end-tags
+       generate_implied_end_tags = (except = null) ->
+               while end_tag_implied[open_els[0].name] is open_els[0].namespace and open_els[0].name isnt except
+                       open_els.shift()
+               return
+       # The rules for parsing tokens in HTML content
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inhtml
+       # The "initial" insertion mode
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-initial-insertion-mode
+       is_quirks_yes_doctype = (t) ->
+               if t.flag 'force-quirks'
+                       return true
+               if t.name isnt 'html'
+                       return true
+               if t.public_identifier?
+                       pi = t.public_identifier.toLowerCase()
+                       for p in quirks_yes_pi_prefixes
+                               if pi.substr(0, p.length) is p
+                                       return true
+                       if pi is '-//w3o//dtd w3 html strict 3.0//en//' or pi is '-/w3c/dtd html 4.0 transitional/en' or pi is 'html'
+                               return true
+               if t.system_identifier?
+                       if t.system_identifier.toLowerCase() is 'http://www.ibm.com/data/dtd/v11/ibmxhtml1-transitional.dtd'
+                               return true
+               else if t.public_identifier?
+                       # already did this: pi = t.public_identifier.toLowerCase()
+                       if pi.substr(0, 32) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//' or pi.substr(0, 36) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//'
+                               return true
+               return false
+       is_quirks_limited_doctype = (t) ->
+               if t.public_identifier?
+                       pi = t.public_identifier.toLowerCase()
+                       if pi.substr(0, 32) is '-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 frameset//' or pi.substr(0, 36) is '-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//'
+                               return true
+                       if t.system_identifier?
+                               if pi.substr(0, 32) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//' or pi.substr(0, 36) is '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//'
+                                       return true
+               return false
+       ins_mode_initial = (t) ->
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       # ?fixfull
+                       doc.children.push t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       # fixfull syntax error from first paragraph and following bullets
+                       # fixfull set doc.doctype
+                       # fixfull is the "not an iframe srcdoc" thing relevant?
+                       if is_quirks_yes_doctype t
+                               doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_YES
+                       else if is_quirks_limited_doctype t
+                               doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_LIMITED
+                       doc.children.push t
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_before_html
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               # fixfull not iframe srcdoc?
+               parse_error()
+               doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_YES
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_before_html
+               process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-before-html-insertion-mode
+       ins_mode_before_html = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       doc.children.push t
+                       return
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       el = token_to_element t, NS_HTML, doc
+                       doc.children.push el
+                       el.document = doc
+                       open_els.unshift(el)
+                       # fixfull (big paragraph in spec about manifest, fragment, urls, etc)
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_before_head
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       if t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br'
+                               # fall through to "anything else"
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+               # Anything else
+               el = token_to_element new_open_tag('html'), NS_HTML, doc
+               doc.children.push el
+               el.document = doc
+               open_els.unshift el
+               # ?fixfull browsing context
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_before_head
+               process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-before-head-insertion-mode
+       ins_mode_before_head = (t) ->
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'head'
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       head_element_pointer = el
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       if t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br'
+                               # fall through to Anything else below
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+               # Anything else
+               el = insert_html_element new_open_tag 'head'
+               head_element_pointer = el
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
+               process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inhead
+       ins_mode_in_head_else = (t) -> # factored out for same-as-spec flow control
+               open_els.shift() # spec says this will be a 'head' node
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_after_head
+               process_token t
+               return
+       ins_mode_in_head = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and (t.text is "\t" or t.text is "\n" or t.text is "\u000c" or t.text is ' ')
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link')
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'meta'
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       # fixfull encoding stuff
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'title'
+                       parse_generic_rcdata_text t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and ((t.name is 'noscript' and flag_scripting) or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'style')
+                       parse_generic_raw_text t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noscript' and flag_scripting is false
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head_noscript
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'script'
+                       ail = adjusted_insertion_location()
+                       el = token_to_element t, NS_HTML, ail
+                       el.flag 'parser-inserted', true
+                       # fixfull frament case
+                       ail[0].children.splice ail[1], 0, el
+                       open_els.unshift el
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+                       original_ins_mode = ins_mode # make sure orig... is defined
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_text
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'head'
+                       open_els.shift() # will be a head element... spec says so
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_head
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br')
+                       ins_mode_in_head_else t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'template'
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       afe_push_marker()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_template
+                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_template
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template'
+                       if template_tag_is_open()
+                               generate_implied_end_tags
+                               if open_els[0].name isnt 'template'
+                                       parse_error()
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               break
+                               clear_afe_to_marker()
+                               template_ins_modes.shift()
+                               reset_ins_mode()
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'head') or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               ins_mode_in_head_else t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inheadnoscript
+       ins_mode_in_head_noscript_else = (t) ->
+               parse_error()
+               open_els.shift()
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
+               process_token t
+               return
+       ins_mode_in_head_noscript = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'noscript'
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_head
+                       return
+               if is_space_tok(t) or t.type is TYPE_COMMENT or (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'style'))
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'br'
+                       ins_mode_in_head_noscript_else t
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'noscript')) or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               ins_mode_in_head_noscript_else t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-after-head-insertion-mode
+       ins_mode_after_head_else = (t) ->
+               body_tok = new_open_tag 'body'
+               insert_html_element body_tok
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+               process_token t
+               return
+       ins_mode_after_head = (t) ->
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'body'
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_frameset
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'style' or t.name is 'template' or t.name is 'title')
+                       parse_error()
+                       open_els.unshift head_element_pointer
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       for el, i in open_els
+                               if el is head_element_pointer
+                                       open_els.splice i, 1
+                                       return
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template'
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'br')
+                       ins_mode_after_head_else t
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'head') or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               ins_mode_after_head_else t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inbody
+       in_body_any_other_end_tag = (name) -> # factored out because adoption agency calls it
+               node = open_els[0]
+               loop
+                       if node.name is name and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               generate_implied_end_tags name # arg is exception
+                               unless node is open_els[0]
+                                       parse_error()
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el is node
+                                               return
+                       if special_elements[node.name] is node.namespace
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       for el, i in open_els
+                               if node is el
+                                       node = open_els[i + 1]
+                                       break
+               return
+       ins_mode_in_body = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_character t
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       parse_error()
+                       return if template_tag_is_open()
+                       root_attrs = open_els[open_els.length - 1].attrs
+                       for a in t.attrs_a
+                               root_attrs[a[0]] = a[1] unless root_attrs[a[0]]?
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'style' or t.name is 'template' or t.name is 'title')) or (t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template')
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'body'
+                       parse_error()
+                       return if open_els.length < 2
+                       second = open_els[open_els.length - 2]
+                       return unless second.namespace is NS_HTML
+                       return unless second.name is 'body'
+                       return if template_tag_is_open()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       for a in t.attrs_a
+                               second.attrs[a[0]] = a[1] unless second.attrs[a[0]]?
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
+                       parse_error()
+                       return if open_els.length < 2
+                       second_i = open_els.length - 2
+                       second = open_els[second_i]
+                       return unless second.namespace is NS_HTML
+                       return unless second.name is 'body'
+                       if flag_frameset_ok is false
+                               return
+                       if second.parent?
+                               for el, i in second.parent.children
+                                       if el is second
+                                               second.parent.children.splice i, 1
+                                               break
+                       open_els.splice second_i, 1
+                       # pop everything except the "root html element"
+                       while open_els.length > 1
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_frameset
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       ok_tags = {
+                               dd:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML,
+                               td:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML, th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML,
+                               tr:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML, html:NS_HTML,
+                       }
+                       for el in open_els
+                               unless ok_tags[t.name] is el.namespace
+                                       parse_error()
+                                       break
+                       if template_ins_modes.length > 0
+                               ins_mode_in_template t
+                       else
+                               stop_parsing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'body'
+                       unless is_in_scope 'body', NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       ok_tags = {
+                               dd:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, optgroup:NS_HTML,
+                               option:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, rb:NS_HTML, rp:NS_HTML, rt:NS_HTML,
+                               rtc:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML, td:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML,
+                               th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML, tr:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML,
+                               html:NS_HTML
+                       }
+                       for el in open_els
+                               unless ok_tags[t.name] is el.namespace
+                                       parse_error()
+                                       break
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_body
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       unless is_in_scope 'body', NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       ok_tags = {
+                               dd:NS_HTML, dt:NS_HTML, li:NS_HTML, optgroup:NS_HTML,
+                               option:NS_HTML, p:NS_HTML, rb:NS_HTML, rp:NS_HTML, rt:NS_HTML,
+                               rtc:NS_HTML, tbody:NS_HTML, td:NS_HTML, tfoot:NS_HTML,
+                               th:NS_HTML, thead:NS_HTML, tr:NS_HTML, body:NS_HTML,
+                               html:NS_HTML
+                       }
+                       for el in open_els
+                               unless ok_tags[t.name] is el.namespace
+                                       parse_error()
+                                       break
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_body
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'address' or t.name is 'article' or t.name is 'aside' or t.name is 'blockquote' or t.name is 'center' or t.name is 'details' or t.name is 'dialog' or t.name is 'dir' or t.name is 'div' or t.name is 'dl' or t.name is 'fieldset' or t.name is 'figcaption' or t.name is 'figure' or t.name is 'footer' or t.name is 'header' or t.name is 'hgroup' or t.name is 'main' or t.name is 'nav' or t.name is 'ol' or t.name is 'p' or t.name is 'section' or t.name is 'summary' or t.name is 'ul')
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and h_tags[t.name]?
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       if h_tags[open_els[0].name] is open_els[0].namespace
+                               parse_error()
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'pre' or t.name is 'listing')
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       eat_next_token_if_newline()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'form'
+                       unless form_element_pointer is null or template_tag_is_open()
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       unless template_tag_is_open()
+                               form_element_pointer = el
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'li'
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       for node in open_els
+                               if node.name is 'li' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       generate_implied_end_tags 'li' # arg is exception
+                                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'li' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                                               parse_error()
+                                       loop
+                                               el = open_els.shift()
+                                               if el.name is 'li' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                                       break
+                                       break
+                               if el_is_special_not_adp node
+                                               break
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'dd' or t.name is 'dt')
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       for node in open_els
+                               if node.name is 'dd' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       generate_implied_end_tags 'dd' # arg is exception
+                                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'dd' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                                               parse_error()
+                                       loop
+                                               el = open_els.shift()
+                                               if el.name is 'dd' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                                       break
+                                       break
+                               if node.name is 'dt' and node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       generate_implied_end_tags 'dt' # arg is exception
+                                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'dt' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                                               parse_error()
+                                       loop
+                                               el = open_els.shift()
+                                               if el.name is 'dt' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                                       break
+                                       break
+                               if el_is_special_not_adp node
+                                       break
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'plaintext'
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       tok_state = tok_state_plaintext
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'button'
+                       if is_in_scope 'button', NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               generate_implied_end_tags()
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el.name is 'button' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               break
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'address' or t.name is 'article' or t.name is 'aside' or t.name is 'blockquote' or t.name is 'button' or t.name is 'center' or t.name is 'details' or t.name is 'dialog' or t.name is 'dir' or t.name is 'div' or t.name is 'dl' or t.name is 'fieldset' or t.name is 'figcaption' or t.name is 'figure' or t.name is 'footer' or t.name is 'header' or t.name is 'hgroup' or t.name is 'listing' or t.name is 'main' or t.name is 'nav' or t.name is 'ol' or t.name is 'pre' or t.name is 'section' or t.name is 'summary' or t.name is 'ul')
+                       unless is_in_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       generate_implied_end_tags()
+                       unless open_els[0].name is t.name and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       return
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'form'
+                       unless template_tag_is_open()
+                               node = form_element_pointer
+                               form_element_pointer = null
+                               if node is null or not el_is_in_scope node
+                                       parse_error()
+                                       return
+                               generate_implied_end_tags()
+                               if open_els[0] isnt node
+                                       parse_error()
+                               for el, i in open_els
+                                       if el is node
+                                               open_els.splice i, 1
+                                               break
+                       else
+                               unless is_in_scope 'form', NS_HTML
+                                       parse_error()
+                                       return
+                               generate_implied_end_tags()
+                               if open_els[0].name isnt 'form' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                                       parse_error()
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el.name is 'form' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               break
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'p'
+                       unless is_in_button_scope 'p', NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               insert_html_element new_open_tag 'p'
+                       close_p_element()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'li'
+                       unless is_in_li_scope 'li', NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       generate_implied_end_tags 'li' # arg is exception
+                       if open_els[0].name isnt 'li' or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is 'li' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'dd' or t.name is 'dt')
+                       unless is_in_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       generate_implied_end_tags t.name # arg is exception
+                       if open_els[0].name isnt t.name or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and h_tags[t.name]?
+                       h_in_scope = false
+                       for el in open_els
+                               if h_tags[el.name] is el.namespace
+                                       h_in_scope = true
+                                       break
+                               if standard_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
+                                       break
+                       unless h_in_scope
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       generate_implied_end_tags()
+                       if open_els[0].name isnt t.name or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if h_tags[el.name] is el.namespace
+                                       break
+                       return
+               # deep breath!
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'a'
+                       # If the list of active formatting elements contains an a element
+                       # between the end of the list and the last marker on the list (or
+                       # the start of the list if there is no marker on the list), then
+                       # this is a parse error; run the adoption agency algorithm for the
+                       # tag name "a", then remove that element from the list of active
+                       # formatting elements and the stack of open elements if the
+                       # adoption agency algorithm didn't already remove it (it might not
+                       # have if the element is not in table scope).
+                       found = false
+                       for el in afe
+                               if el.type is TYPE_AFE_MARKER
+                                       break
+                               if el.name is 'a' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       found = el
+                       if found?
+                               parse_error()
+                               adoption_agency 'a'
+                               for el, i in afe
+                                       if el is found
+                                               afe.splice i, 1
+                               for el, i in open_els
+                                       if el is found
+                                               open_els.splice i, 1
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       afe_push el
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'b' or t.name is 'big' or t.name is 'code' or t.name is 'em' or t.name is 'font' or t.name is 'i' or t.name is 's' or t.name is 'small' or t.name is 'strike' or t.name is 'strong' or t.name is 'tt' or t.name is 'u')
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       afe_push el
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'nobr'
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       if is_in_scope 'nobr', NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               adoption_agency 'nobr'
+                               reconstruct_afe()
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       afe_push el
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'a' or t.name is 'b' or t.name is 'big' or t.name is 'code' or t.name is 'em' or t.name is 'font' or t.name is 'i' or t.name is 'nobr' or t.name is 's' or t.name is 'small' or t.name is 'strike' or t.name is 'strong' or t.name is 'tt' or t.name is 'u')
+                       adoption_agency t.name
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'applet' or t.name is 'marquee' or t.name is 'object')
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       afe_push_marker()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'applet' or t.name is 'marquee' or t.name is 'object')
+                       unless is_in_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       generate_implied_end_tags()
+                       if open_els[0].name isnt t.name or open_els[0].namespace isnt NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       clear_afe_to_marker()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'table'
+                       unless doc.flag('quirks mode') is QUIRKS_YES
+                               close_p_if_in_button_scope() # test
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'br'
+                       parse_error()
+                       # W3C: t.type = TYPE_START_TAG
+                       t = new_open_tag 'br' # WHATWG
+                       # fall through
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'area' or t.name is 'br' or t.name is 'embed' or t.name is 'img' or t.name is 'keygen' or t.name is 'wbr')
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'input'
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       unless is_input_hidden_tok t
+                               flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'menuitem' or t.name is 'param' or t.name is 'source' or t.name is 'track')
+                       # WHATWG adds 'menuitem' for this block
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'hr'
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'image'
+                       parse_error()
+                       t.name = 'img'
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'isindex'
+                       parse_error()
+                       if template_tag_is_open() is false and form_element_pointer isnt null
+                               return
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       el = insert_html_element new_open_tag 'form'
+                       unless template_tag_is_open()
+                               form_element_pointer = el
+                       for a in t.attrs_a
+                               if a[0] is 'action'
+                                       el.attrs['action'] = a[1]
+                                       break
+                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'hr'
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'label'
+                       # note: this is a little out-of-spec-order so we only have to scan t.attrs_a once
+                       input_el = new_open_tag 'input'
+                       prompt = null
+                       for a in t.attrs_a
+                               if a[0] is 'prompt'
+                                       prompt = a[1]
+                               if a[0] isnt 'name' and a[0] isnt 'action' and a[0] isnt 'prompt'
+                                       input_el.attrs_a.push [a[0], a[1]]
+                       input_el.attrs_a.push ['name', 'isindex']
+                       # fixfull this next bit is in english... internationalize?
+                       prompt ?= "This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: "
+                       insert_character new_character_token prompt # fixfull split
+                       # TODO submit typo "balue" in spec
+                       insert_html_element input_el
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       # insert_character '' # you can put chars here if promt attr missing
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'hr'
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       unless template_tag_is_open()
+                               form_element_pointer = null
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'textarea'
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       eat_next_token_if_newline()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
+                       original_ins_mode = ins_mode
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_text
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'xmp'
+                       close_p_if_in_button_scope()
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       parse_generic_raw_text t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'iframe'
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       parse_generic_raw_text t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'noembed' or (t.name is 'noscript' and flag_scripting))
+                       parse_generic_raw_text t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'select'
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       if ins_mode is ins_mode_in_table or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_caption or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_table_body or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_row or ins_mode is ins_mode_in_cell
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select_in_table
+                       else
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_select
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'optgroup' or t.name is 'option')
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+# this comment block implements the W3C spec
+#              if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'rb' or t.name is 'rp' or t.name is 'rtc')
+#                      if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
+#                              generate_implied_end_tags()
+#                              unless open_els[0].name is 'ruby' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+#                                      parse_error()
+#                      insert_html_element t
+#                      return
+#              if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'rt'
+#                      if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
+#                              generate_implied_end_tags 'rtc' # arg is exception
+#                              unless (open_els[0].name is 'ruby' or open_els[0].name is 'rtc') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+#                                      parse_error()
+#                      insert_html_element t
+#                      return
+# below implements the WHATWG spec https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-inbody
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'rb' or t.name is 'rtc')
+                       if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
+                               generate_implied_end_tags()
+                               unless open_els[0].name is 'ruby' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       parse_error()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'rp' or t.name is 'rt')
+                       if is_in_scope 'ruby', NS_HTML
+                               generate_implied_end_tags 'rtc'
+                               unless (open_els[0].name is 'ruby' or open_els[0].name is 'rtc') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       parse_error()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+# end WHATWG chunk
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'math'
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       adjust_mathml_attributes t
+                       adjust_foreign_attributes t
+                       insert_foreign_element t, NS_MATHML
+                       if t.flag 'self-closing'
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'svg'
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       adjust_svg_attributes t
+                       adjust_foreign_attributes t
+                       insert_foreign_element t, NS_SVG
+                       if t.flag 'self-closing'
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'frame' or t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG # any other start tag
+                       reconstruct_afe()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG # any other end tag
+                       in_body_any_other_end_tag t.name
+                       return
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-incdata
+       ins_mode_text = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'script' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els[0].flag 'already started', true
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       ins_mode = original_ins_mode
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'script'
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       ins_mode = original_ins_mode
+                       # fixfull the spec seems to assume that I'm going to run the script
+                       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#scriptEndTag
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       ins_mode = original_ins_mode
+                       return
+               return
+       # the functions below implement the tokenizer stats described here:
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tokenization
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intable
+       ins_mode_in_table_else = (t) ->
+               parse_error()
+               flag_foster_parenting = true
+               ins_mode_in_body t
+               flag_foster_parenting = false
+               return
+       ins_mode_in_table = (t) ->
+               switch t.type
+                       when TYPE_TEXT
+                               if (open_els[0].name is 'table' or open_els[0].name is 'tbody' or open_els[0].name is 'tfoot' or open_els[0].name is 'thead' or open_els[0].name is 'tr') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       pending_table_character_tokens = []
+                                       original_ins_mode = ins_mode
+                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_text
+                                       process_token t
+                               else
+                                       ins_mode_in_table_else t
+                       when TYPE_COMMENT
+                               insert_comment t
+                       when TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                               parse_error()
+                       when TYPE_START_TAG
+                               switch t.name
+                                       when 'caption'
+                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
+                                               afe_push_marker()
+                                               insert_html_element t
+                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_caption
+                                       when 'colgroup'
+                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
+                                               insert_html_element t
+                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
+                                       when 'col'
+                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
+                                               insert_html_element new_open_tag 'colgroup'
+                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
+                                               process_token t
+                                       when 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'thead'
+                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
+                                               insert_html_element t
+                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
+                                       when 'td', 'th', 'tr'
+                                               clear_stack_to_table_context()
+                                               insert_html_element new_open_tag 'tbody'
+                                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
+                                               process_token t
+                                       when 'table'
+                                               parse_error()
+                                               if is_in_table_scope 'table', NS_HTML
+                                                       loop
+                                                               el = open_els.shift()
+                                                               if el.name is 'table' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                                                       break
+                                                       reset_ins_mode()
+                                                       process_token t
+                                       when 'style', 'script', 'template'
+                                               ins_mode_in_head t
+                                       when 'input'
+                                               unless is_input_hidden_tok t
+                                                       ins_mode_in_table_else t
+                                               else
+                                                       parse_error()
+                                                       el = insert_html_element t
+                                                       open_els.shift()
+                                                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                                       when 'form'
+                                               parse_error()
+                                               if form_element_pointer?
+                                                       return
+                                               if template_tag_is_open()
+                                                       return
+                                               form_element_pointer = insert_html_element t
+                                               open_els.shift()
+                                       else
+                                               ins_mode_in_table_else t
+                       when TYPE_END_TAG
+                               switch t.name
+                                       when 'table'
+                                               if is_in_table_scope 'table', NS_HTML
+                                                       loop
+                                                               el = open_els.shift()
+                                                               if el.name is 'table' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                                                       break
+                                                       reset_ins_mode()
+                                               else
+                                                       parse_error()
+                                       when 'body', 'caption', 'col', 'colgroup', 'html', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr'
+                                               parse_error()
+                                       when 'template'
+                                               ins_mode_in_head t
+                                       else
+                                               ins_mode_in_table_else t
+                       when TYPE_EOF
+                               ins_mode_in_body t
+                       else
+                               ins_mode_in_table_else t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intabletext
+       ins_mode_in_table_text = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
+                       # from javascript?
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                       pending_table_character_tokens.push t
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               all_space = true
+               for old in pending_table_character_tokens
+                       unless is_space_tok old
+                               all_space = false
+                               break
+               if all_space
+                       for old in pending_table_character_tokens
+                               insert_character old
+               else
+                       for old in pending_table_character_tokens
+                               ins_mode_in_table_else old
+               pending_table_character_tokens = []
+               ins_mode = original_ins_mode
+               process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-incaption
+       ins_mode_in_caption = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'caption'
+                       if is_in_table_scope 'caption', NS_HTML
+                               generate_implied_end_tags()
+                               if open_els[0].name isnt 'caption'
+                                       parse_error()
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el.name is 'caption' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               break
+                               clear_afe_to_marker()
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                               # fragment case
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')) or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'table'
+                       parse_error()
+                       if is_in_table_scope 'caption', NS_HTML
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el.name is 'caption' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               break
+                               clear_afe_to_marker()
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                               process_token t
+                       # else fragment case
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               ins_mode_in_body t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-incolgroup
+       ins_mode_in_column_group = (t) ->
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'col'
+                       el = insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'colgroup'
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'colgroup' and open_els.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'col'
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG) and t.name is 'template'
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               if open_els[0].name isnt 'colgroup'
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               open_els.shift()
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+               process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intbody
+       ins_mode_in_table_body = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'tr'
+                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'td')
+                       parse_error()
+                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
+                       insert_html_element new_open_tag 'tr'
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')
+                       unless is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')) or (t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'table')
+                       has = false
+                       for el in open_els
+                               if el.namespace is NS_HTML and (el.name is 'tbody' or el.name is 'tfoot' or el.name is 'thead')
+                                       has = true
+                                       break
+                               if table_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
+                                       break
+                       if !has
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       clear_stack_to_table_body_context()
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'tr')
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               ins_mode_in_table t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intr
+       ins_mode_in_row = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'td')
+                       clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_cell
+                       afe_push_marker()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'tr'
+                       if is_in_table_scope 'tr', NS_HTML
+                               clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')) or t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'table'
+                       if is_in_table_scope 'tr', NS_HTML
+                               clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
+                               process_token t
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')
+                       if is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               if is_in_table_scope 'tr', NS_HTML
+                                       clear_stack_to_table_row_context()
+                                       open_els.shift()
+                                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
+                                       process_token t
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               ins_mode_in_table t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#close-the-cell
+       close_the_cell = ->
+               generate_implied_end_tags()
+               unless (open_els[0].name is 'td' or open_els[0] is 'th') and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                       parse_error()
+               loop
+                       el = open_els.shift()
+                       if el.namespace is NS_HTML and (el.name is 'td' or el.name is 'th')
+                               break
+               clear_afe_to_marker()
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intd
+       ins_mode_in_cell = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
+                       if is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               generate_implied_end_tags()
+                               unless (open_els[0].name is t.name) and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       parse_error()
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el.name is t.name and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               break
+                               clear_afe_to_marker()
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'th' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
+                       has = false
+                       for el in open_els
+                               if el.namespace is NS_HTML and (el.name is 'td' or el.name is 'th')
+                                       has = true
+                                       break
+                               if table_scopers[el.name] is el.namespace
+                                       break
+                       if !has
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       close_the_cell()
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'col' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'html')
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr')
+                       if is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               close_the_cell()
+                               process_token t
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               # Anything Else
+               ins_mode_in_body t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inselect
+       ins_mode_in_select = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'option'
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'optgroup'
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'optgroup' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'optgroup'
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               if open_els[1].name is 'optgroup' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       open_els.shift()
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'optgroup' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'option'
+                       if open_els[0].name is 'option' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                               open_els.shift()
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'select'
+                       if is_in_select_scope 'select', NS_HTML
+                               loop
+                                       el = open_els.shift()
+                                       if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                               break
+                               reset_ins_mode()
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'select'
+                       parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       reset_ins_mode()
+                       # spec says that this is the same as </select> but it doesn't say
+                       # to check scope first
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'input' or t.name is 'keygen' or t.name is 'textarea')
+                       parse_error()
+                       unless is_in_select_scope 'select', NS_HTML
+                               return
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       reset_ins_mode()
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'template')
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inselectintable
+       ins_mode_in_select_in_table = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
+                       parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       reset_ins_mode()
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead' or t.name is 'tr' or t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
+                       parse_error()
+                       unless is_in_table_scope t.name, NS_HTML
+                               return
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is 'select' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       reset_ins_mode()
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               ins_mode_in_select t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-intemplate
+       ins_mode_in_template = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT or t.type is TYPE_COMMENT or t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'base' or t.name is 'basefont' or t.name is 'bgsound' or t.name is 'link' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'noframes' or t.name is 'script' or t.name is 'style' or t.name is 'template' or t.name is 'title')) or (t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'template')
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'caption' or t.name is 'colgroup' or t.name is 'tbody' or t.name is 'tfoot' or t.name is 'thead')
+                       template_ins_modes.shift()
+                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_table
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'col'
+                       template_ins_modes.shift()
+                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_column_group
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_column_group
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'tr'
+                       template_ins_modes.shift()
+                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_table_body
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_table_body
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'td' or t.name is 'th')
+                       template_ins_modes.shift()
+                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_row
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_row
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG
+                       template_ins_modes.shift()
+                       template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_body
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       unless template_tag_is_open()
+                               stop_parsing()
+                               return
+                       parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               el = open_els.shift()
+                               if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       clear_afe_to_marker()
+                       template_ins_modes.shift()
+                       reset_ins_mode()
+                       process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-afterbody
+       ins_mode_after_body = (t) ->
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       first = open_els[open_els.length - 1]
+                       insert_comment t, [first, first.children.length]
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       if flag_fragment_parsing
+                               parse_error()
+                               return
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_after_body
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       stop_parsing()
+                       return
+               # Anything ELse
+               parse_error()
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+               process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inframeset
+       ins_mode_in_frameset = (t) ->
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'frameset'
+                       if open_els.length is 1
+                               parse_error()
+                               return # fragment case
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       if flag_fragment_parsing is false and open_els[0].name isnt 'frameset'
+                               ins_mode = ins_mode_after_frameset
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'frame'
+                       insert_html_element t
+                       open_els.shift()
+                       t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noframes'
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       if open_els.length isnt 1
+                               parse_error()
+                       stop_parsing()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-afterframeset
+       ins_mode_after_frameset = (t) ->
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'html'
+                       ins_mode = ins_mode_after_after_frameset
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noframes'
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       stop_parsing()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-after-after-body-insertion-mode
+       ins_mode_after_after_body = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t, [doc, doc.children.length]
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE or is_space_tok(t) or (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html')
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       stop_parsing()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               ins_mode = ins_mode_in_body
+               process_token t
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#the-after-after-frameset-insertion-mode
+       ins_mode_after_after_frameset = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t, [doc, doc.children.length]
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE or is_space_tok(t) or (t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'html')
+                       ins_mode_in_body t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_EOF
+                       stop_parsing()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and t.name is 'noframes'
+                       ins_mode_in_head t
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-main-inforeign
+       has_color_face_or_size = (t) ->
+               for a in t.attrs_a
+                       if a[0] is 'color' or a[0] is 'face' or a[0] is 'size'
+                               return true
+               return false
+       in_foreign_content_end_script = ->
+               open_els.shift()
+               # fixfull
+               return
+       in_foreign_content_other_start = (t) ->
+               acn = adjusted_current_node()
+               if acn.namespace is NS_MATHML
+                       adjust_mathml_attributes t
+               if acn.namespace is NS_SVG and svg_name_fixes[t.name]?
+                       t.name = svg_name_fixes[t.name]
+               if acn.namespace is NS_SVG
+                       adjust_svg_attributes t
+               adjust_foreign_attributes t
+               insert_foreign_element t, acn.namespace
+               if t.flag 'self-closing'
+                       if t.name is 'script'
+                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+                               in_foreign_content_end_script()
+                               # fixfull
+                       else
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               t.acknowledge_self_closing()
+               return
+       in_foreign_content = (t) ->
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT and t.text is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       insert_character new_character_token "\ufffd"
+                       return
+               if is_space_tok t
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                       flag_frameset_ok = false
+                       insert_character t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_COMMENT
+                       insert_comment t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                       parse_error()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG and (t.name is 'b' or t.name is 'big' or t.name is 'blockquote' or t.name is 'body' or t.name is 'br' or t.name is 'center' or t.name is 'code' or t.name is 'dd' or t.name is 'div' or t.name is 'dl' or t.name is 'dt' or t.name is 'em' or t.name is 'embed' or t.name is 'h1' or t.name is 'h2' or t.name is 'h3' or t.name is 'h4' or t.name is 'h5' or t.name is 'h6' or t.name is 'head' or t.name is 'hr' or t.name is 'i' or t.name is 'img' or t.name is 'li' or t.name is 'listing' or t.name is 'main' or t.name is 'meta' or t.name is 'nobr' or t.name is 'ol' or t.name is 'p' or t.name is 'pre' or t.name is 'ruby' or t.name is 's' or t.name is 'small' or t.name is 'span' or t.name is 'strong' or t.name is 'strike' or t.name is 'sub' or t.name is 'sup' or t.name is 'table' or t.name is 'tt' or t.name is 'u' or t.name is 'ul' or t.name is 'var' or (t.name is 'font' and has_color_face_or_size(t)))
+                       parse_error()
+                       if flag_fragment_parsing
+                               in_foreign_content_other_start t
+                               return
+                       loop # is this safe?
