JasonWoof Got questions, comments, patches, etc.? Contact Jason Woofenden
parse in the client too, limit to 50fps
[watch-my-terminal.git] / index.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html lang="en">
3 <head>
4         <title>Remote Terminal Viewer</title>
5         <script src="/jquery.js"></script>
6         <script src="/terminal.js"></script>
7         <script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
8         <script>
9                 $(function() {
10                         var term = null;
11                         // 8-14 are bolded versions
12                         var palette = [
13                                 '2e3436',
14                                 'cc0000',
15                                 '4e9a06',
16                                 'c4a000',
17                                 '3465a4',
18                                 '75507b',
19                                 '06989a',
20                                 'd3d7cf',
21                                 '555753',
22                                 'ef2929',
23                                 '8ae234',
24                                 'fce94f',
25                                 '729fcf',
26                                 'ad7fa8',
27                                 '34e2e2',
28                                 'eeeeec'
29                         ];
30                         var $body = $('body');
31                         var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');
32                         var color_to_css = function(i) {
33                                 index = i & 0xff
34                                 // lighten the basic 8 colors when they're bold
35                                 if (i & 0x10000 && index < 8) {
36                                         index += 8;
37                                 }
38                                 return 'color: #' + palette[index] + '; ';
39                         };
40                         var bg_color_to_css = function(i) {
41                                 return 'background-' + color_to_css((i&0x10000) | ((i&0xff00) >> 8));
42                         };
43                         var stylize = function (txt, style) {
44                                 if (txt.length == 0 || style == 0) {
45                                         return txt
46                                 }
47                                 css = ''
48                                 if (style & 0x10000) css += 'font-weight: bold; ';
49                                 if (style & 0x20000) css += 'text-decoration: underline; ';
50                                 if (style & 0x40000) css += 'text-decoration: underline; '; // blink
51                                 if (style & 0x80000) css += 'text-decoration: line-through; '; // invisible
52                                 if (style & 0x000ff) css += color_to_css(style);
53                                 if (style & 0x0ff00) css += bg_color_to_css(style);
54                                 return $('<span style="'+css+'"></span>').text(txt);
55                         };
56                         var redraw_wait = false;
57                         var redraw_again = false;
58                         var redraw_now = function () {
59                                 $body.children().remove();
60                                 for (i in term.text) {
61                                         div = $('<div>');
62                                         txt = ''
63                                         a = 0;
64                                         for (j in term.text[i]) {
65                                                 if (term.attributes[i][j] != a) {
66                                                         if (txt.length) {
67                                                                 div.append(stylize(txt, a));
68                                                                 txt = ''
69                                                         }
70                                                         a = term.attributes[i][j]
71                                                 }
72                                                 txt += term.text[i][j]
73                                         }
74                                         if(txt.length) {
75                                                 div.append(stylize(txt, a));
76                                         }
77                                         $body.append(div);
78                                 }
79                         }
80                         // limit to 50fps
81                         var redraw = function () {
82                                 if (redraw_wait) {
83                                         redraw_again = true;
84                                 } else {
85                                         redraw_now()
86                                         redraw_wait = true;
87                                         redraw_again = false;
88                                         setTimeout(function () {
89                                                 redraw_wait = false;
90                                                 if(redraw_again) {
91                                                         redraw_again = false;
92                                                         redraw();
93                                                 }
94                                         }, 20);
95                                 }
96                         }
97                         var update = function (data) {
98                                 if (term) {
99                                         term.update(data);
100                                         redraw();
101                                 }
102                         };
104                         socket.on('data', function (data) {
105                                 update(data);
106                         });
107                         socket.on('init', function (v) {
108                                 term = terminal.new(v.width, v.height);
109                                 term.x = v.x;
110                                 term.y = v.y;
111                                 term.a = v.a;
112                                 term.text = v.text;
113                                 term.attributes = v.attributes;
114                                 redraw();
115                         });
116                 });
117         </script>
118         <style>
119                 body {
120                         color: #d3d7cf;
121                         background: #2e3436;
122                         font-family: monospace;
123                         font-size: 12px;
124                         line-height: 14px;
125                         white-space: pre;
126                 }
127         </style>
128 </head>
129 <body>
130 </body>
131 </html>