JasonWoof Got questions, comments, patches, etc.? Contact Jason Woofenden
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[peach-html5-editor.git] / editor_tests_compiled.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html lang="en">
3 <head>
4         <meta charset="UTF-8">
5         <link rel="icon" href="data:null">
6         <title>html editor tester</title>
7         <link rel="stylesheet" href="page_dark.css">
8         <style>
9                 textarea {
10                         box-sizing: border-box;
11                         width: 100%;
12                         height: 200px
13                 }
14                 /* optional */
15                 .peach_html5_editor {
16                         width: 500px;
17                         height: 500px;
18                         margin: 0 auto;
19                 }
20         </style>
21 </head>
22 <body>
23         <h1>Peach HTML5 Editor test page (compiled version)</h1>
24         <p>This version of the editor test page requires that you've compiled all the source files. (Just run <code>make</code>).</p>
25         <form action="#" method="get">
26         <p>HTML view. Changes here propagate when you remove your cursor (press tab or click outside)<br><textarea name="in" id="in">&lt;H1>Headline!&lt;/h1>&lt;p&gt;  a b c      
27         d e f&lt;br>g   &lt;br>  h i j <a href="http://example.com">Click me!</a> o p q r&lt;/p>
28         &lt;p> y z     &lt;strong&gt;Bold &lt;em&gt; Italic + Bold&lt;/strong&gt; Italic &lt;/em&gt; Normal&lt;/p&gt;
29 &lt;p style="white-space: pre-wrap"&gt;this &amp;lt;p&amp;gt; has     white-space: pre-wrap&lt;/p&gt;
31 &lt;div style="color: black; background: white;"&gt;
32         &lt;div&gt;I'm in a div&lt;/div&gt;
33         &lt;div&gt;I'm in another div&lt;/div&gt;
34 &lt;div&gt;
35 &lt;div&gt;
36 &amp;nbsp;
37 &lt;/div&gt;
38 &lt;/div&gt;
39 &lt;/div&gt;
40         </textarea></p>
41         <p><input id="button" type="submit" value="loading..." disabled></p>
42         </form>
43         <script src="parser.js"></script>
44         <script src="editor.js"></script>
45         <script src="editor_tests.js"></script>
46         <p><a href="https://jasonwoof.com/gitweb/?p=peach-html5-editor.git;a=tree">Source</a> - AGPLv3+</p>
47 </body>
48 </html>