+                               open_els.shift()
+                               if is_mathml_text_integration_point(open_els[0]) or is_html_integration(open_els[0]) or open_els[0].namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       process_token t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_START_TAG
+                       in_foreign_content_other_start t
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is 'script' and open_els[0].name is 'script' and open_els[0].namespace is NS_SVG
+                       in_foreign_content_end_script()
+                       return
+               if t.type is TYPE_END_TAG
+                       i = 0
+                       node = open_els[i]
+                       if node.name.toLowerCase() isnt t.name
+                               parse_error()
+                       loop
+                               if node is open_els[open_els.length - 1]
+                                       return
+                               if node.name.toLowerCase() is t.name
+                                       loop
+                                               el = open_els.shift()
+                                               if el is node
+                                                       return
+                               i += 1
+                               node = open_els[i]
+                               if node.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       break
+                       ins_mode t # explicitly call HTML insertion mode
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#data-state
+       tok_state_data = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '&'
+                               return new_text_node parse_character_reference()
+                       when '<'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_tag_open
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               return new_text_node c
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               return new_eof_token()
+                       else
+                               return new_text_node c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#character-reference-in-data-state
+       # not needed: tok_state_character_reference_in_data = ->
+       # just call parse_character_reference()
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-state
+       tok_state_rcdata = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '&'
+                               return new_text_node parse_character_reference()
+                       when '<'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_less_than_sign
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               return new_eof_token()
+                       else
+                               return new_character_token c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#character-reference-in-rcdata-state
+       # not needed: tok_state_character_reference_in_rcdata = ->
+       # just call parse_character_reference()
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-state
+       tok_state_rawtext = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '<'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_less_than_sign
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               return new_eof_token()
+                       else
+                               return new_character_token c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-state
+       tok_state_script_data = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '<'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_less_than_sign
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               return new_eof_token()
+                       else
+                               return new_character_token c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#plaintext-state
+       tok_state_plaintext = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               return new_eof_token()
+                       else
+                               return new_character_token c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tag-open-state
+       tok_state_tag_open = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '!'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_markup_declaration_open
+                       return
+               if c is '/'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_end_tag_open
+                       return
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_open_tag c.toLowerCase()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
+                       return
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_open_tag c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
+                       return
+               if c is '?'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token '?' # FIXME right?
+                       tok_state = tok_state_bogus_comment
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_state = tok_state_data
+               cur -= 1 # we didn't parse/handle the char after <
+               return new_text_node '<'
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#end-tag-open-state
+       tok_state_end_tag_open = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
+                       return
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_tag_name
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return new_text_node '</'
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token c
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_comment
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tag-name-state
+       tok_state_tag_name = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                       when '/'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                       when '>'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_cur_tag = null
+                               return tmp
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.name += "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
+                               else
+                                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-less-than-sign-state
+       tok_state_rcdata_less_than_sign = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '/'
+                       temporary_buffer = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_open
+                       return null
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
+               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
+               return new_character_token '<'
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-end-tag-open-state
+       tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_open = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_name
+                       return null
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_name
+                       return null
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
+               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
+               return new_character_token "</" # fixfull separate these
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#appropriate-end-tag-token
+       is_appropriate_end_tag = (t) ->
+               # fixfull: this assumes that open_els[0].name is "the tag name of the last
+               # start tag to have been emitted from this tokenizer"
+               return t.type is TYPE_END_TAG and t.name is open_els[0].name
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rcdata-end-tag-name-state
+       tok_state_rcdata_end_tag_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                               return
+                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
+               if c is '/'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag # FIXME spec typo?
+                               return
+                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
+               if c is '>'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return null
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return null
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
+               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
+               return new_character_token '</' + temporary_buffer # fixfull separate these
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-less-than-sign-state
+       tok_state_rawtext_less_than_sign = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '/'
+                       temporary_buffer = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_open
+                       return null
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
+               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
+               return new_character_token '<'
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-end-tag-open-state
+       tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_open = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_name
+                       return null
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_name
+                       return null
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
+               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
+               return new_character_token "</" # fixfull separate these
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#rawtext-end-tag-name-state
+       tok_state_rawtext_end_tag_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                               return
+                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
+               if c is '/'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                               return
+                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
+               if c is '>'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       # else fall through to "Anything else"
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return null
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return null
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
+               cur -= 1 # reconsume the input character
+               return new_character_token '</' + temporary_buffer # fixfull separate these
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-less-than-sign-state
+       tok_state_script_data_less_than_sign = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '/'
+                       temporary_buffer = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_end_tag_open
+                       return
+               if c is '!'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escape_start
+                       return new_character_token '<!' # fixfull split
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return new_character_token '<'
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-end-tag-open-state
+       tok_state_script_data_end_tag_open = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_end_tag_name
+                       return
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_end_tag_name
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return new_character_token '</'
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-end-tag-open-state
+       tok_state_script_data_end_tag_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                               return
+                       # fall through
+               if c is '/'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                               return
+                       # fall through
+               if c is '>'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       # fall through
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return new_character_token "</#{temporary_buffer}" # fixfull split
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escape-start-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escape_start = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escape_start_dash
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escape-start-dash-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escape_start_dash = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash_dash
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escaped = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               if c is '<'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       parse_error()
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               return new_character_token c
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-dash-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash_dash
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               if c is '<'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       parse_error()
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+               return new_character_token c
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-dash-dash-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escaped_dash_dash = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               if c is '<'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+                       return new_character_token '>'
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+               return new_character_token c
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-less-than-sign-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escaped_less_than_sign = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '/'
+                       temporary_buffer = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_open
+                       return
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       temporary_buffer = c.toLowerCase() # yes, really
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escape_start
+                       return new_character_token "<#{c}" # fixfull split
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       temporary_buffer = c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escape_start
+                       return new_character_token "<#{c}" # fixfull split
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return new_character_token '<'
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-end-tag-open-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_open = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_name
+                       return
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_end_tag c
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_name
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return new_character_token '</' # fixfull split
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-escaped-end-tag-name-state
+       tok_state_script_data_escaped_end_tag_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                               return
+                       # fall through
+               if c is '/'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                               return
+                       # fall through
+               if c is '>'
+                       if is_appropriate_end_tag tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       # fall through
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
+                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase()
+                       return
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c
+                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase()
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return new_character_token "</#{temporary_buffer}" # fixfull split
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escape-start-state
+       tok_state_script_data_double_escape_start = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' ' or c is '/' or c is '>'
+                       if temporary_buffer is 'script'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+                       else
+                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+                       return new_character_token c
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase() # yes, really lowercase
+                       return new_character_token c
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return new_character_token c
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-state
+       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               if c is '<'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign
+                       return new_character_token '<'
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               return new_character_token c
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-dash-state
+       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash_dash
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               if c is '<'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign
+                       return new_character_token '<'
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+               return new_character_token c
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-dash-dash-state
+       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_dash_dash = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '-'
+                       return new_character_token '-'
+               if c is '<'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign
+                       return new_character_token '<'
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+                       return new_character_token '>'
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+                       return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+               return new_character_token c
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escaped-less-than-sign-state
+       tok_state_script_data_double_escaped_less_than_sign = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '/'
+                       temporary_buffer = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escape_end
+                       return new_character_token '/'
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#script-data-double-escape-end-state
+       tok_state_script_data_double_escape_end = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' ' or c is '/' or c is '>'
+                       if temporary_buffer is 'script'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_escaped
+                       else
+                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+                       return new_character_token c
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       temporary_buffer += c.toLowerCase() # yes, really lowercase
+                       return new_character_token c
+               if is_lc_alpha(c)
+                       temporary_buffer += c
+                       return new_character_token c
+               # Anything else
+               tok_state = tok_state_script_data_double_escaped
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-attribute-name-state
+       tok_state_before_attribute_name = ->
+               attr_name = null
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
+                               return null
+                       when '/'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                               return null
+                       when '>'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_cur_tag = null
+                               return tmp
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               attr_name = "\ufffd"
+                       when '"', "'", '<', '='
+                               parse_error()
+                               attr_name = c
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                                       attr_name = c.toLowerCase()
+                               else
+                                       attr_name = c
+               if attr_name?
+                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift [attr_name, '']
+                       tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-name-state
+       tok_state_attribute_name = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
+                               tok_state = tok_state_after_attribute_name
+                       when '/'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                       when '='
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_value
+                       when '>'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_cur_tag = null
+                               return tmp
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += "\ufffd"
+                       when '"', "'", '<'
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += c
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += c.toLowerCase()
+                               else
+                                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][0] += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-attribute-name-state
+       tok_state_after_attribute_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\n" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       return
+               if c is '/'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                       return
+               if c is '='
+                       tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_value
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift [c.toLowerCase(), '']
+                       tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift ["\ufffd", '']
+                       tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
+                       return
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       cur -= 1 # reconsume
+                       return
+               if c is '"' or c is "'" or c is '<'
+                       parse_error()
+                       # fall through to Anything else
+               # Anything else
+               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a.unshift [c, '']
+               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_name
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-attribute-value-state
+       tok_state_before_attribute_value = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
+                               return null
+                       when '"'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_double_quoted
+                       when '&'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted
+                               cur -= 1
+                       when "'"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_single_quoted
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               # Parse error
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted
+                       when '>'
+                               # Parse error
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_cur_tag = null
+                               return tmp
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
+                               tok_state = tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-value-(double-quoted)-state
+       tok_state_attribute_value_double_quoted = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '"'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_after_attribute_value_quoted
+                       when '&'
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += parse_character_reference '"', true
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               # Parse error
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-value-(single-quoted)-state
+       tok_state_attribute_value_single_quoted = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "'"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_after_attribute_value_quoted
+                       when '&'
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += parse_character_reference "'", true
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               # Parse error
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#attribute-value-(unquoted)-state
+       tok_state_attribute_value_unquoted = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                       when '&'
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += parse_character_reference '>', true
+                       when '>'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_cur_tag = null
+                               return tmp
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               # Parse Error if ', <, = or ` (backtick)
+                               tok_cur_tag.attrs_a[0][1] += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-attribute-value-(quoted)-state
+       tok_state_after_attribute_value_quoted = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' '
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                       when '/'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_self_closing_start_tag
+                       when '>'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               tmp = tok_cur_tag
+                               tok_cur_tag = null
+                               return tmp
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       else
+                               # Parse Error
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+                               cur -= 1 # we didn't handle that char
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#self-closing-start-tag-state
+       tok_state_self_closing_start_tag = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'self-closing', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is ''
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_state = tok_state_before_attribute_name
+               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#bogus-comment-state
+       # WARNING: put a comment token in tok_cur_tag before setting this state
+       tok_state_bogus_comment = ->
+               next_gt = txt.indexOf '>', cur
+               if next_gt is -1
+                       val = txt.substr cur
+                       cur = txt.length
+               else
+                       val = txt.substr cur, (next_gt - cur)
+                       cur = next_gt + 1
+               val = val.replace(new RegExp("\u0000", 'g'), "\ufffd")
+               tok_cur_tag.text += val
+               tok_state = tok_state_data
+               return tok_cur_tag
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#markup-declaration-open-state
+       tok_state_markup_declaration_open = ->
+               if txt.substr(cur, 2) is '--'
+                       cur += 2
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_comment_start
+                       return
+               if txt.substr(cur, 7).toLowerCase() is 'doctype'
+                       cur += 7
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype
+                       return
+               acn = adjusted_current_node()
+               if acn and acn.namespace isnt NS_HTML and txt.substr(cur, 7) is '[CDATA['
+                       cur += 7
+                       tok_state = tok_state_cdata_section
+                       return
+               # Otherwise
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag = new_comment_token ''
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_comment
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-start-state
+       tok_state_comment_start = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '-'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_start_dash
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+                               return new_character_token "\ufffd"
+                       when '>'
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += c
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-start-dash-state
+       tok_state_comment_start_dash = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '-'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-\ufffd"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+                       when '>'
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-#{c}"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-state
+       tok_state_comment = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '-'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end_dash
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "\ufffd"
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-end-dash-state
+       tok_state_comment_end_dash = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '-'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-\ufffd"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "-#{c}"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-end-state
+       tok_state_comment_end = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '>'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--\ufffd"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+                       when '!'
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end_bang
+                       when '-'
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += '-'
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--#{c}"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#comment-end-bang-state
+       tok_state_comment_end_bang = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when '-'
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--!#{c}"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment_end_dash
+                       when '>'
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       when "\u0000"
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--!\ufffd"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                               return tok_cur_tag
+                       else
+                               tok_cur_tag.text += "--!#{c}"
+                               tok_state = tok_state_comment
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-state
+       tok_state_doctype = ->
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+                       when "\t", "\u000a", "\u000c", ' '
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_name
+                       when '' # EOF
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_data
+                               el = new_doctype_token ''
+                               el.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                               return el
+                       else
+                               parse_error()
+                               tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_name
+                               cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-state
+       tok_state_before_doctype_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       return
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_doctype_token c.toLowerCase()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_name
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag = new_doctype_token "\ufffd"
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_name
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       el = new_doctype_token ''
+                       el.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return el
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       el = new_doctype_token ''
+                       el.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return el
+               # Anything else
+               tok_cur_tag = new_doctype_token c
+               tok_state = tok_state_doctype_name
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-name-state
+       tok_state_doctype_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_name
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if is_uc_alpha(c)
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += c.toLowerCase()
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.name += "\ufffd"
+                       return
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               tok_cur_tag.name += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-name-state
+       tok_state_after_doctype_name = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               if txt.substr(cur - 1, 6).toLowerCase() is 'public'
+                       cur += 5
+                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_public_keyword
+                       return
+               if txt.substr(cur - 1, 6).toLowerCase() is 'system'
+                       cur += 5
+                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_system_keyword
+                       return
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-public-keyword-state
+       tok_state_after_doctype_public_keyword = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_public_identifier
+                       return
+               if c is '"'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_double_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is "'"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_single_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-doctype-public-identifier-state
+       tok_state_before_doctype_public_identifier = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       return
+               if c is '"'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_double_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is "'"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_single_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-public-identifier-(double-quoted)-state
+       tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_double_quoted = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '"'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_public_identifier
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += "\ufffd"
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-public-identifier-(single-quoted)-state
+       tok_state_doctype_public_identifier_single_quoted = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "'"
+                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_public_identifier
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += "\ufffd"
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               tok_cur_tag.public_identifier += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-public-identifier-state
+       tok_state_after_doctype_public_identifier = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       tok_state = tok_state_between_doctype_public_and_system_identifiers
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '"'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is "'"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers-state
+       tok_state_between_doctype_public_and_system_identifiers = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '"'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is "'"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-system-keyword-state
+       tok_state_after_doctype_system_keyword = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       tok_state = tok_state_before_doctype_system_identifier
+                       return
+               if c is '"'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is "'"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#before-doctype-system-identifier-state
+       tok_state_before_doctype_system_identifier = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       return
+               if c is '"'
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is "'"
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier = ''
+                       tok_state = tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-system-identifier-(double-quoted)-state
+       tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_double_quoted = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '"'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_system_identifier
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += "\ufffd"
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#doctype-system-identifier-(single-quoted)-state
+       tok_state_doctype_system_identifier_single_quoted = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "'"
+                       tok_state = tok_state_after_doctype_system_identifier
+                       return
+               if c is "\u0000"
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += "\ufffd"
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               tok_cur_tag.system_identifier += c
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#after-doctype-system-identifier-state
+       tok_state_after_doctype_system_identifier = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is "\t" or c is "\u000a" or c is "\u000c" or c is ' '
+                       return
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       parse_error()
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               parse_error()
+               # do _not_ tok_cur_tag.flag 'force-quirks', true
+               tok_state = tok_state_bogus_doctype
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#bogus-doctype-state
+       tok_state_bogus_doctype = ->
+               c = txt.charAt(cur++)
+               if c is '>'
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               if c is '' # EOF
+                       tok_state = tok_state_data
+                       cur -= 1 # Reconsume
+                       return tok_cur_tag
+               # Anything else
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#cdata-section-state
+       tok_state_cdata_section = ->
+               tok_state = tok_state_data
+               next_gt = txt.indexOf ']]>', cur
+               if next_gt is -1
+                       val = txt.substr cur
+                       cur = txt.length
+               else
+                       val = txt.substr cur, (next_gt - cur)
+                       cur = next_gt + 3
+               val = val.replace(new RegExp("\u0000", 'g'), "\ufffd")
+               if val.length > 0
+                       return new_character_token val # fixfull split
+               return null
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#consume-a-character-reference
+       # Don't set this as a state, just call it
+       # returns a string (NOT a text node)
+       parse_character_reference = (allowed_char = null, in_attr = false) ->
+               if cur >= txt.length
+                       return '&'
+               switch c = txt.charAt(cur)
+                       when "\t", "\n", "\u000c", ' ', '<', '&', '', allowed_char
+                               # explicitly not a parse error
+                               return '&'
+                       when ';'
+                               # there has to be "one or more" alnums between & and ; to be a parse error
+                               return '&'
+                       when '#'
+                               if cur + 1 >= txt.length
+                                       return '&'
+                               if txt.charAt(cur + 1).toLowerCase() is 'x'
+                                       base = 16
+                                       charset = hex_chars
+                                       start = cur + 2
+                               else
+                                       charset = digits
+                                       start = cur + 1
+                                       base = 10
+                               i = 0
+                               while start + i < txt.length and charset.indexOf(txt.charAt(start + i)) > -1
+                                       i += 1
+                               if i is 0
+                                       return '&'
+                               cur = start + i
+                               if txt.charAt(start + i) is ';'
+                                       cur += 1
+                               else
+                                       parse_error()
+                               code_point = txt.substr(start, i)
+                               while code_point.charAt(0) is '0' and code_point.length > 1
+                                       code_point = code_point.substr 1
+                               code_point = parseInt(code_point, base)
+                               if unicode_fixes[code_point]?
+                                       parse_error()
+                                       return unicode_fixes[code_point]
+                               else
+                                       if (code_point >= 0xd800 and code_point <= 0xdfff) or code_point > 0x10ffff
+                                               parse_error()
+                                               return "\ufffd"
+                                       else
+                                               if (code_point >= 0x0001 and code_point <= 0x0008) or (code_point >= 0x000D and code_point <= 0x001F) or (code_point >= 0x007F and code_point <= 0x009F) or (code_point >= 0xFDD0 and code_point <= 0xFDEF) or code_point is 0x000B or code_point is 0xFFFE or code_point is 0xFFFF or code_point is 0x1FFFE or code_point is 0x1FFFF or code_point is 0x2FFFE or code_point is 0x2FFFF or code_point is 0x3FFFE or code_point is 0x3FFFF or code_point is 0x4FFFE or code_point is 0x4FFFF or code_point is 0x5FFFE or code_point is 0x5FFFF or code_point is 0x6FFFE or code_point is 0x6FFFF or code_point is 0x7FFFE or code_point is 0x7FFFF or code_point is 0x8FFFE or code_point is 0x8FFFF or code_point is 0x9FFFE or code_point is 0x9FFFF or code_point is 0xAFFFE or code_point is 0xAFFFF or code_point is 0xBFFFE or code_point is 0xBFFFF or code_point is 0xCFFFE or code_point is 0xCFFFF or code_point is 0xDFFFE or code_point is 0xDFFFF or code_point is 0xEFFFE or code_point is 0xEFFFF or code_point is 0xFFFFE or code_point is 0xFFFFF or code_point is 0x10FFFE or code_point is 0x10FFFF
+                                                       parse_error()
+                                               return from_code_point code_point
+                               return
+                       else
+                               for i in [0...31]
+                                       if alnum.indexOf(txt.charAt(cur + i)) is -1
+                                               break
+                               if i is 0
+                                       # exit early, because parse_error() below needs at least one alnum
+                                       return '&'
+                               if txt.charAt(cur + i) is ';'
+                                       decoded = decode_named_char_ref txt.substr(cur, i)
+                                       i += 1 # scan past the ';' (after, so we dno't pass it to decode)
+                                       if decoded?
+                                               cur += i
+                                               return decoded
+                                       # else FALL THROUGH (check for match without last char(s) or ";")
+                               # no ';' terminator (only legacy char refs)
+                               max = i
+                               for i in [2..max] # no prefix matches, so ok to check shortest first
+                                       c = legacy_char_refs[txt.substr(cur, i)]
+                                       if c?
+                                               if in_attr
+                                                       if txt.charAt(cur + i) is '='
+                                                               # "because some legacy user agents will
+                                                               # misinterpret the markup in those cases"
+                                                               parse_error()
+                                                               return '&'
+                                                       if alnum.indexOf(txt.charAt(cur + i)) > -1
+                                                               # this makes attributes forgiving about url args
+                                                               return '&'
+                                               # ok, and besides the weird exceptions for attributes...
+                                               # return the matching char
+                                               cur += i # consume entity chars
+                                               parse_error() # because no terminating ";"
+                                               return c
+                               parse_error()
+                               return '&'
+               return # never reached
+       eat_next_token_if_newline = ->
+               old_cur = cur
+               t = null
+               until t?
+                       t = tok_state()
+               if t.type is TYPE_TEXT
+                       # definition of a newline depends on whether it was a character ref or not
+                       if cur - old_cur is 1
+                               # not a character reference
+                               if t.text is "\u000d" or t.text is "\u000a"
+                                       return
+                       else
+                               if t.text is "\u000a"
+                                       return
+               # not a "newline"
+               cur = old_cur
+               return
+       # tree constructor initialization
+       # see comments on TYPE_TAG/etc for the structure of this data
+       txt = args_html
+       cur = 0
+       doc = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'document', namespace: NS_HTML
+       doc.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_NO # TODO bugreport spec for not specifying this
+       fragment_root = null # fragment parsing algorithm returns children of this
+       open_els = []
+       afe = [] # active formatting elements
+       template_ins_modes = []
+       ins_mode = ins_mode_initial
+       original_ins_mode = ins_mode # TODO check spec
+       flag_scripting = args.scripting ? true # TODO might need an extra flag to get <noscript> to parse correctly
+       flag_frameset_ok = true
+       flag_parsing = true
+       flag_foster_parenting = false
+       form_element_pointer = null
+       temporary_buffer = null
+       pending_table_character_tokens = []
+       head_element_pointer = null
+       flag_fragment_parsing = false
+       context_element = null
+       prev_node_id = 0 # just for debugging
+       # tokenizer initialization
+       tok_state = tok_state_data
+       parse_init = ->
+               # fragment parsing (text arg)
+               if args.fragment?
+                       # this handles the fragment from the tests in the format described here:
+                       # https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-tests/blob/master/tree-construction/README.md
+                       f = args.fragment
+                       ns = NS_HTML
+                       if f.substr(0, 5) is 'math '
+                               f = f.substr 5
+                               ns = NS_MATHML
+                       else if f.substr(0, 4) is 'svg '
+                               f = f.substr 4
+                               ns = NS_SVG
+                       t = new_open_tag f
+                       context_element = token_to_element t, ns
+                       context_element.document = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'document', namespace: NS_HTML
+                       context_element.document.flag 'quirks mode', QUIRKS_NO
+               # fragment parsing (Node arg)
+               if args.context?
+                       context_element = args.context
+               # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#parsing-html-fragments
+               # fragment parsing algorithm
+               if context_element?
+                       flag_fragment_parsing = true
+                       doc = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'html', namespace: NS_HTML
+                       # search up the tree from context, to try to find it's document,
+                       # because this file only puts a "document" property on the root
+                       # element.
+                       old_doc = null
+                       el = context_element
+                       loop
+                               if el.document?
+                                       old_doc = el.document
+                                       break
+                               if el.parent
+                                       el = el.parent
+                               else
+                                       break
+                       if old_doc
+                               doc.flag 'quirks mode', old_doc.flag 'quirks mode'
+                       # set tok_state
+                       if context_element.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               switch context_element.name
+                                       when 'title', 'textarea'
+                                               tok_state = tok_state_rcdata
+                                       when 'style', 'xmp', 'iframe', 'noembed', 'noframes'
+                                               tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
+                                       when 'script'
+                                               tok_state = tok_state_script_data
+                                       when 'noscript'
+                                               if flag_scripting
+                                                       tok_state = tok_state_rawtext
+                                       when 'plaintext'
+                                               tok_state = tok_state_plaintext
+                       fragment_root = new Node TYPE_TAG, name: 'html', namespace: NS_HTML
+                       doc.children.push fragment_root
+                       fragment_root.document = doc
+                       open_els = [fragment_root]
+                       if context_element.name is 'template' and context_element.namespace is NS_HTML
+                               template_ins_modes.unshift ins_mode_in_template
+                       # fixfull create token for context (it should have it's original one already)
+                       reset_ins_mode()
+                       # set form_element pointer... in the foreign doc?!
+                       el = context_element
+                       loop
+                               if el.name is 'form' and el.namespace is NS_HTML
+                                       form_element_pointer = el
+                                       break
+                               if el.parent
+                                       el = el.parent
+                               else
+                                       break
+               # text pre-processing
+               # FIXME check http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#preprocessing-the-input-stream
+               txt = txt.replace(new RegExp("\r\n", 'g'), "\n") # fixfull spec doesn't say this
+               txt = txt.replace(new RegExp("\r", 'g'), "\n") # fixfull spec doesn't say this
+               return
+       # http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/syntax.html#tree-construction
+       parse_main_loop = ->
+               while flag_parsing
+                       t = tok_state()
+                       if t?
+                               process_token t
+                               # fixfull parse error if has self-closing flag, but it wasn't acknolwedged
+               return
+       parse_init()
+       parse_main_loop()
+       if flag_fragment_parsing
+               return fragment_root.children
+       return doc.children
+exports.parse = parse_html
+exports.debug_log_reset = debug_log_reset
+exports.debug_log_each = debug_log_each
+exports.TYPE_TAG = TYPE_TAG
+exports.NS_HTML = NS_HTML
+exports.NS_SVG = NS_SVG
diff --git a/parser_no_browser_helper.coffee b/parser_no_browser_helper.coffee
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..16151f1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This file is used by the parser when it is _not_ run in a browser.
+# This module exports a single function which will decode any of the character
+# references that have a terminating semicolon from the html5 spec at
+# https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/entities.json
+# Do not include the "&" or ";" in your argument, eg pass "alpha"
+module.exports = (txt) ->
+       return named_entities_with_terminators[txt] ? null
+named_entities_with_terminators = {"Aacute":"Á","aacute":"á","Abreve":"Ă","abreve":"ă","ac":"∾","acd":"∿","acE":"∾̳","Acirc":"Â","acirc":"â","acute":"´","Acy":"А","acy":"а","AElig":"Æ","aelig":"æ","af":"⁡","Afr":"𝔄","afr":"𝔞","Agrave":"À","agrave":"à","alefsym":"ℵ","aleph":"ℵ","Alpha":"Α","alpha":"α","Amacr":"Ā","amacr":"ā","amalg":"⨿","AMP":"&","amp":"&","And":"⩓","and":"∧","andand":"⩕","andd":"⩜","andslope":"⩘","andv":"⩚","ang":"∠","ange":"⦤","angle":"∠","angmsd":"∡","angmsdaa":"⦨","angmsdab":"⦩","angmsdac":"⦪","angmsdad":"⦫","angmsdae":"⦬","angmsdaf":"⦭","angmsdag":"⦮","angmsdah":"⦯","angrt":"∟","angrtvb":"⊾","angrtvbd":"⦝","angsph":"∢","angst":"Å","angzarr":"⍼","Aogon":"Ą","aogon":"ą","Aopf":"𝔸","aopf":"𝕒","ap":"≈","apacir":"⩯","apE":"⩰","ape":"≊","apid":"≋","apos":"'","ApplyFunction":"⁡","approx":"≈","approxeq":"≊","Aring":"Å","aring":"å","Ascr":"𝒜","ascr":"𝒶","Assign":"≔","ast":"*","asymp":"≈","asympeq":"≍","Atilde":"Ã","atilde":"ã","Auml":"Ä","auml":"ä","awconint":"∳","awint":"⨑","backcong":"≌","backepsilon":"϶","backprime":"‵","backsim":"∽","backsimeq":"⋍","Backslash":"∖","Barv":"⫧","barvee":"⊽","Barwed":"⌆","barwed":"⌅","barwedge":"⌅","bbrk":"⎵","bbrktbrk":"⎶","bcong":"≌","Bcy":"Б","bcy":"б","bdquo":"„","becaus":"∵","Because":"∵","because":"∵","bemptyv":"⦰","bepsi":"϶","bernou":"ℬ","Bernoullis":"ℬ","Beta":"Β","beta":"β","beth":"ℶ","between":"≬","Bfr":"𝔅","bfr":"𝔟","bigcap":"⋂","bigcirc":"◯","bigcup":"⋃","bigodot":"⨀","bigoplus":"⨁","bigotimes":"⨂","bigsqcup":"⨆","bigstar":"★","bigtriangledown":"▽","bigtriangleup":"△","biguplus":"⨄","bigvee":"⋁","bigwedge":"⋀","bkarow":"⤍","blacklozenge":"⧫","blacksquare":"▪","blacktriangle":"▴","blacktriangledown":"▾","blacktriangleleft":"◂","blacktriangleright":"▸","blank":"␣","blk12":"▒","blk14":"░","blk34":"▓","block":"█","bne":"=⃥","bnequiv":"≡⃥","bNot":"⫭","bnot":"⌐","Bopf":"𝔹","bopf":"𝕓","bot":"⊥","bottom":"⊥","bowtie":"⋈","boxbox":"⧉","boxDL":"╗","boxDl":"╖","boxdL":"╕","boxdl":"┐","boxDR":"╔","boxDr":"╓","boxdR":"╒","boxdr":"┌","boxH":"═","boxh":"─","boxHD":"╦","boxHd":"╤","boxhD":"╥","boxhd":"┬","boxHU":"╩","boxHu":"╧","boxhU":"╨","boxhu":"┴","boxminus":"⊟","boxplus":"⊞","boxtimes":"⊠","boxUL":"╝","boxUl":"╜","boxuL":"╛","boxul":"┘","boxUR":"╚","boxUr":"╙","boxuR":"╘","boxur":"└","boxV":"║","boxv":"│","boxVH":"╬","boxVh":"╫","boxvH":"╪","boxvh":"┼","boxVL":"╣","boxVl":"╢","boxvL":"╡","boxvl":"┤","boxVR":"╠","boxVr":"╟","boxvR":"╞","boxvr":"├","bprime":"‵","Breve":"˘","breve":"˘","brvbar":"¦","Bscr":"ℬ","bscr":"𝒷","bsemi":"⁏","bsim":"∽","bsime":"⋍","bsol":"\\","bsolb":"⧅","bsolhsub":"⟈","bull":"•","bullet":"•","bump":"≎","bumpE":"⪮","bumpe":"≏","Bumpeq":"≎","bumpeq":"≏","Cacute":"Ć","cacute":"ć","Cap":"⋒","cap":"∩","capand":"⩄","capbrcup":"⩉","capcap":"⩋","capcup":"⩇","capdot":"⩀","CapitalDifferentialD":"ⅅ","caps":"∩︀","caret":"⁁","caron":"ˇ","Cayleys":"ℭ","ccaps":"⩍","Ccaron":"Č","ccaron":"č","Ccedil":"Ç","ccedil":"ç","Ccirc":"Ĉ","ccirc":"ĉ","Cconint":"∰","ccups":"⩌","ccupssm":"⩐","Cdot":"Ċ","cdot":"ċ","cedil":"¸","Cedilla":"¸","cemptyv":"⦲","cent":"¢","CenterDot":"·","centerdot":"·","Cfr":"ℭ","cfr":"𝔠","CHcy":"Ч","chcy":"ч","check":"✓","checkmark":"✓","Chi":"Χ","chi":"χ","cir":"○","circ":"ˆ","circeq":"≗","circlearrowleft":"↺","circlearrowright":"↻","circledast":"⊛","circledcirc":"⊚","circleddash":"⊝","CircleDot":"⊙","circledR":"®","circledS":"Ⓢ","CircleMinus":"⊖","CirclePlus":"⊕","CircleTimes":"⊗","cirE":"⧃","cire":"≗","cirfnint":"⨐","cirmid":"⫯","cirscir":"⧂","ClockwiseContourIntegral":"∲","CloseCurlyDoubleQuote":"”","CloseCurlyQuote":"’","clubs":"♣","clubsuit":"♣","Colon":"∷","colon":":","Colone":"⩴","colone":"≔","coloneq":"≔","comma":",","commat":"@","comp":"∁","compfn":"∘","complement":"∁","complexes":"ℂ","cong":"≅","congdot":"⩭","Congruent":"≡","Conint":"∯","conint":"∮","ContourIntegral":"∮","Copf":"ℂ","copf":"𝕔","coprod":"∐","Coproduct":"∐","COPY":"©","copy":"©","copysr":"℗","CounterClockwiseContourIntegral":"∳","crarr":"↵","Cross":"⨯","cross":"✗","Cscr":"𝒞","cscr":"𝒸","csub":"⫏","csube":"⫑","csup":"⫐","csupe":"⫒","ctdot":"⋯","cudarrl":"⤸","cudarrr":"⤵","cuepr":"⋞","cuesc":"⋟","cularr":"↶","cularrp":"⤽","Cup":"⋓","cup":"∪","cupbrcap":"⩈","CupCap":"≍","cupcap":"⩆","cupcup":"⩊","cupdot":"⊍","cupor":"⩅","cups":"∪︀","curarr":"↷","curarrm":"⤼","curlyeqprec":"⋞","curlyeqsucc":"⋟","curlyvee":"⋎","curlywedge":"⋏","curren":"¤","curvearrowleft":"↶","curvearrowright":"↷","cuvee":"⋎","cuwed":"⋏","cwconint":"∲","cwint":"∱","cylcty":"⌭","Dagger":"‡","dagger":"†","daleth":"ℸ","Darr":"↡","dArr":"⇓","darr":"↓","dash":"‐","Dashv":"⫤","dashv":"⊣","dbkarow":"⤏","dblac":"˝","Dcaron":"Ď","dcaron":"ď","Dcy":"Д","dcy":"д","DD":"ⅅ","dd":"ⅆ","ddagger":"‡","ddarr":"⇊","DDotrahd":"⤑","ddotseq":"⩷","deg":"°","Del":"∇","Delta":"Δ","delta":"δ","demptyv":"⦱","dfisht":"⥿","Dfr":"𝔇","dfr":"𝔡","dHar":"⥥","dharl":"⇃","dharr":"⇂","DiacriticalAcute":"´","DiacriticalDot":"˙","DiacriticalDoubleAcute":"˝","DiacriticalGrave":"`","DiacriticalTilde":"˜","diam":"⋄","Diamond":"⋄","diamond":"⋄"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diff --git a/parser_tests.coffee b/parser_tests.coffee
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5cc99bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8019 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Jason Woofenden, James Graham, Geoffrey Sneddon, and
+# other contributors
+# The values in the following data structure were extracted from the project at
+# https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-tests which has the following notice:
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2013 James Graham, Geoffrey Sneddon, and
+# other contributors
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# The rest of this file was written by Jason Woofenden in 2015-2016, and is
+# released under the terms of the CC0 license:
+# http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ and into the public domain
+tests = [
+       {
+               name: "adoption01.dat #1"
+               html: "<a><p></a></p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #2"
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+       }, {
+               name: "adoption01.dat #3"
+               html: "<a>1<button>2</a>3</button>"
+               errors: 2
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+       }, {
+               name: "adoption01.dat #4"
+               html: "<a>1<b>2</a>3</b>"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #5"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #6"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #7"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #8"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #9"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #10"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #11"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #12"
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+       }, {
+               name: "adoption01.dat #13"
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+               name: "adoption01.dat #14"
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+       }, {
+               name: "adoption01.dat #15"
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+       }, {
+               name: "adoption01.dat #16"
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+       }, {
+               name: "adoption01.dat #17"
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+               name: "adoption02.dat #1"
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+               name: "adoption02.dat #2"
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+               name: "comments01.dat #1"
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+               name: "comments01.dat #2"
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+               name: "comments01.dat #3"
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+               name: "comments01.dat #4"
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+               name: "comments01.dat #5"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #6"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #7"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #8"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #9"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #10"
+               html: "<?xml version=\"1.0\">Hi"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- ?xml version=\"1.0\" -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Hi\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #11"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #12"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #13"
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+       }, {
+               name: "comments01.dat #14"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #1"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>Hello"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #2"
+               html: "<!dOctYpE HtMl>Hello"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Hello\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #3"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #4"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #5"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #6"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #7"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #8"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #9"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #10"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #11"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #12"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #13"
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+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #14"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM 'taco\"'>Hello"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #15"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #16"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM \"tai'co\">Hello"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #17"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #18"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #19"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #20"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #21"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #22"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #23"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #24"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #25"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #26"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC \"W3C-//dfdf\" SYSTEM ggg>Hello"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #29"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE root-element>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"]>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "doctype01.dat #32"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC\n  \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN\"\n    \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd\">"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #33"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM \"http://www.w3.org/DTD/HTML4-strict.dtd\"><body><b>Mine!</b></body>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html \"\" \"http://www.w3.org/DTD/HTML4-strict.dtd\">\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"Mine!\"\n"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #34"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #35"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #36"
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+               name: "doctype01.dat #37"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC'-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN''http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd'>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #1"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\nbar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #2"
+               html: "<svg><![CDATA[foo\rbar]]>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\nbar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #3"
+               html: "<svg><![CDATA[foo\r\nbar]]>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\nbar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #4"
+               html: "<script>a='\u0000'</script>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \"a='�'\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #5"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--\u0000</script>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--�\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #6"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--foo\u0000</script>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--foo�\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #7"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!-- foo-\u0000</script>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!-- foo-�\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #8"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!-- foo--\u0000</script>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!-- foo--�\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #9"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!-- foo-"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!-- foo-\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #10"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!-- foo-<</script>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!-- foo-<\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #11"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!-- foo-<S"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!-- foo-<S\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #12"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!-- foo-</SCRIPT>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!-- foo-\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #13"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<p></script>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #14"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script></script></script>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--<script></script>\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #15"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>\u0000</script></script>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--<script>�</script>\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #16"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>-\u0000</script></script>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #17"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>--\u0000</script></script>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #18"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>---</script></script>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--<script>---</script>\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #19"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script></scrip></SCRIPT></script>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #20"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script></scrip </SCRIPT></script>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #21"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script></scrip/</SCRIPT></script>"
+               errors: 1
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+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #22"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"></scrip/></script>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"</scrip/>\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #23"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"></scrip ></script>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"</scrip >\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #24"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--</scrip></script>"
+               errors: 1
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+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #25"
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+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #26"
+               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--</scrip/</script>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--</scrip/\"\n|   <body>\n"
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+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #27"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #28"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #29"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
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+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #30"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #31"
+               html: "<body></body><!DOCTYPE html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
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+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #32"
+               html: "<table><!DOCTYPE html></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #33"
+               html: "<select><!DOCTYPE html></select>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #34"
+               html: "<table><colgroup><!DOCTYPE html></colgroup></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #35"
+               html: "<table><colgroup><!--test--></colgroup></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <!-- test -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #36"
+               html: "<table><colgroup><html></colgroup></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #37"
+               html: "<table><colgroup> foo</colgroup></table>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         \" \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #38"
+               html: "<select><!--test--></select>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <!-- test -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #39"
+               html: "<select><html></select>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #40"
+               html: "<frameset><html></frameset>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #41"
+               html: "<frameset></frameset><html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #42"
+               html: "<frameset></frameset><!DOCTYPE html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #43"
+               html: "<html><body></body></html><!DOCTYPE html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #44"
+               html: "<svg><!DOCTYPE html></svg>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #45"
+               html: "<svg><font></font></svg>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg font>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #46"
+               html: "<svg><font id=foo></font></svg>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg font>\n|         id=\"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #47"
+               html: "<svg><font size=4></font></svg>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <font>\n|       size=\"4\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #48"
+               html: "<svg><font color=red></font></svg>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <font>\n|       color=\"red\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #49"
+               html: "<svg><font font=sans></font></svg>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg font>\n|         font=\"sans\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #1"
+               html: "FOO&gt;BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #2"
+               html: "FOO&gtBAR"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #3"
+               html: "FOO&gt BAR"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO> BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #4"
+               html: "FOO&gt;;;BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO>;;BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #5"
+               html: "I'm &notit; I tell you"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"I'm ¬it; I tell you\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #6"
+               html: "I'm &notin; I tell you"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"I'm ∉ I tell you\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #7"
+               html: "FOO& BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO& BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #8"
+               html: "FOO&<BAR>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO&\"\n|     <bar>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #9"
+               html: "FOO&&&&gt;BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO&&&>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #10"
+               html: "FOO&#41;BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO)BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #11"
+               html: "FOO&#x41;BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOOABAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #12"
+               html: "FOO&#X41;BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOOABAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities01.dat #13"
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+               name: "entities02.dat #17"
+               html: "<div bar=\"ZZ&prod;_id=23\"></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       bar=\"ZZ∏_id=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #18"
+               html: "<div bar=\"ZZ&pound=23\"></div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       bar=\"ZZ&pound=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #19"
+               html: "<div bar=\"ZZ&prod=23\"></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       bar=\"ZZ&prod=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #20"
+               html: "<div>ZZ&pound_id=23</div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"ZZ£_id=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #21"
+               html: "<div>ZZ&prod_id=23</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"ZZ&prod_id=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #22"
+               html: "<div>ZZ&pound;_id=23</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"ZZ£_id=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #23"
+               html: "<div>ZZ&prod;_id=23</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"ZZ∏_id=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #24"
+               html: "<div>ZZ&pound=23</div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"ZZ£=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #25"
+               html: "<div>ZZ&prod=23</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"ZZ&prod=23\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "entities02.dat #26"
+               html: "<div>ZZ&AElig=</div>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"ZZÆ=\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #1"
+               html: "<nobr>X"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "svg path"
+               expected: "| <svg nobr>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #2"
+               html: "<font color></font>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg path"
+               expected: "| <svg font>\n|   color=\"\"\n| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #3"
+               html: "<font></font>X"
+               fragment: "svg path"
+               expected: "| <svg font>\n| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #4"
+               html: "<g></path>X"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "svg path"
+               expected: "| <svg g>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #5"
+               html: "</path>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg path"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #6"
+               html: "</foreignObject>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg foreignObject"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #7"
+               html: "</desc>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #8"
+               html: "</title>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg title"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #9"
+               html: "</svg>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg svg"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #10"
+               html: "</mfenced>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math mfenced"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #11"
+               html: "</malignmark>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math malignmark"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #12"
+               html: "</math>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math math"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #13"
+               html: "</annotation-xml>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math annotation-xml"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #14"
+               html: "</mtext>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math mtext"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #15"
+               html: "</mi>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math mi"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #16"
+               html: "</mo>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math mo"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #17"
+               html: "</mn>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math mn"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #18"
+               html: "</ms>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math ms"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #19"
+               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><ms/>X"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "math ms"
+               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <ms>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #20"
+               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
+               fragment: "math ms"
+               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #21"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "math ms"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #22"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "math ms"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #23"
+               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><mn/>X"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "math mn"
+               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <mn>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #24"
+               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
+               fragment: "math mn"
+               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #25"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "math mn"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #26"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "math mn"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #27"
+               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><mo/>X"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "math mo"
+               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <mo>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #28"
+               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
+               fragment: "math mo"
+               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #29"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "math mo"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #30"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "math mo"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #31"
+               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><mi/>X"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "math mi"
+               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <mi>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #32"
+               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
+               fragment: "math mi"
+               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #33"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "math mi"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #34"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "math mi"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #35"
+               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><mtext/>X"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "math mtext"
+               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <mtext>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #36"
+               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
+               fragment: "math mtext"
+               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #37"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "math mtext"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #38"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "math mtext"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #39"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math annotation-xml"
+               expected: "| <math div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #40"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "math annotation-xml"
+               expected: "| <math figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #41"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "math math"
+               expected: "| <math div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #42"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "math math"
+               expected: "| <math figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #43"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "svg foreignObject"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #44"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "svg foreignObject"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #45"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "svg title"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #46"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "svg title"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #47"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #48"
+               html: "<div><h1>X</h1></div>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "svg svg"
+               expected: "| <svg div>\n|   <svg h1>\n|     \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #49"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg svg"
+               expected: "| <svg div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #50"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #51"
+               html: "<figure></figure>"
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| <figure>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #52"
+               html: "<plaintext><foo>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| <plaintext>\n|   \"<foo>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #53"
+               html: "<frameset>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #54"
+               html: "<head>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #55"
+               html: "<body>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #56"
+               html: "<html>X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #57"
+               html: "<html class=\"foo\">X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #58"
+               html: "<body class=\"foo\">X"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "svg desc"
+               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #1"
+               html: "<div<div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div<div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #2"
+               html: "<div foo<bar=''>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo<bar=\"\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #3"
+               html: "<div foo=`bar`>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo=\"`bar`\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #4"
+               html: "<div \\\"foo=''>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \\\"foo=\"\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #5"
+               html: "<a href='\\nbar'></a>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"\\nbar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #6"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #7"
+               html: "&lang;&rang;"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"⟨⟩\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #8"
+               html: "&apos;"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"'\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #9"
+               html: "&ImaginaryI;"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"ⅈ\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #10"
+               html: "&Kopf;"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"𝕂\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #11"
+               html: "&notinva;"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"∉\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #12"
+               html: "<?import namespace=\"foo\" implementation=\"#bar\">"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- ?import namespace=\"foo\" implementation=\"#bar\" -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #13"
+               html: "<!--foo--bar-->"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- foo--bar -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #14"
+               html: "<![CDATA[x]]>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- [CDATA[x]] -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #15"
+               html: "<textarea><!--</textarea>--></textarea>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|     \"-->\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #16"
+               html: "<textarea><!--</textarea>-->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|     \"-->\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #17"
+               html: "<style><!--</style>--></style>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #18"
+               html: "<style><!--</style>-->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #19"
+               html: "<ul><li>A </li> <li>B</li></ul>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|         \"A \"\n|       \" \"\n|       <li>\n|         \"B\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #20"
+               html: "<table><form><input type=hidden><input></form><div></div></table>"
+               errors: 8
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <form>\n|       <input>\n|         type=\"hidden\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #21"
+               html: "<i>A<b>B<p></i>C</b>D"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <i>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"B\"\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         <i>\n|         \"C\"\n|       \"D\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #22"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #23"
+               html: "<svg></svg>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "html5test-com.dat #24"
+               html: "<math></math>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "inbody01.dat #1"
+               html: "<button>1</foo>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <button>\n|       \"1\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "inbody01.dat #2"
+               html: "<foo>1<p>2</foo>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       \"1\"\n|       <p>\n|         \"2\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "inbody01.dat #3"
+               html: "<dd>1</foo>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dd>\n|       \"1\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "inbody01.dat #4"
+               html: "<foo>1<dd>2</foo>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       \"1\"\n|       <dd>\n|         \"2\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "isindex.dat #1"
+               html: "<isindex>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "isindex.dat #2"
+               html: "<isindex name=\"A\" action=\"B\" prompt=\"C\" foo=\"D\">"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       action=\"B\"\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"C\"\n|         <input>\n|           foo=\"D\"\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "isindex.dat #3"
+               html: "<form><isindex>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "main-element.dat #1"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p>foo<main>bar<p>baz"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"foo\"\n|     <main>\n|       \"bar\"\n|       <p>\n|         \"baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "main-element.dat #2"
+               html: "<!doctype html><main><p>foo</main>bar"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <main>\n|       <p>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     \"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "main-element.dat #3"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>xxx<svg><x><g><a><main><b>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"xxx\"\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg x>\n|         <svg g>\n|           <svg a>\n|     <main>\n|       <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #1"
+               html: "<math><tr><td><mo><tr>"
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tr>\n|     <math td>\n|       <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #2"
+               html: "<math><tr><td><mo><tr>"
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tr>\n|     <math td>\n|       <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #3"
+               html: "<math><thead><mo><tbody>"
+               fragment: "thead"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math thead>\n|     <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #4"
+               html: "<math><tfoot><mo><tbody>"
+               fragment: "tfoot"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tfoot>\n|     <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #5"
+               html: "<math><tbody><mo><tfoot>"
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tbody>\n|     <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #6"
+               html: "<math><tbody><mo></table>"
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tbody>\n|     <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #7"
+               html: "<math><thead><mo></table>"
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math thead>\n|     <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "math.dat #8"
+               html: "<math><tfoot><mo></table>"
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tfoot>\n|     <math mo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "namespace-sensitivity.dat #1"
+               html: "<body><table><tr><td><svg><td><foreignObject><span></td>Foo"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Foo\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg td>\n|                 <svg foreignObject>\n|                   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "pending-spec-changes.dat #1"
+               html: "<input type=\"hidden\"><frameset>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "pending-spec-changes.dat #2"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><caption><svg>foo</table>bar"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <svg svg>\n|           \"foo\"\n|     \"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "pending-spec-changes.dat #3"
+               html: "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td></desc><circle>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg desc>\n|           <td>\n|             <circle>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "pending-spec-changes-plain-text-unsafe.dat #1"
+               html: "<body><table>\u0000filler\u0000text\u0000"
+               errors: 18
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"fillertext\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #1"
+               html: "FOO&#x000D;ZOO"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\rZOO\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #2"
+               html: "<html>\u0000<frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #3"
+               html: "<html> \u0000 <frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #4"
+               html: "<html>a\u0000a<frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"aa\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #5"
+               html: "<html>\u0000\u0000<frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #6"
+               html: "<html>\u0000\n <frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #7"
+               html: "<html><select>\u0000"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #8"
+               html: "\u0000"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #9"
+               html: "<body>\u0000"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #10"
+               html: "<plaintext>\u0000filler\u0000text\u0000"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"�filler�text�\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #11"
+               html: "<svg><![CDATA[\u0000filler\u0000text\u0000]]>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�filler�text�\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #12"
+               html: "<body><!\u0000>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <!-- � -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #13"
+               html: "<body><!\u0000filler\u0000text>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <!-- �filler�text -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #14"
+               html: "<body><svg><foreignObject>\u0000filler\u0000text"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|         \"fillertext\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #15"
+               html: "<svg>\u0000filler\u0000text"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�filler�text\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #16"
+               html: "<svg>\u0000<frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�\"\n|       <svg frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #17"
+               html: "<svg>\u0000 <frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"� \"\n|       <svg frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #18"
+               html: "<svg>\u0000a<frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�a\"\n|       <svg frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #19"
+               html: "<svg>\u0000</svg><frameset>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #20"
+               html: "<svg>\u0000 </svg><frameset>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #21"
+               html: "<svg>\u0000a</svg><frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #22"
+               html: "<svg><path></path></svg><frameset>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #23"
+               html: "<svg><p><frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #24"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\r\n\r\nA</pre>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nA\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #25"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\r\rA</pre>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nA\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #26"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\rA</pre>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"A\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #27"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><math><mtext>\u0000a"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mtext>\n|                 \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #28"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><svg><foreignObject>\u0000a"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg foreignObject>\n|                 \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #29"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mi>a\u0000b"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #30"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mo>a\u0000b"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mo>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #31"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mn>a\u0000b"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mn>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #32"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><ms>a\u0000b"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math ms>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #33"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mtext>a\u0000b"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mtext>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #1"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rb></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #2"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rt></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #3"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #4"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rp></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #5"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<span></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #6"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rb></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #7"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rt></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #8"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #9"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rp></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #10"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<span></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #11"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rb></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #12"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rt>c<rt>d</ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <rt>\n|           \"c\"\n|         <rt>\n|           \"d\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #13"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #14"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rp></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <rp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #15"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<span></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #16"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rb></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #17"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rt></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #18"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #19"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rp></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #20"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<span></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "ruby.dat #21"
+               html: "<html><ruby><rtc><ruby>a<rb>b<rt></ruby></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <rtc>\n|         <ruby>\n|           \"a\"\n|           <rb>\n|             \"b\"\n|           <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #1"
+               html: "FOO<script>'Hello'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'Hello'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #2"
+               html: "FOO<script></script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #3"
+               html: "FOO<script></script >BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #4"
+               html: "FOO<script></script/>BAR"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #5"
+               html: "FOO<script></script/ >BAR"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #6"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\"></scriptx>BAR"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"</scriptx>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #7"
+               html: "FOO<script></script foo=\">\" dd>BAR"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #8"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #9"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #10"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!-'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #11"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!--'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!--'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #12"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!---'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!---'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #13"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!-->'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-->'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #14"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!-->'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-->'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #15"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!-- potato'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-- potato'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #16"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!-- <sCrIpt'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #17"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt>'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt>'</script>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #18"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> -'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt> -'</script>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #19"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> --'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt> --'</script>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #20"
+               html: "FOO<script>'<!-- <sCrIpt> -->'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt> -->'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #21"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> --!>'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt> --!>'</script>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #22"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> -- >'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt> -- >'</script>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #23"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt '</script>BAR"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt '</script>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #24"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #25"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt\\'</script>BAR"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt\\'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #26"
+               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR</script>QUX"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR\"\n|     \"QUX\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "scriptdata01.dat #27"
+               html: "FOO<script><!--<script>-></script>--></script>QUX"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"<!--<script>-></script>-->\"\n|     \"QUX\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #1"
+               html: "<table><th>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <th>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #2"
+               html: "<table><td>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #3"
+               html: "<table><col foo='bar'>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <col>\n|           foo=\"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #4"
+               html: "<table><colgroup></html>foo"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #5"
+               html: "<table></table><p>foo"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|     <p>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #6"
+               html: "<table></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr><td>"
+               errors: 14
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #7"
+               html: "<table><select><option>3</select></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         \"3\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #8"
+               html: "<table><select><table></table></select></table>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <table>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #9"
+               html: "<table><select></table>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #10"
+               html: "<table><select><option>A<tr><td>B</td></tr></table>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         \"A\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"B\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #11"
+               html: "<table><td></body></caption></col></colgroup></html>foo"
+               errors: 8
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #12"
+               html: "<table><td>A</table>B"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n|     \"B\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #13"
+               html: "<table><tr><caption>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|       <caption>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #14"
+               html: "<table><tr></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></td></th><td>foo"
+               errors: 9
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #15"
+               html: "<table><td><tr>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #16"
+               html: "<table><td><button><td>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <button>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tables01.dat #17"
+               html: "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg desc>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #1"
+               html: "<body><template>Hello</template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Hello\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #2"
+               html: "<template>Hello</template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Hello\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #3"
+               html: "<template></template><div></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #4"
+               html: "<html><template>Hello</template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Hello\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #5"
+               html: "<head><template><div></div></template></head>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #6"
+               html: "<div><template><div><span></template><b>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <div>\n|             <span>\n|       <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #7"
+               html: "<div><template></div>Hello"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           \"Hello\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #8"
+               html: "<div></template></div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #9"
+               html: "<table><template></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #10"
+               html: "<table><template></template></div>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #11"
+               html: "<table><div><template></template></div>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #12"
+               html: "<table><template></template><div></div>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #13"
+               html: "<table>   <template></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       \"   \"\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #14"
+               html: "<table><tbody><template></template></tbody>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #15"
+               html: "<table><tbody><template></tbody></template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #16"
+               html: "<table><tbody><template></template></tbody></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #17"
+               html: "<table><thead><template></template></thead>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #18"
+               html: "<table><tfoot><template></template></tfoot>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tfoot>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #19"
+               html: "<select><template></template></select>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #20"
+               html: "<select><template><option></option></template></select>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #21"
+               html: "<template><option></option></select><option></option></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <option>\n|         <option>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #22"
+               html: "<select><template></template><option></select>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|       <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #23"
+               html: "<select><option><template></template></select>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #24"
+               html: "<select><template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #25"
+               html: "<select><option></option><template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #26"
+               html: "<select><option></option><template><option>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #27"
+               html: "<table><thead><template><td></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #28"
+               html: "<table><template><thead></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <thead>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #29"
+               html: "<body><table><template><td></tr><div></template></table>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <td>\n|             <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #30"
+               html: "<table><template><thead></template></thead></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <thead>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #31"
+               html: "<table><thead><template><tr></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #32"
+               html: "<table><template><tr></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #33"
+               html: "<table><tr><template><td>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <template>\n|             content\n|               <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #34"
+               html: "<table><template><tr><template><td></template></tr></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n|             <template>\n|               content\n|                 <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #35"
+               html: "<table><template><tr><template><td></td></template></tr></template></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n|             <template>\n|               content\n|                 <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #36"
+               html: "<table><template><td></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #37"
+               html: "<body><template><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #38"
+               html: "<body><template><template><tr></tr></template><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #39"
+               html: "<table><colgroup><template><col>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #40"
+               html: "<frameset><template><frame></frame></template></frameset>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     <frame>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #41"
+               html: "<template><frame></frame></frameset><frame></frame></template>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #42"
+               html: "<template><div><frameset><span></span></div><span></span></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           <span>\n|         <span>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #43"
+               html: "<body><template><div><frameset><span></span></div><span></span></template></body>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           <span>\n|         <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #44"
+               html: "<body><template><script>var i = 1;</script><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <script>\n|           \"var i = 1;\"\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #45"
+               html: "<body><template><tr><div></div></tr></template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #46"
+               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #47"
+               html: "<body><template><td></td></tr><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #48"
+               html: "<body><template><td></td><tbody><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #49"
+               html: "<body><template><td></td><caption></caption><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #50"
+               html: "<body><template><td></td><colgroup></caption><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #51"
+               html: "<body><template><td></td></table><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #52"
+               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><tbody><tr></tr></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #53"
+               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><caption><tr></tr></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #54"
+               html: "<body><template><tr></tr></table><tr></tr></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #55"
+               html: "<body><template><thead></thead><caption></caption><tbody></tbody></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <thead>\n|         <caption>\n|         <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #56"
+               html: "<body><template><thead></thead></table><tbody></tbody></template></body>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <thead>\n|         <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #57"
+               html: "<body><template><div><tr></tr></div></template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #58"
+               html: "<body><template><em>Hello</em></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <em>\n|           \"Hello\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #59"
+               html: "<body><template><!--comment--></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <!-- comment -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #60"
+               html: "<body><template><style></style><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <style>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #61"
+               html: "<body><template><meta><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <meta>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #62"
+               html: "<body><template><link><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <link>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #63"
+               html: "<body><template><template><tr></tr></template><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|         <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #64"
+               html: "<body><table><colgroup><template><col></col></template></colgroup></table></body>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #65"
+               html: "<body a=b><template><div></div><body c=d><div></div></body></template></body>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     a=\"b\"\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #66"
+               html: "<html a=b><template><div><html b=c><span></template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           <span>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #67"
+               html: "<html a=b><template><col></col><html b=c><col></col></template>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n|         <col>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #68"
+               html: "<html a=b><template><frame></frame><html b=c><frame></frame></template>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #69"
+               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><template></template><td></td></template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #70"
+               html: "<body><template><thead></thead><template><tr></tr></template><tr></tr><tfoot></tfoot></template>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|         <tfoot>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #71"
+               html: "<body><template><template><b><template></template></template>text</template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <b>\n|               <template>\n|                 content\n|         \"text\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #72"
+               html: "<body><template><col><colgroup>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #73"
+               html: "<body><template><col></colgroup>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #74"
+               html: "<body><template><col><colgroup></template></body>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #75"
+               html: "<body><template><col><div>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #76"
+               html: "<body><template><col></div>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #77"
+               html: "<body><template><col>Hello"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #78"
+               html: "<body><template><i><menu>Foo</i>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <i>\n|         <menu>\n|           <i>\n|             \"Foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #79"
+               html: "<body><template></div><div>Foo</div><template></template><tr></tr>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           \"Foo\"\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #80"
+               html: "<body><div><template></div><tr><td>Foo</td></tr></template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               \"Foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #81"
+               html: "<template></figcaption><sub><table></table>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <sub>\n|           <table>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #82"
+               html: "<template><template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #83"
+               html: "<template><div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #84"
+               html: "<template><template><div>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <div>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #85"
+               html: "<template><template><table>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <table>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #86"
+               html: "<template><template><tbody>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tbody>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #87"
+               html: "<template><template><tr>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #88"
+               html: "<template><template><td>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <td>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #89"
+               html: "<template><template><caption>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <caption>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #90"
+               html: "<template><template><colgroup>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <colgroup>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #91"
+               html: "<template><template><col>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <col>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #92"
+               html: "<template><template><tbody><select>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tbody>\n|             <select>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #93"
+               html: "<template><template><table>Foo"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             \"Foo\"\n|             <table>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #94"
+               html: "<template><template><frame>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #95"
+               html: "<template><template><script>var i"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <script>\n|               \"var i\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #96"
+               html: "<template><template><style>var i"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <style>\n|               \"var i\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #97"
+               html: "<template><table></template><body><span>Foo"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <table>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       \"Foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #98"
+               html: "<template><td></template><body><span>Foo"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       \"Foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #99"
+               html: "<template><object></template><body><span>Foo"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <object>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       \"Foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #100"
+               html: "<template><svg><template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg template>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #101"
+               html: "<template><svg><foo><template><foreignObject><div></template><div>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg foo>\n|             <svg template>\n|               <svg foreignObject>\n|                 <div>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #102"
+               html: "<dummy><template><span></dummy>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dummy>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #103"
+               html: "<body><table><tr><td><select><template>Foo</template><caption>A</table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <select>\n|               <template>\n|                 content\n|                   \"Foo\"\n|       <caption>\n|         \"A\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #104"
+               html: "<body></body><template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #105"
+               html: "<head></head><template>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #106"
+               html: "<head></head><template>Foo</template>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Foo\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #107"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE HTML><dummy><table><template><table><template><table><script>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dummy>\n|       <table>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <table>\n|               <template>\n|                 content\n|                   <table>\n|                     <script>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "template.dat #108"
+               html: "<template><a><table><a>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <a>\n|           <a>\n|           <table>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #1"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg></svg>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #2"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg></svg><![CDATA[a]]>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <!-- [CDATA[a]] -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #3"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg></svg>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #4"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><svg></svg></select>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #5"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><svg></svg></option></select>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #6"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg></svg></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #7"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g></svg></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #8"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #9"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tbody></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #10"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tr></tbody></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #11"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></td></tr></tbody></table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #12"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"bar\"\n|             <p>\n|               \"baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #13"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</caption></table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #14"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #15"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g>baz</table><p>quux"
+               errors: 2
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+               name: "tests10.dat #16"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #17"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #18"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #19"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #20"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #21"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #22"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #23"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #24"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #25"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #26"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #27"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #28"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #29"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #30"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #31"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #32"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #33"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #34"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #36"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #37"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #38"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #39"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #40"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #43"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #44"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #45"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #46"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #47"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #51"
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+               name: "tests10.dat #52"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #53"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests10.dat #54"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests11.dat #1"
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+               name: "tests11.dat #2"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests11.dat #3"
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+               name: "tests11.dat #4"
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+               name: "tests11.dat #5"
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+               name: "tests11.dat #8"
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+               name: "tests11.dat #9"
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+               name: "tests14.dat #1"
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+               name: "tests14.dat #3"
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+               name: "tests14.dat #5"
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+               name: "tests15.dat #13"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #1"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #2"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #3"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #5"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #6"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #64"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #65"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #66"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #80"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #97"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #98"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #102"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #104"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #105"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #106"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #107"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #111"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #112"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #113"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #114"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #115"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #116"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #117"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #118"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #119"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #120"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #121"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #123"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #124"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #125"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #126"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #127"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #128"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #129"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #130"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #131"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #132"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #133"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #134"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #135"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #141"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #150"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #159"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #160"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #166"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #168"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #169"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #170"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #173"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #177"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #178"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #180"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #182"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #189"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #191"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #192"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #193"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #195"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #196"
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+               name: "tests16.dat #197"
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+               name: "tests17.dat #1"
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+               name: "tests17.dat #2"
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+               name: "tests17.dat #3"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr><td><select><td>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <select>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #4"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr><th><select><td>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <th>\n|             <select>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #5"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><caption><select><tr>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <select>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #6"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select><tr>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #7"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #8"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select><th>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #9"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #10"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select><thead>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #11"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #12"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select><caption>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests17.dat #13"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr></table>a"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|     \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #1"
+               html: "<!doctype html><plaintext></plaintext>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"</plaintext>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #2"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><plaintext></plaintext>"
+               errors: 14
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"</plaintext>\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #3"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tbody><plaintext></plaintext>"
+               errors: 14
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"</plaintext>\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #4"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tbody><tr><plaintext></plaintext>"
+               errors: 14
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"</plaintext>\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #5"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><td><plaintext></plaintext>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <plaintext>\n|               \"</plaintext>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #6"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><caption><plaintext></plaintext>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <plaintext>\n|           \"</plaintext>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #7"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr><style></script></style>abc"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"abc\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <style>\n|             \"</script>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #8"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr><script></style></script>abc"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"abc\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <script>\n|             \"</style>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #9"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><caption><style></script></style>abc"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <style>\n|           \"</script>\"\n|         \"abc\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #10"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><td><style></script></style>abc"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <style>\n|               \"</script>\"\n|             \"abc\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #11"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select><script></style></script>abc"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <script>\n|         \"</style>\"\n|       \"abc\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #12"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><select><script></style></script>abc"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <script>\n|         \"</style>\"\n|       \"abc\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #13"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr><select><script></style></script>abc"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <script>\n|         \"</style>\"\n|       \"abc\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #14"
+               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset><noframes>abc"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"abc\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #15"
+               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset><noframes>abc</noframes><!--abc-->"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"abc\"\n|   <!-- abc -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #16"
+               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset></html><noframes>abc"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"abc\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #17"
+               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset></html><noframes>abc</noframes><!--abc-->"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"abc\"\n| <!-- abc -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #18"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr></tbody><tfoot>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|       <tfoot>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests18.dat #19"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><td><svg></svg>abc<td>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|             \"abc\"\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #1"
+               html: "<!doctype html><math><mn DefinitionUrl=\"foo\">"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mn>\n|         definitionURL=\"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #2"
+               html: "<!doctype html><html></p><!--foo-->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <!-- foo -->\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #3"
+               html: "<!doctype html><head></head></p><!--foo-->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <!-- foo -->\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #4"
+               html: "<!doctype html><body><p><pre>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <pre>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #5"
+               html: "<!doctype html><body><p><listing>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <listing>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #6"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><plaintext>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <plaintext>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #7"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><h1>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <h1>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #8"
+               html: "<!doctype html><form><isindex>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #9"
+               html: "<!doctype html><isindex action=\"POST\">"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       action=\"POST\"\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #10"
+               html: "<!doctype html><isindex prompt=\"this is isindex\">"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"this is isindex\"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #11"
+               html: "<!doctype html><isindex type=\"hidden\">"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|           type=\"hidden\"\n|       <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #12"
+               html: "<!doctype html><isindex name=\"foo\">"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #13"
+               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><p><rp>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <p>\n|       <rp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #14"
+               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rp>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <span>\n|           <rp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #15"
+               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rp>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <p>\n|         <rp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #16"
+               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><p><rt>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <p>\n|       <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #17"
+               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rt>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <span>\n|           <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #18"
+               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rt>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <p>\n|         <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #19"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rt></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #20"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rt></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #21"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rt></ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #22"
+               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rt>c<rb>d</ruby></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <rt>\n|           \"c\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"d\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #23"
+               html: "<!doctype html><math/><foo>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|     <foo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #24"
+               html: "<!doctype html><svg/><foo>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <foo>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #25"
+               html: "<!doctype html><div></body><!--foo-->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|   <!-- foo -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #26"
+               html: "<!doctype html><h1><div><h3><span></h1>foo"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h1>\n|       <div>\n|         <h3>\n|           <span>\n|         \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #27"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p></h3>foo"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #28"
+               html: "<!doctype html><h3><li>abc</h2>foo"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h3>\n|       <li>\n|         \"abc\"\n|     \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #29"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table>abc<!--foo-->"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"abc\"\n|     <table>\n|       <!-- foo -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #30"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table>  <!--foo-->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       \"  \"\n|       <!-- foo -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #31"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table> b <!--foo-->"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \" b \"\n|     <table>\n|       <!-- foo -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #32"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #33"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #34"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #35"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #36"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><math><mi><p><h1>"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #37"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #38"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #39"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #40"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #41"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #42"
+               html: "<!doctype html><html c=d><body></html><html a=b>"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #43"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #44"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #45"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #46"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #47"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #48"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #49"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #50"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #51"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #52"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #53"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #54"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #55"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #56"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #57"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #58"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #59"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #60"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #61"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #62"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #63"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #64"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #65"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #66"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #67"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #68"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #69"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #70"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #71"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #72"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #73"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #74"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #75"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #76"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #77"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #78"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #79"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #80"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #81"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #82"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #83"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #84"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #85"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #86"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #87"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #88"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #89"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #90"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #91"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #92"
+               html: "<!doctype html><head><!--aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--><meta charset=\"utf8\">"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #93"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #94"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #95"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #96"
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+               name: "tests19.dat #97"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #98"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><i>a<b>b<div>c</i>"
+               errors: 9
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #99"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><i>a<b>b<div>c<a>d</i>e</b>f"
+               errors: 17
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <i>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"b\"\n|     <b>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <i>\n|           \"c\"\n|           <a>\n|             \"d\"\n|         <a>\n|           \"e\"\n|       <a>\n|         \"f\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #100"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><i>a<div>b<tr>c<b>d</i>e"
+               errors: 11
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <i>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <div>\n|         \"b\"\n|     <i>\n|       \"c\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"d\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"e\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #101"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><td><table><i>a<div>b<b>c</i>d"
+               errors: 12
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <i>\n|               \"a\"\n|             <div>\n|               <i>\n|                 \"b\"\n|                 <b>\n|                   \"c\"\n|               <b>\n|                 \"d\"\n|             <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #102"
+               html: "<!doctype html><body><bgsound>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <bgsound>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #103"
+               html: "<!doctype html><body><basefont>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <basefont>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #104"
+               html: "<!doctype html><a><b></a><basefont>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <b>\n|     <basefont>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #105"
+               html: "<!doctype html><a><b></a><bgsound>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <b>\n|     <bgsound>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #106"
+               html: "<!doctype html><figcaption><article></figcaption>a"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <figcaption>\n|       <article>\n|     \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #107"
+               html: "<!doctype html><summary><article></summary>a"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <summary>\n|       <article>\n|     \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #108"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><a><plaintext>b"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       <a>\n|         \"b\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests19.dat #109"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><div>a<a></div>b<p>c</p>d"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <a>\n|     <a>\n|       \"b\"\n|       <p>\n|         \"c\"\n|       \"d\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #1"
+               html: "Test"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #2"
+               html: "<p>One<p>Two"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"One\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"Two\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #3"
+               html: "Line1<br>Line2<br>Line3<br>Line4"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Line1\"\n|     <br>\n|     \"Line2\"\n|     <br>\n|     \"Line3\"\n|     <br>\n|     \"Line4\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #4"
+               html: "<html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #5"
+               html: "<head>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #6"
+               html: "<body>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #7"
+               html: "<html><head>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #8"
+               html: "<html><head></head>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #9"
+               html: "<html><head></head><body>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #10"
+               html: "<html><head></head><body></body>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #11"
+               html: "<html><head><body></body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #12"
+               html: "<html><head></body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #13"
+               html: "<html><head><body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #14"
+               html: "<html><body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #15"
+               html: "<body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #16"
+               html: "<head></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #17"
+               html: "</head>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #18"
+               html: "</body>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #19"
+               html: "</html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #20"
+               html: "<b><table><td><i></table>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <i>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #21"
+               html: "<b><table><td></b><i></table>X"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <i>\n|       \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #22"
+               html: "<h1>Hello<h2>World"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h1>\n|       \"Hello\"\n|     <h2>\n|       \"World\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #23"
+               html: "<a><p>X<a>Y</a>Z</p></a>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|         \"X\"\n|       <a>\n|         \"Y\"\n|       \"Z\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #24"
+               html: "<b><button>foo</b>bar"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <button>\n|       <b>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       \"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #25"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><span><button>foo</span>bar"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       <button>\n|         \"foobar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #26"
+               html: "<p><b><div><marquee></p></b></div>X"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <marquee>\n|           <p>\n|           \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #27"
+               html: "<script><div></script></div><title><p></title><p><p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \"<div>\"\n|     <title>\n|       \"<p>\"\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #28"
+               html: "<!--><div>--<!-->"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!--  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"--\"\n|       <!--  -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #29"
+               html: "<p><hr></p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <hr>\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #30"
+               html: "<select><b><option><select><option></b></select>X"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|     <option>\n|       \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #31"
+               html: "<a><table><td><a><table></table><a></tr><a></table><b>X</b>C<a>Y"
+               errors: 9
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <a>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <a>\n|                 <table>\n|               <a>\n|     <a>\n|       <b>\n|         \"X\"\n|       \"C\"\n|     <a>\n|       \"Y\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #32"
+               html: "<a X>0<b>1<a Y>2"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       x=\"\"\n|       \"0\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"1\"\n|     <b>\n|       <a>\n|         y=\"\"\n|         \"2\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #33"
+               html: "<!-----><font><div>hello<table>excite!<b>me!<th><i>please!</tr><!--X-->"
+               errors: 16
+               expected: "| <!-- - -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <div>\n|         \"helloexcite!\"\n|         <b>\n|           \"me!\"\n|         <table>\n|           <tbody>\n|             <tr>\n|               <th>\n|                 <i>\n|                   \"please!\"\n|             <!-- X -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #34"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><li>hello<li>world<ul>how<li>do</ul>you</body><!--do-->"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <li>\n|       \"hello\"\n|     <li>\n|       \"world\"\n|       <ul>\n|         \"how\"\n|         <li>\n|           \"do\"\n|       \"you\"\n|   <!-- do -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #35"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>A<option>B<optgroup>C<select>D</option>E"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"A\"\n|     <option>\n|       \"B\"\n|     <optgroup>\n|       \"C\"\n|       <select>\n|         \"DE\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #36"
+               html: "<"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"<\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #37"
+               html: "<#"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"<#\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #38"
+               html: "</"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"</\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #39"
+               html: "</#"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- # -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #40"
+               html: "<?"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- ? -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #41"
+               html: "<?#"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- ?# -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #42"
+               html: "<!"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!--  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #43"
+               html: "<!#"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- # -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #44"
+               html: "<?COMMENT?>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- ?COMMENT? -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #45"
+               html: "<!COMMENT>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- COMMENT -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #46"
+               html: "</ COMMENT >"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!--  COMMENT  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #47"
+               html: "<?COM--MENT?>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- ?COM--MENT? -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #48"
+               html: "<!COM--MENT>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- COM--MENT -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #49"
+               html: "</ COM--MENT >"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!--  COM--MENT  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #50"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><style> EOF"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" EOF\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #51"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><script> <!-- </script> --> </script> EOF"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->  EOF\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #52"
+               html: "<b><p></b>TEST"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|       \"TEST\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #53"
+               html: "<p id=a><b><p id=b></b>TEST"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"a\"\n|       <b>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"b\"\n|       \"TEST\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #54"
+               html: "<b id=a><p><b id=b></p></b>TEST"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       id=\"a\"\n|       <p>\n|         <b>\n|           id=\"b\"\n|       \"TEST\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #55"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><title>U-test</title><body><div><p>Test<u></p></div></body>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"U-test\"\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <p>\n|         \"Test\"\n|         <u>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #56"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><font><table></font></table></font>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #57"
+               html: "<font><p>hello<b>cruel</font>world"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         \"hello\"\n|         <b>\n|           \"cruel\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"world\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #58"
+               html: "<b>Test</i>Test"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"TestTest\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #59"
+               html: "<b>A<cite>B<div>C"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <cite>\n|         \"B\"\n|         <div>\n|           \"C\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #60"
+               html: "<b>A<cite>B<div>C</cite>D"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <cite>\n|         \"B\"\n|         <div>\n|           \"CD\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #61"
+               html: "<b>A<cite>B<div>C</b>D"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <cite>\n|         \"B\"\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         \"C\"\n|       \"D\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #62"
+               html: ""
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #63"
+               html: "<DIV>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #64"
+               html: "<DIV> abc"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #65"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #66"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #67"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #68"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #69"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|           <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #70"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|           <p>\n|             \" jkl\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #71"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|         <p>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #72"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|         <p>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #73"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #74"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n|         \" pqr\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #75"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr </P>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n|         \" pqr \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #76"
+               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr </P> stu"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n|         \" pqr \"\n|       \" stu\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #77"
+               html: "<test attribute---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <test>\n|       attribute----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=\"\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #78"
+               html: "<a href=\"blah\">aba<table><a href=\"foo\">br<tr><td></td></tr>x</table>aoe"
+               errors: 8
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"blah\"\n|       \"aba\"\n|       <a>\n|         href=\"foo\"\n|         \"br\"\n|       <a>\n|         href=\"foo\"\n|         \"x\"\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"foo\"\n|       \"aoe\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #79"
+               html: "<a href=\"blah\">aba<table><tr><td><a href=\"foo\">br</td></tr>x</table>aoe"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"blah\"\n|       \"abax\"\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <a>\n|                 href=\"foo\"\n|                 \"br\"\n|       \"aoe\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #80"
+               html: "<table><a href=\"blah\">aba<tr><td><a href=\"foo\">br</td></tr>x</table>aoe"
+               errors: 8
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"blah\"\n|       \"aba\"\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"blah\"\n|       \"x\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <a>\n|               href=\"foo\"\n|               \"br\"\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"blah\"\n|       \"aoe\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #81"
+               html: "<a href=a>aa<marquee>aa<a href=b>bb</marquee>aa"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"a\"\n|       \"aa\"\n|       <marquee>\n|         \"aa\"\n|         <a>\n|           href=\"b\"\n|           \"bb\"\n|       \"aa\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #82"
+               html: "<wbr><strike><code></strike><code><strike></code>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <wbr>\n|     <strike>\n|       <code>\n|     <code>\n|       <code>\n|         <strike>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #83"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><spacer>foo"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <spacer>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #84"
+               html: "<title><meta></title><link><title><meta></title>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<meta>\"\n|     <link>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<meta>\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #85"
+               html: "<style><!--</style><meta><script>--><link></script>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|     <meta>\n|     <script>\n|       \"--><link>\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #86"
+               html: "<head><meta></head><link>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <meta>\n|     <link>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #87"
+               html: "<table><tr><tr><td><td><span><th><span>X</table>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|           <td>\n|             <span>\n|           <th>\n|             <span>\n|               \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #88"
+               html: "<body><body><base><link><meta><title><p></title><body><p></body>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <base>\n|     <link>\n|     <meta>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<p>\"\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #89"
+               html: "<textarea><p></textarea>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"<p>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #90"
+               html: "<p><image></p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <img>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #91"
+               html: "<a><table><a></table><p><a><div><a>"
+               errors: 10
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <a>\n|       <table>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #92"
+               html: "<head></p><meta><p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <meta>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #93"
+               html: "<head></html><meta><p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <meta>\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #94"
+               html: "<b><table><td><i></table>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <i>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #95"
+               html: "<b><table><td></b><i></table>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <i>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #96"
+               html: "<h1><h2>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h1>\n|     <h2>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #97"
+               html: "<a><p><a></a></p></a>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|       <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #98"
+               html: "<b><button></b></button></b>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <button>\n|       <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #99"
+               html: "<p><b><div><marquee></p></b></div>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <marquee>\n|           <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #100"
+               html: "<script></script></div><title></title><p><p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|     <title>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #101"
+               html: "<p><hr></p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <hr>\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #102"
+               html: "<select><b><option><select><option></b></select>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|     <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #103"
+               html: "<html><head><title></title><body></body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #104"
+               html: "<a><table><td><a><table></table><a></tr><a></table><a>"
+               errors: 10
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <a>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <a>\n|                 <table>\n|               <a>\n|     <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #105"
+               html: "<ul><li></li><div><li></div><li><li><div><li><address><li><b><em></b><li></ul>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|       <div>\n|         <li>\n|       <li>\n|       <li>\n|         <div>\n|       <li>\n|         <address>\n|       <li>\n|         <b>\n|           <em>\n|       <li>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #106"
+               html: "<ul><li><ul></li><li>a</li></ul></li></ul>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|         <ul>\n|           <li>\n|             \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #107"
+               html: "<frameset><frame><frameset><frame></frameset><noframes></noframes></frameset>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     <frame>\n|     <frameset>\n|       <frame>\n|     <noframes>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #108"
+               html: "<h1><table><td><h3></table><h3></h1>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h1>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <h3>\n|     <h3>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #109"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #110"
+               html: "<table><col><tbody><col><tr><col><td><col></table><col>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <col>\n|       <tbody>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <col>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <col>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #111"
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+               errors: 3
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #112"
+               html: "</strong></b></em></i></u></strike></s></blink></tt></pre></big></small></font></select></h1></h2></h3></h4></h5></h6></body></br></a></img></title></span></style></script></table></th></td></tr></frame></area></link></param></hr></input></col></base></meta></basefont></bgsound></embed></spacer></p></dd></dt></caption></colgroup></tbody></tfoot></thead></address></blockquote></center></dir></div></dl></fieldset></listing></menu></ol></ul></li></nobr></wbr></form></button></marquee></object></html></frameset></head></iframe></image></isindex></noembed></noframes></noscript></optgroup></option></plaintext></textarea>"
+               errors: 85
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n|     <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #113"
+               html: "<table><tr></strong></b></em></i></u></strike></s></blink></tt></pre></big></small></font></select></h1></h2></h3></h4></h5></h6></body></br></a></img></title></span></style></script></table></th></td></tr></frame></area></link></param></hr></input></col></base></meta></basefont></bgsound></embed></spacer></p></dd></dt></caption></colgroup></tbody></tfoot></thead></address></blockquote></center></dir></div></dl></fieldset></listing></menu></ol></ul></li></nobr></wbr></form></button></marquee></object></html></frameset></head></iframe></image></isindex></noembed></noframes></noscript></optgroup></option></plaintext></textarea>"
+               errors: 111
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests1.dat #114"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
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+               name: "tests20.dat #1"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|       <button>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #2"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><address>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <address>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #3"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <blockquote>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #4"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><menu>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <menu>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #5"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <p>\n"
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+               name: "tests20.dat #6"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><ul>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <ul>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #7"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <h1>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #8"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <h6>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #9"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><listing>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <listing>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #10"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <pre>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #11"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><form>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <form>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #12"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <li>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #13"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><dd>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <dd>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #14"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><dt>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <dt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #15"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><plaintext>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <plaintext>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #16"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #17"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #18"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><xmp>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <xmp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #19"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><button></p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #20"
+               html: "<!doctype html><address><button></address>a"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <address>\n|       <button>\n|     \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #21"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <address>\n|       <button>\n|     \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #22"
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+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <p>\n|       <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #23"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #24"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><figcaption>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #25"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><summary>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <summary>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #26"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #27"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <form>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #28"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><form></table><form>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <form>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #29"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #30"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #31"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <option>\n|       <span>\n|         <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #32"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #33"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #34"
+               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"application/svg+xml\"><div>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #35"
+               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"application/xhtml+xml\"><div>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #36"
+               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"aPPlication/xhtmL+xMl\"><div>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #37"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         encoding=\"text/html\"\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #38"
+               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"Text/htmL\"><div>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests20.dat #39"
+               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\" text/html \"><div>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         encoding=\" text/html \"\n|     <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #1"
+               html: "<svg><![CDATA[foo]]>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #2"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #3"
+               html: "<div><![CDATA[foo]]>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <!-- [CDATA[foo]] -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #4"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #5"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #6"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #7"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #8"
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+               errors: 2
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #9"
+               html: "<svg><![CDATA[]] >]]>"
+               errors: 2
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #10"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"]]\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #11"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"]\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #12"
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+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"]>a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #13"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><![CDATA[foo]]]>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo]\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #14"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><![CDATA[foo]]]]>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo]]\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #15"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><![CDATA[foo]]]]]>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo]]]\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #16"
+               html: "<svg><foreignObject><div><![CDATA[foo]]>"
+               errors: 3
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #17"
+               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<svg>]]>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"<svg>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests21.dat #18"
+               html: "<svg><![CDATA[</svg>a]]>"
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+               name: "tests21.dat #19"
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+               name: "tests21.dat #20"
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+               name: "tests21.dat #21"
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+               name: "tests21.dat #22"
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+               name: "tests21.dat #23"
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+               name: "tests21.dat #24"
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+               name: "tests21.dat #25"
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+               name: "tests22.dat #1"
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+               name: "tests22.dat #3"
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+               name: "tests22.dat #4"
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+               name: "tests22.dat #5"
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+               name: "tests23.dat #1"
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+               name: "tests23.dat #5"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests24.dat #1"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests24.dat #2"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests24.dat #3"
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+               name: "tests24.dat #4"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests24.dat #5"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests24.dat #6"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests24.dat #7"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&Gopf;"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests24.dat #8"
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+               name: "tests25.dat #8"
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+               name: "tests25.dat #9"
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+               name: "tests25.dat #14"
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+               name: "tests25.dat #15"
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+               name: "tests26.dat #2"
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+               name: "tests26.dat #4"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<table><tr><td><nobr></b><i><nobr>2<nobr></i>3"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <nobr>\n|         \"1\"\n|         <table>\n|           <tbody>\n|             <tr>\n|               <td>\n|                 <nobr>\n|                   <i>\n|                 <i>\n|                   <nobr>\n|                     \"2\"\n|                   <nobr>\n|                 <nobr>\n|                   \"3\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #5"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<div><nobr></b><i><nobr>2<nobr></i>3"
+               errors: 9
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <nobr>\n|         \"1\"\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <nobr>\n|         <nobr>\n|       <nobr>\n|         <i>\n|       <i>\n|         <nobr>\n|           \"2\"\n|         <nobr>\n|       <nobr>\n|         \"3\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #6"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<nobr></b><div><i><nobr>2<nobr></i>3"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <nobr>\n|         \"1\"\n|       <nobr>\n|     <div>\n|       <nobr>\n|         <i>\n|       <i>\n|         <nobr>\n|           \"2\"\n|         <nobr>\n|       <nobr>\n|         \"3\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #7"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<nobr><ins></b><i><nobr>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <nobr>\n|         \"1\"\n|       <nobr>\n|         <ins>\n|     <nobr>\n|       <i>\n|     <i>\n|       <nobr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #8"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<ins><nobr></b><i>2"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <nobr>\n|         \"1\"\n|         <ins>\n|       <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n|       <i>\n|         \"2\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #9"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b>1<nobr></b><i><nobr>2</i>"
+               errors: 4
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #10"
+               html: "<p><code x</code></p>\n"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <code>\n|         code=\"\"\n|         x<=\"\"\n|     <code>\n|       code=\"\"\n|       x<=\"\"\n|       \"\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #11"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|         <p>\n|           <i>\n|         <i>\n|           \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #12"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg foreignObject>\n|                 <p>\n|                   <i>\n|                 <i>\n|                   \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #13"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mtext><p><i></p>a"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mtext>\n|         <p>\n|           <i>\n|         <i>\n|           \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #14"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><math><mtext><p><i></p>a"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mtext>\n|                 <p>\n|                   <i>\n|                 <i>\n|                   \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #15"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><div><!/div>a"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <!-- /div -->\n|       \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests26.dat #16"
+               html: "<button><p><button>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <button>\n|       <p>\n|     <button>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #1"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>Test"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #2"
+               html: "<textarea>test</div>test"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"test</div>test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #3"
+               html: "<table><td>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #4"
+               html: "<table><td>test</tbody></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #5"
+               html: "<frame>test"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #6"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset>test"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #7"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset> te st"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     \"  \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #8"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset> te st"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"  \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #9"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><!DOCTYPE html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #10"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><font><p><b>test</font>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         <b>\n|           \"test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #11"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><dt><div><dd>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dt>\n|       <div>\n|     <dd>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #12"
+               html: "<script></x"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \"</x\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #13"
+               html: "<table><plaintext><td>"
+               errors: 7
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"<td>\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #14"
+               html: "<plaintext></plaintext>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"</plaintext>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #15"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr>TEST"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"TEST\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #16"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body t1=1><body t2=2><body t3=3 t4=4>"
+               errors: 2
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #17"
+               html: "</b test"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #18"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html></b test<b &=&amp>X"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #19"
+               html: "<!doctypehtml><scrIPt type=text/x-foobar;baz>X</SCRipt"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #20"
+               html: "&"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #21"
+               html: "&#"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&#\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #22"
+               html: "&#X"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&#X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #23"
+               html: "&#x"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&#x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #24"
+               html: "&#45"
+               errors: 2
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #25"
+               html: "&x-test"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&x-test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #26"
+               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><li>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <li>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #27"
+               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><dt>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <dt>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #28"
+               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><dd>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <dd>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #29"
+               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><form>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <form>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #30"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><p></P>X"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #31"
+               html: "&AMP"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #32"
+               html: "&AMp;"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&AMp;\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #33"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><thisISasillyTESTelementNameToMakeSureCrazyTagNamesArePARSEDcorrectLY>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <thisisasillytestelementnametomakesurecrazytagnamesareparsedcorrectly>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #34"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</body>X"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"XX\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #35"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- X"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  X -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #36"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><caption>test TEST</caption><td>test"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         \"test TEST\"\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #37"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><option><optgroup>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|       <optgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #38"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option></optgroup><option><select><option>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <optgroup>\n|         <option>\n|       <option>\n|     <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #39"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option><optgroup>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <optgroup>\n|         <option>\n|       <optgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #40"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><datalist><option>foo</datalist>bar"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <datalist>\n|       <option>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     \"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #41"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><font><input><input></font>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <input>\n|       <input>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #42"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX -->"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  XXX - XXX  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #43"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  XXX - XXX -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #44"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX - XXX -->"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  XXX - XXX - XXX  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #45"
+               html: "<isindex test=x name=x>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|           test=\"x\"\n|       <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #46"
+               html: "test\ntest"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"test\ntest\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #47"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><title>test</body></title>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <title>\n|       \"test</body>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #48"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><title>X</title><meta name=z><link rel=foo><style>\nx { content:\"</style\" } </style>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <title>\n|       \"X\"\n|     <meta>\n|       name=\"z\"\n|     <link>\n|       rel=\"foo\"\n|     <style>\n|       \"\nx { content:\"</style\" } \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #49"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup></optgroup></select>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <optgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #50"
+               html: " \n "
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #51"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>  <html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #52"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><script>\n</script>  <title>x</title>  </head>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \"\n\"\n|     \"  \"\n|     <title>\n|       \"x\"\n|     \"  \"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #53"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><html id=x>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   id=\"x\"\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #54"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</body><html id=\"x\">"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   id=\"x\"\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #55"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><head><html id=x>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   id=\"x\"\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #56"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</html>X"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"XX\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #57"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</html> "
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #58"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</html><p>X"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #59"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X<p/x/y/z>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X\"\n|     <p>\n|       x=\"\"\n|       y=\"\"\n|       z=\"\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #60"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!--x--"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!-- x -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #61"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td></p></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <p>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #62"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE HTML>><!--<!--x-->-->"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE <!doctype>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \">\"\n|     <!-- <!--x -->\n|     \"-->\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests2.dat #63"
+               html: "<!doctype html><div><form></form><div></div></div>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <form>\n|       <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #1"
+               html: "<head></head><style></style>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #2"
+               html: "<head></head><script></script>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #3"
+               html: "<head></head><!-- --><style></style><!-- --><script></script>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|     <script>\n|   <!--   -->\n|   <!--   -->\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #4"
+               html: "<head></head><!-- -->x<style></style><!-- --><script></script>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <!--   -->\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <style>\n|     <!--   -->\n|     <script>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #5"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\n</pre></body></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #6"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\nfoo</pre></body></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #7"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\n\nfoo</pre></body></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nfoo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #8"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\nfoo\n</pre></body></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"foo\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #9"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x</pre><span>\n</span></body></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"x\"\n|     <span>\n|       \"\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #10"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x\ny</pre></body></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"x\ny\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #11"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x<div>\ny</pre></body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|         \"\ny\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #12"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>&#x0a;&#x0a;A</pre>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nA\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #13"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><META><HEAD></HEAD></HTML>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <meta>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #14"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><head></HEAD></HTML>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #15"
+               html: "<textarea>foo<span>bar</span><i>baz"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"foo<span>bar</span><i>baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #16"
+               html: "<title>foo<span>bar</em><i>baz"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"foo<span>bar</em><i>baz\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #17"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>\n</textarea>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #18"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>\nfoo</textarea>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #19"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>\n\nfoo</textarea>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"\nfoo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #20"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><ul><li><div><p><li></ul></body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|         <div>\n|           <p>\n|       <li>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #21"
+               html: "<!doctype html><nobr><nobr><nobr>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #22"
+               html: "<!doctype html><nobr><nobr></nobr><nobr>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #23"
+               html: "<!doctype html><html><body><p><table></table></body></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests3.dat #24"
+               html: "<p><table></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests4.dat #1"
+               html: "direct div content"
+               fragment: "div"
+               expected: "| \"direct div content\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests4.dat #2"
+               html: "direct textarea content"
+               fragment: "textarea"
+               expected: "| \"direct textarea content\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests4.dat #3"
+               html: "textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup"
+               fragment: "textarea"
+               expected: "| \"textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests4.dat #4"
+               html: "this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element"
+               fragment: "style"
+               expected: "| \"this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests4.dat #5"
+               html: "</plaintext>"
+               fragment: "plaintext"
+               expected: "| \"</plaintext>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests4.dat #6"
+               html: "setting html's innerHTML"
+               fragment: "html"
+               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n|   \"setting html's innerHTML\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests4.dat #7"
+               html: "<title>setting head's innerHTML</title>"
+               fragment: "head"
+               expected: "| <title>\n|   \"setting head's innerHTML\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #1"
+               html: "<style> <!-- </style>x"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #2"
+               html: "<style> <!-- </style> --> </style>x"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"--> x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #3"
+               html: "<style> <!--> </style>x"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!--> \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #4"
+               html: "<style> <!---> </style>x"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!---> \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #5"
+               html: "<iframe> <!---> </iframe>x"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <iframe>\n|       \" <!---> \"\n|     \"x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #6"
+               html: "<iframe> <!--- </iframe>->x</iframe> --> </iframe>x"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <iframe>\n|       \" <!--- \"\n|     \"->x --> x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #7"
+               html: "<script> <!-- </script> --> </script>x"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"--> x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #8"
+               html: "<title> <!-- </title> --> </title>x"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"--> x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #9"
+               html: "<textarea> <!--- </textarea>->x</textarea> --> </textarea>x"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \" <!--- \"\n|     \"->x --> x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #10"
+               html: "<style> <!</-- </style>x"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!</-- \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #11"
+               html: "<p><xmp></xmp>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <xmp>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #12"
+               html: "<xmp> <!-- > --> </xmp>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <xmp>\n|       \" <!-- > --> \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #13"
+               html: "<title>&amp;</title>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"&\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #14"
+               html: "<title><!--&amp;--></title>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<!--&-->\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #15"
+               html: "<title><!--</title>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #16"
+               html: "<noscript><!--</noscript>--></noscript>"
+               scripting: true
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <noscript>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests5.dat #17"
+               html: "<noscript><!--</noscript>--></noscript>"
+               scripting: false
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <noscript>\n|       <!-- </noscript> -->\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #1"
+               html: "<!doctype html></head> <head>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   \" \"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #2"
+               html: "<!doctype html><form><div></form><div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <div>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #3"
+               html: "<!doctype html><title>&amp;</title>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"&\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #4"
+               html: "<!doctype html><title><!--&amp;--></title>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<!--&-->\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #5"
+               html: "<!doctype>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE >\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #6"
+               html: "<!---x"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!-- -x -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #7"
+               html: "<body>\n<div>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "div"
+               expected: "| \"\n\"\n| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #8"
+               html: "<frameset></frameset>\nfoo"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #9"
+               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n<noframes>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n|   <noframes>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #10"
+               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n<div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #11"
+               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n</html>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #12"
+               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n</div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #13"
+               html: "<form><form>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #14"
+               html: "<button><button>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <button>\n|     <button>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #15"
+               html: "<table><tr><td></th>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #16"
+               html: "<table><caption><td>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #17"
+               html: "<table><caption><div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #18"
+               html: "</caption><div>"
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+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #19"
+               html: "<table><caption><div></caption>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #20"
+               html: "<table><caption></table>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #21"
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+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
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+               name: "tests6.dat #22"
+               html: "<table><caption></body></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr>"
+               errors: 12
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #23"
+               html: "<table><caption><div></div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #24"
+               html: "<table><tr><td></body></caption></col></colgroup></html>"
+               errors: 7
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #25"
+               html: "</table></tbody></tfoot></thead></tr><div>"
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+               fragment: "td"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #26"
+               html: "<table><colgroup>foo"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #27"
+               html: "foo<col>"
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+               fragment: "colgroup"
+               expected: "| <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #28"
+               html: "<table><colgroup></col>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #29"
+               html: "<frameset><div>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #30"
+               html: "</frameset><frame>"
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+               fragment: "frameset"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #31"
+               html: "<frameset></div>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #32"
+               html: "</body><div>"
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+               fragment: "body"
+               expected: "| <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #33"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #34"
+               html: "</tr><td>"
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+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #35"
+               html: "</tbody></tfoot></thead><td>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #36"
+               html: "<table><tr><div><td>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #37"
+               html: "<caption><col><colgroup><tbody><tfoot><thead><tr>"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #38"
+               html: "<table><tbody></thead>"
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+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #39"
+               html: "</table><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tbody"
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #40"
+               html: "<table><tbody></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></td></th></tr>"
+               errors: 10
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #41"
+               html: "<table><tbody></div>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #42"
+               html: "<table><table>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #43"
+               html: "<table></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr>"
+               errors: 13
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #44"
+               html: "</table><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #45"
+               html: "<body></body></html>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "html"
+               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #46"
+               html: "<html><frameset></frameset></html> "
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \" \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #47"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"><html></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #48"
+               html: "<param><frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #49"
+               html: "<source><frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #50"
+               html: "<track><frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #51"
+               html: "</html><frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests6.dat #52"
+               html: "</body><frameset></frameset>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #1"
+               html: "<!doctype html><body><title>X</title>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <title>\n|       \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #2"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><title>X</title></table>"
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+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <title>\n|       \"X\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #3"
+               html: "<!doctype html><head></head><title>X</title>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"X\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #4"
+               html: "<!doctype html></head><title>X</title>"
+               errors: 1
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #5"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><meta></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <meta>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #6"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table>X<tr><td><table> <meta></table></table>"
+               errors: 2
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #7"
+               html: "<!doctype html><html> <head>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #8"
+               html: "<!doctype html> <head>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #9"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><style> <tr>x </style> </table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <style>\n|         \" <tr>x \"\n|       \" \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #10"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><TBODY><script> <tr>x </script> </table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <script>\n|           \" <tr>x \"\n|         \" \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #11"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><applet><p>X</p></applet>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <applet>\n|         <p>\n|           \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #12"
+               html: "<!doctype html><p><object type=\"application/x-non-existant-plugin\"><p>X</p></object>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <object>\n|         type=\"application/x-non-existant-plugin\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #13"
+               html: "<!doctype html><listing>\nX</listing>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <listing>\n|       \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #14"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select><input>X"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <input>\n|     \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #15"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select><select>X"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #16"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><input type=hidDEN></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <input>\n|         type=\"hidDEN\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #17"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table>X<input type=hidDEN></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X\"\n|     <table>\n|       <input>\n|         type=\"hidDEN\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #18"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table>  <input type=hidDEN></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       \"  \"\n|       <input>\n|         type=\"hidDEN\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #19"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table>  <input type='hidDEN'></table>"
+               errors: 1
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+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #20"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><input type=\" hidden\"><input type=hidDEN></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|       type=\" hidden\"\n|     <table>\n|       <input>\n|         type=\"hidDEN\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #21"
+               html: "<!doctype html><table><select>X<tr>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       \"X\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #22"
+               html: "<!doctype html><select>X</select>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #23"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE hTmL><html></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #24"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html></html>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #25"
+               html: "<body>X</body></body>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "html"
+               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n|   \"X\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #26"
+               html: "<div><p>a</x> b"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <p>\n|         \"a b\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #27"
+               html: "<table><tr><td><code></code> </table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <code>\n|             \" \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #28"
+               html: "<table><b><tr><td>aaa</td></tr>bbb</table>ccc"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <b>\n|       \"bbb\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"aaa\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"ccc\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #29"
+               html: "A<table><tr> B</tr> B</table>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"A B B\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #30"
+               html: "A<table><tr> B</tr> </em>C</table>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"A BC\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|         \" \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests7.dat #31"
+               html: "<select><keygen>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <keygen>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #1"
+               html: "<div>\n<div></div>\n</span>x"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <div>\n|       \"\nx\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #2"
+               html: "<div>x<div></div>\n</span>x"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|       \"\nx\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #3"
+               html: "<div>x<div></div>x</span>x"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|       \"xx\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #4"
+               html: "<div>x<div></div>y</span>z"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|       \"yz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #5"
+               html: "<table><div>x<div></div>x</span>x"
+               errors: 10
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|       \"xx\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #6"
+               html: "x<table>x"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"xx\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #7"
+               html: "x<table><table>x"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <table>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #8"
+               html: "<b>a<div></div><div></b>y"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <div>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|       \"y\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests8.dat #9"
+               html: "<a><div><p></a>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n|       <p>\n|         <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #1"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math></math>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #2"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><math></math>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #3"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mi>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #4"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><annotation-xml><svg><u>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         <svg svg>\n|     <u>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #5"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><math></math></select>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #6"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><math></math></option></select>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #7"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math></math></table>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #8"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi></math></table>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #9"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></table>"
+               errors: 7
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #10"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tbody></table>"
+               errors: 7
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #11"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tr></tbody></table>"
+               errors: 7
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #12"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></td></tr></tbody></table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #13"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"bar\"\n|             <p>\n|               \"baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #14"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</caption></table>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <math math>\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #15"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <math math>\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #16"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi>baz</table><p>quux"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <math math>\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"bar\"\n|           \"baz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #17"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><colgroup><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
+               errors: 12
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"baz\"\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #18"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tr><td><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
+               errors: 7
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <select>\n|               \"foobarbaz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #19"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
+               errors: 8
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       \"foobarbaz\"\n|     <table>\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #20"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body></body></html><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #21"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body></body><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"baz\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #22"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span>"
+               errors: 8
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #23"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span>"
+               errors: 7
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #24"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo><math xlink:href=foo></math>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     <math math>\n|       xlink href=\"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #25"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo></mi></math>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     xml:lang=\"en\"\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         xlink href=\"foo\"\n|         xml lang=\"en\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #26"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo /></math>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     xml:lang=\"en\"\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         xlink href=\"foo\"\n|         xml lang=\"en\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests9.dat #27"
+               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo />bar</math>"
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     xml:lang=\"en\"\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         xlink href=\"foo\"\n|         xml lang=\"en\"\n|       \"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #1"
+               html: "<body><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "body"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #2"
+               html: "<span><body>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "body"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #3"
+               html: "<span><body>"
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+               fragment: "div"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #4"
+               html: "<body><span>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "html"
+               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #5"
+               html: "<frameset><span>"
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+               fragment: "body"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #6"
+               html: "<span><frameset>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "body"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #7"
+               html: "<span><frameset>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "div"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #8"
+               html: "<frameset><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "html"
+               expected: "| <head>\n| <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #9"
+               html: "<table><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #10"
+               html: "</table><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #11"
+               html: "<a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #12"
+               html: "<a>"
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+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #13"
+               html: "<a><caption>a"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <caption>\n|   \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #14"
+               html: "<a><colgroup><col>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <colgroup>\n|   <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #15"
+               html: "<a><tbody><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #16"
+               html: "<a><tfoot><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tfoot>\n|   <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #17"
+               html: "<a><thead><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <thead>\n|   <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #18"
+               html: "<a><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #19"
+               html: "<a><th>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n|     <th>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #20"
+               html: "<a><td>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n|     <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #21"
+               html: "<table></table><tbody>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #22"
+               html: "</table><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #23"
+               html: "<span></table>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #24"
+               html: "</caption><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #25"
+               html: "<span></caption><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #26"
+               html: "<span><caption><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #27"
+               html: "<span><col><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #28"
+               html: "<span><colgroup><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #29"
+               html: "<span><html><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #30"
+               html: "<span><tbody><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #31"
+               html: "<span><td><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #32"
+               html: "<span><tfoot><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #33"
+               html: "<span><thead><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #34"
+               html: "<span><th><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #35"
+               html: "<span><tr><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #36"
+               html: "<span></table><span>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "caption"
+               expected: "| <span>\n|   <span>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #37"
+               html: "</colgroup><col>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "colgroup"
+               expected: "| <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #38"
+               html: "<a><col>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "colgroup"
+               expected: "| <col>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #39"
+               html: "<caption><a>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #40"
+               html: "<col><a>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #41"
+               html: "<colgroup><a>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #42"
+               html: "<tbody><a>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #43"
+               html: "<tfoot><a>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #44"
+               html: "<thead><a>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #45"
+               html: "</table><a>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #46"
+               html: "<a><tr>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #47"
+               html: "<a><td>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tr>\n|   <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #48"
+               html: "<a><td>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tr>\n|   <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #49"
+               html: "<a><td>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <a>\n| <tr>\n|   <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #50"
+               html: "<td><table><tbody><a><tr>"
+               errors: 3
+               fragment: "tbody"
+               expected: "| <tr>\n|   <td>\n|     <a>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #51"
+               html: "</tr><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #52"
+               html: "<td><table><a><tr></tr><tr>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n|   <a>\n|   <table>\n|     <tbody>\n|       <tr>\n|       <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #53"
+               html: "<caption><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #54"
+               html: "<col><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #55"
+               html: "<colgroup><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #56"
+               html: "<tbody><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #57"
+               html: "<tfoot><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #58"
+               html: "<thead><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #59"
+               html: "<tr><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #60"
+               html: "</table><td>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #61"
+               html: "<td><table></table><td>"
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n|   <table>\n| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #62"
+               html: "<td><table></table><td>"
+               fragment: "tr"
+               expected: "| <td>\n|   <table>\n| <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #63"
+               html: "<caption><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #64"
+               html: "<col><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #65"
+               html: "<colgroup><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #66"
+               html: "<tbody><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #67"
+               html: "<tfoot><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #68"
+               html: "<th><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #69"
+               html: "<thead><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #70"
+               html: "<tr><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #71"
+               html: "</table><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #72"
+               html: "</tbody><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #73"
+               html: "</td><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #74"
+               html: "</tfoot><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #75"
+               html: "</thead><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #76"
+               html: "</th><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #77"
+               html: "</tr><a>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #78"
+               html: "<table><td><td>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "td"
+               expected: "| <table>\n|   <tbody>\n|     <tr>\n|       <td>\n|       <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #79"
+               html: "</select><option>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "select"
+               expected: "| <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #80"
+               html: "<input><option>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "select"
+               expected: "| <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #81"
+               html: "<keygen><option>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "select"
+               expected: "| <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #82"
+               html: "<textarea><option>"
+               errors: 2
+               fragment: "select"
+               expected: "| <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #83"
+               html: "</html><!--abc-->"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "html"
+               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n| <!-- abc -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #84"
+               html: "</frameset><frame>"
+               errors: 1
+               fragment: "frameset"
+               expected: "| <frame>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #85"
+               html: ""
+               fragment: "html"
+               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #1"
+               html: "<b><p>Bold </b> Not bold</p>\nAlso not bold."
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         \"Bold \"\n|       \" Not bold\"\n|     \"\nAlso not bold.\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #2"
+               html: "<html>\n<font color=red><i>Italic and Red<p>Italic and Red </font> Just italic.</p> Italic only.</i> Plain\n<p>I should not be red. <font color=red>Red. <i>Italic and red.</p>\n<p>Italic and red. </i> Red.</font> I should not be red.</p>\n<b>Bold <i>Bold and italic</b> Only Italic </i> Plain"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       color=\"red\"\n|       <i>\n|         \"Italic and Red\"\n|     <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <font>\n|           color=\"red\"\n|           \"Italic and Red \"\n|         \" Just italic.\"\n|       \" Italic only.\"\n|     \" Plain\n\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"I should not be red. \"\n|       <font>\n|         color=\"red\"\n|         \"Red. \"\n|         <i>\n|           \"Italic and red.\"\n|     <font>\n|       color=\"red\"\n|       <i>\n|         \"\n\"\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         color=\"red\"\n|         <i>\n|           \"Italic and red. \"\n|         \" Red.\"\n|       \" I should not be red.\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"Bold \"\n|       <i>\n|         \"Bold and italic\"\n|     <i>\n|       \" Only Italic \"\n|     \" Plain\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #3"
+               html: "<html><body>\n<p><font size=\"7\">First paragraph.</p>\n<p>Second paragraph.</p></font>\n<b><p><i>Bold and Italic</b> Italic</p>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         size=\"7\"\n|         \"First paragraph.\"\n|     <font>\n|       size=\"7\"\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <p>\n|         \"Second paragraph.\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         <i>\n|           \"Bold and Italic\"\n|       <i>\n|         \" Italic\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #4"
+               html: "<html>\n<dl>\n<dt><b>Boo\n<dd>Goo?\n</dl>\n</html>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dl>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <dt>\n|         <b>\n|           \"Boo\n\"\n|       <dd>\n|         <b>\n|           \"Goo?\n\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #5"
+               html: "<html><body>\n<label><a><div>Hello<div>World</div></a></label>  \n</body></html>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <label>\n|       <a>\n|       <div>\n|         <a>\n|           \"Hello\"\n|           <div>\n|             \"World\"\n|         \"  \n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #6"
+               html: "<table><center> <font>a</center> <img> <tr><td> </td> </tr> </table>"
+               errors: 9
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <center>\n|       \" \"\n|       <font>\n|         \"a\"\n|     <font>\n|       <img>\n|       \" \"\n|     <table>\n|       \" \"\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \" \"\n|           \" \"\n|         \" \"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #7"
+               html: "<table><tr><p><a><p>You should see this text."
+               errors: 31
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|         \"You should see this text.\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #8"
+               html: "<TABLE>\n<TR>\n<CENTER><CENTER><TD></TD></TR><TR>\n<FONT>\n<TABLE><tr></tr></TABLE>\n</P>\n<a></font><font></a>\nThis page contains an insanely badly-nested tag sequence."
+               errors: 10
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <center>\n|       <center>\n|     <font>\n|       \"\n\"\n|     <table>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           \"\n\"\n|           <td>\n|         <tr>\n|           \"\n\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|     <font>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <p>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <a>\n|     <a>\n|       <font>\n|     <font>\n|       \"\nThis page contains an insanely badly-nested tag sequence.\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "tricky01.dat #9"
+               html: "<html>\n<body>\n<b><nobr><div>This text is in a div inside a nobr</nobr>More text that should not be in the nobr, i.e., the\nnobr should have closed the div inside it implicitly. </b><pre>A pre tag outside everything else.</pre>\n</body>\n</html>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <b>\n|       <nobr>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <nobr>\n|           \"This text is in a div inside a nobr\"\n|         \"More text that should not be in the nobr, i.e., the\nnobr should have closed the div inside it implicitly. \"\n|       <pre>\n|         \"A pre tag outside everything else.\"\n|       \"\n\n\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #1"
+               html: "Test"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #2"
+               html: "<div></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #3"
+               html: "<div>Test</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"Test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #4"
+               html: "<di"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #5"
+               html: "<div>Hello</div>\n<script>\nconsole.log(\"PASS\");\n</script>\n<div>Bye</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"Hello\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"\nconsole.log(\"PASS\");\n\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <div>\n|       \"Bye\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #6"
+               html: "<div foo=\"bar\">Hello</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo=\"bar\"\n|       \"Hello\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #7"
+               html: "<div>Hello</div>\n<script>\nconsole.log(\"FOO<span>BAR</span>BAZ\");\n</script>\n<div>Bye</div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"Hello\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"\nconsole.log(\"FOO<span>BAR</span>BAZ\");\n\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <div>\n|       \"Bye\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #8"
+               html: "<foo bar=\"baz\"></foo><potato quack=\"duck\"></potato>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       bar=\"baz\"\n|     <potato>\n|       quack=\"duck\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #9"
+               html: "<foo bar=\"baz\"><potato quack=\"duck\"></potato></foo>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       bar=\"baz\"\n|       <potato>\n|         quack=\"duck\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #10"
+               html: "<foo></foo bar=\"baz\"><potato></potato quack=\"duck\">"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|     <potato>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #11"
+               html: "</ tttt>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!--  tttt -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #12"
+               html: "<div FOO ><img><img></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo=\"\"\n|       <img>\n|       <img>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #13"
+               html: "<p>Test</p<p>Test2</p>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"TestTest2\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #14"
+               html: "<rdar://problem/6869687>"
+               errors: 5
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <rdar:>\n|       6869687=\"\"\n|       problem=\"\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #15"
+               html: "<A>test< /A>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"test< /A>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #16"
+               html: "&lt;"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"<\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #17"
+               html: "<body foo='bar'><body foo='baz' yo='mama'>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     foo=\"bar\"\n|     yo=\"mama\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #18"
+               html: "<body></br foo=\"bar\"></body>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #19"
+               html: "<bdy><br foo=\"bar\"></body>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <bdy>\n|       <br>\n|         foo=\"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #20"
+               html: "<body></body></br foo=\"bar\">"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #21"
+               html: "<bdy></body><br foo=\"bar\">"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <bdy>\n|       <br>\n|         foo=\"bar\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #22"
+               html: "<html><body></body></html><!-- Hi there -->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n| <!--  Hi there  -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #23"
+               html: "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there -->"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <!--  Hi there  -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #24"
+               html: "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there --></html><!-- Again -->"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <!--  Hi there  -->\n| <!--  Again  -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #25"
+               html: "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there --></body></html><!-- Again -->"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <!--  Hi there  -->\n| <!--  Again  -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #26"
+               html: "<html><body><ruby><div><rp>xx</rp></div></ruby></body></html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <rp>\n|           \"xx\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #27"
+               html: "<html><body><ruby><div><rt>xx</rt></div></ruby></body></html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <rt>\n|           \"xx\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #28"
+               html: "<html><frameset><!--1--><noframes>A</noframes><!--2--></frameset><!--3--><noframes>B</noframes><!--4--></html><!--5--><noframes>C</noframes><!--6-->"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     <!-- 1 -->\n|     <noframes>\n|       \"A\"\n|     <!-- 2 -->\n|   <!-- 3 -->\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"B\"\n|   <!-- 4 -->\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"C\"\n| <!-- 5 -->\n| <!-- 6 -->\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #29"
+               html: "<select><option>A<select><option>B<select><option>C<select><option>D<select><option>E<select><option>F<select><option>G<select>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         \"A\"\n|     <option>\n|       \"B\"\n|       <select>\n|         <option>\n|           \"C\"\n|     <option>\n|       \"D\"\n|       <select>\n|         <option>\n|           \"E\"\n|     <option>\n|       \"F\"\n|       <select>\n|         <option>\n|           \"G\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #30"
+               html: "<dd><dd><dt><dt><dd><li><li>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dd>\n|     <dd>\n|     <dt>\n|     <dt>\n|     <dd>\n|       <li>\n|       <li>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #31"
+               html: "<div><b></div><div><nobr>a<nobr>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <nobr>\n|           \"a\"\n|         <nobr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #32"
+               html: "<head></head>\n<body></body>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   \"\n\"\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #33"
+               html: "<head></head> <style></style>ddd"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|   \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"ddd\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #34"
+               html: "<kbd><table></kbd><col><select><tr>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <kbd>\n|       <select>\n|       <table>\n|         <colgroup>\n|           <col>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #35"
+               html: "<kbd><table></kbd><col><select><tr></table><div>"
+               errors: 6
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <kbd>\n|       <select>\n|       <table>\n|         <colgroup>\n|           <col>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|       <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #36"
+               html: "<a><li><style></style><title></title></a>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <li>\n|       <a>\n|         <style>\n|         <title>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #37"
+               html: "<font></p><p><meta><title></title></font>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <p>\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         <meta>\n|         <title>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #38"
+               html: "<a><center><title></title><a>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <center>\n|       <a>\n|         <title>\n|       <a>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #39"
+               html: "<svg><title><div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg title>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #40"
+               html: "<svg><title><rect><div>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg title>\n|         <rect>\n|           <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #41"
+               html: "<svg><title><svg><div>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg title>\n|         <svg svg>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #42"
+               html: "<img <=\"\" FAIL>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <img>\n|       <=\"\"\n|       fail=\"\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #43"
+               html: "<ul><li><div id='foo'/>A</li><li>B<div>C</div></li></ul>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|         <div>\n|           id=\"foo\"\n|           \"A\"\n|       <li>\n|         \"B\"\n|         <div>\n|           \"C\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #44"
+               html: "<svg><em><desc></em>"
+               errors: 3
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <em>\n|       <desc>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #45"
+               html: "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td></desc><circle>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg desc>\n|           <td>\n|             <circle>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #46"
+               html: "<svg><tfoot></mi><td>"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg tfoot>\n|         <svg td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #47"
+               html: "<math><mrow><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mi>a</mi></mrow></math>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mrow>\n|         <math mrow>\n|           <math mn>\n|             \"1\"\n|         <math mi>\n|           \"a\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #48"
+               html: "<!doctype html><input type=\"hidden\"><frameset>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit01.dat #49"
+               html: "<!doctype html><input type=\"button\"><frameset>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|       type=\"button\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #1"
+               html: "<foo bar=qux/>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       bar=\"qux/\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #2"
+               html: "<p id=\"status\"><noscript><strong>A</strong></noscript><span>B</span></p>"
+               scripting: true
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"status\"\n|       <noscript>\n|         \"<strong>A</strong>\"\n|       <span>\n|         \"B\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #3"
+               html: "<p id=\"status\"><noscript><strong>A</strong></noscript><span>B</span></p>"
+               scripting: false
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"status\"\n|       <noscript>\n|         <strong>\n|           \"A\"\n|       <span>\n|         \"B\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #4"
+               html: "<div><sarcasm><div></div></sarcasm></div>"
+               errors: 1
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <sarcasm>\n|         <div>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #5"
+               html: "<html><body><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"><div>A</div></body></html>"
+               errors: 2
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #6"
+               html: "<table><td></tbody>A"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"A\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #7"
+               html: "<table><td></thead>A"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #8"
+               html: "<table><td></tfoot>A"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #9"
+               html: "<table><thead><td></tbody>A"
+               errors: 4
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #10"
+               html: "<legend>test</legend>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <legend>\n|       \"test\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #11"
+               html: "<table><input>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|     <table>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #12"
+               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><aside></b>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|     <em>\n|       <aside>\n|         <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #13"
+               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><aside></b></em>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|     <em>\n|     <aside>\n|       <em>\n|         <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #14"
+               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><foo><aside></b>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|             <foo>\n|     <aside>\n|       <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #15"
+               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><foo><aside></b></em>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|             <foo>\n|     <aside>\n|       <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #16"
+               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><aside></b></em>"
+               fragment: "div"
+               expected: "| <b>\n|   <em>\n|     <foo>\n|       <foo>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|             <foo>\n|               <foo>\n|                 <foo>\n|                   <foo>\n|                     <foo>\n|                       <foo>\n| <aside>\n|   <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #17"
+               html: "<b><em><foo><foob><foob><foob><foob><fooc><fooc><fooc><fooc><food><aside></b></em>"
+               fragment: "div"
+               expected: "| <b>\n|   <em>\n|     <foo>\n|       <foob>\n|         <foob>\n|           <foob>\n|             <foob>\n|               <fooc>\n|                 <fooc>\n|                   <fooc>\n|                     <fooc>\n|                       <food>\n| <aside>\n|   <b>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #18"
+               html: "<isindex action=\"x\">"
+               fragment: "table"
+               expected: "| <form>\n|   action=\"x\"\n|   <hr>\n|   <label>\n|     \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|     <input>\n|       name=\"isindex\"\n|   <hr>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #19"
+               html: "<option><XH<optgroup></optgroup>"
+               fragment: "select"
+               expected: "| <option>\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #20"
+               html: "<svg><foreignObject><div>foo</div><plaintext></foreignObject></svg><div>bar</div>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|         <div>\n|           \"foo\"\n|         <plaintext>\n|           \"</foreignObject></svg><div>bar</div>\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #21"
+               html: "<svg><foreignObject></foreignObject><title></svg>foo"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|       <svg title>\n|     \"foo\"\n"
+       }, {
+               name: "webkit02.dat #22"
+               html: "</foreignObject><plaintext><div>foo</div>"
+               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"<div>foo</div>\"\n"
+       }
+if typeof module isnt 'undefined' and module.exports?
+       wheic_parser = require './parser.coffee'
+       wheic_parser = window.wheic_parser
+serialize_els = (els, prefix = '| ') ->
+       ret = ''
+       for el in els
+               switch el.type
+                       when wheic_parser.TYPE_TAG
+                               ret += "#{prefix}<"
+                               if el.namespace is wheic_parser.NS_MATHML
+                                       ret += "math "
+                               if el.namespace is wheic_parser.NS_SVG
+                                       ret += "svg "
+                               ret += "#{el.name}>\n"
+                               attr_keys = []
+                               for k of el.attrs
+                                       attr_keys.push k
+                               attr_keys.sort() # TODO this should be "lexicographically by UTF-16 code unit"
+                               for k in attr_keys
+                                       ret += "#{prefix}  #{k}=\"#{el.attrs[k]}\"\n"
+                               if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is wheic_parser.NS_HTML
+                                       ret += "#{prefix}  content\n"
+                                       ret += serialize_els el.children, "#{prefix}    "
+                               else
+                                       ret += serialize_els el.children, "#{prefix}  "
+                       when wheic_parser.TYPE_TEXT
+                               ret += "#{prefix}\"#{el.text}\"\n"
+                       when wheic_parser.TYPE_COMMENT
+                               ret += "#{prefix}<!-- #{el.text} -->\n"
+                       when wheic_parser.TYPE_DOCTYPE
+                               ret += "#{prefix}<!DOCTYPE #{el.name}"
+                               if (el.public_identifier? and el.public_identifier.length > 0) or (el.system_identifier? and el.system_identifier.length > 0)
+                                       ret += " \"#{el.public_identifier ? ''}\""
+                                       ret += " \"#{el.system_identifier ? ''}\""
+                               ret += ">\n"
+                       else
+                               ret += "#{prefix}UNKNOWN TAG TYPE #{el.type}"
+       return ret
+test_results = passed: 0, failed: 0
+test_parser = (args) ->
+       wheic_parser.debug_log_reset()
+       parse_errors = []
+       args.error_cb = (i) ->
+               parse_errors.push i
+       prev_node_id = 0 # reset counter
+       parsed = wheic_parser.parse args.html, args
+       serialized = serialize_els parsed
+       if serialized isnt args.expected
+               test_results.failed += 1
+               if test_results.failed is 1
+                       wheic_parser.debug_log_each (str) ->
+                               console.log str
+                       console.log "FAILED: \"#{args.name}\""
+                       console.log "      Input: #{args.html}"
+                       if args.fragment?
+                               console.log "   Fragment: #{args.fragment}"
+                       console.log "    Correct: #{args.expected}"
+                       console.log "     Output: #{serialized}"
+                       if parse_errors.length > 0
+                               console.log " parse errs: #{JSON.stringify parse_errors}"
+                       else
+                               console.log "   No parse errors"
+       else
+               test_results.passed += 1
+               # console.log "passed \"#{args.name}\""
+test_summary = ->
+       console.log "Tests passed: #{test_results.passed}, Failed: #{test_results.failed}"
+next_test = 0
+run_tests_and_breathe = ->
+       start_time = new Date()
+       loop
+               if next_test >= tests.length
+                       test_summary()
+                       return
+               test_parser tests[next_test]
+               next_test += 1
+               now = new Date()
+               if now - start_time > 100 # miliseconds
+                       break
+       setTimeout run_tests_and_breathe, 1
index f0c7c82..5288014 100644 (file)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
        <p>You'll need to run <code>make</code> to build the javascript files used on this page.</p>
        <p>If you don't have node.js and CoffeeScript installed, you can <a href="parser_tests_coffee.html">use the other test page</a> which compiles the CoffeeScript files on the fly in the browser.</p>
        <p>Check the inspector/console for test results.</p>
        <p>You'll need to run <code>make</code> to build the javascript files used on this page.</p>
        <p>If you don't have node.js and CoffeeScript installed, you can <a href="parser_tests_coffee.html">use the other test page</a> which compiles the CoffeeScript files on the fly in the browser.</p>
        <p>Check the inspector/console for test results.</p>
-       <script src="parse-html.js"></script>
-       <script src="test.js"></script>
+       <script src="parser.js"></script>
+       <script src="parser_tests.js"></script>
index 2f370ab..7d2fc4d 100644 (file)
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
        <p>This version of the test page compiles the CoffeeScript files in the browser, so you don't have to install CoffeeScript (or node.js).</p>
        <p>It can take a few seconds for the tests to compile.</p>
        <p>Check the inspector/console for test results.</p>
        <p>This version of the test page compiles the CoffeeScript files in the browser, so you don't have to install CoffeeScript (or node.js).</p>
        <p>It can take a few seconds for the tests to compile.</p>
        <p>Check the inspector/console for test results.</p>
-       <script src="parse-html.coffee" type="text/coffeescript"></script>
-       <script src="test.coffee" type="text/coffeescript"></script>
+       <script src="parser.coffee" type="text/coffeescript"></script>
+       <script src="parser_tests.coffee" type="text/coffeescript"></script>
        <script src="coffee-script.js"></script>
        <script src="coffee-script.js"></script>
diff --git a/test.coffee b/test.coffee
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fabb61b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8019 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Jason Woofenden, James Graham, Geoffrey Sneddon, and
-# other contributors
-# The values in the following data structure were extracted from the project at
-# https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-tests which has the following notice:
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2013 James Graham, Geoffrey Sneddon, and
-# other contributors
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-# the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# The rest of this file was written by Jason Woofenden in 2015-2016, and is
-# released under the terms of the CC0 license:
-# http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ and into the public domain
-tests = [
-       {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #1"
-               html: "<a><p></a></p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #2"
-               html: "<a>1<p>2</a>3</p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"1\"\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|         \"2\"\n|       \"3\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #3"
-               html: "<a>1<button>2</a>3</button>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"1\"\n|     <button>\n|       <a>\n|         \"2\"\n|       \"3\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #4"
-               html: "<a>1<b>2</a>3</b>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"1\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"2\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"3\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #5"
-               html: "<a>1<div>2<div>3</a>4</div>5</div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"1\"\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n|         \"2\"\n|       <div>\n|         <a>\n|           \"3\"\n|         \"4\"\n|       \"5\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #6"
-               html: "<table><a>1<p>2</a>3</p>"
-               errors: 10
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"1\"\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|         \"2\"\n|       \"3\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #7"
-               html: "<b><b><a><p></a>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <b>\n|         <a>\n|         <p>\n|           <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #8"
-               html: "<b><a><b><p></a>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <a>\n|         <b>\n|       <b>\n|         <p>\n|           <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #9"
-               html: "<a><b><b><p></a>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <b>\n|         <b>\n|     <b>\n|       <b>\n|         <p>\n|           <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #10"
-               html: "<p>1<s id=\"A\">2<b id=\"B\">3</p>4</s>5</b>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"1\"\n|       <s>\n|         id=\"A\"\n|         \"2\"\n|         <b>\n|           id=\"B\"\n|           \"3\"\n|     <s>\n|       id=\"A\"\n|       <b>\n|         id=\"B\"\n|         \"4\"\n|     <b>\n|       id=\"B\"\n|       \"5\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #11"
-               html: "<table><a>1<td>2</td>3</table>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"1\"\n|     <a>\n|       \"3\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"2\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #12"
-               html: "<table>A<td>B</td>C</table>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"AC\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"B\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #13"
-               html: "<a><svg><tr><input></a>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg tr>\n|           <svg input>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #14"
-               html: "<div><a><b><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div></a>"
-               errors: 10
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n|         <b>\n|       <b>\n|         <div>\n|           <a>\n|           <div>\n|             <a>\n|             <div>\n|               <a>\n|               <div>\n|                 <a>\n|                 <div>\n|                   <a>\n|                   <div>\n|                     <a>\n|                     <div>\n|                       <a>\n|                       <div>\n|                         <a>\n|                           <div>\n|                             <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #15"
-               html: "<div><a><b><u><i><code><div></a>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n|         <b>\n|           <u>\n|             <i>\n|               <code>\n|       <u>\n|         <i>\n|           <code>\n|             <div>\n|               <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #16"
-               html: "<b><b><b><b>x</b></b></b></b>y"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <b>\n|         <b>\n|           <b>\n|             \"x\"\n|     \"y\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption01.dat #17"
-               html: "<p><b><b><b><b><p>x"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         <b>\n|           <b>\n|             <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         <b>\n|           <b>\n|             \"x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption02.dat #1"
-               html: "<b>1<i>2<p>3</b>4"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"1\"\n|       <i>\n|         \"2\"\n|     <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <b>\n|           \"3\"\n|         \"4\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "adoption02.dat #2"
-               html: "<a><div><style></style><address><a>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n|         <style>\n|       <address>\n|         <a>\n|         <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "comments01.dat #1"
-               html: "FOO<!-- BAR -->BAZ"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <!--  BAR  -->\n|     \"BAZ\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "comments01.dat #2"
-               html: "FOO<!-- BAR --!>BAZ"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <!--  BAR  -->\n|     \"BAZ\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "comments01.dat #3"
-               html: "FOO<!-- BAR --   >BAZ"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <!--  BAR --   >BAZ -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "comments01.dat #4"
-               html: "FOO<!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -->BAZ"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <!--  BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX  -->\n|     \"BAZ\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "comments01.dat #5"
-               html: "FOO<!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX --!>BAZ"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <!--  BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX  -->\n|     \"BAZ\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "comments01.dat #6"
-               html: "FOO<!-- BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -- >BAZ"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <!--  BAR -- <QUX> -- MUX -- >BAZ -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "comments01.dat #7"
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-               name: "comments01.dat #8"
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-               name: "comments01.dat #9"
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-               name: "comments01.dat #10"
-               html: "<?xml version=\"1.0\">Hi"
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-               name: "comments01.dat #11"
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-               name: "comments01.dat #12"
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-               name: "comments01.dat #13"
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-               name: "comments01.dat #14"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>Hello"
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-       }, {
-               name: "doctype01.dat #2"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #3"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #4"
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-       }, {
-               name: "doctype01.dat #5"
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-       }, {
-               name: "doctype01.dat #6"
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-       }, {
-               name: "doctype01.dat #7"
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-       }, {
-               name: "doctype01.dat #8"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #9"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #10"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #11"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #12"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #13"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM taco  >Hello"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #14"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM 'taco\"'>Hello"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #15"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #16"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato SYSTEM \"tai'co\">Hello"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #17"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #18"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato grass SYSTEM taco>Hello"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #19"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #20"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #21"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #22"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #23"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #24"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #25"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC 'go:hh   of' >Hello"
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-       }, {
-               name: "doctype01.dat #26"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE potato PUBLIC \"W3C-//dfdf\" SYSTEM ggg>Hello"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #27"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #28"
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-               name: "doctype01.dat #29"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #1"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #2"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #3"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #4"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #5"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #6"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #7"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #8"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #9"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #10"
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-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #11"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!-- foo-<S"
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-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #12"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #13"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<p></script>"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #14"
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-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--<script></script>\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #15"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>\u0000</script></script>"
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-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--<script>�</script>\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #16"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>-\u0000</script></script>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #17"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>--\u0000</script></script>"
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-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--<script>--�</script>\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #18"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script>---</script></script>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"data\"\n|       \"<!--<script>---</script>\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #19"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script></scrip></SCRIPT></script>"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #20"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"><!--<script></scrip </SCRIPT></script>"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #21"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #22"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"></scrip/></script>"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #23"
-               html: "<script type=\"data\"></scrip ></script>"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #24"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #25"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #26"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #27"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #28"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #29"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #30"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #31"
-               html: "<body></body><!DOCTYPE html>"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #32"
-               html: "<table><!DOCTYPE html></table>"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #33"
-               html: "<select><!DOCTYPE html></select>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #34"
-               html: "<table><colgroup><!DOCTYPE html></colgroup></table>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #35"
-               html: "<table><colgroup><!--test--></colgroup></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <!-- test -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #36"
-               html: "<table><colgroup><html></colgroup></table>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #37"
-               html: "<table><colgroup> foo</colgroup></table>"
-               errors: 5
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-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #38"
-               html: "<select><!--test--></select>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <!-- test -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #39"
-               html: "<select><html></select>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #40"
-               html: "<frameset><html></frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #41"
-               html: "<frameset></frameset><html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #42"
-               html: "<frameset></frameset><!DOCTYPE html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #43"
-               html: "<html><body></body></html><!DOCTYPE html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
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-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #44"
-               html: "<svg><!DOCTYPE html></svg>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #45"
-               html: "<svg><font></font></svg>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg font>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #46"
-               html: "<svg><font id=foo></font></svg>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg font>\n|         id=\"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #47"
-               html: "<svg><font size=4></font></svg>"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #48"
-               html: "<svg><font color=red></font></svg>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <font>\n|       color=\"red\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "domjs-unsafe.dat #49"
-               html: "<svg><font font=sans></font></svg>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg font>\n|         font=\"sans\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "entities01.dat #1"
-               html: "FOO&gt;BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO>BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "entities01.dat #2"
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-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO>BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "entities01.dat #3"
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-               errors: 2
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-               name: "entities01.dat #4"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #5"
-               html: "I'm &notit; I tell you"
-               errors: 2
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-               name: "entities01.dat #6"
-               html: "I'm &notin; I tell you"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"I'm ∉ I tell you\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "entities01.dat #7"
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-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "entities01.dat #8"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #9"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #10"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #11"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #13"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #14"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #38"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #39"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #40"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #41"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #42"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #43"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #44"
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-               name: "entities01.dat #45"
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-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #14"
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-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #15"
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-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #20"
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-               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #25"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               fragment: "math mn"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #26"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "math mn"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #27"
-               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><mo/>X"
-               errors: 3
-               fragment: "math mo"
-               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <mo>\n|   \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #28"
-               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
-               fragment: "math mo"
-               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #29"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               fragment: "math mo"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #30"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "math mo"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #31"
-               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><mi/>X"
-               errors: 3
-               fragment: "math mi"
-               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <mi>\n|   \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #32"
-               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
-               fragment: "math mi"
-               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #33"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               fragment: "math mi"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #34"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "math mi"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #35"
-               html: "<b></b><mglyph/><i></i><malignmark/><u></u><mtext/>X"
-               errors: 3
-               fragment: "math mtext"
-               expected: "| <b>\n| <math mglyph>\n| <i>\n| <math malignmark>\n| <u>\n| <mtext>\n|   \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #36"
-               html: "<malignmark></malignmark>"
-               fragment: "math mtext"
-               expected: "| <math malignmark>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #37"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               fragment: "math mtext"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #38"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "math mtext"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #39"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "math annotation-xml"
-               expected: "| <math div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #40"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "math annotation-xml"
-               expected: "| <math figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #41"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "math math"
-               expected: "| <math div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #42"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "math math"
-               expected: "| <math figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #43"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               fragment: "svg foreignObject"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #44"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "svg foreignObject"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #45"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               fragment: "svg title"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #46"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "svg title"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #47"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #48"
-               html: "<div><h1>X</h1></div>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "svg svg"
-               expected: "| <svg div>\n|   <svg h1>\n|     \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #49"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "svg svg"
-               expected: "| <svg div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #50"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #51"
-               html: "<figure></figure>"
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| <figure>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #52"
-               html: "<plaintext><foo>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| <plaintext>\n|   \"<foo>\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #53"
-               html: "<frameset>X"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #54"
-               html: "<head>X"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #55"
-               html: "<body>X"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #56"
-               html: "<html>X"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #57"
-               html: "<html class=\"foo\">X"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "foreign-fragment.dat #58"
-               html: "<body class=\"foo\">X"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "svg desc"
-               expected: "| \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #1"
-               html: "<div<div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div<div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #2"
-               html: "<div foo<bar=''>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo<bar=\"\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #3"
-               html: "<div foo=`bar`>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo=\"`bar`\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #4"
-               html: "<div \\\"foo=''>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \\\"foo=\"\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #5"
-               html: "<a href='\\nbar'></a>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       href=\"\\nbar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #6"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #7"
-               html: "&lang;&rang;"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"⟨⟩\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #8"
-               html: "&apos;"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"'\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #9"
-               html: "&ImaginaryI;"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"ⅈ\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #10"
-               html: "&Kopf;"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"𝕂\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #11"
-               html: "&notinva;"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"∉\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #12"
-               html: "<?import namespace=\"foo\" implementation=\"#bar\">"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- ?import namespace=\"foo\" implementation=\"#bar\" -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #13"
-               html: "<!--foo--bar-->"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- foo--bar -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #14"
-               html: "<![CDATA[x]]>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- [CDATA[x]] -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #15"
-               html: "<textarea><!--</textarea>--></textarea>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|     \"-->\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #16"
-               html: "<textarea><!--</textarea>-->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|     \"-->\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #17"
-               html: "<style><!--</style>--></style>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #18"
-               html: "<style><!--</style>-->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #19"
-               html: "<ul><li>A </li> <li>B</li></ul>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|         \"A \"\n|       \" \"\n|       <li>\n|         \"B\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #20"
-               html: "<table><form><input type=hidden><input></form><div></div></table>"
-               errors: 8
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <form>\n|       <input>\n|         type=\"hidden\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #21"
-               html: "<i>A<b>B<p></i>C</b>D"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <i>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"B\"\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         <i>\n|         \"C\"\n|       \"D\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #22"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #23"
-               html: "<svg></svg>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "html5test-com.dat #24"
-               html: "<math></math>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "inbody01.dat #1"
-               html: "<button>1</foo>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <button>\n|       \"1\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "inbody01.dat #2"
-               html: "<foo>1<p>2</foo>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       \"1\"\n|       <p>\n|         \"2\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "inbody01.dat #3"
-               html: "<dd>1</foo>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dd>\n|       \"1\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "inbody01.dat #4"
-               html: "<foo>1<dd>2</foo>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       \"1\"\n|       <dd>\n|         \"2\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "isindex.dat #1"
-               html: "<isindex>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "isindex.dat #2"
-               html: "<isindex name=\"A\" action=\"B\" prompt=\"C\" foo=\"D\">"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       action=\"B\"\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"C\"\n|         <input>\n|           foo=\"D\"\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "isindex.dat #3"
-               html: "<form><isindex>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "main-element.dat #1"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p>foo<main>bar<p>baz"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"foo\"\n|     <main>\n|       \"bar\"\n|       <p>\n|         \"baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "main-element.dat #2"
-               html: "<!doctype html><main><p>foo</main>bar"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <main>\n|       <p>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     \"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "main-element.dat #3"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>xxx<svg><x><g><a><main><b>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"xxx\"\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg x>\n|         <svg g>\n|           <svg a>\n|     <main>\n|       <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #1"
-               html: "<math><tr><td><mo><tr>"
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tr>\n|     <math td>\n|       <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #2"
-               html: "<math><tr><td><mo><tr>"
-               fragment: "tr"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tr>\n|     <math td>\n|       <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #3"
-               html: "<math><thead><mo><tbody>"
-               fragment: "thead"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math thead>\n|     <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #4"
-               html: "<math><tfoot><mo><tbody>"
-               fragment: "tfoot"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tfoot>\n|     <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #5"
-               html: "<math><tbody><mo><tfoot>"
-               fragment: "tbody"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tbody>\n|     <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #6"
-               html: "<math><tbody><mo></table>"
-               fragment: "tbody"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tbody>\n|     <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #7"
-               html: "<math><thead><mo></table>"
-               fragment: "tbody"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math thead>\n|     <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "math.dat #8"
-               html: "<math><tfoot><mo></table>"
-               fragment: "tbody"
-               expected: "| <math math>\n|   <math tfoot>\n|     <math mo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "namespace-sensitivity.dat #1"
-               html: "<body><table><tr><td><svg><td><foreignObject><span></td>Foo"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Foo\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg td>\n|                 <svg foreignObject>\n|                   <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "pending-spec-changes.dat #1"
-               html: "<input type=\"hidden\"><frameset>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "pending-spec-changes.dat #2"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><caption><svg>foo</table>bar"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <svg svg>\n|           \"foo\"\n|     \"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "pending-spec-changes.dat #3"
-               html: "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td></desc><circle>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg desc>\n|           <td>\n|             <circle>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "pending-spec-changes-plain-text-unsafe.dat #1"
-               html: "<body><table>\u0000filler\u0000text\u0000"
-               errors: 18
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"fillertext\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #1"
-               html: "FOO&#x000D;ZOO"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\rZOO\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #2"
-               html: "<html>\u0000<frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #3"
-               html: "<html> \u0000 <frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #4"
-               html: "<html>a\u0000a<frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"aa\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #5"
-               html: "<html>\u0000\u0000<frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #6"
-               html: "<html>\u0000\n <frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #7"
-               html: "<html><select>\u0000"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #8"
-               html: "\u0000"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #9"
-               html: "<body>\u0000"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #10"
-               html: "<plaintext>\u0000filler\u0000text\u0000"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"�filler�text�\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #11"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[\u0000filler\u0000text\u0000]]>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�filler�text�\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #12"
-               html: "<body><!\u0000>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <!-- � -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #13"
-               html: "<body><!\u0000filler\u0000text>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <!-- �filler�text -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #14"
-               html: "<body><svg><foreignObject>\u0000filler\u0000text"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|         \"fillertext\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #15"
-               html: "<svg>\u0000filler\u0000text"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�filler�text\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #16"
-               html: "<svg>\u0000<frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�\"\n|       <svg frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #17"
-               html: "<svg>\u0000 <frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"� \"\n|       <svg frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #18"
-               html: "<svg>\u0000a<frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�a\"\n|       <svg frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #19"
-               html: "<svg>\u0000</svg><frameset>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #20"
-               html: "<svg>\u0000 </svg><frameset>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #21"
-               html: "<svg>\u0000a</svg><frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"�a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #22"
-               html: "<svg><path></path></svg><frameset>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #23"
-               html: "<svg><p><frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #24"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\r\n\r\nA</pre>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nA\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #25"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\r\rA</pre>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nA\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #26"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>\rA</pre>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #27"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><math><mtext>\u0000a"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mtext>\n|                 \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #28"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><svg><foreignObject>\u0000a"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg foreignObject>\n|                 \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #29"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mi>a\u0000b"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #30"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mo>a\u0000b"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mo>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #31"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mn>a\u0000b"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mn>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #32"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><ms>a\u0000b"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math ms>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "plain-text-unsafe.dat #33"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mtext>a\u0000b"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mtext>\n|         \"ab\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #1"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rb></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #2"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rt></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #3"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #4"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rp></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #5"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<span></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #6"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rb></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #7"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rt></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #8"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #9"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rp></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #10"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<span></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #11"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rb></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #12"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rt>c<rt>d</ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <rt>\n|           \"c\"\n|         <rt>\n|           \"d\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #13"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #14"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rp></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <rp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #15"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<span></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #16"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rb></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rb>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #17"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rt></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #18"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rtc></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rtc>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #19"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rp></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #20"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<span></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "ruby.dat #21"
-               html: "<html><ruby><rtc><ruby>a<rb>b<rt></ruby></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <rtc>\n|         <ruby>\n|           \"a\"\n|           <rb>\n|             \"b\"\n|           <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #1"
-               html: "FOO<script>'Hello'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'Hello'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #2"
-               html: "FOO<script></script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #3"
-               html: "FOO<script></script >BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #4"
-               html: "FOO<script></script/>BAR"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #5"
-               html: "FOO<script></script/ >BAR"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #6"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\"></scriptx>BAR"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"</scriptx>BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #7"
-               html: "FOO<script></script foo=\">\" dd>BAR"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #8"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #9"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #10"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!-'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #11"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!--'</script>BAR"
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-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #12"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!---'</script>BAR"
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-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!---'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #13"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!-->'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-->'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #14"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!-->'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-->'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #15"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!-- potato'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-- potato'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #16"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!-- <sCrIpt'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #17"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt>'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #18"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> -'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #19"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> --'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt> --'</script>BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #20"
-               html: "FOO<script>'<!-- <sCrIpt> -->'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt> -->'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #21"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> --!>'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #22"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt> -- >'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #23"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt '</script>BAR"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt '</script>BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #24"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #25"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt\\'</script>BAR"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt\\'\"\n|     \"BAR\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #26"
-               html: "FOO<script type=\"text/plain\">'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR</script>QUX"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/plain\"\n|       \"'<!-- <sCrIpt/'</script>BAR\"\n|     \"QUX\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "scriptdata01.dat #27"
-               html: "FOO<script><!--<script>-></script>--></script>QUX"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"FOO\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"<!--<script>-></script>-->\"\n|     \"QUX\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #1"
-               html: "<table><th>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <th>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #2"
-               html: "<table><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #3"
-               html: "<table><col foo='bar'>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <col>\n|           foo=\"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #4"
-               html: "<table><colgroup></html>foo"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #5"
-               html: "<table></table><p>foo"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|     <p>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #6"
-               html: "<table></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr><td>"
-               errors: 14
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #7"
-               html: "<table><select><option>3</select></table>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         \"3\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #8"
-               html: "<table><select><table></table></select></table>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <table>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #9"
-               html: "<table><select></table>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #10"
-               html: "<table><select><option>A<tr><td>B</td></tr></table>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         \"A\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"B\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #11"
-               html: "<table><td></body></caption></col></colgroup></html>foo"
-               errors: 8
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #12"
-               html: "<table><td>A</table>B"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n|     \"B\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #13"
-               html: "<table><tr><caption>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|       <caption>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #14"
-               html: "<table><tr></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></td></th><td>foo"
-               errors: 9
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #15"
-               html: "<table><td><tr>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #16"
-               html: "<table><td><button><td>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <button>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tables01.dat #17"
-               html: "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg desc>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #1"
-               html: "<body><template>Hello</template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Hello\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #2"
-               html: "<template>Hello</template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Hello\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #3"
-               html: "<template></template><div></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #4"
-               html: "<html><template>Hello</template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Hello\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #5"
-               html: "<head><template><div></div></template></head>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #6"
-               html: "<div><template><div><span></template><b>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <div>\n|             <span>\n|       <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #7"
-               html: "<div><template></div>Hello"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           \"Hello\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #8"
-               html: "<div></template></div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #9"
-               html: "<table><template></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #10"
-               html: "<table><template></template></div>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #11"
-               html: "<table><div><template></template></div>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #12"
-               html: "<table><template></template><div></div>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #13"
-               html: "<table>   <template></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       \"   \"\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #14"
-               html: "<table><tbody><template></template></tbody>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #15"
-               html: "<table><tbody><template></tbody></template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #16"
-               html: "<table><tbody><template></template></tbody></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #17"
-               html: "<table><thead><template></template></thead>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #18"
-               html: "<table><tfoot><template></template></tfoot>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tfoot>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #19"
-               html: "<select><template></template></select>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #20"
-               html: "<select><template><option></option></template></select>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #21"
-               html: "<template><option></option></select><option></option></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <option>\n|         <option>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #22"
-               html: "<select><template></template><option></select>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|       <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #23"
-               html: "<select><option><template></template></select>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #24"
-               html: "<select><template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #25"
-               html: "<select><option></option><template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #26"
-               html: "<select><option></option><template><option>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #27"
-               html: "<table><thead><template><td></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #28"
-               html: "<table><template><thead></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <thead>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #29"
-               html: "<body><table><template><td></tr><div></template></table>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <td>\n|             <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #30"
-               html: "<table><template><thead></template></thead></table>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <thead>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #31"
-               html: "<table><thead><template><tr></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #32"
-               html: "<table><template><tr></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #33"
-               html: "<table><tr><template><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <template>\n|             content\n|               <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #34"
-               html: "<table><template><tr><template><td></template></tr></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n|             <template>\n|               content\n|                 <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #35"
-               html: "<table><template><tr><template><td></td></template></tr></template></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n|             <template>\n|               content\n|                 <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #36"
-               html: "<table><template><td></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #37"
-               html: "<body><template><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #38"
-               html: "<body><template><template><tr></tr></template><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #39"
-               html: "<table><colgroup><template><col>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #40"
-               html: "<frameset><template><frame></frame></template></frameset>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     <frame>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #41"
-               html: "<template><frame></frame></frameset><frame></frame></template>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #42"
-               html: "<template><div><frameset><span></span></div><span></span></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           <span>\n|         <span>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #43"
-               html: "<body><template><div><frameset><span></span></div><span></span></template></body>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           <span>\n|         <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #44"
-               html: "<body><template><script>var i = 1;</script><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <script>\n|           \"var i = 1;\"\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #45"
-               html: "<body><template><tr><div></div></tr></template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #46"
-               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #47"
-               html: "<body><template><td></td></tr><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #48"
-               html: "<body><template><td></td><tbody><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #49"
-               html: "<body><template><td></td><caption></caption><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #50"
-               html: "<body><template><td></td><colgroup></caption><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #51"
-               html: "<body><template><td></td></table><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #52"
-               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><tbody><tr></tr></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #53"
-               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><caption><tr></tr></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #54"
-               html: "<body><template><tr></tr></table><tr></tr></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #55"
-               html: "<body><template><thead></thead><caption></caption><tbody></tbody></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <thead>\n|         <caption>\n|         <tbody>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #56"
-               html: "<body><template><thead></thead></table><tbody></tbody></template></body>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <thead>\n|         <tbody>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #57"
-               html: "<body><template><div><tr></tr></div></template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #58"
-               html: "<body><template><em>Hello</em></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <em>\n|           \"Hello\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #59"
-               html: "<body><template><!--comment--></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <!-- comment -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #60"
-               html: "<body><template><style></style><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <style>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #61"
-               html: "<body><template><meta><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <meta>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #62"
-               html: "<body><template><link><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <link>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #63"
-               html: "<body><template><template><tr></tr></template><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|         <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #64"
-               html: "<body><table><colgroup><template><col></col></template></colgroup></table></body>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #65"
-               html: "<body a=b><template><div></div><body c=d><div></div></body></template></body>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     a=\"b\"\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #66"
-               html: "<html a=b><template><div><html b=c><span></template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           <span>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #67"
-               html: "<html a=b><template><col></col><html b=c><col></col></template>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n|         <col>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #68"
-               html: "<html a=b><template><frame></frame><html b=c><frame></frame></template>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #69"
-               html: "<body><template><tr></tr><template></template><td></td></template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <tr>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #70"
-               html: "<body><template><thead></thead><template><tr></tr></template><tr></tr><tfoot></tfoot></template>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <thead>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|         <tfoot>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #71"
-               html: "<body><template><template><b><template></template></template>text</template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <b>\n|               <template>\n|                 content\n|         \"text\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #72"
-               html: "<body><template><col><colgroup>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #73"
-               html: "<body><template><col></colgroup>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #74"
-               html: "<body><template><col><colgroup></template></body>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #75"
-               html: "<body><template><col><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #76"
-               html: "<body><template><col></div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #77"
-               html: "<body><template><col>Hello"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #78"
-               html: "<body><template><i><menu>Foo</i>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <i>\n|         <menu>\n|           <i>\n|             \"Foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #79"
-               html: "<body><template></div><div>Foo</div><template></template><tr></tr>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|           \"Foo\"\n|         <template>\n|           content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #80"
-               html: "<body><div><template></div><tr><td>Foo</td></tr></template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               \"Foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #81"
-               html: "<template></figcaption><sub><table></table>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <sub>\n|           <table>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #82"
-               html: "<template><template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #83"
-               html: "<template><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <div>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #84"
-               html: "<template><template><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <div>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #85"
-               html: "<template><template><table>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <table>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #86"
-               html: "<template><template><tbody>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tbody>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #87"
-               html: "<template><template><tr>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tr>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #88"
-               html: "<template><template><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <td>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #89"
-               html: "<template><template><caption>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <caption>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #90"
-               html: "<template><template><colgroup>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <colgroup>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #91"
-               html: "<template><template><col>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <col>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #92"
-               html: "<template><template><tbody><select>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <tbody>\n|             <select>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #93"
-               html: "<template><template><table>Foo"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             \"Foo\"\n|             <table>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #94"
-               html: "<template><template><frame>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #95"
-               html: "<template><template><script>var i"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <script>\n|               \"var i\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #96"
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-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <style>\n|               \"var i\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #97"
-               html: "<template><table></template><body><span>Foo"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <table>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       \"Foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #98"
-               html: "<template><td></template><body><span>Foo"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <td>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       \"Foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #99"
-               html: "<template><object></template><body><span>Foo"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <object>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       \"Foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #100"
-               html: "<template><svg><template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg template>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #101"
-               html: "<template><svg><foo><template><foreignObject><div></template><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg foo>\n|             <svg template>\n|               <svg foreignObject>\n|                 <div>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #102"
-               html: "<dummy><template><span></dummy>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dummy>\n|       <template>\n|         content\n|           <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #103"
-               html: "<body><table><tr><td><select><template>Foo</template><caption>A</table>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <select>\n|               <template>\n|                 content\n|                   \"Foo\"\n|       <caption>\n|         \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #104"
-               html: "<body></body><template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #105"
-               html: "<head></head><template>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #106"
-               html: "<head></head><template>Foo</template>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         \"Foo\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #107"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE HTML><dummy><table><template><table><template><table><script>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dummy>\n|       <table>\n|         <template>\n|           content\n|             <table>\n|               <template>\n|                 content\n|                   <table>\n|                     <script>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "template.dat #108"
-               html: "<template><a><table><a>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <template>\n|       content\n|         <a>\n|           <a>\n|           <table>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg></svg>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #2"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg></svg><![CDATA[a]]>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <!-- [CDATA[a]] -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #3"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><svg></svg>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #4"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><svg></svg></select>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #5"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><svg></svg></option></select>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #6"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg></svg></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #7"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g></svg></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #8"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #9"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tbody></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #10"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></tr></tbody></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <svg g>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #11"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg></td></tr></tbody></table>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #12"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <svg g>\n|                 \"bar\"\n|             <p>\n|               \"baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #13"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g></svg><p>baz</caption></table>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #14"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <svg svg>\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <svg g>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #15"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #16"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><colgroup><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 6
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #17"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tr><td><select><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 7
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #18"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><select><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz</table><p>quux"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #19"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body></body></html><svg><g>foo</g><g>bar</g><p>baz"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #20"
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-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #21"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><svg><g></g><g></g><p><span>"
-               errors: 8
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #22"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset><svg><g></g><g></g><p><span>"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #23"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo><svg xlink:href=foo></svg>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     <svg svg>\n|       xlink href=\"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #24"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo></g></svg>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     xml:lang=\"en\"\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg g>\n|         xlink href=\"foo\"\n|         xml lang=\"en\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #25"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo /></svg>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #26"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><svg><g xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo />bar</svg>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #27"
-               html: "<svg></path>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #28"
-               html: "<div><svg></div>a"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <svg svg>\n|     \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #29"
-               html: "<div><svg><path></div>a"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg path>\n|     \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #30"
-               html: "<div><svg><path></svg><path>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg path>\n|       <path>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #31"
-               html: "<div><svg><path><foreignObject><math></div>a"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg path>\n|           <svg foreignObject>\n|             <math math>\n|               \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #32"
-               html: "<div><svg><path><foreignObject><p></div>a"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg path>\n|           <svg foreignObject>\n|             <p>\n|               \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #33"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><desc><div><svg><ul>a"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg desc>\n|         <div>\n|           <svg svg>\n|           <ul>\n|             \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #34"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><desc><svg><ul>a"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg desc>\n|         <svg svg>\n|         <ul>\n|           \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #35"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><p><svg><desc><p>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg desc>\n|           <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #36"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><p><svg><title><p>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg title>\n|           <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #37"
-               html: "<div><svg><path><foreignObject><p></foreignObject><p>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <svg svg>\n|         <svg path>\n|           <svg foreignObject>\n|             <p>\n|             <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests10.dat #38"
-               html: "<math><mi><div><object><div><span></span></div></object></div></mi><mi>"
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-               name: "tests10.dat #52"
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-               name: "tests10.dat #53"
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-               name: "tests10.dat #54"
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-               name: "tests11.dat #1"
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-               name: "tests11.dat #2"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests11.dat #3"
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-               name: "tests11.dat #4"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests11.dat #5"
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-               name: "tests11.dat #6"
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-               name: "tests11.dat #7"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests11.dat #8"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><math><altGlyph /><altGlyphDef /><altGlyphItem /><animateColor /><animateMotion /><animateTransform /><clipPath /><feBlend /><feColorMatrix /><feComponentTransfer /><feComposite /><feConvolveMatrix /><feDiffuseLighting /><feDisplacementMap /><feDistantLight /><feFlood /><feFuncA /><feFuncB /><feFuncG /><feFuncR /><feGaussianBlur /><feImage /><feMerge /><feMergeNode /><feMorphology /><feOffset /><fePointLight /><feSpecularLighting /><feSpotLight /><feTile /><feTurbulence /><foreignObject /><glyphRef /><linearGradient /><radialGradient /><textPath /></math>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests11.dat #9"
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-               name: "tests12.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><p>foo<math><mtext><i>baz</i></mtext><annotation-xml><svg><desc><b>eggs</b></desc><g><foreignObject><P>spam<TABLE><tr><td><img></td></table></foreignObject></g><g>quux</g></svg></annotation-xml></math>bar"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests12.dat #2"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests14.dat #1"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <xyz:abc>\n"
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-               name: "tests14.dat #2"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests14.dat #3"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><html abc:def=gh><xyz:abc></xyz:abc>"
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-               name: "tests14.dat #4"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html xml:lang=bar><html xml:lang=foo>"
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-               name: "tests14.dat #5"
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-               name: "tests14.dat #6"
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-               name: "tests14.dat #7"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #1"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests15.dat #2"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests15.dat #3"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #4"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #5"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #6"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #7"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #8"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #9"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #10"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #11"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests15.dat #12"
-               html: "<!doctype html><div><table><a>foo</a> <tr><td>bar</td> </tr></table></div>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests15.dat #13"
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-               name: "tests15.dat #14"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests16.dat #1"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #2"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #3"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests16.dat #4"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #5"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #6"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #7"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #8"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #9"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #10"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #11"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #12"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #13"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #14"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #15"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #16"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #17"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #18"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #19"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #20"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #21"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #22"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #23"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #24"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #25"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #26"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #27"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #28"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #29"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #93"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #94"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #95"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #96"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #97"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #98"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #100"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #101"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #102"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #103"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #104"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #105"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #106"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #107"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #108"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #109"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #110"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #111"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #112"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #113"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #114"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #115"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #116"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #117"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #118"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #119"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #120"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #121"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #141"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #142"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #143"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #144"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #145"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #146"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #148"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #149"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #150"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #151"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #152"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #153"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #154"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #156"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #157"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #158"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #159"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #160"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #161"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #162"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #163"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #164"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #165"
-               html: "<script><!--<script></script><script></script>- - ></script>"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #166"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #167"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #168"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #169"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #170"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #171"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #172"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #173"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #174"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #175"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #176"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #177"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #178"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #179"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #180"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #181"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #182"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #183"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #184"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #185"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #186"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #187"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #188"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #189"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #190"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #191"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #192"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #193"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #194"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #195"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #196"
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-               name: "tests16.dat #197"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #1"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #2"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #3"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #4"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #5"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #6"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #7"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #8"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #9"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #10"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #11"
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-               name: "tests17.dat #12"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests17.dat #13"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|     \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #1"
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-               name: "tests18.dat #2"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><plaintext></plaintext>"
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-               name: "tests18.dat #3"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><tbody><plaintext></plaintext>"
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-               name: "tests18.dat #4"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><tbody><tr><plaintext></plaintext>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #5"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #6"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><caption><plaintext></plaintext>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #7"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr><style></script></style>abc"
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-               name: "tests18.dat #8"
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-               name: "tests18.dat #9"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #10"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #11"
-               html: "<!doctype html><select><script></style></script>abc"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #12"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><select><script></style></script>abc"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #13"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr><select><script></style></script>abc"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #14"
-               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset><noframes>abc"
-               errors: 1
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-               name: "tests18.dat #15"
-               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset><noframes>abc</noframes><!--abc-->"
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-               name: "tests18.dat #16"
-               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset></html><noframes>abc"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"abc\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #17"
-               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></frameset></html><noframes>abc</noframes><!--abc-->"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"abc\"\n| <!-- abc -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #18"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><tr></tbody><tfoot>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|       <tfoot>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests18.dat #19"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><td><svg></svg>abc<td>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|             \"abc\"\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #1"
-               html: "<!doctype html><math><mn DefinitionUrl=\"foo\">"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mn>\n|         definitionURL=\"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #2"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html></p><!--foo-->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <!-- foo -->\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #3"
-               html: "<!doctype html><head></head></p><!--foo-->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <!-- foo -->\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #4"
-               html: "<!doctype html><body><p><pre>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <pre>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #5"
-               html: "<!doctype html><body><p><listing>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <listing>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #6"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><plaintext>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <plaintext>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #7"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><h1>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <h1>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #8"
-               html: "<!doctype html><form><isindex>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #9"
-               html: "<!doctype html><isindex action=\"POST\">"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       action=\"POST\"\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #10"
-               html: "<!doctype html><isindex prompt=\"this is isindex\">"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"this is isindex\"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #11"
-               html: "<!doctype html><isindex type=\"hidden\">"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|           type=\"hidden\"\n|       <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #12"
-               html: "<!doctype html><isindex name=\"foo\">"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <hr>\n|       <label>\n|         \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|         <input>\n|           name=\"isindex\"\n|       <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #13"
-               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><p><rp>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <p>\n|       <rp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #14"
-               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rp>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <span>\n|           <rp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #15"
-               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rp>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <p>\n|         <rp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #16"
-               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><p><rt>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <p>\n|       <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #17"
-               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><span><rt>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <span>\n|           <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #18"
-               html: "<!doctype html><ruby><div><p><rt>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <p>\n|         <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #19"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rb>b<rt></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #20"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rp>b<rt></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rp>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #21"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rt>b<rt></ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rt>\n|         \"b\"\n|       <rt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #22"
-               html: "<html><ruby>a<rtc>b<rt>c<rb>d</ruby></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <rtc>\n|         \"b\"\n|         <rt>\n|           \"c\"\n|       <rb>\n|         \"d\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #23"
-               html: "<!doctype html><math/><foo>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|     <foo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #24"
-               html: "<!doctype html><svg/><foo>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <foo>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #25"
-               html: "<!doctype html><div></body><!--foo-->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|   <!-- foo -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #26"
-               html: "<!doctype html><h1><div><h3><span></h1>foo"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h1>\n|       <div>\n|         <h3>\n|           <span>\n|         \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #27"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p></h3>foo"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #28"
-               html: "<!doctype html><h3><li>abc</h2>foo"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h3>\n|       <li>\n|         \"abc\"\n|     \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #29"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table>abc<!--foo-->"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"abc\"\n|     <table>\n|       <!-- foo -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #30"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table>  <!--foo-->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       \"  \"\n|       <!-- foo -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #31"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table> b <!--foo-->"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \" b \"\n|     <table>\n|       <!-- foo -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #32"
-               html: "<!doctype html><select><option><option>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|       <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #33"
-               html: "<!doctype html><select><option></optgroup>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #34"
-               html: "<!doctype html><select><option></optgroup>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #35"
-               html: "<!doctype html><dd><optgroup><dd>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dd>\n|       <optgroup>\n|     <dd>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #36"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><math><mi><p><h1>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <math math>\n|         <math mi>\n|           <p>\n|           <h1>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #37"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><math><mo><p><h1>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <math math>\n|         <math mo>\n|           <p>\n|           <h1>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #38"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><math><mn><p><h1>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <math math>\n|         <math mn>\n|           <p>\n|           <h1>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #39"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><math><ms><p><h1>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <math math>\n|         <math ms>\n|           <p>\n|           <h1>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #40"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><math><mtext><p><h1>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <math math>\n|         <math mtext>\n|           <p>\n|           <h1>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #41"
-               html: "<!doctype html><frameset></noframes>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #42"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html c=d><body></html><html a=b>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   c=\"d\"\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #43"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html c=d><frameset></frameset></html><html a=b>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   a=\"b\"\n|   c=\"d\"\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #44"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html><frameset></frameset></html><!--foo-->"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n| <!-- foo -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #45"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html><frameset></frameset></html>  "
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"  \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #46"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html><frameset></frameset></html>abc"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #47"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html><frameset></frameset></html><p>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #48"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html><frameset></frameset></html></p>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #49"
-               html: "<html><frameset></frameset></html><!doctype html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #50"
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-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #51"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><frameset><frame>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     <frame>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #52"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p>a<frameset>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #53"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p> <frameset><frame>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     <frame>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #54"
-               html: "<!doctype html><pre><frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #55"
-               html: "<!doctype html><listing><frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <listing>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #56"
-               html: "<!doctype html><li><frameset>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <li>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #57"
-               html: "<!doctype html><dd><frameset>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dd>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #58"
-               html: "<!doctype html><dt><frameset>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #59"
-               html: "<!doctype html><button><frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <button>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #60"
-               html: "<!doctype html><applet><frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <applet>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #61"
-               html: "<!doctype html><marquee><frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <marquee>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #62"
-               html: "<!doctype html><object><frameset>"
-               errors: 2
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-               name: "tests19.dat #63"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #64"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #65"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #66"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #67"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #68"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #69"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #70"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #71"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #72"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #73"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #74"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #75"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #76"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #77"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #78"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #79"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #80"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #81"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #82"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #83"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #84"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #85"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #86"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #87"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #88"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests19.dat #89"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #90"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #91"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #92"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #93"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #94"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #95"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #96"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #97"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #98"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #99"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #100"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #101"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #102"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #103"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #104"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #105"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #106"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #107"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #108"
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-               name: "tests19.dat #109"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #1"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #2"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #3"
-               html: "Line1<br>Line2<br>Line3<br>Line4"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #4"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #5"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #6"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #7"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #8"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #9"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #10"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #11"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #12"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #13"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #14"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #15"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #16"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #17"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #18"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #19"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #20"
-               html: "<b><table><td><i></table>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <i>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #21"
-               html: "<b><table><td></b><i></table>X"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <i>\n|       \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #22"
-               html: "<h1>Hello<h2>World"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h1>\n|       \"Hello\"\n|     <h2>\n|       \"World\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #23"
-               html: "<a><p>X<a>Y</a>Z</p></a>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|         \"X\"\n|       <a>\n|         \"Y\"\n|       \"Z\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #24"
-               html: "<b><button>foo</b>bar"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <button>\n|       <b>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       \"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #25"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><span><button>foo</span>bar"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <span>\n|       <button>\n|         \"foobar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #26"
-               html: "<p><b><div><marquee></p></b></div>X"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <marquee>\n|           <p>\n|           \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #27"
-               html: "<script><div></script></div><title><p></title><p><p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \"<div>\"\n|     <title>\n|       \"<p>\"\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #28"
-               html: "<!--><div>--<!-->"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <!--  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"--\"\n|       <!--  -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #29"
-               html: "<p><hr></p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <hr>\n|     <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #30"
-               html: "<select><b><option><select><option></b></select>X"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|     <option>\n|       \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #31"
-               html: "<a><table><td><a><table></table><a></tr><a></table><b>X</b>C<a>Y"
-               errors: 9
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <a>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <a>\n|                 <table>\n|               <a>\n|     <a>\n|       <b>\n|         \"X\"\n|       \"C\"\n|     <a>\n|       \"Y\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #32"
-               html: "<a X>0<b>1<a Y>2"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       x=\"\"\n|       \"0\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"1\"\n|     <b>\n|       <a>\n|         y=\"\"\n|         \"2\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #33"
-               html: "<!-----><font><div>hello<table>excite!<b>me!<th><i>please!</tr><!--X-->"
-               errors: 16
-               expected: "| <!-- - -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <div>\n|         \"helloexcite!\"\n|         <b>\n|           \"me!\"\n|         <table>\n|           <tbody>\n|             <tr>\n|               <th>\n|                 <i>\n|                   \"please!\"\n|             <!-- X -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #34"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><li>hello<li>world<ul>how<li>do</ul>you</body><!--do-->"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <li>\n|       \"hello\"\n|     <li>\n|       \"world\"\n|       <ul>\n|         \"how\"\n|         <li>\n|           \"do\"\n|       \"you\"\n|   <!-- do -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #35"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>A<option>B<optgroup>C<select>D</option>E"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #36"
-               html: "<"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"<\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #37"
-               html: "<#"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"<#\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #38"
-               html: "</"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"</\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #39"
-               html: "</#"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- # -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #40"
-               html: "<?"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- ? -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #41"
-               html: "<?#"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- ?# -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #42"
-               html: "<!"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!--  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #43"
-               html: "<!#"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- # -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #44"
-               html: "<?COMMENT?>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- ?COMMENT? -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #45"
-               html: "<!COMMENT>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- COMMENT -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #46"
-               html: "</ COMMENT >"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!--  COMMENT  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #47"
-               html: "<?COM--MENT?>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- ?COM--MENT? -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #48"
-               html: "<!COM--MENT>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- COM--MENT -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #49"
-               html: "</ COM--MENT >"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!--  COM--MENT  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #50"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><style> EOF"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" EOF\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #51"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><script> <!-- </script> --> </script> EOF"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->  EOF\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #52"
-               html: "<b><p></b>TEST"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|       \"TEST\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #53"
-               html: "<p id=a><b><p id=b></b>TEST"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"a\"\n|       <b>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"b\"\n|       \"TEST\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #54"
-               html: "<b id=a><p><b id=b></p></b>TEST"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       id=\"a\"\n|       <p>\n|         <b>\n|           id=\"b\"\n|       \"TEST\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #55"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><title>U-test</title><body><div><p>Test<u></p></div></body>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"U-test\"\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <p>\n|         \"Test\"\n|         <u>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #56"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><font><table></font></table></font>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #57"
-               html: "<font><p>hello<b>cruel</font>world"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         \"hello\"\n|         <b>\n|           \"cruel\"\n|       <b>\n|         \"world\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #58"
-               html: "<b>Test</i>Test"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"TestTest\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #59"
-               html: "<b>A<cite>B<div>C"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <cite>\n|         \"B\"\n|         <div>\n|           \"C\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #60"
-               html: "<b>A<cite>B<div>C</cite>D"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <cite>\n|         \"B\"\n|         <div>\n|           \"CD\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #61"
-               html: "<b>A<cite>B<div>C</b>D"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"A\"\n|       <cite>\n|         \"B\"\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         \"C\"\n|       \"D\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #62"
-               html: ""
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #63"
-               html: "<DIV>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #64"
-               html: "<DIV> abc"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #65"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #66"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #67"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #68"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #69"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|           <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #70"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|           <p>\n|             \" jkl\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #71"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|         <p>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #72"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|         <p>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #73"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #74"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n|         \" pqr\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #75"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr </P>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n|         \" pqr \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #76"
-               html: "<DIV> abc <B> def <I> ghi <P> jkl </B> mno </I> pqr </P> stu"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \" abc \"\n|       <b>\n|         \" def \"\n|         <i>\n|           \" ghi \"\n|       <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <i>\n|           <b>\n|             \" jkl \"\n|           \" mno \"\n|         \" pqr \"\n|       \" stu\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #77"
-               html: "<test attribute---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <test>\n|       attribute----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=\"\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #78"
-               html: "<a href=\"blah\">aba<table><a href=\"foo\">br<tr><td></td></tr>x</table>aoe"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #79"
-               html: "<a href=\"blah\">aba<table><tr><td><a href=\"foo\">br</td></tr>x</table>aoe"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #80"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #81"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #82"
-               html: "<wbr><strike><code></strike><code><strike></code>"
-               errors: 4
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #83"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #84"
-               html: "<title><meta></title><link><title><meta></title>"
-               errors: 1
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-               name: "tests1.dat #85"
-               html: "<style><!--</style><meta><script>--><link></script>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|     <meta>\n|     <script>\n|       \"--><link>\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #86"
-               html: "<head><meta></head><link>"
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-               name: "tests1.dat #87"
-               html: "<table><tr><tr><td><td><span><th><span>X</table>"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #88"
-               html: "<body><body><base><link><meta><title><p></title><body><p></body>"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #89"
-               html: "<textarea><p></textarea>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"<p>\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #90"
-               html: "<p><image></p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <img>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #91"
-               html: "<a><table><a></table><p><a><div><a>"
-               errors: 10
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       <a>\n|       <table>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #92"
-               html: "<head></p><meta><p>"
-               errors: 2
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-               name: "tests1.dat #93"
-               html: "<head></html><meta><p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <meta>\n|     <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #94"
-               html: "<b><table><td><i></table>"
-               errors: 4
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #95"
-               html: "<b><table><td></b><i></table>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <table>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|             <td>\n|               <i>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #96"
-               html: "<h1><h2>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <h1>\n|     <h2>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #97"
-               html: "<a><p><a></a></p></a>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|       <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #98"
-               html: "<b><button></b></button></b>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <button>\n|       <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #99"
-               html: "<p><b><div><marquee></p></b></div>"
-               errors: 6
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #100"
-               html: "<script></script></div><title></title><p><p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|     <title>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #101"
-               html: "<p><hr></p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <hr>\n|     <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #102"
-               html: "<select><b><option><select><option></b></select>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|     <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #103"
-               html: "<html><head><title></title><body></body></html>"
-               errors: 1
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-               name: "tests1.dat #104"
-               html: "<a><table><td><a><table></table><a></tr><a></table><a>"
-               errors: 10
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #105"
-               html: "<ul><li></li><div><li></div><li><li><div><li><address><li><b><em></b><li></ul>"
-               errors: 4
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #106"
-               html: "<ul><li><ul></li><li>a</li></ul></li></ul>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #107"
-               html: "<frameset><frame><frameset><frame></frameset><noframes></noframes></frameset>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #108"
-               html: "<h1><table><td><h3></table><h3></h1>"
-               errors: 5
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #109"
-               html: "<table><colgroup><col><colgroup><col><col><col><colgroup><col><col><thead><tr><td></table>"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #110"
-               html: "<table><col><tbody><col><tr><col><td><col></table><col>"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #111"
-               html: "<table><colgroup><tbody><colgroup><tr><colgroup><td><colgroup></table><colgroup>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|       <tbody>\n|       <colgroup>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|       <colgroup>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #112"
-               html: "</strong></b></em></i></u></strike></s></blink></tt></pre></big></small></font></select></h1></h2></h3></h4></h5></h6></body></br></a></img></title></span></style></script></table></th></td></tr></frame></area></link></param></hr></input></col></base></meta></basefont></bgsound></embed></spacer></p></dd></dt></caption></colgroup></tbody></tfoot></thead></address></blockquote></center></dir></div></dl></fieldset></listing></menu></ol></ul></li></nobr></wbr></form></button></marquee></object></html></frameset></head></iframe></image></isindex></noembed></noframes></noscript></optgroup></option></plaintext></textarea>"
-               errors: 85
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n|     <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #113"
-               html: "<table><tr></strong></b></em></i></u></strike></s></blink></tt></pre></big></small></font></select></h1></h2></h3></h4></h5></h6></body></br></a></img></title></span></style></script></table></th></td></tr></frame></area></link></param></hr></input></col></base></meta></basefont></bgsound></embed></spacer></p></dd></dt></caption></colgroup></tbody></tfoot></thead></address></blockquote></center></dir></div></dl></fieldset></listing></menu></ol></ul></li></nobr></wbr></form></button></marquee></object></html></frameset></head></iframe></image></isindex></noembed></noframes></noscript></optgroup></option></plaintext></textarea>"
-               errors: 111
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|     <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests1.dat #114"
-               html: "<frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #1"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><button>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|       <button>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #2"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><address>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <address>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #3"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><blockquote>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <blockquote>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #4"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><menu>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <menu>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #5"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><p>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #6"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><ul>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <ul>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #7"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><h1>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <h1>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #8"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><h6>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <h6>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #9"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><listing>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <listing>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #10"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><pre>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <pre>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #11"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><form>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <form>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #12"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><li>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <li>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #13"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><dd>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <dd>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #14"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><dt>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <dt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #15"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><plaintext>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <plaintext>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #16"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #17"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><hr>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #18"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button><xmp>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <xmp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #19"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><button></p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <button>\n|         <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #20"
-               html: "<!doctype html><address><button></address>a"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <address>\n|       <button>\n|     \"a\"\n"
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-               name: "tests20.dat #21"
-               html: "<!doctype html><address><button></address>a"
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-               name: "tests20.dat #22"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #23"
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-               name: "tests20.dat #24"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #25"
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-               name: "tests20.dat #26"
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-               name: "tests20.dat #27"
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-               name: "tests20.dat #28"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><form></table><form>"
-               errors: 2
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-               name: "tests20.dat #29"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #30"
-               html: "<!doctype html><svg><title>abc"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg title>\n|         \"abc\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #31"
-               html: "<option><span><option>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <option>\n|       <span>\n|         <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #32"
-               html: "<option><option>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <option>\n|     <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #33"
-               html: "<math><annotation-xml><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #34"
-               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"application/svg+xml\"><div>"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #35"
-               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"application/xhtml+xml\"><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         encoding=\"application/xhtml+xml\"\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #36"
-               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"aPPlication/xhtmL+xMl\"><div>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #37"
-               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"text/html\"><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         encoding=\"text/html\"\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #38"
-               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\"Text/htmL\"><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         encoding=\"Text/htmL\"\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests20.dat #39"
-               html: "<math><annotation-xml encoding=\" text/html \"><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         encoding=\" text/html \"\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #1"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[foo]]>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #2"
-               html: "<math><![CDATA[foo]]>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #3"
-               html: "<div><![CDATA[foo]]>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <!-- [CDATA[foo]] -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #4"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[foo"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #5"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[foo"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #6"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA["
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #7"
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-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #8"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[]] >]]>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #9"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[]] >]]>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #10"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[]]"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #11"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[]"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #12"
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-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #13"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><![CDATA[foo]]]>"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #14"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><![CDATA[foo]]]]>"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #15"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><![CDATA[foo]]]]]>"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #16"
-               html: "<svg><foreignObject><div><![CDATA[foo]]>"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #17"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<svg>]]>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #18"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[</svg>a]]>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #19"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<svg>a"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #20"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #21"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<svg>]]><path>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #22"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<svg>]]></path>"
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-               name: "tests21.dat #23"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<svg>]]><!--path-->"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #24"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<svg>]]>path"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests21.dat #25"
-               html: "<svg><![CDATA[<!--svg-->]]>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests22.dat #1"
-               html: "<a><b><big><em><strong><div>X</a>"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests22.dat #2"
-               html: "<a><b><div id=1><div id=2><div id=3><div id=4><div id=5><div id=6><div id=7><div id=8>A</a>"
-               errors: 10
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests22.dat #3"
-               html: "<a><b><div id=1><div id=2><div id=3><div id=4><div id=5><div id=6><div id=7><div id=8><div id=9>A</a>"
-               errors: 10
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests22.dat #4"
-               html: "<a><b><div id=1><div id=2><div id=3><div id=4><div id=5><div id=6><div id=7><div id=8><div id=9><div id=10>A</a>"
-               errors: 10
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests22.dat #5"
-               html: "<cite><b><cite><i><cite><i><cite><i><div>X</b>TEST"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <cite>\n|       <b>\n|         <cite>\n|           <i>\n|             <cite>\n|               <i>\n|                 <cite>\n|                   <i>\n|       <i>\n|         <i>\n|           <div>\n|             <b>\n|               \"X\"\n|             \"TEST\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests23.dat #1"
-               html: "<p><font size=4><font color=red><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font color=red><p>X"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests23.dat #2"
-               html: "<p><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><p>X"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests23.dat #3"
-               html: "<p><font size=4><font size=4><font size=4><font size=\"5\"><font size=4><p>X"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         size=\"4\"\n|         <font>\n|           size=\"4\"\n|           <font>\n|             size=\"4\"\n|             <font>\n|               size=\"5\"\n|               <font>\n|                 size=\"4\"\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         size=\"4\"\n|         <font>\n|           size=\"4\"\n|           <font>\n|             size=\"5\"\n|             <font>\n|               size=\"4\"\n|               \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests23.dat #4"
-               html: "<p><font size=4 id=a><font size=4 id=b><font size=4><font size=4><p>X"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests23.dat #5"
-               html: "<p><b id=a><b id=a><b id=a><b><object><b id=a><b id=a>X</object><p>Y"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         id=\"a\"\n|         <b>\n|           id=\"a\"\n|           <b>\n|             id=\"a\"\n|             <b>\n|               <object>\n|                 <b>\n|                   id=\"a\"\n|                   <b>\n|                     id=\"a\"\n|                     \"X\"\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         id=\"a\"\n|         <b>\n|           id=\"a\"\n|           <b>\n|             id=\"a\"\n|             <b>\n|               \"Y\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&NotEqualTilde;"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"≂̸\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #2"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&NotEqualTilde;A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"≂̸A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #3"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&ThickSpace;"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"  \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #4"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&ThickSpace;A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"  A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #5"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&NotSubset;"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"⊂⃒\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #6"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&NotSubset;A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"⊂⃒A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #7"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&Gopf;"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"𝔾\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests24.dat #8"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>&Gopf;A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"𝔾A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><foo>A"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #2"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><area>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <area>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #3"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><base>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <base>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #4"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><basefont>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <basefont>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #5"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <bgsound>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #6"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #7"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><col>A"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #8"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><command>A"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <command>\n|       \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #9"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><menuitem>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <menuitem>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #10"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><embed>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <embed>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #11"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><frame>A"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #12"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><hr>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <hr>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #13"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><img>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <img>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #14"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><input>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #15"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><keygen>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <keygen>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #16"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><link>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <link>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #17"
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-               name: "tests25.dat #18"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><param>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <param>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #19"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><source>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <source>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #20"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><track>A"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <track>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests25.dat #21"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <wbr>\n|     \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><a href='#1'><nobr>1<nobr></a><br><a href='#2'><nobr>2<nobr></a><br><a href='#3'><nobr>3<nobr></a>"
-               errors: 10
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #2"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<nobr></b><i><nobr>2<nobr></i>3"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #3"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #4"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<table><tr><td><nobr></b><i><nobr>2<nobr></i>3"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #5"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><b><nobr>1<div><nobr></b><i><nobr>2<nobr></i>3"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #6"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #7"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #8"
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-               errors: 4
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #9"
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-               errors: 4
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #10"
-               html: "<p><code x</code></p>\n"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <code>\n|         code=\"\"\n|         x<=\"\"\n|     <code>\n|       code=\"\"\n|       x<=\"\"\n|       \"\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #11"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|         <p>\n|           <i>\n|         <i>\n|           \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #12"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><svg><foreignObject><p><i></p>a"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #13"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mtext><p><i></p>a"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mtext>\n|         <p>\n|           <i>\n|         <i>\n|           \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #14"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td><math><mtext><p><i></p>a"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mtext>\n|                 <p>\n|                   <i>\n|                 <i>\n|                   \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #15"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><div><!/div>a"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <!-- /div -->\n|       \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests26.dat #16"
-               html: "<button><p><button>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <button>\n|       <p>\n|     <button>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>Test"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #2"
-               html: "<textarea>test</div>test"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"test</div>test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #3"
-               html: "<table><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #4"
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-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #5"
-               html: "<frame>test"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #6"
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-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #7"
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-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     \"  \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #8"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset> te st"
-               errors: 4
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #9"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><!DOCTYPE html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #10"
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-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         <b>\n|           \"test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #11"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><dt><div><dd>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dt>\n|       <div>\n|     <dd>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #12"
-               html: "<script></x"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \"</x\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #13"
-               html: "<table><plaintext><td>"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"<td>\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #14"
-               html: "<plaintext></plaintext>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"</plaintext>\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #15"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr>TEST"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"TEST\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #16"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body t1=1><body t2=2><body t3=3 t4=4>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     t1=\"1\"\n|     t2=\"2\"\n|     t3=\"3\"\n|     t4=\"4\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #17"
-               html: "</b test"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #18"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html></b test<b &=&amp>X"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #19"
-               html: "<!doctypehtml><scrIPt type=text/x-foobar;baz>X</SCRipt"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       type=\"text/x-foobar;baz\"\n|       \"X</SCRipt\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #20"
-               html: "&"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #21"
-               html: "&#"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&#\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #22"
-               html: "&#X"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&#X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #23"
-               html: "&#x"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&#x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #24"
-               html: "&#45"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"-\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #25"
-               html: "&x-test"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&x-test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #26"
-               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><li>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <li>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #27"
-               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><dt>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <dt>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #28"
-               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><dd>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <dd>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #29"
-               html: "<!doctypehtml><p><form>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <form>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #30"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><p></P>X"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #31"
-               html: "&AMP"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #32"
-               html: "&AMp;"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"&AMp;\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #33"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><thisISasillyTESTelementNameToMakeSureCrazyTagNamesArePARSEDcorrectLY>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <thisisasillytestelementnametomakesurecrazytagnamesareparsedcorrectly>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #34"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</body>X"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"XX\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #35"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- X"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  X -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #36"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><caption>test TEST</caption><td>test"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         \"test TEST\"\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #37"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><option><optgroup>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|       <optgroup>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #38"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option></optgroup><option><select><option>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <optgroup>\n|         <option>\n|       <option>\n|     <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #39"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup><option><optgroup>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <optgroup>\n|         <option>\n|       <optgroup>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #40"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><datalist><option>foo</datalist>bar"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <datalist>\n|       <option>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     \"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #41"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><font><input><input></font>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <input>\n|       <input>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #42"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX -->"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  XXX - XXX  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #43"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  XXX - XXX -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #44"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!-- XXX - XXX - XXX -->"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!--  XXX - XXX - XXX  -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #45"
-               html: "<isindex test=x name=x>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #46"
-               html: "test\ntest"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"test\ntest\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #47"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><title>test</body></title>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <title>\n|       \"test</body>\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #48"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><title>X</title><meta name=z><link rel=foo><style>\nx { content:\"</style\" } </style>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #49"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><select><optgroup></optgroup></select>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <optgroup>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #50"
-               html: " \n "
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #51"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #52"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><script>\n</script>  <title>x</title>  </head>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #53"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><html id=x>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #54"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</body><html id=\"x\">"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #55"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #56"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X</html>X"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #57"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"X \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #58"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #59"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html>X<p/x/y/z>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #60"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><!--x--"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <!-- x -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #61"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><table><tr><td></p></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <p>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #62"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE HTML>><!--<!--x-->-->"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE <!doctype>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \">\"\n|     <!-- <!--x -->\n|     \"-->\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests2.dat #63"
-               html: "<!doctype html><div><form></form><div></div></div>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <form>\n|       <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #1"
-               html: "<head></head><style></style>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #2"
-               html: "<head></head><script></script>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #3"
-               html: "<head></head><!-- --><style></style><!-- --><script></script>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|     <script>\n|   <!--   -->\n|   <!--   -->\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #4"
-               html: "<head></head><!-- -->x<style></style><!-- --><script></script>"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #5"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\n</pre></body></html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #6"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\nfoo</pre></body></html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #7"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\n\nfoo</pre></body></html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nfoo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #8"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>\nfoo\n</pre></body></html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"foo\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #9"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x</pre><span>\n</span></body></html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"x\"\n|     <span>\n|       \"\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #10"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x\ny</pre></body></html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"x\ny\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #11"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><pre>x<div>\ny</pre></body></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|         \"\ny\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #12"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><pre>&#x0a;&#x0a;A</pre>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <pre>\n|       \"\nA\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #13"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><META><HEAD></HEAD></HTML>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <meta>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #14"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><HTML><HEAD><head></HEAD></HTML>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #15"
-               html: "<textarea>foo<span>bar</span><i>baz"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"foo<span>bar</span><i>baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #16"
-               html: "<title>foo<span>bar</em><i>baz"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"foo<span>bar</em><i>baz\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #17"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>\n</textarea>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #18"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>\nfoo</textarea>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #19"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><textarea>\n\nfoo</textarea>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \"\nfoo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #20"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><ul><li><div><p><li></ul></body></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|         <div>\n|           <p>\n|       <li>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #21"
-               html: "<!doctype html><nobr><nobr><nobr>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #22"
-               html: "<!doctype html><nobr><nobr></nobr><nobr>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n|     <nobr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #23"
-               html: "<!doctype html><html><body><p><table></table></body></html>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests3.dat #24"
-               html: "<p><table></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests4.dat #1"
-               html: "direct div content"
-               fragment: "div"
-               expected: "| \"direct div content\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests4.dat #2"
-               html: "direct textarea content"
-               fragment: "textarea"
-               expected: "| \"direct textarea content\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests4.dat #3"
-               html: "textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup"
-               fragment: "textarea"
-               expected: "| \"textarea content with <em>pseudo</em> <foo>markup\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests4.dat #4"
-               html: "this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element"
-               fragment: "style"
-               expected: "| \"this is &#x0043;DATA inside a <style> element\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests4.dat #5"
-               html: "</plaintext>"
-               fragment: "plaintext"
-               expected: "| \"</plaintext>\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests4.dat #6"
-               html: "setting html's innerHTML"
-               fragment: "html"
-               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n|   \"setting html's innerHTML\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests4.dat #7"
-               html: "<title>setting head's innerHTML</title>"
-               fragment: "head"
-               expected: "| <title>\n|   \"setting head's innerHTML\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #1"
-               html: "<style> <!-- </style>x"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #2"
-               html: "<style> <!-- </style> --> </style>x"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"--> x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #3"
-               html: "<style> <!--> </style>x"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!--> \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #4"
-               html: "<style> <!---> </style>x"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!---> \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #5"
-               html: "<iframe> <!---> </iframe>x"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <iframe>\n|       \" <!---> \"\n|     \"x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #6"
-               html: "<iframe> <!--- </iframe>->x</iframe> --> </iframe>x"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <iframe>\n|       \" <!--- \"\n|     \"->x --> x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #7"
-               html: "<script> <!-- </script> --> </script>x"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <script>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"--> x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #8"
-               html: "<title> <!-- </title> --> </title>x"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \" <!-- \"\n|     \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"--> x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #9"
-               html: "<textarea> <!--- </textarea>->x</textarea> --> </textarea>x"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <textarea>\n|       \" <!--- \"\n|     \"->x --> x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #10"
-               html: "<style> <!</-- </style>x"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|       \" <!</-- \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #11"
-               html: "<p><xmp></xmp>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|     <xmp>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #12"
-               html: "<xmp> <!-- > --> </xmp>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <xmp>\n|       \" <!-- > --> \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #13"
-               html: "<title>&amp;</title>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"&\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #14"
-               html: "<title><!--&amp;--></title>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<!--&-->\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #15"
-               html: "<title><!--</title>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #16"
-               html: "<noscript><!--</noscript>--></noscript>"
-               scripting: true
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <noscript>\n|       \"<!--\"\n|   <body>\n|     \"-->\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests5.dat #17"
-               html: "<noscript><!--</noscript>--></noscript>"
-               scripting: false
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <noscript>\n|       <!-- </noscript> -->\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #1"
-               html: "<!doctype html></head> <head>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   \" \"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #2"
-               html: "<!doctype html><form><div></form><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n|       <div>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #3"
-               html: "<!doctype html><title>&amp;</title>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"&\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #4"
-               html: "<!doctype html><title><!--&amp;--></title>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <title>\n|       \"<!--&-->\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #5"
-               html: "<!doctype>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE >\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #6"
-               html: "<!---x"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!-- -x -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #7"
-               html: "<body>\n<div>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "div"
-               expected: "| \"\n\"\n| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #8"
-               html: "<frameset></frameset>\nfoo"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #9"
-               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n<noframes>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n|   <noframes>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #10"
-               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n<div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #11"
-               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n</html>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #12"
-               html: "<frameset></frameset>\n</div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|   \"\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #13"
-               html: "<form><form>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <form>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #14"
-               html: "<button><button>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <button>\n|     <button>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #15"
-               html: "<table><tr><td></th>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #16"
-               html: "<table><caption><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #17"
-               html: "<table><caption><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #18"
-               html: "</caption><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "caption"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #19"
-               html: "<table><caption><div></caption>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #20"
-               html: "<table><caption></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #21"
-               html: "</table><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "caption"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #22"
-               html: "<table><caption></body></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr>"
-               errors: 12
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #23"
-               html: "<table><caption><div></div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #24"
-               html: "<table><tr><td></body></caption></col></colgroup></html>"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #25"
-               html: "</table></tbody></tfoot></thead></tr><div>"
-               errors: 6
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #26"
-               html: "<table><colgroup>foo"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #27"
-               html: "foo<col>"
-               errors: 3
-               fragment: "colgroup"
-               expected: "| <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #28"
-               html: "<table><colgroup></col>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #29"
-               html: "<frameset><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #30"
-               html: "</frameset><frame>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "frameset"
-               expected: "| <frame>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #31"
-               html: "<frameset></div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #32"
-               html: "</body><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "body"
-               expected: "| <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #33"
-               html: "<table><tr><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #34"
-               html: "</tr><td>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "tr"
-               expected: "| <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #35"
-               html: "</tbody></tfoot></thead><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               fragment: "tr"
-               expected: "| <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #36"
-               html: "<table><tr><div><td>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #37"
-               html: "<caption><col><colgroup><tbody><tfoot><thead><tr>"
-               errors: 6
-               fragment: "tbody"
-               expected: "| <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #38"
-               html: "<table><tbody></thead>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #39"
-               html: "</table><tr>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "tbody"
-               expected: "| <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #40"
-               html: "<table><tbody></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></td></th></tr>"
-               errors: 10
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #41"
-               html: "<table><tbody></div>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #42"
-               html: "<table><table>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #43"
-               html: "<table></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr>"
-               errors: 13
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #44"
-               html: "</table><tr>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "table"
-               expected: "| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #45"
-               html: "<body></body></html>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "html"
-               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #46"
-               html: "<html><frameset></frameset></html> "
-               errors: 1
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-               name: "tests6.dat #47"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"><html></html>"
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-               name: "tests6.dat #48"
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-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #49"
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-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #50"
-               html: "<track><frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests6.dat #51"
-               html: "</html><frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 3
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-               name: "tests6.dat #52"
-               html: "</body><frameset></frameset>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #1"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #2"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #3"
-               html: "<!doctype html><head></head><title>X</title>"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #4"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #5"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #6"
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-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #7"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #8"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #9"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #10"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><TBODY><script> <tr>x </script> </table>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #11"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><applet><p>X</p></applet>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <applet>\n|         <p>\n|           \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #12"
-               html: "<!doctype html><p><object type=\"application/x-non-existant-plugin\"><p>X</p></object>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <object>\n|         type=\"application/x-non-existant-plugin\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #13"
-               html: "<!doctype html><listing>\nX</listing>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <listing>\n|       \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #14"
-               html: "<!doctype html><select><input>X"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <input>\n|     \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #15"
-               html: "<!doctype html><select><select>X"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     \"X\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #16"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><input type=hidDEN></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <input>\n|         type=\"hidDEN\"\n"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #17"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table>X<input type=hidDEN></table>"
-               errors: 2
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #18"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table>  <input type=hidDEN></table>"
-               errors: 1
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #19"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table>  <input type='hidDEN'></table>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #20"
-               html: "<!doctype html><table><input type=\" hidden\"><input type=hidDEN></table>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #21"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #22"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #23"
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-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #24"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html></html>"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #25"
-               html: "<body>X</body></body>"
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-               fragment: "html"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #26"
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-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #27"
-               html: "<table><tr><td><code></code> </table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <code>\n|             \" \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #28"
-               html: "<table><b><tr><td>aaa</td></tr>bbb</table>ccc"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <b>\n|       \"bbb\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"aaa\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"ccc\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #29"
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-               name: "tests7.dat #30"
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-               errors: 6
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests7.dat #31"
-               html: "<select><keygen>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|     <keygen>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #1"
-               html: "<div>\n<div></div>\n</span>x"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #2"
-               html: "<div>x<div></div>\n</span>x"
-               errors: 3
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #3"
-               html: "<div>x<div></div>x</span>x"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|       \"xx\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #4"
-               html: "<div>x<div></div>y</span>z"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"x\"\n|       <div>\n|       \"yz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #5"
-               html: "<table><div>x<div></div>x</span>x"
-               errors: 10
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #6"
-               html: "x<table>x"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"xx\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #7"
-               html: "x<table><table>x"
-               errors: 4
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #8"
-               html: "<b>a<div></div><div></b>y"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       \"a\"\n|       <div>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|       \"y\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests8.dat #9"
-               html: "<a><div><p></a>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <div>\n|       <a>\n|       <p>\n|         <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #1"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math></math>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #2"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><math></math>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #3"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><mi>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #4"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><math><annotation-xml><svg><u>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math annotation-xml>\n|         <svg svg>\n|     <u>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #5"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><math></math></select>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #6"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><select><option><math></math></option></select>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #7"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math></math></table>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #8"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi></math></table>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #9"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></table>"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #10"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tbody></table>"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #11"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></tr></tbody></table>"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #12"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math></td></tr></tbody></table>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #13"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tbody><tr><td><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</td></tr></tbody></table>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <math math>\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"foo\"\n|               <math mi>\n|                 \"bar\"\n|             <p>\n|               \"baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #14"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi></math><p>baz</caption></table>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <math math>\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #15"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <math math>\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"bar\"\n|         <p>\n|           \"baz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #16"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><caption><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <caption>\n|         <math math>\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"foo\"\n|           <math mi>\n|             \"bar\"\n|           \"baz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #17"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><colgroup><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 12
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"baz\"\n|     <table>\n|       <colgroup>\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #18"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><tr><td><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <select>\n|               \"foobarbaz\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #19"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body><table><select><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz</table><p>quux"
-               errors: 8
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       \"foobarbaz\"\n|     <table>\n|     <p>\n|       \"quux\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #20"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body></body></html><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #21"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body></body><math><mi>foo</mi><mi>bar</mi><p>baz"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"foo\"\n|       <math mi>\n|         \"bar\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"baz\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #22"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span>"
-               errors: 8
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #23"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><frameset></frameset><math><mi></mi><mi></mi><p><span>"
-               errors: 7
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #24"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo><math xlink:href=foo></math>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     <math math>\n|       xlink href=\"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #25"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo></mi></math>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     xml:lang=\"en\"\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         xlink href=\"foo\"\n|         xml lang=\"en\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #26"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo /></math>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     xml:lang=\"en\"\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         xlink href=\"foo\"\n|         xml lang=\"en\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests9.dat #27"
-               html: "<!DOCTYPE html><body xlink:href=foo xml:lang=en><math><mi xml:lang=en xlink:href=foo />bar</math>"
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     xlink:href=\"foo\"\n|     xml:lang=\"en\"\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mi>\n|         xlink href=\"foo\"\n|         xml lang=\"en\"\n|       \"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #1"
-               html: "<body><span>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "body"
-               expected: "| <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #2"
-               html: "<span><body>"
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-               fragment: "body"
-               expected: "| <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #3"
-               html: "<span><body>"
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-               fragment: "div"
-               expected: "| <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #4"
-               html: "<body><span>"
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-               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n|   <span>\n"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #5"
-               html: "<frameset><span>"
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-               expected: "| <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #6"
-               html: "<span><frameset>"
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-               expected: "| <span>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #7"
-               html: "<span><frameset>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #8"
-               html: "<frameset><span>"
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-               expected: "| <head>\n| <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #9"
-               html: "<table><tr>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "table"
-               expected: "| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #10"
-               html: "</table><tr>"
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-               fragment: "table"
-               expected: "| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #11"
-               html: "<a>"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #12"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #13"
-               html: "<a><caption>a"
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-               expected: "| <a>\n| <caption>\n|   \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #14"
-               html: "<a><colgroup><col>"
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-               expected: "| <a>\n| <colgroup>\n|   <col>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #15"
-               html: "<a><tbody><tr>"
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-               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #16"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #17"
-               html: "<a><thead><tr>"
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-               expected: "| <a>\n| <thead>\n|   <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #18"
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-               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #19"
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-               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n|     <th>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #20"
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-               expected: "| <a>\n| <tbody>\n|   <tr>\n|     <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #21"
-               html: "<table></table><tbody>"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #22"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #23"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #24"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #25"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #26"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #27"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #28"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #29"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #30"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #31"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #32"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #33"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #34"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #35"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #36"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #37"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #38"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #39"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #40"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #41"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #42"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #43"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #44"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #45"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #46"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #47"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #48"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #49"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #50"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #51"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #52"
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-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #53"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #54"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #55"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #56"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #57"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #58"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #59"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #60"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #61"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #62"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #63"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #64"
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-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #65"
-               html: "<colgroup><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #66"
-               html: "<tbody><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #67"
-               html: "<tfoot><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #68"
-               html: "<th><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #69"
-               html: "<thead><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #70"
-               html: "<tr><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #71"
-               html: "</table><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #72"
-               html: "</tbody><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #73"
-               html: "</td><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #74"
-               html: "</tfoot><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #75"
-               html: "</thead><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #76"
-               html: "</th><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #77"
-               html: "</tr><a>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #78"
-               html: "<table><td><td>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "td"
-               expected: "| <table>\n|   <tbody>\n|     <tr>\n|       <td>\n|       <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #79"
-               html: "</select><option>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "select"
-               expected: "| <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #80"
-               html: "<input><option>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "select"
-               expected: "| <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #81"
-               html: "<keygen><option>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "select"
-               expected: "| <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #82"
-               html: "<textarea><option>"
-               errors: 2
-               fragment: "select"
-               expected: "| <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #83"
-               html: "</html><!--abc-->"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "html"
-               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n| <!-- abc -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #84"
-               html: "</frameset><frame>"
-               errors: 1
-               fragment: "frameset"
-               expected: "| <frame>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tests_innerHTML_1.dat #85"
-               html: ""
-               fragment: "html"
-               expected: "| <head>\n| <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #1"
-               html: "<b><p>Bold </b> Not bold</p>\nAlso not bold."
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         \"Bold \"\n|       \" Not bold\"\n|     \"\nAlso not bold.\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #2"
-               html: "<html>\n<font color=red><i>Italic and Red<p>Italic and Red </font> Just italic.</p> Italic only.</i> Plain\n<p>I should not be red. <font color=red>Red. <i>Italic and red.</p>\n<p>Italic and red. </i> Red.</font> I should not be red.</p>\n<b>Bold <i>Bold and italic</b> Only Italic </i> Plain"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       color=\"red\"\n|       <i>\n|         \"Italic and Red\"\n|     <i>\n|       <p>\n|         <font>\n|           color=\"red\"\n|           \"Italic and Red \"\n|         \" Just italic.\"\n|       \" Italic only.\"\n|     \" Plain\n\"\n|     <p>\n|       \"I should not be red. \"\n|       <font>\n|         color=\"red\"\n|         \"Red. \"\n|         <i>\n|           \"Italic and red.\"\n|     <font>\n|       color=\"red\"\n|       <i>\n|         \"\n\"\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         color=\"red\"\n|         <i>\n|           \"Italic and red. \"\n|         \" Red.\"\n|       \" I should not be red.\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"Bold \"\n|       <i>\n|         \"Bold and italic\"\n|     <i>\n|       \" Only Italic \"\n|     \" Plain\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #3"
-               html: "<html><body>\n<p><font size=\"7\">First paragraph.</p>\n<p>Second paragraph.</p></font>\n<b><p><i>Bold and Italic</b> Italic</p>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         size=\"7\"\n|         \"First paragraph.\"\n|     <font>\n|       size=\"7\"\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <p>\n|         \"Second paragraph.\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <b>\n|     <p>\n|       <b>\n|         <i>\n|           \"Bold and Italic\"\n|       <i>\n|         \" Italic\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #4"
-               html: "<html>\n<dl>\n<dt><b>Boo\n<dd>Goo?\n</dl>\n</html>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dl>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <dt>\n|         <b>\n|           \"Boo\n\"\n|       <dd>\n|         <b>\n|           \"Goo?\n\"\n|     <b>\n|       \"\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #5"
-               html: "<html><body>\n<label><a><div>Hello<div>World</div></a></label>  \n</body></html>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <label>\n|       <a>\n|       <div>\n|         <a>\n|           \"Hello\"\n|           <div>\n|             \"World\"\n|         \"  \n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #6"
-               html: "<table><center> <font>a</center> <img> <tr><td> </td> </tr> </table>"
-               errors: 9
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <center>\n|       \" \"\n|       <font>\n|         \"a\"\n|     <font>\n|       <img>\n|       \" \"\n|     <table>\n|       \" \"\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \" \"\n|           \" \"\n|         \" \"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #7"
-               html: "<table><tr><p><a><p>You should see this text."
-               errors: 31
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|     <p>\n|       <a>\n|         \"You should see this text.\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #8"
-               html: "<TABLE>\n<TR>\n<CENTER><CENTER><TD></TD></TR><TR>\n<FONT>\n<TABLE><tr></tr></TABLE>\n</P>\n<a></font><font></a>\nThis page contains an insanely badly-nested tag sequence."
-               errors: 10
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <center>\n|       <center>\n|     <font>\n|       \"\n\"\n|     <table>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           \"\n\"\n|           <td>\n|         <tr>\n|           \"\n\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|     <font>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <p>\n|       \"\n\"\n|       <a>\n|     <a>\n|       <font>\n|     <font>\n|       \"\nThis page contains an insanely badly-nested tag sequence.\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "tricky01.dat #9"
-               html: "<html>\n<body>\n<b><nobr><div>This text is in a div inside a nobr</nobr>More text that should not be in the nobr, i.e., the\nnobr should have closed the div inside it implicitly. </b><pre>A pre tag outside everything else.</pre>\n</body>\n</html>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <b>\n|       <nobr>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <nobr>\n|           \"This text is in a div inside a nobr\"\n|         \"More text that should not be in the nobr, i.e., the\nnobr should have closed the div inside it implicitly. \"\n|       <pre>\n|         \"A pre tag outside everything else.\"\n|       \"\n\n\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #1"
-               html: "Test"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"Test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #2"
-               html: "<div></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #3"
-               html: "<div>Test</div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"Test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #4"
-               html: "<di"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #5"
-               html: "<div>Hello</div>\n<script>\nconsole.log(\"PASS\");\n</script>\n<div>Bye</div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"Hello\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"\nconsole.log(\"PASS\");\n\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <div>\n|       \"Bye\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #6"
-               html: "<div foo=\"bar\">Hello</div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo=\"bar\"\n|       \"Hello\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #7"
-               html: "<div>Hello</div>\n<script>\nconsole.log(\"FOO<span>BAR</span>BAZ\");\n</script>\n<div>Bye</div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       \"Hello\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <script>\n|       \"\nconsole.log(\"FOO<span>BAR</span>BAZ\");\n\"\n|     \"\n\"\n|     <div>\n|       \"Bye\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #8"
-               html: "<foo bar=\"baz\"></foo><potato quack=\"duck\"></potato>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       bar=\"baz\"\n|     <potato>\n|       quack=\"duck\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #9"
-               html: "<foo bar=\"baz\"><potato quack=\"duck\"></potato></foo>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       bar=\"baz\"\n|       <potato>\n|         quack=\"duck\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #10"
-               html: "<foo></foo bar=\"baz\"><potato></potato quack=\"duck\">"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|     <potato>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #11"
-               html: "</ tttt>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!--  tttt -->\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #12"
-               html: "<div FOO ><img><img></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       foo=\"\"\n|       <img>\n|       <img>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #13"
-               html: "<p>Test</p<p>Test2</p>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       \"TestTest2\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #14"
-               html: "<rdar://problem/6869687>"
-               errors: 5
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <rdar:>\n|       6869687=\"\"\n|       problem=\"\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #15"
-               html: "<A>test< /A>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|       \"test< /A>\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #16"
-               html: "&lt;"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"<\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #17"
-               html: "<body foo='bar'><body foo='baz' yo='mama'>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     foo=\"bar\"\n|     yo=\"mama\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #18"
-               html: "<body></br foo=\"bar\"></body>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #19"
-               html: "<bdy><br foo=\"bar\"></body>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <bdy>\n|       <br>\n|         foo=\"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #20"
-               html: "<body></body></br foo=\"bar\">"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <br>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #21"
-               html: "<bdy></body><br foo=\"bar\">"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <bdy>\n|       <br>\n|         foo=\"bar\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #22"
-               html: "<html><body></body></html><!-- Hi there -->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n| <!--  Hi there  -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #23"
-               html: "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there -->"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <!--  Hi there  -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #24"
-               html: "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there --></html><!-- Again -->"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <!--  Hi there  -->\n| <!--  Again  -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #25"
-               html: "<html><body></body></html>x<!-- Hi there --></body></html><!-- Again -->"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"x\"\n|     <!--  Hi there  -->\n| <!--  Again  -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #26"
-               html: "<html><body><ruby><div><rp>xx</rp></div></ruby></body></html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <rp>\n|           \"xx\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #27"
-               html: "<html><body><ruby><div><rt>xx</rt></div></ruby></body></html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ruby>\n|       <div>\n|         <rt>\n|           \"xx\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #28"
-               html: "<html><frameset><!--1--><noframes>A</noframes><!--2--></frameset><!--3--><noframes>B</noframes><!--4--></html><!--5--><noframes>C</noframes><!--6-->"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n|     <!-- 1 -->\n|     <noframes>\n|       \"A\"\n|     <!-- 2 -->\n|   <!-- 3 -->\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"B\"\n|   <!-- 4 -->\n|   <noframes>\n|     \"C\"\n| <!-- 5 -->\n| <!-- 6 -->\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #29"
-               html: "<select><option>A<select><option>B<select><option>C<select><option>D<select><option>E<select><option>F<select><option>G<select>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <select>\n|       <option>\n|         \"A\"\n|     <option>\n|       \"B\"\n|       <select>\n|         <option>\n|           \"C\"\n|     <option>\n|       \"D\"\n|       <select>\n|         <option>\n|           \"E\"\n|     <option>\n|       \"F\"\n|       <select>\n|         <option>\n|           \"G\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #30"
-               html: "<dd><dd><dt><dt><dd><li><li>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <dd>\n|     <dd>\n|     <dt>\n|     <dt>\n|     <dd>\n|       <li>\n|       <li>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #31"
-               html: "<div><b></div><div><nobr>a<nobr>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|     <div>\n|       <b>\n|         <nobr>\n|           \"a\"\n|         <nobr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #32"
-               html: "<head></head>\n<body></body>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   \"\n\"\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #33"
-               html: "<head></head> <style></style>ddd"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|     <style>\n|   \" \"\n|   <body>\n|     \"ddd\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #34"
-               html: "<kbd><table></kbd><col><select><tr>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <kbd>\n|       <select>\n|       <table>\n|         <colgroup>\n|           <col>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #35"
-               html: "<kbd><table></kbd><col><select><tr></table><div>"
-               errors: 6
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <kbd>\n|       <select>\n|       <table>\n|         <colgroup>\n|           <col>\n|         <tbody>\n|           <tr>\n|       <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #36"
-               html: "<a><li><style></style><title></title></a>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <li>\n|       <a>\n|         <style>\n|         <title>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #37"
-               html: "<font></p><p><meta><title></title></font>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <font>\n|       <p>\n|     <p>\n|       <font>\n|         <meta>\n|         <title>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #38"
-               html: "<a><center><title></title><a>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <a>\n|     <center>\n|       <a>\n|         <title>\n|       <a>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #39"
-               html: "<svg><title><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg title>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #40"
-               html: "<svg><title><rect><div>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg title>\n|         <rect>\n|           <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #41"
-               html: "<svg><title><svg><div>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg title>\n|         <svg svg>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #42"
-               html: "<img <=\"\" FAIL>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <img>\n|       <=\"\"\n|       fail=\"\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #43"
-               html: "<ul><li><div id='foo'/>A</li><li>B<div>C</div></li></ul>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <ul>\n|       <li>\n|         <div>\n|           id=\"foo\"\n|           \"A\"\n|       <li>\n|         \"B\"\n|         <div>\n|           \"C\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #44"
-               html: "<svg><em><desc></em>"
-               errors: 3
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|     <em>\n|       <desc>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #45"
-               html: "<table><tr><td><svg><desc><td></desc><circle>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             <svg svg>\n|               <svg desc>\n|           <td>\n|             <circle>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #46"
-               html: "<svg><tfoot></mi><td>"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg tfoot>\n|         <svg td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #47"
-               html: "<math><mrow><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mi>a</mi></mrow></math>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <math math>\n|       <math mrow>\n|         <math mrow>\n|           <math mn>\n|             \"1\"\n|         <math mi>\n|           \"a\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #48"
-               html: "<!doctype html><input type=\"hidden\"><frameset>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <frameset>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit01.dat #49"
-               html: "<!doctype html><input type=\"button\"><frameset>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <!DOCTYPE html>\n| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|       type=\"button\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #1"
-               html: "<foo bar=qux/>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <foo>\n|       bar=\"qux/\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #2"
-               html: "<p id=\"status\"><noscript><strong>A</strong></noscript><span>B</span></p>"
-               scripting: true
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"status\"\n|       <noscript>\n|         \"<strong>A</strong>\"\n|       <span>\n|         \"B\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #3"
-               html: "<p id=\"status\"><noscript><strong>A</strong></noscript><span>B</span></p>"
-               scripting: false
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <p>\n|       id=\"status\"\n|       <noscript>\n|         <strong>\n|           \"A\"\n|       <span>\n|         \"B\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #4"
-               html: "<div><sarcasm><div></div></sarcasm></div>"
-               errors: 1
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <div>\n|       <sarcasm>\n|         <div>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #5"
-               html: "<html><body><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"><div>A</div></body></html>"
-               errors: 2
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #6"
-               html: "<table><td></tbody>A"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     \"A\"\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #7"
-               html: "<table><td></thead>A"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #8"
-               html: "<table><td></tfoot>A"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <tbody>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #9"
-               html: "<table><thead><td></tbody>A"
-               errors: 4
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <table>\n|       <thead>\n|         <tr>\n|           <td>\n|             \"A\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #10"
-               html: "<legend>test</legend>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <legend>\n|       \"test\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #11"
-               html: "<table><input>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <input>\n|     <table>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #12"
-               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><aside></b>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|     <em>\n|       <aside>\n|         <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #13"
-               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><aside></b></em>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|     <em>\n|     <aside>\n|       <em>\n|         <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #14"
-               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><foo><aside></b>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|             <foo>\n|     <aside>\n|       <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #15"
-               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><foo><aside></b></em>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <b>\n|       <em>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|             <foo>\n|     <aside>\n|       <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #16"
-               html: "<b><em><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><foo><aside></b></em>"
-               fragment: "div"
-               expected: "| <b>\n|   <em>\n|     <foo>\n|       <foo>\n|         <foo>\n|           <foo>\n|             <foo>\n|               <foo>\n|                 <foo>\n|                   <foo>\n|                     <foo>\n|                       <foo>\n| <aside>\n|   <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #17"
-               html: "<b><em><foo><foob><foob><foob><foob><fooc><fooc><fooc><fooc><food><aside></b></em>"
-               fragment: "div"
-               expected: "| <b>\n|   <em>\n|     <foo>\n|       <foob>\n|         <foob>\n|           <foob>\n|             <foob>\n|               <fooc>\n|                 <fooc>\n|                   <fooc>\n|                     <fooc>\n|                       <food>\n| <aside>\n|   <b>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #18"
-               html: "<isindex action=\"x\">"
-               fragment: "table"
-               expected: "| <form>\n|   action=\"x\"\n|   <hr>\n|   <label>\n|     \"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: \"\n|     <input>\n|       name=\"isindex\"\n|   <hr>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #19"
-               html: "<option><XH<optgroup></optgroup>"
-               fragment: "select"
-               expected: "| <option>\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #20"
-               html: "<svg><foreignObject><div>foo</div><plaintext></foreignObject></svg><div>bar</div>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|         <div>\n|           \"foo\"\n|         <plaintext>\n|           \"</foreignObject></svg><div>bar</div>\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #21"
-               html: "<svg><foreignObject></foreignObject><title></svg>foo"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <svg svg>\n|       <svg foreignObject>\n|       <svg title>\n|     \"foo\"\n"
-       }, {
-               name: "webkit02.dat #22"
-               html: "</foreignObject><plaintext><div>foo</div>"
-               expected: "| <html>\n|   <head>\n|   <body>\n|     <plaintext>\n|       \"<div>foo</div>\"\n"
-       }
-if typeof module isnt 'undefined' and module.exports?
-       wheic = require './parse-html.coffee'
-       wheic = window.wheic
-serialize_els = (els, prefix = '| ') ->
-       ret = ''
-       for el in els
-               switch el.type
-                       when wheic.TYPE_TAG
-                               ret += "#{prefix}<"
-                               if el.namespace is wheic.NS_MATHML
-                                       ret += "math "
-                               if el.namespace is wheic.NS_SVG
-                                       ret += "svg "
-                               ret += "#{el.name}>\n"
-                               attr_keys = []
-                               for k of el.attrs
-                                       attr_keys.push k
-                               attr_keys.sort() # TODO this should be "lexicographically by UTF-16 code unit"
-                               for k in attr_keys
-                                       ret += "#{prefix}  #{k}=\"#{el.attrs[k]}\"\n"
-                               if el.name is 'template' and el.namespace is wheic.NS_HTML
-                                       ret += "#{prefix}  content\n"
-                                       ret += serialize_els el.children, "#{prefix}    "
-                               else
-                                       ret += serialize_els el.children, "#{prefix}  "
-                       when wheic.TYPE_TEXT
-                               ret += "#{prefix}\"#{el.text}\"\n"
-                       when wheic.TYPE_COMMENT
-                               ret += "#{prefix}<!-- #{el.text} -->\n"
-                       when wheic.TYPE_DOCTYPE
-                               ret += "#{prefix}<!DOCTYPE #{el.name}"
-                               if (el.public_identifier? and el.public_identifier.length > 0) or (el.system_identifier? and el.system_identifier.length > 0)
-                                       ret += " \"#{el.public_identifier ? ''}\""
-                                       ret += " \"#{el.system_identifier ? ''}\""
-                               ret += ">\n"
-                       else
-                               ret += "#{prefix}UNKNOWN TAG TYPE #{el.type}"
-       return ret
-test_results = passed: 0, failed: 0
-test_parser = (args) ->
-       wheic.debug_log_reset()
-       parse_errors = []
-       args.error_cb = (i) ->
-               parse_errors.push i
-       prev_node_id = 0 # reset counter
-       parsed = wheic.parse_html args.html, args
-       serialized = serialize_els parsed
-       if serialized isnt args.expected
-               test_results.failed += 1
-               if test_results.failed is 1
-                       wheic.debug_log_each (str) ->
-                               console.log str
-                       console.log "FAILED: \"#{args.name}\""
-                       console.log "      Input: #{args.html}"
-                       if args.fragment?
-                               console.log "   Fragment: #{args.fragment}"
-                       console.log "    Correct: #{args.expected}"
-                       console.log "     Output: #{serialized}"
-                       if parse_errors.length > 0
-                               console.log " parse errs: #{JSON.stringify parse_errors}"
-                       else
-                               console.log "   No parse errors"
-       else
-               test_results.passed += 1
-               # console.log "passed \"#{args.name}\""
-test_summary = ->
-       console.log "Tests passed: #{test_results.passed}, Failed: #{test_results.failed}"
-next_test = 0
-run_tests_and_breathe = ->
-       start_time = new Date()
-       loop
-               if next_test >= tests.length
-                       test_summary()
-                       return
-               test_parser tests[next_test]
-               next_test += 1
-               now = new Date()
-               if now - start_time > 100 # miliseconds
-                       break
-       setTimeout run_tests_and_breathe, 1